
Clarification: Someone mentioned that Kyungsoo was older than Luna but she called herself his Nuna. They're actually the same age, but it was supposed to be Luna joking in a friendly way to her same age friend. So to clarify, here are the ages for the people who came out so far:

17 year olds (94) - Sehun, Sulli

18 year olds (93)- Luna, IU, Jiyeon, Eunji, Kyungsoo, Taemin, Tao, 

19 year olds (92) - Chanyeol, Chen, Baekhyun, 

21 year olds (90)- Onew, Jonghyun

EPISODE ONE: The Season of Change

Monday, September 10, 2013

Luna smiled at her reflection in the mirror. Long black hair. Light makeup. And that same grey uniform she had been wearing for the past two years. Backpack slung over her shoulder, Luna hummed as she walked out of her room and into the kitchen. She blinked as she stared into the empty and oddly quiet kitchen. Well, that was weird; usually Chanyeol would be making a ruckus in the morning. With a shrug, Luna grabbed a pop tart and left the house. Luna looked around, but her friend was nowhere to be found.

Luna pouted as she stood, waiting in front of her house. What a weird start to her first day as an upperclassman. First of all, Chanyeol didn’t pick a fight with her, in fact, he was nowhere in sight, and secondly, Kyungsoo was late. Kyungsoo is never late. She checked her watch, contemplating whether or not she should go ahead first.

“Maybe this dummy already left without me and I’m going be tardy by myself.” Luna mumbled to herself. But it was their tradition to always walk to school together. Whatever. With a shrug, Luna started heading towards school when she heard a “Yah, Sunyoung!”

Luna turned around and saw her dear friend running from the distance. Kyungsoo slowed down as he reached Luna and raggedly gasped, trying to catch his breath, sweat trickling down his face.

“Yah, I can’t believe you were gonna leave without me.” He said.

“I thought you left without me!” Luna retorted back. Kyungsoo just laughed, still breathing a little raggedly from running, “And break our tradition? Of course not. Let’s go.”

That’s when Luna got a good look at her friend.

“Your glasses! They’re gone!” Luna exclaimed, pointing at his face. Kyungsoo blinked, Luna’s face too close for his comfort.

“Wow, our Kyungsoo is so handsome! Who knew no glasses made such a big difference!” Luna said with a smile, “And, omo! Your hair is waxed up!”

Kyungsoo coughed and said, “Stop it. Let’s just go, we’ll be late.”

Luna gave him a cheeky grin, “Aw, are you being shy now? Is there a girl you want to impress? Who is it? Tell me now! Tell me!!!”

Kyungsoo shook his head and just started walking while Luna laughed as she trailed behind him.

“Hey, but why were you so late?” Luna asked, walking briskly to match his pace.

Kyungsoo turned a little red as he said, “Ah… the contacts were a little harder to put on than I thought.”

Luna laughed as she hit Kyungsoo on the arm. Kyungsoo just frowned as Luna started wiping the tears away from her eyes.

“I just.. haha, Kyungsoo,” Luna said, still stifling some laughs, “You’re such a funny guy.”

Kyungsoo quietly mumbled to himself and walked faster. Luna easily kept up with his speed as she continued to babble on about very important stuff. Yes, like the excruciating details of Luna dying her hair and how Onew oppa was debuting soon. Yes, very important.

“Man,” Luna said softly, “I can’t believe we’re upperclassmen now.”

Kyungsoo looked at her, “What do you mean?”

“It’s so weird!” Luna said, “That we’re like the unnis and oppas now! No more general basic classes, no more messing around… kind of. It’s the real deal now.”

Kyungsoo nodded, “That is true.”

“I’m scared, Kyungsoo.” Luna said, biting her bottom lip. It was a bad habit, really.

“Your lips are gonna bleed.” Kyungsoo said, “And you’re dumb. What are you scared about?”

Luna gave him a glare and said defiantly, “I am not dumb! And I don’t know. What if I don’t make any impressions? And I don’t make the cuts? And I don’t become a singer? And then my parents kick me out of the house? And then I become a starving and homeless begger? And-”

“That’s enough.” Kyungsoo said, abruptly turning around and stopping in front of the rambling girl.

“Honestly, Sunyoung,” Kyungsoo said, “You’re being a drama queen. Just go with the flow of things. You’ll be fine. You’re at this school for a reason, right?”

Luna pouted. “Easy for you to say. The vocal trainers love you! You’re bound to be successful.”

Kyungsoo shook his head as he dragged the depressed girl to school.

“Just because the vocal trainers love me, it doesn’t mean anything. They like you, too. And honestly, I would much rather be having a more pleasant conversation with you this fine morning than this ‘woe is me’ talk.”

Luna nodded, “You know what. You’re right. This is MY year to shine. It’s gonna be MY year to blossom out of my shell!” With that Luna marched into the school, all proud and tall, leaving Kyungsoo behind, scratching his head in confusion, “Well… that’s not exactly what I meant...”


Luna sighed as she made her way over to the usual bench she hung out with her friends. Man, this year was going to be no joke. She was taking all these vocal and dance classes. Plus having to learn even more intense Mandarin on top of that. Plus her great friend Eunji decided to leave her in mandarin and pick up an acting class. Luna was feeling a bit lonelier. Junior year was not starting off as she expected it. But their whole junior class was pretty much together for the dance and vocal portions. Well, minus Taemin.

Luna remember when she heard the news from Kyungsoo and Tao, she was so shocked. Taemin was recruited by SM the past summer and he’s debuting… WITH ONEW OPPA! Yeah, seriously, Luna was so shocked. She wasn’t super close to him or anything, but wow, that was pretty cool. It made the dream seem all the more real to their junior class.

Oh, and since they were upperclassmen now, they had the opportunity to sing at the spring festival! Only juniors and seniors were allowed to compete in this huge school festival. Most of the people who won at the festival made it huge. Like Jessica and Taeyeon who sang a duet Luna's freshman year. They got signed right away and debuted within a couple months in girl’s generation. And before Luna even went to the school, they had legends like Seven (who happened to be Yunho's good friend) get signed by YG and Rain who got signed with JYP. Those are only small few of the successful idols who stood and won on that stage.

For the past two years, all Luna was able to do was attend the festival. But not this year. Nope. Yeah, the festival is super far away, but Luna couldn't help but already think about it. It was so exciting!

"What are you thinking so hard about?" Eunji asked as she plopped down next to her friend.

"Nothing. Just excited yet at the same time dreading this year," Luna replied. Eunji just nodded in agreement.

"At least you don't have to fix a stupid busan accent. Ahhh. It's really hard!!!" Eunji groaned in frustration.

Luna laughed, "Hey, you're getting somewhat better! I'll pinch you every time you speak in the accent!"

Eunji whined in her accent, "Then you'll be pinching me all the time!" Luna pinched the poor girl on her arm.

"Ow! Stop! I'll use the Seoul dialect. Please!"

"Stop bullying the poor girl!" Baekhyun said as he sat down the bench. Chen sat next to the guy and Luna just blinked at them.

"Why are you guys here? And where is chanyeol? I swear I've never seen the three of you apart... Well, except at home. Oh wait, Nevermind not even at home."

"I'm glad you asked both questions, Sunyoung." Baekhyun said with a grin, "Your brother actually is staying long today at school to finish something up which is why we" he pointed at himself and Chen "are here to deliver his message. He wants you to bring him some food and change of clothes for tonight."

Luna didn't know how to respond. One, at Chanyeol's audacity of ordering her around and two, what the heck…Chanyeol was actually staying back at school to practice? Has the world gone mad?!?!

"I'm sorry, are we talking about the same Chanyeol here?" Luna asked.

Chen and Baekhyun laughed. "You should ask him about it yourself!" Chen said as he and Baekhyun got up.

"See you later, Sunyoung! And friend." Baekhyun said.

"Friend has a name!" Eunji said with a bit of sass.

"I'm glad to know the friend has a name. Bye friend~" Baekhyun waved at her and bounced as Eunji just steamed in her seat.

"Sorry about that." Chen said, "Baekhyun can be a bit childish at times. I should catch up to him before he makes any more trouble. Bye Sunyoung! And" Chen squinted "Eunji. See you around!"

“I… wow.” Eunji said after the two boys left, rather flustered in her Busan accent, “Friend? Oh my. I’m so offended right now.”

Luna patted her friend on the back, “It’s just Baekhyun. Leave him be.”

And then she pinched Eunji.


Friday, September 27, 2013

Chanyeol lied down on the grass, guitar and music sheet placed on the side. Senior year is a bit more difficult, yes. But Chanyeol was actually trying this year. Boohwal leader Kim Tae Won was planning on producing a band this year with the younger generation. And Chanyeol was very, very interested in being mentored by that great musician. Auditions were in a couple months, so here he was, trying to hone up his skills. Or, at least was… until he got tired.

It was definitely weird. He didn’t get to see his good buddies as often anymore. They spent more time with dancing when he spent more time with his instrument skills. So yeah, things are a bit different this year. But… this must be a part of growing up.

Chanyeol was slowly falling into a nice slumber when he heard a rustling. He quickly got up and looked around. By the tree, he saw a girl with short hair who looked like a deer caught in headlights. Chanyeol smirked to himself. Oh of course, another fan girl.

“I’m sorry.” The girl said, “I didn’t think anyone would be here.”

Chanyeol flashed his best smile and said, “It’s okay. I’m leaving anyway, you can stay here.”

He got up and grabbed his guitar.

“Oh, no. It’s okay. I can just go somewhere else.” She said, flushing. Chanyeol reached her by the time and looked down at her. Well, not really. She was pretty tall. He looked at her name tag.

“It’s okay, Sulli,” he said, “Place is yours.”

And then he walked away coolly. Chanyeol praised himself silently for being so charismatic… until he stumbled a bit on a rock. Chanyeol awkwardly laughed to himself, a bit embarrassed and then scrambled away.


Friday, October 5, 2013

“I can’t believe Onew oppa is going to debut in a couple of days!” Luna exclaimed while stretching with her friends in a practice room. They had a dancing test in a couple days, so the friends decided to practice after school. 

“You still like that guy?” IU asked. Luna nodded. “He’s so perfect!”

“Eh, he seems whatevers to me.” Eunji added. Luna glared at her, “You guys must be blind. How can you not see how great he is?!?!”

“Well, regardless,” Jiyeon said, “if he’s debuting, he’ll be busy… and he’ll have fans. Maybe it’s better for you to move on.”

“Yeah.” IU said, “You barely see him now, and he didn’t even debut yet.”

Luna shrugged, “I don’t know. But I will be his biggest and greatest fan!”

“Alright alright. Enough fangirling. Let’s just start now.” Jiyeon said. She got up to turn on the radio when she looked over at the door and paused. The girls looked over and saw a Kyungsoo standing at the doorway.

“Kyungsoo? What are you doing here?” Luna asked. Kyungsoo sighed as he tossed a bag at her.

“You’re always forgetting your things everywhere.” He said.

“Oh! My bag!” Luna exclaimed, “Haha… thanks Kyungsoo.”

“Honestly, do I have to keep looking after you?”

Luna sheepishly laughed, “Thanks wittle Kyungsoo. Are you coming over for dinner?”

“Yeah. Practice hard.” Kyungsoo said as he waved and left.

Luna placed her bag on the side and shut the door. “Let’s practice now, guys!”

“Till this day I still wonder why you and Kyungsoo never dated.” IU said.

“Eh?” Luna made a distorted weird face.

“True that. You guys are so… close.” Jiyeon said with a nod. Luna started laughing, “Yeah, we are close. Cuz we grew up together since our diaper days. He’s practically another brother.

“But can’t things change?” IU asked, sweetly blinking her eyes.

“HAHAHAA” Luna laughed, “No, no.”

“Whatever you say.” Jiyeon said, giving IU a “knowing look.”

“Let’s just practice, guys!” Eunji said, clapping.


Wednesday, October 10, 2013

Luna started cheering loudly: “SHINEE! SHINEE SHINEE!”

She was at their first debut stage performance at Inkigayo. Jonghyun got her tickets to be up front for the recording. It was pretty awesome, seeing all these big shot idols perform live. But of course, Luna was there for only one person. Her brother of course. Okay, fine, she was here for two people.

Finally, it was Shinee’s turn, and Luna started cheering loudly with IU, Eunji, and Jiyeon. They looked so cool. Even her brother.

The song started and they performed. There were two random people performing whom Luna did not know. But her brother’s singing was perfect as usual. Taemin changed like 180 degrees, dancing with much more swag. And Onew… man, if Luna wasn’t in love back then, she was 100% now. It looked like the stage was made for him. Their song soon ended and they cheered even louder. Luna felt like her lungs were gonna explode from all the screaming.

After the show ended, Luna went over to the backstage with Chanyeol where Shinee was resting up. Jonghyun wasn’t able to get enough passes for her friends, so they sadly had to chill outside.

“Oppa!” Luna shouted, bursting into the room. She gave Jonghyun flowers and hugged him. “You looked so cool!”

Jonghyun laughed. “Thanks, Sunyoung. It didn’t look too bad did it?”

“No! It was amazing!! I’m so proud of you!!” Luna smiled.

“Dude, Taemin. You looked pretty cool, too!” Luna said to her old class buddy who was talking with Kyungsoo and Tao. Taemin smiled, “Thanks Luna!”

“Yo, Sunyoung. You forget about me?” Onew asked, laughing. Luna smiled at him, “Of course not! Congratulations Oppa!”

She gave him a hug and Onew laughed, “Thanks.”

“Oppa, you were really jjang!” Luna said.

“I feel like I messed up a lot, but thanks Sunyoung.”

The door opened again and Sulli came in with flowers.

“Congrats Oppa!” She said as she gave him a pat and handed the flowers.

“Oh, why thank you little sister. I feel so much love from you right now.” Onew said sarcastically.

Sulli laughed, giving him a hug. It was all giddiness and happiness in that room. The manager then came and had the guests kicked out now, as Shinee prepared to leave.

And so, with a bit of sadness, Luna bid them farewell (a little extra long for Onew) and left.

“Wow, I can’t believe they debuted!” Sulli said happily, next to Luna. Luna nodded, “It’s so weird! It feels a little different from when Ryeowook debuted. Maybe it’s cuz I’m closer to Jonghyun. Huh, Chanyeol?”

Said man simply nodded.

“Ah, now I remember!” Chanyeol said, pointing at Sulli, “You’re the girl from the park.”

Sulli smiled, “Oh, you remembered.”

Luna looked at the two people next to her, “Did I miss something?”

“Nah, it’s nothing.” Chanyeol said, “I didn’t know you were Onew’s sister.”

Him and Sulli started conversing, leaving Luna out of their talk. Well, that was rude. Luna pouted and looked back to Kyungsoo and Tao arguing about… whah? Luna strained her ears to hear a part of their conversation. Oh, how fun. They were talking about the best character in a video game. Really? Luna sighed and just left to look for her friends.


Monday, October 25, 2013

“What?” Luna said.

Kyungsoo just blinked while staring up at the Shinee poster on her wall. He looked at the tiny Super Junior poster next to it.

“Isn’t this a little too obvious?” Kyungsoo asked, scratching his head. Luna looked up at the wall and shrugged, “It’s not like they’re ever home to see the posters.”

Kyungsoo’s heart broke a little for Ryeowook. Even though Kyungsoo didn’t know him that well, what did that guy do to deserve such a horrible little sister?

“Wait a second.” Luna said as she dug through her drawers. “I put it here somewhere.”

“I should have known you would have lost it. Typical Sunyoung.” Kyungsoo said. Luna kicked his leg without even looking at him. He cursed silently to himself while gently caressing his now probably bruised knee.

“Ah, I found it. Here.” Luna gave him a USB.

“Thanks.” Kyungsoo said, taking it, “Man, I wonder what kind of crazy songs we made.”

Luna laughed, “I don’t know. They probably all .”

“I don’t know about you but, I thought I was pretty talented even back then” Kyungsoo said smugly. Luna gave him a look. “Why don’t we take a trip down memory lane, then?”

She grabbed the USB back from Kyungsoo and plugged it into her laptop. A bunch of different files popped up.

“Dude, do you even remember any of these?” Luna asked. Kyungsoo pointed at the screen, saying, “Oh, I remember this one. It was when you were going through a Beyonce phase.”

Luna clicked the file and a video of 12 year old Kyungsoo and Luna popped up.

“Is it working?” Video Luna asked.

“I think it is.” Said video Kyungsoo who had not yet hit puberty. He was holding an old looking guitar in his hand.

Luna laughed, “Oh my gosh!! I can’t believe I looked like that. Those braces! Hahaa, and Kyungsoo, you’re a mushroom head! AHAHAA!”

“Ah, be quiet so we can hear us singing.”

Video Luna started singing the beginning part of Listen while Video Kyungsoo strummed.

“Hey, I wasn’t that bad.” Luna said. Until Video Luna got to the chorus and cracked a little bit. Kyungsoo laughed, “Yup. Not that bad.”

Video Kyungsoo then sang next while Video Luna just bobbed her head back and forth. It didn’t sound bad at all. Until they tried harmonizing.

“Alright, alright. I can’t listen to this anymore.” Luna said as she shut it off.

“Why do you need this again?” Luna asked as she handed him the USB.

“Because we made songs before, remember?” Kyungsoo asked. Luna nodded.

“I wanted to see how I used to think back then when composing music. Maybe it will help me to improve more.”

Luna enthusiastically nodded. While Luna wasn’t very gifted in that composing area, her dear friend was extremely talented.

“Well, best of luck to you, Kyungsoo. And if there is a good composition piece in there, it was probably me.” Luna said with a grin.

“Yeah, yeah, sure. You can have the credit.” Kyungsoo said as he got up to leave, “Thanks for the USB. See you tomorrow at school.”

“Eung. Bye Kyungsoo!” Luna waved as he left her room. Luna smiled as she looked at an old picture of her and Kyungsoo when they were younger. It’s crazy how much they’ve changed since then. She looked up at the posters on her wall. It’s crazy how much everything has changed. From her childhood, from middle school, even barely from last year. Things were always changing, a season of change.  But it wasn’t necessarily a bad thing. Cuz with change comes new opportunities.

Luna sighed as she looked at the musical application on her desk.


A/N: I don't know why, but this chapter was hard to write. It didn't really come out the way I wanted it, but I hope you guys still liked it. I have a general plot line for the story, but if you have like certain scene ideas and such write it in the comments and I can try to add it in. In fact, it might help me write the story more. So please leave a comment, suggestion, love, hate. Anything. ALSO. I tried writing one in someone else's perspective. Should I add different characters' perspectives, or should I keep it to just Luna's. Thanks for reading. Till next time~

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rutdame #1
this story was really great just like your little miss sunshine. every of your story about luna was really beautiful. you are really a daebak author-nim
Chapter 10: i really love this story poor chen
i think something will happen after kyungsoo travel
Chapter 10: I honestly admit that this is one heck of an amazing story. It had so much meaning and love. So much Luna and Kyungsoo Love. *_* I love this so mcuha and it's so sad to know it's ending. BeakJi was cute too xD the somehow arrogant Beakhyun and the dreamer girl Eunji! I love Eunji, Jiyeon and IU! They're all perfect to be Luna's gal pals! It was a good twist also with Chen, and him liking Luna, obviously. I feel sorry for him. Chen's such a sweet, romantic guy but he just got rejected :(Also I do feel sad for him and IU since they're both single in the story. :( I also had this hunch with Chanyeol and Sulli. I just thought something might happen xD lol so many feels running through my mind xD Authornim saranghae! KAMSAMNIDA! WE LOVE YOU! <3
Chapter 10: At first, I was like, 'Im gonna comment all my feels down here and no one's gonna stop me from typing all this feels inside but then when I noticed NO ONE COMMENTED YET. O_O so that's what I did just there. Lol. NOW, time for the feels. OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG T-T IT'S DONE! OVER! FINISHED! AAAAHHHH! OMG KYUNGNA!!!!
Chapter 10: FIRST! O_O
Chapter 9: Do Kyungsoo! I love you so much! I want you to love and take care of Luna Unnie for us Lunarians :) Your a good guy and we know you're the best for her! And that if you love Luna she'll love you back with just as much love you can give her, or more <3 KYUNGNA FIGHTING!!!! I LOVE THEM SO MUCH <3
Chapter 9: I seriously cried in the last two chapters lol~ but I really love this story!!
please update soon author nim~


make a sequel :D
Chapter 9: Do angst... I feel like reading those... It will be cool
Chapter 9: WAHHH this was really an amazing chapter!! Im glad luna finally confesses to kyungsoo, it was super cute for kyungsoo to confess through a song hehe, and "Goodbye Summer" was perfect! It would be great if you could write a Luna-centric oneshot series :) my heart can't take angst very well haha, but it's up to you anyway i would love to read it!:) Looking forward to the next chap, great job with this one author-nim :)