[ 1/2 ]

Now I'm speechless over the edge (I'm just breathless)

A/N: part 1 up! yes yes crazy me as fuuu. definitely sorry i didnt beta this ;u; /roll out. [ btw edited bec i forgot to put the messages urgh fuq im sorry to those who have read this part already w/o reading the messages ]





The humming of the hair blowers and the running water along with the soft hum of Baekhyun’s voice resonates in the salon. The morning radio show just ended and they decided to turn it off because surely, the next show will produce dry jokes and corny pick-up lines.

Their first customers are a group of teenage girls getting ready for prom, one of them asked Sehun to be her prom date. The other guys try to hold down the laugh in their throat but Jongin just have to break the uncomfortable silence – that they are enjoying – and laughs hard.

The poor teenage girl gets confused and got more awkward, looking at the boys around her, even her friends seemed to abandon her for they’re enjoying the services the salon workers provide.

“I’m sorry but I’m busy today.” Sehun simply answers without making any expression. The poor girl’s head dropped low and takes a seat where Jongdae happily treats her.

The glass door opens and then came Luhan, fixing his ruffled hair after taking off his colorful beanie, “Good morning! I’m sorry I’m late! The damn car—“ he pauses when the customers came to his sight and he smiles, Luhan then turns to Sehun who is now smiling because the apple of his eyes finally came.

“Sehunnie! Morning~” he chirps happily, patting the younger on top of his head.

“Morning Lu.” He greets back, suppressing the wide smile that is about to form on his face.

Jongdae and Baekhyun only rolls their eye at the everyday scene in front of them – after pushing the two to have a date by talking to them secretly failed a lot of times because they are idiots “Sehun doesn’t feel the same way as me! It’ll be awkward!” “Luhan might be busy.” – And continues applying hair spa into their customers’ hair with a smile while talking to them.


The group of teenagers finally left at around half-past one. It’s also past their lunch break, the girls asked for full make-over so they didn’t have a time to buy lunch first. The guys who don’t have anything to do have eaten their lunch already…

“Lucky bastards…” Jongdae mumbles under his breath as he stretches on a chair.

“Hey, I’ve bought lunch for you…” an angelic voice says from behind him (it’s just his Joonmyun), he turns the chair around to see the latter holding a paper bag in front of him with a sheepish smile. “I bought it from the food court… I know you hate food court foods but—“

Jongdae immediately snatches the food from Joonmyun’s hand, shaking his head vigorously, “No, no! It’s ok, really. I appreciate it! Thank you very much Joonmyun hyung, I’m so starving!” he says a little too rapidly because a nervous Jongdae can’t speak normally in front of an angelic Joonmyun.

“Ok…” Joonmyun says a bit weirded out but he smiles, “I thought you wouldn’t like it.”

Oh how Jongdae wants to melt in his seat right now, because , Joonmyun is being perfect again.

“Hey looser, here’s your lunch.” Sehun says and throws Jongin a mcdo take-out.

Jongin happily opens the paper bag and starts to drown his shredded fries in his sundae. He munches on his mcburger after unwrapping it like a hungry monkey.

Kyungsoo rolls his eyes as he watches Jongin eat not so neatly; he has to ask Wufan to get Jongin as a janitor instead as a hair dresser. The kid eats too much, litter too much.

“Hey Kyungsoo hyung!” calls Sehun and then pulls a chair and settles next to the said guy, “Can you help me choose a hair dye later?” he asks, whispering in the older guy’s ear, getting Jongin’s attention.

“Sehun, you just dyed your hair a month ago,” Kyungsoo says as he puts away his food in the plastic bag, “Won’t your hair get destroyed?”

“No, I have products at home and… I found something on the net and I want to do it too! And maybe Luhan hyung might like it.” He whispers the last part as if it’s a secret but Kyungsoo knows already that it’s the sole reason. Luhan always compliments Sehun’s new dyed hair and he also swore that he see Sehun’s ear go red at every compliment his crush tells him.

“Fine.” Kyungsoo answers and stands to throw the plastic bag in the trash bin.

Sehun catches Jongin’s killing gaze at him and smirks, “We’re going on a date.” He says after finding Luhan is not around (he might get the wrong idea so it’s better to be safe).

Jongin thrashes in his seat as he munches his sundae-soaked fries in his mouth.

“When will you guys mature?” Tao shakes his head, showing his utter disappointment to the young guys.

“It’s not like you are.”

“I am deeply hurt.” Tao dead-pans with an eye roll.

“You should join the deeply hurt club, with Jongin.”

“What the hell, Sehun.”

The youngest laughs and attends to the customer that just came in.


Scene and Pin-ups salon closed around nine pm, and it’s the cue for Sehun to drag Kyungsoo with him to the nearest mall. The guys who are left starts to clean-up and Wufan generously call Pizza Hut for a nice delivery of two boxes of large pizzas.

They happily cleaned the salon and lounged into the couch (where manicure, pedicure and foot spa service takes place) right after the pizza came.

“Is it ok if I take out Kris’ stash of beer from his office?” Minseok asked suddenly, pizza and beer is a nice combination but it gives more carbs but who cares anyway?

The guys nods approvingly and Minseok makes a happy beeline to their boss’ office.

Sehun and Kyungsoo arrives not long after when Joonmyun texted the both of them. Sehun is holding a plastic bag with the name ‘SHINee shop’ printed on the plastic with hair dyes in different colors in it. They both settled down next to each other making the jealous Jongin more jealous.

The boys, as usual, made the salon the only liveliest shop awake in the wee hours of the night in the town. The other shops are already closed but they don’t really care because it’s already a tradition to them to gather around and have fun.

Minseok who is now undoubtedly a little over to drunk, turns on the radio and Girls’ Day’s female president plays in one of the radio station he passed by. Jongdae and Joonmyun stands up, they wait for the part where the ‘fox dance’ is and they started to wiggle their butts along. Minseok pulled it off the best.

Everyone started to laugh and the others are just too embarrassed to watch the three dance. When Hyuna’s bubble pop plays, its Baekhyun’s cue to dance.

“Go Byun Baek!” cheers Kyungsoo and Sehun who laughed obnoxiously even their mouth is stuffed with pizza.

Chanyeol almost fainted as he watches his boyfriend dances expertly to the song.

“Fan Chanyeol! He’s hyperventilating!” “Give Chanyeol more beer!” “The fanboy in him dies!” are what his friends say jokingly because boy, Chanyeol looks so ridiculous, his mouth agape and his eyes almost bulging out of its sockets.

“Hey idiots, go home, we still have work tomorrow!” says Wufan who now have Tao in his arms, “I’ll take him home. Someone, please take Minseok? I told you guys to watch the drinks he takes!”

“But he said he’s a strong drinker!”

“Tsk, just take him home.”

Sehun, thanking himself that he’s still sober, looks at the guy tucked under his arm. His gaze softens as he looks at Luhan’s sleeping face, he looks so endearing. But he also wonders how his hyung get under his arms.

“Hey Sehunnie, I’ll just help you tomorrow ok?” says Kyungsoo as he leads Jongin and Minseok out of the door who are still happily singing to fx’s rum pum pum pum.

Sehun smiled and waves, “ok, thanks hyung.”

Kyungsoo waves goodbye to the others and chases the two are now very far from the bus stop.

“Sehunnie~ carry me home tonight.” Luhan says then giggles.

“You’ve listen to Fun. All day haven’t you hyung?” he asks with a chuckle then carries his hyung, placing an arm around Luhan’s petite waist, “It’s not like I have a choice either.”



Everyone looks like the next day. The guys have big eyebags under their eyes like Tao’s, they weren’t on time and Kris knows this will happen. He needs to give Minseok a good lecturing later.

It  doesn’t really matter if the guys are late anyway, Mondays are slow, especially during the morning because there is school and work, the only people in the salon are housewives (as for Kris’ observation) who have free time to get themselves pampered before returning to their own house to aid their family.

“Man, I need your help.” Sehun says, running next to Jongin who is busy scrolling through tumblr.


“I need a model for our project.”

“Sehun, I you’ll get A plus if you use me as your model but you know I’m a busy man—“

“Ew Jongin. Hell no man. You’re a narcissistic .”

“I just know a fact! It’s like knowing aliens exist and they just live somewhere out the space.”

“There’s no proof about it and so does your belief in being good looking.” Sehun dead pans.

Jongin scowls at Sehun and returns to his laptop.

“Hey, don’t expose your manhood to your laptop,” Sehun says, nodding at the laptop that is placed on Jongin’s lap. “You’ll lose .”

“What? Is that true?”

“Try watching educational show sometimes, Jongin. It helps. A lot.”

Jongdae overheard their conversation and he is the first one to burst laughing after letting out a loud, “Burn.”

“Oi, Sehun!” calls Kyungsoo once he step foot on the salon, “Let’s color your hair in your house, yeah?”

Sehun nods, “Yeah, yeah.”

Jongin was at his brim of jealousy, he doesn’t know why, he knows Sehun since forever but he guesses that’s how love works.


Jongin wants to be buried alive because he cant understand why everyone has to flung themselves on Kyungsoo, out of all people.

“Baby, I missed you!” the girl with bright red hair hugs Kyungsoo from the back tightly.

Everyone wonders, when they first met Kyungsoo, how did a hottie have a bestfriend who looks like an innocent-like being.

Kyungsoo sighed when Krystal comes in the salon to bug him again; his co-workers slash friends looking at him a little far-off.

He and Krystal are best friends since they had their first kiss. Kyungsoo made up a story that he and Krystal became best friends because they’re high school buddies – what a ed up lie Kyungsoo, way to go. He told himself once – but they were not. They met in middle school and found out their fathers are best friends.

One night, while their fathers are happily drinking in the living room of the Jungs, the two caught what is being played on the tv, it was but they still don’t have any idea about it.

“Why are they making those noises?” “…maybe it felt good..?” it has been their main topic for the past few weeks and they finally came to a decision. Try it.

 They were at the rooftop of their school, they ran off after the school bell ringed, and they settled down together. It was like a game because Krystal muttered a “game.” Before Kyungsoo tentatively presses his lips against Krystal’s and did as what he saw on tv. With tongue.

They immediately pulled away and tried to spit out the remains of each other’s saliva before promising to never, ever talk and try it again.

The two soon found out it is only done by grown-ups who love each other.

“Hey, Krys.” Kyungsoo turns around with a wide smile to give the latter a hug. “I missed you too.”

“Someone’s jealous~” Jongdae sing-songed and elbows Sehun who is snickering beside Jongin.

Krystal snorted rather unattractively, “Kyungsoo will be mine if you don’t move your stuck up , Jongin.” She threatens and stuck her tongue out at the said guy.

Kyungsoo blushes slightly, not going unnoticed by Krystal, “Babe, we should go on a date.”

“Oh look Jongin your Kyungsoo is being snatched away by Krystal.” Sehun starts.

“Yeah, by the hot Von Dutch model and employee...”

“Who wears black short shorts…”

“And black fitted shirt.”

“Who looks like a damn vixen...”

“Who loves Kyungsoo so much…” Krystal adds and joins in the laughter.

“Yah, excuse you guys but Kyungsoo is very much mine!” Jongin says indignantly.

Kyungsoo snorts, “Who says so? You cant even ask me out on a date.” He says bravely making the trio go ‘woah~’

“See? See? He likes you too and you cant even ask him out!” Sehun points out.

“I’ll ask Kris to give the two a day off.” Jongdae says and struts with a happy smirk to the office.

Krystal claps her hands together gleefully and puts an arm around Kyungsoo’s neck, “Sweetie, you go seduce Jongin while you’re out. Make sure tomorrow, when I come back here, you two are boy—“

“Krys,” starts Kyungsoo with a soft sigh, “Even though I want to, cant the words ‘take it slowly’ be applied here?”

The red head girl rolls her eyes, “Ok, just because I love you.” she says but then smiled. Krystal gives Kyungsoo a kiss on the cheek as she usually does, but this time, it’s just for fun’s sake. She heard Jongin hiss behind her and it gives her the satisfaction to the brim.

“Kyungsoo, Jongin, be back at five.” Kris says, his head poked out from the office with a grin. He’s also one of them. .

Sehun and Krystal pushed the two out of the door along with Jongin’s wallet – “Why is it that im the only one who have a wallet?” “…Because you’ll treat Kyungsoo out on a date, duh.” – telling them to have fun and be back on time.

“Kris, seriously, how can they enjoy their date if they have to be back by five?”



Jongin awkwardly scratches the back of his head as they walk aimlessly on the streets, “I don’t really know where to go… but, do you like steak? I know just the best place here in Gang—“

“Jongin, you surprise your date,” Kyungsoo sighs, “I thought you know all this stuff. But you got me, I love steak.” He grins.




The salon is bustling when noon came; all of them have work to do, all of them forgot about Kyungsoo and Jongin’s unexpected date. Except the guy who can’t stop thinking about it. If Jongin finally have Kyungsoo out on a date - which seemed impossible just because knowing Jongin - of course he can too.

Sehun’s eyes follow every movements of Luhan, hoping he’ll get a time to talk to him privately. He just wants to ask him out. If Jongin had the balls, then he surely have too but this one is prepared, much more special to say the least.

Finally, Luhan leaves his customer to go to the storage room to get another cup of hair color. Sehun excuses himself with a smile and follows suit.

He cleared his throat awkwardly, catching Luhan’s attention and smiled at him. This is nerve wracking than what he originally thought. He thought it would be easy pissy, but no, it’s not.

“Uhm, Luhan hyung,”


“Will you… Will you g-go—“ damn it. “…with me in the grocery later, I’m out of stock.” He chuckles nervously; he didn’t notice Luhan’s crestfallen expression. The elder nodded in response and turns back to refill his cup.

 Sehun stormed out the room and returns to his customer. He murmurs a sorry because it took a little longer than he expected and went down so wrong than what he expected.

Damn it, damn it, damn it!

He now understands the chick flicks movie wherein the guy have sweaty palms and the coolness around them suddenly diminishes.


When Luhan’s customer finally left, he quickly swishes his phone out from the back pocket of his skinny jeans and texted his one and only rational, normal and understanding friend.

He taps his foot on the floor, waiting for a reply to calm down his thoughts.

Luhan sighed in agreement, well; maybe he should also pull out a stunt with Minseok so Sehun will finally have balls back up under his D? But still! Sehun is his senpai, deal with it.

1 new message

That emotionless message again. Luhan chuckles, he’s under the same roof with Sehun but he still texted him.

From: My deerest Soo
To: --

Luhan nods, Krystal do have a nice tongue. But stunt always works best and it’s pretty fun too. He sent a ‘help me?’ before re-reading Sehun’s message and grinning inwardly while waiting for his beloved friend’s reply.

He received a fine and he almost jumped in happiness.

The pink haired man chuckles to himself as he sticks his phone back in his pocket. He should not further disturb Kyungsoo or else he would have ruined a moment.

As what Kris expected, Kyungsoo and Jongin wouldn’t be back on the time he said. He wouldn’t be mad at them anyway, he has been waiting for them to finally go out and so does all of their friends. He’ll kick them out of the salon if there’s no progress within their relationship; he’s definitely serious about it.

“Kris!” calls the voice from the door that is undoubtedly Tao. “I got a Krispy Kreme coupon from yesterday! We can buy a box later~” he says with a grin, walking in the office with a wide grin looking like a kid.

Kris couldn’t help but to smile at his lover, “When the salon closes we’ll go, ok?”

“Yes, sir!” Tao salutes and happily walks out back to his work.



“I cant believe you’re such a slow poke, Kim Jongin.” Says Kyungsoo suddenly as they walk peacefully at the park they found not so far from the busy district. “I mean, judging by that face of yours…”

Jongin fidgets with the paper bag that is holding their fresh, hot fish breads they bought from a nice old lady, “Well, you cant judge a people from their appearance…”

“I know ok? Can you blame me though? You smile at those ladies entering our shop like it would eat up their or something and that one time you grinned at the lady who slipped on the floor and helped him like a gentleman.” Kyungsoo sighed.

“You see, I,” Jongin pauses, gulping at the lump that just formed in his throat, “I wasn’t confident on asking you out. You make me so damn nervous whenever I’m with you! I don’t know why but my confidence just seeps out of my sleeves…”

Kyungsoo chuckled, “you’re cute…”

Jongin blushed at that, sputtering incoherent words.

“So, are we going back at five?” the older of the two asks, grinning widely. He wouldn’t mind if Kris will get mad at them, he wouldn’t care at all because for sure, this date will be replaying in his mind and will block out Kris’ endless words.

“No.” Jongin answers simply with a mischievous smile and takes Kyungsoo’s hands in his slowly, discreetly.



Minseok boredly waits for a new customer by the spa section as he plays with Temple Run, trying to beat his own score.

The bell by the door chimes and he immediately stands up with a bright smile on his face, forgetting his game on the sofa, “Good after…noon.” His smile fades, not because he saw someone unwanted, it’s because someone walked in with the most dazzling shy smile he had ever seen in his whole life.

“Uhm, I’m here for this…?” he asks, raising the white bond paper with the words written ‘hiring new worker, inquire inside.’

“Oh! Uh, here!” Minseok pointed stupidly at the office door, “You can find our boss in there!” he almost smacked his face on the wall for looking like a dumb .

“Thanks.” The boy bows with a grateful smile and proceeds to walk to the office.

Jongdae starts to sing Ra.D’s I’m in love and Baekhyun follows. ers.

Minseok picks up a thick news paper from the rack and rolls it, he slaps it on the arm rest first, showing the two how hard it is and how it’ll hurt their head. He smirks when the duo stops immediately.

Not so long after, while Minseok is massaging a customer’s foot while talking, the wonderful boy with a wonderful deep dimple comes out from the office with a wide smile on his face.

“Hey,” Minseok starts, “You got it?”

“Yes.” The boy answers with a grin, “I’m Yixing by the way. And you’re…?”

“Minseok, Kim Minseok. Nice meeting you.” he smiles.

“See you tomorrow, ok? I’m glad I already know someone…”

Minseok chuckles, “Don’t worry, you’ll never feel out of place here. The people here are nice and fairly normal… I guess.” Normal my . “So you don’t really have to worry about getting friends with the s— I mean people here.”

Yixing smiles, “I have to go. Bye!”

Minseok smiles and waves a hand, “Bye!”

Sehun starts tapping against the table counter, obviously suppressing his grin, and Joonmyun starts to sing Jonas Brothers’ Love Bug. Jongdae and Baekhyun looks at Minseok with a knowing smile and the elder returns it with a glare making Satan’s spawns turn back to what they’re doing with a shrug of their shoulders.


The people in the salon start to decrease as the time gets a little late. Tao starts to sweep the floor, preparing for the salon to close. They long left Minseok who’s now playing with his phone with an unusual wide smile plastered on his face.

“I wonder if Jongin would get laid tonight…” Sehun says out of the blue with Chanyeol and Baekhyun bickering about Pocky and Pepero in front of him but immediately stops when they heard what the younger said.

“Probably,” Baekhyun says, “It’s inevitable, I guess.”

Chanyeol frowns, “Kyungsoo doesn’t like taking things too fast. He’s more on hard to get.”

“But, he’s growing impatient with Jongin! He told me weeks ago! Maybe he would change his mind.” Baekhyun mumbles the last part.

Sehun’s ears perked up when he heard the office’s door close, it’s always a signal that Kris’ will leave and the salon is closing.

“Loosers, you guys should welcome Zhang Yixing tomorrow, ok? I’m going!” he says and heads for the door with Tao walking next to him who also said goodbye.

“Oh, happy Minseok is…” Luhan grins from behind the storage room door, “Lonely is a man without love~” he sings as he puts away the hair products back on their respective places on the shelf.

Minseok rolls his eyes, “Seriously guys, you can get into a musical show or . You’ve been singing all day.”

“Why not! It’ll be like Minseok is the prince and Yixing is the pauper princess! It’ll be so romantic!” Baekhyun exclaims dreamily, his hands clasped together, pressed against his cheeks.

The hair spa in Luhan’s hand slipped from his hand when he felt his phone vibrate against his , “I shouldn’t have put it in my back pocket.” He grunts.

Sehun came next to him and picks up the fallen product lying on the floor, thankfully unbroken, “you ok?” he asks and pulls the phone from Luhan’s back pocket casually and opens it. Sehun secretly grins when he saw Luhan’s wallpaper – it’s still their selca together when they all had a vacation out of town.

Sehun bursts out laughing but he thankfully placed the hair spa on the counter, “Jesus Christ, Jongin is such a ing fail.” He falls on the sofa laughing, clutching his stomach, “Krystal should know this.” He whipped his phone out from his pocket and quickly types.

Luhan walks next to him and pulls his phone from the latter’s hand, he ends up guffawing next to Sehun.

“What the hell happened?” Minseok asked, raising an eyebrow at the two.

“Jongin fell asleep during their date.” Luhan answers, trying to calm down his laughter.

Baekhyun and Chanyeol looks at each other first before bursting into fits of laughter with Minseok, “Kris will fire Jongin oh my gosh.” Baekhyun says, wiping the tears from the rim of his eyes.

“Poor .” Chanyeol mumbles, his laughter finally dying down.

Sehun suddenly bursts into another fit of laughter, “Jongin is so so dead. You don’t mess with Krystal’s baby.”

“Wait guys Kyungsoo left the cinema without waking Jongin up!” Luhan says almost incoherent because he’s laughing too hard.

“Tomorrow will be an epic day. I’m so looking forward to it.” Baekhyun grins, “Don’t you guys think we should head home?”

“Oh yeah…” Sehun turns to look at his hyung, “Luhan hyung?”

“I’ll just fetch my stuff!” Luhan says and quickly darts to get his pack from the back room.



Luhan and Sehun quietly walk down the street. They didn’t utter any word on the way to the restaurant Sehun has been saying but it’s ok, it’s comfortable and nothing near to awkward.

“Welcome to the place where I always eat my dinner.” Sehun says as he pushes open the door to a ramen shop, “They make the best ramen in town. Believe me.”

“Isn’t that unhealthy?” Luhan asks quirking up an eyebrow because too much noodles destroy kidneys and it worries him, “Oh Sehun…” he frowns, making cute creases on his forehead.

Sehun awkwardly smiles and pulls his hyung in the room taking a table in the center of the shop, “Ahjussi, we’ll take two big bowls of your special ramen!” he says to the man who’s approaching him. The man smiles fondly and says, “Coming!” before making his way back to the window.

“I’ll seriously teach you how to eat like a normal person.” Luhan mumbles, making the younger chuckles, and damn, isn’t that so cute?

The two bowls of ramen came just after fifteen minutes; Sehun runs his tongue on his bottom lip that always made the elder gape at him. Thank the gods, he didn’t notice.

They both picked up the spoon and chopsticks lying on their table and started to slurp the noodles.

“This is delicious,” Luhan says after a mouthful of noodles, “But still, you cant eat this every night!”

Sehun chuckles, “But you have to give me dinner!”

The elder grunts, “Fine.”



The next day, everyone is in deep silence when Jongin came. He sighs knowing that they knew.

“Oh, did someone pee on you?” Sehun asks as a greeting to his friend.

Jongin huffs and stomps on his way to the staff room. He comes out, tying his apron, “I messed up…”

“Big time.” The boys say in unison with Luhan and Baekhyun rolling their eyes while the rest snickers.

“Thanks for the comfort guys. I really appreciate it.” Jongin deadpans.

The bell by the door chimes, getting everyone’s attention. Minseok smiled brightly.

“Yixing! Good morning!” the said man smiles prettily and oh, did Minseok’s heart tripped?

“Morning Minseok.” He greets back and looks at the guys who starts gathering around him, “Hello guys. I’m Zhang Yixing.”

Luhan and Tao greet him in chinese and says something like, “Welcome to our family! Another addition to the china line!”

Kris also enters and rolls his eyes as if he’s seeing a reunion of long lost family member, “Super warm guys. Great job.” He says sarcastically and also greets Yixing in chinese before proceeding to his office.

“…Urgh Kyungsoo, I woke up early just for you so get your in here.” A girl’s voice grunts, it’s Krystal, while pulling Kyungsoo in like a man. Everyone freezes momentarily making Yixing confused.

“What’s happening?”

“Jongin slept on his date,” he points at Kyungsoo with his puckered lips, “That guy.”

“Wow, that’s such a big move.” Yixing mumbles. Baekhyun heard this and laughs softly, muttering an ‘exactly’.

Krystal is wearing one of Kyungsoo’s yellow sweaters, its hood pulled over her head to cover her bare face. The red hair girl throws Jongin a dirty look, “You, you’re in a deep, big Jongin.” She says dangerously under her breath, making the said guy cringe. “Guys, can you please help Kyungsoo change? He chose to watch movies till four in the morning.”

Kyungsoo pulls his wrist away from Krystal, “I can do it on my own.” He mumbles before heading to the staff room, not even sparing Jongin a glance.

“Uh-oh.” Everyone scrambles away, before Jongin can hide, the girl already pulled him by the collar.

“So Jongin, tell me, why did you sleep on your first date?

“The movie was boring.”

“Who chose it?”


Krystal’s eyes flared, “What the actual… What movie is it?”

“Some chick flick.”

“Oh god bless you . Man, I cant believe you just did that!” Krystal’s flaring eyes turned into a serious expression, “If you don’t get Kyungsoo early. , I’ll marry him…”


“You know our parents are thinkers.”

Jongin sighed, “Help me.”


“Help me set up our second date? And I promise not to sleep again?”

Krystal sighed and plays with the silver wing piercing on her ear, “Well… fine. Make sure you wont fall asleep this time ok?”

Jongin nods with a grin on his face, “I will.” He raised an eyebrow as he stares at the girl’s newly pierced ear, “You pierced your ear again.”

“Cool huh. Kyungsoo helped me last night.”

“He shouldn’t be spoiling you.”

“He loves me,” Krystal shrugs with a small grin on her face, “, I’ll be going. Apologize ok?”

Jongin sighed and looks at Kyungsoo who’s lying on the sofa. He walks over to the elder and sits beside him.


“ off. Im pissed.” He says and turns to cover his face.

“Kyungsoo hyung, I’m sorry—“

“you should be..”

“—I want to make it up to you. Please go out with me. Again.”

Kyungsoo opens an eye, “Huh?”

“I promise not to fall asleep again.”

“Fine,” the elder grunts, “Now, get yourself useful and let me use your lap as a pillow. Ppali.”

Jongin obliges immediately with a -eating grin on his face.

“I thought Kyungsoo will ignore him the whole day.” Jongdae murmurs quietly beside Sehun at the counter, watching the soon-to-be couple.

“They’re in love, what do you expect?” Luhan pipes up, leaning against the counter waiting for a customer to come.

“Too early for grease…” Tao sighs and heads to Kris’ office.

“Hey Lu hyung,” Sehun starts absent-mindedly, staring blankly outside the salon’s window, “are your free this Saturday night?”


“He’s asking you out on a date, idiot.”

“We can watch that movie you want and have dinner?” Sehun continues.

Luhan doesn’t know if Sehun is mad or drunk or asleep, he just stood there not doing anything but to gape at the younger. Finally, Sehun looks at him with his usual straight face, “I’m serious. I’m asking you out. On a date.”

“I-I… Yes.” Luhan finally smiles. Minseok whistles gleefully beside the youngest.

Sehun grins widely, “see you at eight pm yeah?” Luhan nods and the young man stalk away – like there are springs underneath his sneakers – to welcome their first customer of the day.



“So, have you planned anything for your date?” Baekhyun asks through the noise of the hair blower he’s holding.

“I haven’t planned anything really.”

“What the actual . Kid, you must prepare! You just have two days to prepare!”

“I’m sorry, ok? I’m totally inexperienced.”

Baekhyun turns off the hair blower and puts both of his hand on his waists, an eyebrow raised with his most judgmental look he can muster, “Why are you guys are so dumb with dates? You need any help?”

Sehun sighed, brushing the hair out using a fluffy brush from the customer’s shoulder, “I want this to be perfect.”

“I’ll take that as a yes. You, me, later after work. Idiots need orientation.” He says with a gleeful grin and continues his work.


Luhan was meaning to ask Sehun to have lunch together, but when Baekhyun saw him approaching the young man, he quickly pulls him away making Luhan confused.

When Luhan was about to talk to Sehun when they’re free, Baekhyun immediately calls the latter to get him the tube of Xtenso from the stock rack and the L’Oreal copper blonde hair color. 

Luhan seats helplessly on the spa section with Yixing, who is gleefully talking away with Minseok and Joonmyun.

“What’s wrong? Someone got your boyfriend?” Minseok asks as he busily pours a good amount of the peach scented foot cream on his hand.

“Baekhyun snatches him everytime, every ing time whenever I’m about to talk to him.”

He didn’t notice the mischievous grin in Minseok’s eyes, “Ah so you don’t deny that Sehunnie is your boyfriend?” he asks making Joonmyun laugh.

“He’s not!”

“Yet.” Jongdae adds who is now seated next to Joonmyun. He leans his head against the latter’s shoulder, snuggling a little, failing to see the faint blush on Joonmyun’s face and how his body got suddenly rigid at the radius of their closeness.

“Shut up, Jongdae.” Luhan huffs and crossed his arms against his chest.


“What’s under your sleeve hyung?” asks Sehun while arranging the newly delivered Matrix and Bed Head products on the shelf. He cant really understand why ignoring Luhan is part of the plan.

“Oh just to spice up.” Answers his hyung with an enthusiastic grin plastered on his face as he watches Luhan sulk in the corner. “Believe me, it’s fun.”

Sehun can only sigh and places the last bottle of L’Oreal professionel on the rack before he can hit his hyung’s face using the bottle. “I hope you know how much I hate you right now.”

“Yes I know sweetie but you’ll still need me for your date.” says Baekhyun with a sickly sweet voice and a smile.

“Urgh why are you right.” Sehun rolls his eyes and walks away before he could really punch the latter on the face or anywhere just to cause casualties.


It’s unusual for Jongdae to completely stop talking even it’s just for five minutes. It’s because he’s thinking about Joonmyun.

No it’s not a first; it was one of too many thoughts of Joonmyun and his heart warming eye smiles and caring, sweet voice.

When he’ll ask Joonmyun out? No one knows. He doesn’t even know himself.

“Jesus Christ I’m out of my mind.” Jongdae inwardly wails, he resorts into smelling the Apple Blossom body mist he always bring with him to calm his in-havoc brain before he goes to something worst.


“We got everything alright,” Baekhyun mumbles as he and Sehun scans through their check list before they go to the cashier, “The ingredients, snacks, romantic stuff and the DVDs are all in your house so problem solve! Well, not really…” the elder gives his body a once over before letting out tsks, “New outfit. Call someone you trust.”

Sehun nods and got someone in his mind immediately, “Krystal.”

“Nice choice, man.” Baekhyun grins.

They left all the stuffs they bought back in Sehun’s apartment before returning to work, they cant afford blowing up the surprise. The duo are five minutes late but no one really pays attention so they head to their work casually.

“Taozi, tell Kris I’ll be out early yeah?” he says to the man standing next to him, busy looking through the collection of combs lined on the table.

“Why?” asks the latter without sparing Sehun a glance.

“I’ll be out with Krystal.”

“That’ll be controversial bro.”


“Don’t worry; I’ll keep my mouth shut.” Tao grins.

“I trust you like how I trust Jongin, man. Thanks.”

“I’m offended.”

Sehun only gives him a wide smile, a smile that pisses Tao effectively before walking away.

Minseok gives his poor friend, Luhan, a company alongside with Yixing. He would normally just ignore the incessant whining of his friend but Yixing, the ever so nice guy, decided to consult Luhan.

“Why is he ignoring me?” Luhan asks for the nth time today, Yixing only pats him on the head tells him to just wait for the other to talk to him. “Wait, where the hell is he going? Without telling me?

“He said he’ll be out with Krys— woops.” Tao exits immediately before Luhan explodes.

Luhan, with a determined expression on his face, strips off his black work apron and pulls Baekhyun with him who pulls Chanyeol too before storming out the salon. He’s actually going to pull Kyungsoo, but he’s busy slaving Jongin so he chose another one.

“What the hell. Luhan hyung! Where are we—“

“I’m going to investigate Sehun.”

“don’t you mean going to stalk,” Chanyeol says from behind.

“Shut up.”

They followed Sehun till the shopping district of the town; he stopped at a boba tea shop to meet up with Krystal. Luhan observes the two and thankfully, there is no funny business yet.

After ordering two large cups of their own drinks, the two head off to American Eagle.

Luhan pulls the couple behind a bush and watches Sehun and Krystal intently.

“We look stupid.” Baekhyun mutters, “This is not necessary.”

“It is so!”

Baekhyun only rolled his eyes and pulls his phone out from his pocket. He presses Sehun’s contact number from his phone book to call him.

“Yo, kid.” He starts, putting him on loud speaker.


“I forgot to remind you that you cant trust anyone in the salon because apparently, someone’s jealous,” he says with a large grin, “We all know that Krystal is your high school crush man.”

“Baekhyun, can you not—“

“Wait is Luhan with you guys?”

“Is he your boyfriend?” a female employee asked, Baekhyun and the other two clearly heard it from the other line, which Krystal answered with a playful ,”yes” making Luhan pissed down to his very core.

“Alright, that’s it.” Luhan stands up and dusted off his pants. The couple tries to stop him from going but the elder is surprisingly strong so they finally let him go.

“Oh Sehun!”

Baekhyun and Chanyeol exchanged looks before shrugging with a small laugh.

Chanyeol takes Baekhyun’s small hand in his; squeezing it softly, “Let’s go back?”

“Yeah, Kris might castrate us or something.” Baekhyun answers with a smile, “But, can we buy Mcdo take outs first? My treat!”

“First time hearing that from you,” Chanyeol chuckles earning him a slap on the chest, “Kidding, baby.” He grins before kissing his lover’s temple.

Krystal fled to the staff room before she can face Luhan’s wrath. A man in love, when jealous, is not pleasant to talk to specially if you’re the reason of why he’s jealous.

“Girlfriend, huh. High school crush, huh.” Luhan has his arms folded against his chest, his foot tapping against the clean floor of the store as he looks at Sehun with an intimidating stare.

Sehun sighed and pulls the older out of the store by the hand, “Krys was just joking, you know that girl.” He answers, “We should get back to work.”

“What are you doing with her then!”

“I’m just helping her pick out clothes for her date with Taemin,” he says, carefully slotting his fingers in between Luhan’s, “you know, Jongin’s potential boyfriend.” Sehun jokes and slightly laughs.

Luhan sighed, he has his shoulders drooped down pathetically, “I’m sorry.”

“You don’t have to, it’s ok. At least I know you’re concerned.” Sehun grins, “and why are you that jealous?—

“I’m not jealous!”

“—you should be jealous if I do love Krystal.”

“Don’t you?”

“Of course not. I wouldn’t have asked you out you know.”

Luhan has all the rights to melt right then and there. It’s an indirect confession but it had his heart go on hyper drive.

He loves me oh my daisies.



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> finally done (well, actually yesterday)! i dont think i established the story right urgh.. but thanks for the support!


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Ooooh I love this! Just really love this kind of fic! But wondering why it only has few votes.. come on guys! Don't be such a meanie.. I know you like it, a-ah don't deny it! Just click the upvote button already!
I enjoyed this~~ KAISOO AND BAESOO LIKE I SPAZZED ALL OVER YOU. XDDDD <3 <3 //throws hearts