Episode 3 (Amusement Park)

Match Match Couple ( INFINITE x APink )

((Sungyeol did not come)) --> Filming other variety show.

APink arrived at the amusement park and is then brought to different locations. Each of them is also given a card. The cards have written the descriptions(not very obvious descriptions) of their partner for the day. APink is supposed to find their partner from Infinite using the fastest time they can. Once they found the correct(which they think) partner, they have to run back to the entrance area and asked if they're a perfect pair, if yes, the sound will be "DING", however if no, the sound will be "BOOM". If APink members find the wrong partner, they have to stand in front of the entrance for 3 minutes. 

Infinite also reached the amusement park and is brought to different locations like APink. Similarly, each of them is given a card which have written the descriptions of their partner from APink. Same thing about getting the partner right or wrong, it will be "DING" or "BOOM" and the penalty of standing in front of the entrance for 3 minutes. 

((In case you're wondering how they're paired, on their van to the destination, the members of APink and Infinite have picked a number from 1-6 and whichever two from each group that have chosen the same number will then be paired with each other)) 

Production crew(through broadcasting): READY...GO!

This is what they choose: 


No 1. Naeun

      2. Hayoung

      3. Eunji

      4. Chorong

      5. Bomi

      6. Namjoo


No 1. L 

     2. Sunggyu 

     3. Hoya

     4. Woohyun

     5. Dongwoo

     6. Sungjong

Description in their cards: 

Naeun - Cold 

L - Hideous 

Hayoung - Naggy

Sunggyu - Cheerful 

Eunji - Machine

Hoya - Fabulous 

Chorong - Loving 

Woohyun - Sporty

Bomi - Cool  

Dongwoo - Special 

Namjoo - Weird 

Sungjong - Outgoing


((Note: They are having the speech at different locations))

Sunggyu: Cheerful? What kind of hint is it?! *Rage in a funny way*

Chorong: A loving person? Someone that will give a lot of heart? Woohyun oppa??? 

Hoya: This hint doesn't help at all!!!!!!!! *mentally breaks down*

Naeun: Cold...*thinking deeply* 

Sungjong: Outgoing outgoing outgoing...Eunji??

Hayoung: Naggy? An old person? Sunggyu Oppa!!! *rushes to find Sunggyu*

Dongwoo: Special...special girl *singing* 

Eunji: Machine? A dancing machine? Dongwoo oppa or Howon?!!! *dilemma*

Namjoo: Weird....Sunggyu oppa?

Woohyun: Sporty? Is it Chorong? I think she have learnt that.......what is that I can't remember!! 

Bomi: Someone that is cool? I DON'T KNOW!!!

L: Hideous? A shy girl? Naeun! 

By accident, Chorong, L, Eunji, Woohyun meet each other. 

Immediately, Woohyun pulls Chorong hands and headed for the entrance. 

"Are we a pair?" Woohyun said. 


Woohyun hugged Chorong as he is too happy. 


L: Annyeonghaseyo Eunji-shi, do you have any idea where Naeun is?

Eunji: I'm sorry I have not seen her yet, why? You have confirmed she's your partner? 

L nodded and asked, "What about you?" 

Eunji: Still unsure of who yet hehe I'm given this word 'machine', in a dilemma it is Dongwoo oppa or Howon.

L: I am not too sure...

Eunji wished L good luck in finding his partner and shook his hands. 

Another side, Sungjong meet Sunggyu. 

Sunggyu: Maknae ah, any idea who can this be?

Sungjong looks at the word 'cheerful' and answered, Eunji? Hayoung?

Sunggyu blushed after hearing Hayoung's name. 

Sunggyu continued, Help me to the end, who is more cheerful? Eunji or Hayoung?

Sungjong ran away instantly without answering his hyung.

Sungjong then meet Naeun and they greeted each other. 

Naeun: Annyeonghaseyo, have you seen L oppa? 

Sungjong shook his head and asked, Naeun-shi can you help me with this? *showed her the card*

Naeun: Namjoo?

Sungjong: Thanks! Good luck in finding Myungsoo!

Naeun bowed and thanked Sungjong. 

Naeun walked and ran into Dongwoo and Hoya but she tries to walk away. 

Hoya: Naeun, am I your partner? 

Naeun shook her hand and said, Mine is L, I think. The hint is 'Cold'.

Hoya: Okay then, see you later!

Naeun bowed and off to find L. 

Hayoung is still trying to figure out who her partner is. Thus, she find a dark spot and started analysing. 

Hayoung analysed: Naggy = Old. The eldest member in Infinite = Sunggyu oppa! 

Hayoung started to find Sunggyu. 

Dongwoo still have no idea who his partner might be.

Dongwoo: Who is the special girl to me? *scratch his head* 

At another side, Bomi just wanders around and thinking about possible candidates to fit the descriptions. 

Sungjong is finding his partner, as well as Naeun, L, Sunggyu and Hayoung. 

Well...fate let Naeun, L, Sunggyu and Hayoung meet one another at a point. 

Immediately, Naeun and L is like knowing what's in the mind of each other and started running to the entrance while Sunggyu and Hayoung take a few more seconds to realise that both of them are actually partners and head to the entrance to confirm. 

Sunggyu started to snatch positions with L and Naeun once they reach the entrance, unfortunately, L asked if Naeun is his partner first. And, within our expectations, "DING!" 

Next, Sunggyu asked if Hayoung is his partner. It's also "DING"! 

Production crew(through broadcasting): TAKE NOTE TAKE NOTE, NOW 3 COUPLES ARE FOUND AND THERE ARE 3 MORE LEFT NOW. 

People left -> Dongwoo, Namjoo, Bomi, Sungjong, Hoya, Eunji.

Sungjong is searching high and low for Namjoo but there's still no sight of her. 

Eunji is also trying to find Dongwoo, as well as Hoya. 

Bomi saw Hoya and thinks that he's the One, at the same time, Eunji also found Dongwoo and thinks he's the One and both teams ran to the entrance to confirm. 

Eunji and Dongwoo reached the entrance first and asked if both of them are partners and it is "BOOM!". They only can stand at the entrance for 3 minutes. Next is Bomi and Hoya and it is also "BOOM!". Hoya is still thinking who's the fabulous girl while Eunji already confirms that Hoya is her partner. She stands nearer to Hoya, trying to tell him that they're partners. 

Sungjong also found Namjoo and they ran to the entrance, thinking that they're the last couple. Hahaha, but when they reach there, four "statues" is standing there. Namjoo asked if Sungjong is her partner and yay it's "DING!" . 

After 3 minutes, Hoya and Eunji stand at the entrance first, they asked if they're partners and yay it's "DING!". Same goes to Dongwoo and Bomi. 

After that all of the couples meet at the central area and the production crew announced: The winner for this "finding my partner game" is Woohyun-Chorong couple! They will be awarded 60 seconds. The second winner is L-Naeun couple and they will be awarded 50 seconds. And the third winner is Sunggyu-Hayoung couple and they will be awarded 40 seconds. All this seconds will tend to be useful for the ultimate mission. Next, we will have a food game which is an easy game for you to gain more seconds to use at the ultimate mission. This food game is to have 50 dumplings for one couple to eat, timing is 40 seconds, eat as many as you can. The winner will get 60 seconds, second will get 50 seconds and third will get 40 seconds.

First group to compete ---> Sungjong, Namjoo, Chorong, Woohyun, Hoya, Eunji 

Production crew: GET READY...GO!

Eunji is fast that she can fit 3 dumplings in quickly and Hoya is also trying to swallow one by one. 

Namjoo is identical to Eunji, trying to fit a lot of dumplings in while Sungjong is trying to swallow two by two. 

Chorong is trying to swallow two by two and Woohyun is trying to put four into his mouth and swallow it. 

in the end, 

Eunji and Hoya ---> 15 dumplings 

Namjoo and Sungjong ---> 19 dumplings 

Chorong and Woohyun ---> 21 dumplings 

Second group to compete ---> L, Naeun, Sunggyu, Hayoung, Bomi, Dongwoo 

Production crew: READY...GO! 

Naeun tries and put around 2 dumplings into and swallow it within 6 seconds while L is trying to swallow it one by one. 

Sunggyu is like swallowing chunks by chunks and Hayoung is trying her best to eat as many dumplings as she could. 

Dongwoo seems like he can swallow perfectly well at times like that, he's like swallowing 3 dumplings every 5-8 seconds and Bomi too, like a big eater, eating four by four. 

in the end, 

Naeun and L ---> 12 dumplings 

Sunggyu and Hayoung ---> 14 dumplings

Dongwoo and Bomi ---> 23 dumplings 


Dongwoo and Bomi will get 60 seconds. 

Namjoo and Sungjong will get 50 seconds. 

Eunji and Hoya will get 40 seconds. 

Production crew: The next game will also be interesting, each team will be on the captain's ship and assigned one party to guess and another to act it out and say it out. Topics will be on Korean Groups. 30 seconds. The team is the one you compete in the food game. The winning team will be awarded 30 seconds each pair. 

Naeun, Hayoung, Bomi to act while Sunggyu, Dongwoo, L to guess. 

And the game starts. 

First word: Super Junior *Hayoung imitates Sorry Sorry dance* and Sunggyu guessed it correctly. 

Second word: Infinite *Bomi points to Sunggyu, Dongwoo, L* and all of them said the same thing. 

Third word: Girl's Day *Naeun tries to dance that shirt dance* and mentioned about the running man episode 162. L got it right. 

Fourth word: Boyfriend *trying to act as a couple (Hayoung and Bomi)* and Sunggyu answered it correctly. 

Fifth word: 2AM  *Bomi use fingers to say 2* and Dongwoo said 2PM then 2AM. 

-Time ended- (5 correct) 

Eunji, Hoya, Chorong to guess and Woohyun, Sungjong, Namjoo to act it out.

First word: 2PM *Woohyun doing the "Hands up" chorus* and Hoya guessed it.

Second word: BTOB *The acting team skipped it* 

Third word: SNSD *Sungjong dancing gee* and Eunji identified straightaway and said the correct answer. 

Fourth word: Kara *Namjoo and Sungjong tries to dance Mister* but the guessing team don't understand it and they skipped. 

Fifth word: CN Blue *Woohyun humming the tune of I'm Sorry* and Chorong answered it immediately. 

-Time ended- (3 correct) 

The first team won! 

Production crew: Next, we will proceed to our final mission which allow you to make use of the timing earned from the previous missions. Before this, let me announce the amount of time that you have earned through the past few missions. 

L x Naeun = 80 seconds 

Sunggyu x Hayoung = 70 seconds 

Hoya x Eunji = 40 seconds 

Woohyun x Chorong = 60 seconds

Dongwoo x Bomi = 90 seconds 

Sungjong x Namjoo = 50 seconds 

The final mission to find the three secret code to unlock the three safes at the entranc, as for the timing you have earned is to stop the other pairs from completing the mission, all you have to do is to paste the sticker on them. Note that the one and only sticker given to you now is standing for all the timing you have earned. Each pair is only allowed to stop another one pair. Each pair will be given a piece of paper. Some will receive with numbers(seconds of a pair who got the secret code), whereas some will receive with a secret code(3-digit number). However, only three of them have the secret code to unlock the three safes. 

The production crew gave each pair a paper. 

L x Naeun = <90secs> 

Sunggyu x Hayoung = <749>

Hoya x Eunji = <301> 

Woohyun x Chorong = <40secs> 

Dongwoo x Bomi = <256> 

Sungjong x Namjoo = <70secs> 

Production crew blew the whistle and the competition starts! ((different couples at different locations to begin their race))

L and Naeun went to a small corner and analysed <90secs>. 

Naeun: It's Dongwoo and Bomi unnie! We have to aim them? 

L: Yeah I guess so, we need to get their secret code. 

Naeun: How to...? 

L: Attack them secretly *smiles in a evil manner*

Woohyun and Chorong is walking briskly and they both knew that they have to aim at Hoya and Eunji. 

Sungjong and Namjoo is also knowing that their target is Sunggyu and Hayoung. 

Another side...people who holds on to the secret code...

Eunji and Hoya knew that they are holding to the secret code, thus, when the whistle is blown, they immediately ran to a shelter with little attention. 

Hoya: There's going to be one pair that will aim us and might paste the sticker on us...

Eunji: Let's try and avoid them but at the same time the other two pairs who is also holding on to the secret codes. 

They planned to stay at where they are unless they heard anybody's voice. 

Sunggyu: What...we have to avoid other pairs...?!

Hayoung nodded and held Sunggyu's hand to find a place to hide themselves. 

Dongwoo and Bomi is walking slowly, trying to find other pairs. 

L and Naeun acts quietly and quickly at the same time, trying to find Dongwoo and Bomi. 

Ah! At an instance, Naeun spots Bomi!

L whispered to Naeun on what to do and passed her the sticker. 

Without hesitating much, Naeun ran to Bomi as fast as lightning and pasted the sticker on her and L from the other side snatched the secret code from Dongwoo.  

Woohyun and Chorong heard noises and ran to see what is going on. When they arrived, they saw that Dongwoo and Bomi is standing there like a statue. 

Chorong: Bomi ah what happen to you?

*Bomi and Dongwoo are not allowed to talk* 

Bomi didn't reply Chorong. 

Chorong and Woohyun ignored them and told each other their own opinions. 

Woohyun: I think Dongwoo and Bomi got the secret code but got snatched. 

Chorong: Daebak, I also think so. *high five each other* 

Next, Chorong and Woohyun found their target--Hoya and Eunji. 

Woohyun risked and tries to paste the sticker on Hoya but he avoided just in time and Eunji imediately reacted to the situation and pasted the sticker on Chorong.  

((Dongwoo and Bomi freed)) 

Hoya and Eunji ran further away from Chorong and Woohyun and concluded that they are targeted by Woohyun and Chorong and now, worse, they do not have any stickers left. Thus, they can only avoid Woohyun and Chorong. 

Bomi and Dongwoo is trying to find L and Naeun who took their stickers. However, they can't even spot anybody. 

Sungjong and Namjoo found the location of Sunggyu and Hayoung easily and Namjoo thought of ideas to paste the sticker on them. At the mean time, Bomi and Dongwoo spotted Sungjong and Namjoo behaving unusually and they decided to observe what they are going to do. Namjoo quickly find a place to run to Hayoung and paste the sticker on her and she succeeded. Hayoung is also trying to attack Namjoo by pasting the sticker on her. Bomi and Dongwoo saw the situation is benefitting them thus they went forward to Sungjong and pasted the sticker and took the secret code from Sunggyu.  

((Chorong and Woohyun freed))

Hoya and Eunji meet each other at a point and Hoya saw on Dongwoo's hands is the secret code. 

Hoya: Dongwoo ah annyeong!

Dongwoo: Annyeong *thinking that Hoya is suspicious* 

Hoya: Have you used your sticker? 

Dongwoo: Yeah why?

Hoya: Nothing just asking haha 

After saying, Hoya and Eunji attack Dongwoo and Bomi, trying to get their secret code. They succeed, Eunji got the secret code from Dongwoo and ran away from them. Bomi is trying to get back the secret code but Eunji is way too fast for her to catch up. Dongwoo is attacked and blocked by Hoya. After struggling much, Dongwoo give up and lie on the floor. Hoya used his faster speed to catch up with Eunji. Eunji is safe, she avoided Bomi and hid behind a door. 

After Bomi left, Eunji come out and tries to find Hoya. Eunji meet Naeun and saw that she is holding a secret code. 

Eunji thought that's the last secret code in order for her and Hoya to win! Thus, she acts like she did not have any secret code at all. 

L: Oh Eunji ah annyeong where's Hoya? 

Eunji: I lost him haha did you see him? 

Naeun: Unnie go and find him then goodbye

Eunji left hurriedly. 

Hoya met L and Naeun too. 

Hoya also saw that Naeun is holding to a secret code. 

He also have the same idea as Eunji, trying to cover the fact that his pair have secret codes.

((Sunggyu and Hayoung freed)) 

((Sungjong and Namjoo freed)) 

Hoya: did you guys happen to see Eunji? 

Naeun nodded politely and point to the direction where Eunji went. 

Hoya thanked the pair and head to find Eunji. 

Eunji is wandering around the area and Hoya spots her easily. 

Hoya: Eunji Eunji come here come here. 

Eunji ran to Hoya. 

Hoya: I guess you have met Naeun and L right? They are holding on to the last secret code we need in order to win. Shall we think about how to get it from them? 

EunjI: The only thing I know is that they have used their sticker...hmmm that means we won't be in danger. 

Hoya: Should we like lure them to somewhere that is secretive? 

Eunji: That's a good idea but it's not easy.

Hoya: Firstly, you can go tell Naeun that Sunggyu is here with Hayoung and they are holding on to a secret code. Act as you need to their help and slowly lure them here. 

Eunji: Brilliant!

Eunji went to find L and Naeun. 

Eunji: Naeun ah Naeun ah stop walking!

Naeun and L stop moving. 

Naeun: Unnie why? 

Eunji: I need you guys to help me. Hoya is fighting against Sunggyu and we need you guys to help us. Sunggyu is holding to one secret code!!

L and Naeun agreed and followed Eunji to the location. 

Hoya is like a tiger, "pounce" towards L and pushed him to the floor. 

Naeun take around a few seconds to realise that it's all a lie. 

Using this time, Eunji snatched away the secret code from Naeun and head to the entrance to open all the safes. 

Hoya also followed behind her after making L fell to the ground. 

L and Naeun give chase to Eunji and Hoya while Eunji have arrived at the safes. 

She tried all the safes with the secret code and keep trying in order to unlock every single one of them. Hoya, Naeun and L also arrived at the entrance. 

Eunji is halfway to success but L and Naeun arrived just in time to stop her. Hoya then helped to block L and Naeun from disrupting Eunji. 

With Hoya's help, Eunji succeeded!

Hoya x Eunji wins! 



This is the second time you two have been paired up together! How's the experience? 

Hoya: Hahaha Eunji is really strong and we sure become closer and closer close friends! She is really a efficient partner like she can react fast to situation and analyse it. This is really indeed the SUPER EUNJI. She's special Busan girl. 

Eunji: This show is fun, not only help us bond closer and play all the brain games! I really enjoy being Hoya's partner. Thanks to him that I can succeed to unlock all the safes, hahaha, he is really fast and efficient which is what I appreciate most. 

What if you two is paired for a third, fourth time? 

Hoya: Will it happen? I am not too sure about it...if we are paired up again I guess we will win again because we are too suitable for each other hahaha.

Eunji: Daebak...is there even a chance for this to happen...I think if it happen we would make best couple hahaha and win the others.











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Yeoljooshipper #1
Chapter 4: Update plzzzz..,.......very intresting one.......
update soon :( please author-nimm
Chapter 4: Update soon TTT~TTT
Chapter 4: "Let's leave Woohyun alone"
I Really want to laugh so hard xD
HoJi really get the other into a mess right? haha I LOVE THEM! XD
Update soon author-nim! ^^
Chapter 3: if this variety show existed in real life :"D
Chapter 4: yeah the KIM siblings will be together in the next chapter!!XD go Kim Myungjoo~
misseu #7
Chapter 1: woorong forever...
ploykz-sunny #8
Chapter 3: update soon
That picture is heaven TT^TT I LOVE PINFINITE~!
Chapter 3: myungeun 4ever.