
J vs J



   That Jeongguk kid really is something else I swear. Jimin thought to himself, blankly going through the motions of finishing up his homework. He has the nerve to go after the same girl as me. He honestly gets in my way, there is no way he could swoon her the kid doesn't even seem as if he's passed though puberty, in fact is he even at the age where he likes girls? Despite his attempts at focusing on his homework, Jimin couldn't stop thinking back to the seemingly fascinating cashier from the bookstore. He couldn't get a grip.


   “She was really alluring.” Jeongguk added, telling his friend Hoseok about the girl from the bookstore. “She had brown hair, it was kind of wavy but I don't remember that much, I didn't look at her much. I didn't want to creep her out.” As he told the story he couldn't help but to feel plagued at the fact Jimin admitted to thinking she was attractive as well, after all Jeongguk respected Jimin and he didn't want to duel it out, or even worse share.



   Earlier that day Jimin and his confidante of sorts, Jeongguk, visited their local bookstore, (forcefully if we're being honest, those two would never go to one intentionally but they had to get books for class). Upon entering the humble store they were half heartedly greeted by the female worker seated behind the cash register. Her gaze wasn't even directed at the two boys, instead she sat there typing away on her iPhone 5. The two boys looked over in the direction of the voice and without missing a beat Jeongguk took a sharp right into the closest aisle, leaving his friend behind. Jimin didn't have the same impulse as Jeongguk however, and instead straightened out his clothing as he smoothly slid closer and closer to the front desk. He walked closer to the girl, planning to get as close as possible to her but without actually saying anything. He planned to look at the books on display beside the cash register, and as he passed her by the threw her the slightest grin, but to his dismay she was not watching his boastful stride and was instead far more interested at her own reflection on her phone than his prideful strut.

   Jeongguk however watched the whole ordeal from behind a bookshelf, trying with every fiber of his being to not laugh. This guy is so full of himself! He thought, hand covering his mouth. Jeongguk then averted his gaze from the show his friend put on and directed it in the direction of the cashier. Her brown wavy hair didn't allow him to get a good peek at her from the angle he was at, since she was looking down at her phone that is. Regardless he couldn't help but think stupid thoughts and he was flying, mentally, out of reality. Suddenly, the female looks up in Jeongguk's direction and their eyes met, causing Jeongguk to snap back into reality and make a bit of a scene while doing so too. In a sloppy attempt to cover up his stalker-ish actions he randomly picked a book out and pretended to be drawn into it. , act normal. He thought to himself, but he was just making things worse for himself.

   “Uh, can I help you?” the cashier asked Jeongguk, with a tinge of confusion in her voice.



   “O-oh, no! I am just browsing.” Jeongguk replied, almost completely tripping his own words.

   Well what the is this?! Jimin thought to himself, feeling displeased at the fact she wasted her breath on asking Jeongguk if he needed any help. Quickly dropping the boring textbook he was searching for pictures in Jimin grabbed Jeongguk from his elbow and dragged him out of the store.

   “Hey, what was that?! Did you forget how to talk? I know you're young but I'm pretty sure you're old enough to know how to talk!?”

   “Oh piss off you act like you're so much older than me!” Jeongguk spat back, “and not like you're any better, what the hell was that stupid limp you had in there? I'm pretty sure you're old enough to know how to walk!”


   Jimin gasped, “Oh you take that back, that was cool and you know it. Don't be mad because I can impress the ladies.”

   Before he could laugh, Jeongguk made a realization and suddenly became quiet, “Did you... like her?”

  “Uh, well... perhaps, what of it?”


Jeongguk didn't reply, but his silence spoke.


“Wait. No! No! Hey you stop there I call dibs!” Jimin quickly stammered.

“Does she look like the passenger car seat to you? You can't just call dibs on someone you don't even know like that!” Jeongguk replied, laughing at his childish hyung.

“O-okay? Sorry?” Jimin replied, realizing she wasn't just some kind of property to be claimed.

“Besides, a girl like that probably wouldn't like a guy like you” Jeongguk replied slyly.

“What's that supposed to mean?”

“Girls who work at bookstores don't seem to be into guys who go about picking up ladies like you.”

"We'll just see about that." Jimin replied a little disheartened, "Anyway. Let's go."


And with that, the two boys made their way back to their homes. Both thinking back on the girl they saw at the bookstore, and the fact that they both had a fixation on her.

Both knowing this could end up really bad.






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Anditwasallyellow #1
Absolutely spectacular!
nessoppar #2
wow what a story wow wOW w0000w maybe you should write another chapter wow potential wow beautiful wow i believe in u wow (it's been two months)