
J vs J




They both knew they forgot something important the day they visited the bookstore. The realization hit them, however, the next day as they sat in class and the teacher directed the students to take their books out. Jimin looked back at Jeongguk with a piercing stare that implied a message along the lines of this is your fault. Jeongguk hit him right back with a glance that only muttered, passively, no it wasn't... and he was right, seeing as Jimin was the one who got unreasonably upset at the boy for being noticed by a female they were both oddly interested in. After class Jimin caught up with Jeongguk, who was trying to get to the bookstore alone, and scolded him for leaving him behind.

“We still have to get that book from the bookstore idiot!”, Jimin joked, knowing that Jeongguk was already headed that way.

Jeongguk however had no clue Jimin knew the sly get away he was trying to pull and badly mustered out a, “O-oh! Right, we should go right now!”


er. Jeongguk thought quietly to himself.

Jesus, he has gotten worse at acting Jimin also thought to himself, wearing a casual satisfied smile across his face.

They both felt weird about thinking this to themselves, it already seemed as if they had something against each other, even though it didn't put a strain on their relationship yet they needed to get to the bottom of the issue going on within themselves. They never brought it up however, they were too embarrassed to say what they were feeling, even though they both felt the same.


Testing Jeongguk, Jimin casually muttered, “I wonder if that one girl is working today...”

“Who cares.” Jeongguk replied, not wanting to deal with Jimin's pride right now. “Jeez. Weren't you in love with her yesterday?” Jimin continued, prying even deeper. Jeongguk only sighed and side eyed his friend. Jimin took the hint and changed the subject.

Even though they were speaking about something not related to the girl at the book store they both became more and more anxious with each step, wondering if the girl really would be working today.


“Hello! Welcome to Half Price Books!” A males voice beamed as the two walked in.

Damn... Jimin thought to himself, feeling dismay at the absence of the female from the day before. Meanwhile, Jeongguk, on the other hand, let out a soft sigh of relief.

Don't have to deal with Jimin's stupid tactics today he thought feeling a wave of satisfaction flow through his body

“What can I help you two with?” another male voice called out from behind the two boys. Turning to see another employee, Asian, with striking features, and orange hair. His name plate read Taehyung and he wore glasses, and a sweater that looked a tad too big for him.

“Uh. We..... we're looking for a book” Jimin stammered scanning the room looking around the room for any sign of the female from the day before.

“You don't say?” Taehyung sarcastically replied, “You mean you didn't come to a book store for groceries?” earning himself a side eye from the man he was talking to. “Obviously not.” Jimin heaved back, giving up on searching for the girl.

“Do you know where we can find a book called 'Multicultural Literary Communities'.... volume five?” Jeongguk asked before Taehyung could add one more snarky comment. Taehyung in turn averted his gaze from Jimin and with a much kinder demeanor answered, “Yes! Let me go grab that for you!” and then quickly scurried off.

“What was his problem...” Jimin sneered while reaching for a book on display.

“What was yours? Obviously we're here for a book!” Jeongguk quietly responded though gritted teeth.

“I was busy, I wasn't paying attention to my words!” Jimin explained while scanning through the children's book in his hands.

“Busy?!” Jeongguk spat back, “Busy doing what? Standing? Breathing? Chewing gum? You can't multitask? Or can you only do one thi-”


“Have you two been helped?” A voice interrupted causing the two boys to jolt a bit and quickly look in the direction of the voice.

Both of the boys eyes widened and suddenly became completely silent. It was the female from the previous day.

“Yeah Ness! I'm helping them.” Taehyung remarked walking up behind the two boys with two copies of the book Jeongguk asked for.

“Oh, alright. I'll get things ready so we can close in a bit.” She casually replied before walking off.

“Ness...” Jeongguk softly muttered under his breath.

“What about her?” Taehyung demanded.

. Jeongguk thought, kicking himself internally for saying her name about loud.

“Nothing! I was-” Jeongguk stuttered in a panic.

“What's it to ya?” Jimin suddenly snapped.

“Jeez. I was just asking a question” Taehyung surrendered.

“We're not here to answer questions!” Jimin sassed.

“And I'm not here to be sassed by you!” the orange haired boy replied

“Okay, listen here Hayley Williams, what can you tell us about Ness?” Jimin retorted, leaving Taehyung at a loss. “We...ll what do you want to know? Or... more importantly why do you ask?” Preparing to give Taehyung a complete and incredibly descriptive recap of what had happened in the past 24 hours, Jimin opened his mouth to deliver a sloppy mess of words. Before he could manage to get a word out Jeongguk covered his mouth, “No reason, if you don't mind I'd like to buy these books now!” Taehyung marrowed his eyes suspiciously and began to nod as if he was confirming his own thoughts, “You two have something for her don't you?” The two boys adamantly denied the orange haired boys accusations saying how ridiculous and farfetched Taehyung's predicitions are.

“Good.” Taehyung remarked, “Liking someone you don't even know-- that would be weird.” “So weird!” Jimin added.

“Insane!” Jeongguk agreed.

“Besides...” Taehyung continued, looking to cause a reaction in the two naïve customers, “she already has a boyfriend.”

“WHAT?!” Jimin blurted causing Jeongguk to face palm. Well our cover is blown.

“I knew it!” Taehyung beamed, “you two are better off just forgetting about her, she wouldn't like people like you two. She needs someone like me. Someone who actually, ya know, speaks to her!” he teased.

“Actually,” a voice interrupted, shifting the boys eyes to the cash register only to see Ness standing there with a satisfied smile, “I don't need any of you.” The three men stood baffled, completely quiet, and at a complete loss.

“Anyway-- I finished closing things up, the cash register is unlocked so you two can buy those books and never come back.” She continued, “I'll be going now!” and with that, she walked out the door.

“I... didn't see that coming” Jeongguk muttered eyes widened.

“I feel... like I've been shot in the heart...” Jimin said, holding his hand over his chest.

“Frick, it's going to be awkward now” Taehyung added in, looking over to the two pathetic boys standing next to him. “I should probably quit anyway I'm so done with this job.... do you guys want to start a boyband?”




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Anditwasallyellow #1
Absolutely spectacular!
nessoppar #2
wow what a story wow wOW w0000w maybe you should write another chapter wow potential wow beautiful wow i believe in u wow (it's been two months)