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Now I'm speechless over the edge (I'm just breathless)


“What am I going to do?”

Jongdae sprayed the last contents of his apple mist in the air, calming his nerves and the butterflies trumping inside his stomach. I need to buy another bottle, he notes with a sigh, looking at the spray bottle in his hand before shooting it in the trash bin but it ended on the floor earning him a glare from Tao who’s sweeping the hairs from the floor. Jongdae smiles apologetically before turning back in his dilemma.

“He’s crazy.”

“I know.” Minseok responds with a small, devilish grin.

“What the hell.” Jongdae grunts earning him a chuckle from Yixing.

“Ah, you know Minseok, when I and Joonmyun are walking home together; I asked him if he likes someone. He told me to guess, fortunately, I’ve observed for a lit~tle long time I said it’s Jongdae.” Yixing tells Minseok as if Jongdae isn’t with them.

“What he said next?”

“He goes quiet and didn’t speak the next few blocks. Man, he’s easy to get!”

“I think I should set him up with Key, employee from SHINee shop, his crush apparently cant take Joonmyun out and Key is much—“

“ you, fattie.”

“Excuse you, everyone said I got my fats off.”

“Key is in a relationship with Jonghyun.”

“Then he can hook Joonmyun to Onew! Oh they’ll—“

Jongdae stands up suddenly, “I’ll show you who looks good on Joonmyun!” he says with a glare before storming off to talk to the said man.

Unfortunately, he asked him to watch his latest Final Fantasy torrent instead asking him out on  a date.

Minseok and Yixing guffaws at the corner.



Daisies, Luhan loves daisies, cute little daisies. But poor daisies’ petals are plucked off one by one along with the chants of, “he loves me, he loves me, he loves me…”

It’s a bright Saturday morning and Luhan had spent plucking daisies from his flower box by his balcony before heading to work. It’s the day of his date but Sehun didn’t tell him what the time of their date is so he’s going to work first.

Luhan hears murmurs of he’s here! He’s here! Once he stepped a foot in the salon. When he’s fully in, Baekhyun immediately pulled him in and settles him on one of the black leather cushioned seat.

Baekhyun claps with a grin and the materials he need appears right next to him, “I will make you look like a princess, sweetie.”

Luhan scoffs and rolled his eyes as the latter wraps him in a salon cloth, “Im still a man, mind you. You’re hurting my manly ego.”

“Oh please, Luhan. You act like a girl when Sehun senpai is around. You don’t have any ego to salvage my dear.” Baekhyun smirked when the elder didn’t respond; he grabs for the brush and water spray and quickly starts his work.

Krystal is there too, she volunteered to sponsor Luhan’s clothing for the night. Everyone was surprised when racks of clothes rolled in the salon early in the morning. She explained that she got it from the set yesterday, asking the photographer and the sole owner of the clothes to be borrowed.

“Luhan should be happy; he’s going to use branded clothes that will be released months later.” Minseok mutters under his breath.

“So, Jongin, when are you going to take Kyungsoo out? Man, I’m here already.”

“I know, but—“

“You’re such a slow poke. Can I just kill you?”

“Kyungsoo will kill you for me.”

“Meh, he loves me more, dip.”

“I have Taemin.”

“ off.”


“I was supposed to help you right? Forget it.”

“What?! You’re not only leaving me but Kyungsoo too!”

“Don’t black mail me you er.”

“Fine. Don’t help me. I’ll do it myself.”

Krystal laughs, “Yeah right. Your balls are up in your .”

“What does that suppose to mean,”

“You’re a looser,” Krystal smirks, “Anyway, off to meet boyfriend. Ciao.”

“Wait— you and Tae—“before he could finish his sentence, Krystal is out of the salon and is now boarding the white van parked in front.

Baekhyun calls for Kyungsoo then tells him to put a little dash of make up on the little deer’s face. The other guys are busy with the other customers but they’re still looking forward for Luhan’s outcome.

It’s one PM when the door of the staff room opens, revealing a gorgeous Luhan with a shy smile.

“Our work of art,” says Baekhyun, pulling Kyungsoo by the hand who is smiling proudly.

“Ho,” mumbles Jongdae, dropping the hair brush in the pocket of his black apron, “You look like a k-wave star.”

“Sehun will be around in a minute sweetie,” Baekhyun says to the elder guy standing next to him, “go sit and be pretty.” He pushes Luhan to the sofa by the door.

Luhan looks at him dumbly but obeys Baekhyun.

Not a moment later, Sehun arrives and a grin stretches on his face when he saw Luhan all styled up. He thanks his friends and waves goodbye, finally off to their date.

Minseok wipes an imaginary tear away from his eyes, “Our babies are all grown up.”

They didn’t notice Kyungsoo’s smile dissolve in every beat of the wind.


Yixing waves goodbye to their customer with a bright smile and turns the sign by the door ‘closed’.

Tao nags Minseok into giving him a free hair spa but the elder refuses to do so for ’I’m designated at the foot spa section not hair!’ but Tao doesn’t seem to understand and continues his nagging to the older, clinging on his arm while putting on his best pout. Kris rolls his eyes at this scene.

Kyungsoo quietly scrolls through his Instagram, not paying attention to Jongin who is seated next to him playing Small City.

Baekhyun suddenly squealed earning Chanyeol’s attention first. He saw Luhan’s instagram update with a picture of him and Sehun together, smiling widely.

Happiest night ever. All thanks to Sehun <3

“They’re finally, finally official!” Baekhyun squeals, he shows the screen of his phone to his friends. A smile bloomed on everyone’s faces.

“Hey guys, I’m leaving.” Kyungsoo tells everyone, picking up his messenger bag seating on the sofa. Baekhyun didn’t fail to notice Kyungsoo’s disgruntled voice but he doesn’t say a word or two about it. He throws Jongin a look and nods his head.

“I’m going to fire Jongin the first thing tomorrow.” Kris says out of the blue, he also picked up Kyungsoo’s emotion waver, “Jesus, kids these days.”

Yixing laughs and pats his boss on the shoulder, “Oh come on, don’t do that. He’ll fix this one for sure.”

“He must.” grunts Kris.



Kyungsoo is walking ahead of Jongin. It’s awfully quiet save for the tapping of their shoes on the tiled floor of Kyungsoo’s apartment complex.

Jongin didn’t miss the beat of Kyungsoo’s emotion earlier of course. Kyungsoo is acting a little off since the afternoon; he was all smiles when Luhan is around but it disappeared – when he first noticed – when the elder is gone with his Sehun.

The younger guy tried to talk to Kyungsoo but he only received small smiles and short answers, as if the other isn’t interested in anything Jongin talks about. It’s frustrating yes, Jongin doesn’t know what move to do next to be honest, he just cant read Kyungsoo’s action.

Jongin comes back to reality when he hears a door shout loudly and it echoes throughout the hall making him cringe. He runs to Kyungsoo’s apartment door and presses the doorbell once, when he didn’t receive any answer he presses it again repeatedly and resorts to pounding onto the poor door.

Finally, the door opens revealing Kyungsoo’s face with a frown.

“Jongin? What the hell? Are you mad? You could’ve reported you idiot!”

“Hyung, tell me. Tell me what’s wrong.” Jongin says, there’s a pregnant pause when Kyungsoo refuses to speak, “Look, I’m really sorry if I’m the reason why you’re so quiet all day. I don’t know what I’ve done but I feel like it has something to do with me.”

Kyungsoo bites on his bottom, feeling suddenly wrong for what he did earlier. He should’ve understand, Jongin is a slow poke but he promises him a date. He wished he could’ve been more patient and understanding.

“…You know I cant stand you being mad at me.” Jongin says in a soft voice, his eyes now cast down on his bright red vans.

Kyungsoo sighed and finally steps out the door, “I’m sorry.” Jongin’s ears perked up at the soft voice, he looks up to see his hyung through blonde hair, “I shouldn’t have acted like that. I was just jealous because you know… Sehun and Luhan out on a date and now they’re officially together… unlike us. I’ve been stupid. I’m sorry.”

Jongin stares at an uneasy Kyungsoo; the elder shuffling his feet, busy playing with the cuffs of his long sleeve shirt. A smile blooms on Jongin’s handsome face.


“You’re cute…like that.” Jongin chuckles when Kyungsoo’s cheeks shows a shade of pink.

“Shut up.” Jongin continues to stare, grinning, “What?”

“Am I making you uncomfortable?” he asks mischievously.

Kyungsoo gulps down the growing lump in his throat, the shade of his cheeks surely turned darker and he fidgets more, “N-no.”

“Really?” Jongin takes a step forward, making Kyungsoo take a step backward. The younger takes another step and Kyungsoo’s breath catches in his throat, “Really?”

“Are you ever familiar with personal— oompf!” Kyungsoo words take a stop when he felt a pair of plush, soft lips against his. His eyes widen like a deer caught in head lights but not a moment later, he let himself melt in the kiss.

Jongin places his hands on the either side of Kyungsoo’s waist, pulling him closer. He kicks close the door behind them.

Kyungsoo pulls away to look at Jongin, “I like you, like really really really like you. for just so you know, Kim Jongin.”

The latter grins at this, “I love you too.” Kyungsoo laughs lightly before closing the gap between them once again, his arms now wrapped around Jongin’s neck.


“Hey, uglies go home.” Kris says when they all finally settled down their excitement from Luhan and Sehun’s date.

Everyone has been waiting for the new couple’s update – twitter, facebook, kakao, instagram – and Baekhyun and Tao’s barely concealed (girly) squeals are heard. It’s like high school again, wherein it all just starts with a crush and ends up with what they thought a one-sided love. They’ve been waiting for these things to happen, they’ve been waiting long enough but all are coming true, one-by-one.

“Wow Wufan, new name? Not losers anymore?” Chanyeol asks with amusement.

“Losers are for the people who cant confess even it’s clear that the other likes him too. Jesus ing Christ I’m so done with that. I’m settling with uglies. It sounds good.”

“ you.” Baekhyun says without much of venom in his voice.

Pair by pair they head home in their own ways. Tao and Kris headed for the coffee shop open twenty-four seven to buy a cup of sweet caffeine and maybe a slice of chocolate cake too, Baekhyun and Chanyeol heads to their apartment to cuddle for a little and go to sleep, Jongdae and Joonmyun are off to a beef-soju expedition and lastly, Minseok and Yixing still walking together, their hands brushing against each other slightly.

Minseok thinks he’s suffocated, awkwardness has a tight grip on his lungs and his heart barely moves. He takes a nervous gulp and looks over at Yixing who doesn’t seem to mind about the air about them. Maybe Minseok is the only one feeling awkward, he’s never good in handling this kind of situation. It’s like sophomore year once again.

“So Yixing, how’s your day?” he starts.

Yixing chuckles, they’ve been together all day, talking all day actually. “It’s great. it’s so cute to see Luhan and Sehun. But Kyungsoo and Jongin… are they always that complicated?”

Minseok slightly laughs at this, “No, not really. It’s just that Jongin’s dumbness has taken its toll on Kyungsoo.”

The latter nods, “I understand.” He laughs, “So, how was yours?”

“Fine. Just fine.” He answers with a smile and silence proceeds to settle around them. It’s not awkward anymore, Minseok sighs in relief.



Kris arrived a little bit over too late and found the salon quiet, which is very unusual. He only saw Yixing and Minseok talking to each other and Jongdae receiving a back massage from Joonmyun. He didn’t see the other couples. What the .

“Where the hell are the other six loosers?”

“You told us they aren’t loosers anymore.” Jongdae says.

“You’re a looser yourself,” Kris answers back immediately. Minseok and Yixing abruptly stopped from their conversation and laughed. They heard Jongdae mumbles, “not funny dickheads.” Pouting, making Joonmyun laugh softly.

“Not you too.” Jongdae grumbles. He crosses his arms over his chest and sulks in the chair.

The salon chimes ring, “Morning!” Luhan greets, his hair a little tousled probably because of the air that is blowing a little too hard ever since the sun showed up. Sehun is following behind him but their hands are still connected.

“I cant believe everything will finally come to an ending.” Joomyun laughs, “High school dumb infatuations are finally coming to a stop.”

Kris smirks deviously at this; he throws a look at Jongdae who in return looked at him panicked.

“So Jongdae, have you—“

“Wow Kris called me by my name! I’m thrilled!—“

The salon manager rolls his eyes, “—planned your date with Joon—“

“…it’s the first time in months I heard him call me—“


“—by my – what? Hey what the hell are you saying man?”

Kyungsoo comes in the salon with his brows knitted together, not so long after Jongin follows in and immediately wrapped an arm around Kyungsoo’s waist.

“I told you to wait for me!”

“We’re already late. I don’t want to be extra late!” snaps Kyungsoo.

“Jesus Christ, are they in their first day of relationship or is it Kyungsoo’s period?”

“ you, dickhead.”

“We already established that here.”

“But I wasn’t here, you shameful piece of clip.”

“Wow, way to go with the insult.” Kris deadpans.

“Who even uses that?”

“Shut up.” grunts Kyungsoo before stomping his way to the staff room to store his bag with Jongin trailing behind him.

“So, about Joonmyun and Jongdae’s date…” Minseok grins, “I have two tickets for a scheduled movie replay at a cinema house just a few kilometers away from here. I cant go so I think this might be useful?” he pulls out an envelope from his back pocket and hands it over to Jongdae.

“Their buttered popcorn is good.” Yixing says, standing next to Minseok with a grin.

“I hope you wont sleep during your date though.” Sehun adds, patting his hyung’s shoulder.

“Luhan, get their bags.” Commands Kris and turns to the two who are standing a little nervous, “Off for the day, losers. No sleeping on dates ok?”

Sehun and Minseok pull the two out of the salon.

Bloody hell, can you both don’t do here? Hand me Jongdae’s wallet!”

“Probably caught them making out.” Sehun remarked, snickering.

Luhan stomps his way to where Jongdae is and shoves his wallet on to the latter’s chest, “I wouldn’t like to see Joonmyun texting any of us saying you ran away.” He warns Jongdae with an almost deathly glare before walking back in the salon.

“So uhh… I know this place that makes great grilled meat…”

Joonmyun grins and hooks his arm with Jongdae, “Let’s go! You know I love meat.”


“Yixing hinted us that Minseok brought him out to the movies.” Luhan says with a teasing grin, looking at the two is seated together.

“So Kris, when are you letting them out on a date?” asks Kyungsoo who is busily snipping a pretty woman’s hair who asked for a layered bob.

“My forced dates are for emergency purposes, you know, for losers.”

“So are you saying Minseok is not a loser.”

“No… he just met Yixing.”

“Guys,” Sehun starts but no one gave him any attention, “Guys!”

“What?” Tao asks, turning off the blower in his hand.

“I underestimated Jongdae. Oh my god.”

“What did he do?” Baekhyun asked this time, getting interested.

“You know that tracking device Chanyeol introduced me? I used it and found out that he’s somewhere near that convenience store with a sleepy cashier and the movie house.”


“There’s a ing motel there.”

Holy .” Kris mumbles under his breath.

“Holy , indeed.”

“Home run!” Jongin exclaims with a cheeky grin.


The humming of the hair blowers and the running water along with the soft hum of Baekhyun’s voice resonates in the salon. The morning radio show just ended and they decided to turn it off because surely, the next show will produce dry jokes and corny pick-up lines.

It’s a Friday today and everyone is excited for the upcoming night for Kris will be having a mini celebration for his workers.

When Jongdae and Joonmyun came in work together, they received teasing smiles which made the both of them a little too embarrassed over the edge. Their teasing comes with a “congratulations” at end of it.

Luhan and Sehun are busy cuddling in the spa area with Minseok and Yixing not giving a flying at the two. Kyungsoo and Jongin are frequently in the staff room, no one wants to know why.

The atmosphere is changed, there’s no more longing glances, no more talks about their unrequited love and no more losers.






























A/N:  - so it's like ive written a story wherein they're all losers. bec they rly are. anyways, comments are appreciated and this is a late post bec hell school is hell. anyone has a liberty to correct me bec this is unbeta-ed. so horrible of me.

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> finally done (well, actually yesterday)! i dont think i established the story right urgh.. but thanks for the support!


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Ooooh I love this! Just really love this kind of fic! But wondering why it only has few votes.. come on guys! Don't be such a meanie.. I know you like it, a-ah don't deny it! Just click the upvote button already!
I enjoyed this~~ KAISOO AND BAESOO LIKE I SPAZZED ALL OVER YOU. XDDDD <3 <3 //throws hearts