Life Moves On

Sailor Mato

WARNING: I did a double update so make sure you read chapter 31 before you read this!!


            The birds were chirping and there was a gentle breeze which rocked the wind chimes making the temple seem peaceful and relaxing to its visitors. It was a place Himchan was quite familiar with though so he did not stare at the surroundings like most of the other visitors. He made his way to the fortune box and smiled down at it as he reminisced.

            “Let’s see how you are now.” Himchan muttered as he wiggled his hand around inside the box before pulling out a paper. “Many things await you in your future? How generic…” Himchan shook his head.


            Himchan looked over at the person who called him. He smiled politely. “It’s been a long time.”

            Daehyun’s grandfather smiled sadly as he walked closer. “Yes, it has… have you seen Daehyun recently?”

            Himchan’s smile faltered and he looked down. “Recently?”

            The older man sighed and twisted the towel in his hands. “It has been quite some time since we last saw him… well any of those boys for that matter. I just wish we knew where Daehyun was and if he was okay.”

            “I’m sure Daehyun is in a better place, one where he feels truly loved and cared for.” Himchan sighed.

            Daehyun’s grandfather pursed his lips and looked away. “Perhaps we didn’t raise the boy correctly… it is something I may regret the rest of my life. And who will I pass the temple onto now? I have no other grandchildren.”

            “Perhaps it is time to hire some interns.” Himchan suggested.

            “You may be right.” The older man sighed.

            Himchan smiled tightly. “I must be going now…”

            “Ah, of course! Thank you for still blessing us with your patronage.” The older smiled as Himchan began to walk away.

            Himchan walked down the temple steps and looked right to see the bus stop. It was a strange feeling having the past and present collide like this. Himchan smiled at the difficult but good memories before continuing his walk.

            Being one of those weird days one gets when life is changing, Himchan felt the need to walk the streets instead of taking the bus and rush back to his life. Not feeling like he was in any hurry, Himchan walked slow and browsed in every window while thinking back on old memories of a time that seemed so far away, back when they had still been fighting evil. Himchan frowned at the horrible memories of killing, glad he no longer had to do that.

            “Excuse me?”

            Himchan stopped and smiled at the store owner who had come out to speak with him. “Hello, Sir.”

            “It has been awhile since I’ve seen you around here. The piano misses you.”

            Himchan laughed at the music store owner’s comment. “I suppose I’ll have to come play soon.”

            The grey haired man smiled. “That would be lovely. Ah! I was wondering about your younger friends though. I haven’t seen them… could it perhaps be exam season for them?”

            “No, I’m sure they are dancing together, wherever they are.” Himchan said fondly.

            “Well, it isn’t like I should expect them to come in every month but after a while one starts to wonder. They didn’t start using another store did they?”

            “I wouldn’t worry about that.”’         

            “Probably just waiting for their next allowance then.” The old man chuckled. “I hope to see you all soon then.”

            Himchan waved and continued on his way. It wasn’t like Himchan didn’t walk this street often but for some reason today he was being assaulted by all the old memories. Himchan stared fondly as he passed the florist shop Yongguk used to work at and saw Youngjae’s parents arguing at the café he first went to with Key and Jonghyun. Himchan shook his head and hurried along as he heard the two adults talking about where they went wrong with their son.

            ‘It’s amazing how things have changed, how the world is so different to me now since I fought that battle, yet no one knows. Everyone else continues to live life the same as they always have.’ Himchan thought with a sigh.

            Himchan was tired, from both the intense studying he had been doing and the spontaneous trip down memory lane. Eventually he found himself in front of an apartment building, one which he would have to become acquainted with. He stepped into the elevator and almost laughed when he realized why the song sounded so familiar. ‘Definitely going to ask the owner if we can change that… reminds me too much of the castle.’

            He stepped out and headed to the door with the number 407 on it. He rummaged through his pockets until he pulled out the key and unlocked the door.

            “Surprise!” A chorus of voices yelled.

            Himchan laughed as he took in the scene of confetti, balloons, and the mess he knew he would have to clean up. “What are you guys doing?”

            “What are you talking about?” Key asked walking up to Himchan. “It’s your house warming party for your new apartment!”

            Himchan rolled his eyes. “I know that, but why did you all scream surprise?”

            “Oh, that was Zelo’s idea.” Jonghyun nudged the taller boy.

            “It sounded fun!” Zelo smiled.

            Himchan laughed and grabbed a drink from Daehyun before walking over to Yongguk and planting a kiss on his cheek. He hugged the older man tight as he surveyed the room. Daehyun and Youngjae were on the couch eating each other snack food while Jongup and Zelo were talking to Key and Jonghyun about their college lives.

            Yongguk kissed Himchan’s temple. “You okay?”

            Himchan nodded. “It’s been a weird day.”

            Yongguk hugged Himchan back protectively. “I know… it’s been a year to the day.”

            Himchan closed his eyes and leaned into Yongguk, glad he understood. “Yet none of the people outside, not even Key or Jonghyun, know what we did—what we all sacrificed.”

            “Yet we all came back alive thanks to you.” Yongguk said.

            “I’ve got a question!” Key stood up. “How can you guys live in this place?”

            Jonghyun hummed in agreement. “It is hard to all six of you are going to live together. Isn’t a place this big apartment hard to afford?”

            Jongup smiled. “I like living with everyone! And the expenses aren’t too bad.”

            “Nope! Jongup and I use our parents’ money, or I guess in Jongup’s case inheritance, to help pay the bills.” Zelo was hanging off of Jongup as usual.

            “I’m working part-time at a record studio.” Yongguk smiled proudly. “It pays much more than the florist and I might actually get my music out on an album soon.”

            “So proud of you.” Himchan whispered as he hugged Yongguk fiercely.

            “Youngjae and I are working at the arcade in town.” Daehyun said.

            “Yeah, I also tutor though, thankfully all the practice with you lot paid off.” Youngjae sighed but then winked playfully.

            Himchan shrugged. “You guys know I found a job on campus.”

            Key nodded. “Where you are studying to be a psychologist… I never would have guessed.”

            “Don’t forget he is double majoring in music!” Jonghyun chuckled. “Seriously, you changed so much in our last year of high school.”

            Himchan forced a laugh. “Yeah, well… I guess I had to force myself to grow up.”

            Key sighed. “Sometimes I miss the self-centered Himchan.”

            Everyone laughed and made jokes about how Himchan really was still self-centered he just hid it better. Himchan stuck his tongue out at Daehyun who was making most of the comments.

            “So, you two are almost out of high school… any ideas for a career path?” Jonghyun asked, still chuckling from before.

            Daehyun shrugged. “I haven’t quite decided, but the year isn’t over yet.”

            Youngjae smiled. “I’ve decided to become a video game designer.”

            “I’m sure your parents didn’t take that one too well.” Key commented.

            “One of the reasons why I’m not living at home anymore. I had to stick up for myself.” Youngjae smiled and casted a glance at Himchan before nodding at what Key was saying about hard work paying off.

            “Oh, Yongguk!” Zelo said from across the room. “Do you think you could help me make a dance track?”

            “Sure thing. When do you need it?” Yongguk answered.

            “Next month! Jongup and I are planning on competing in that huge dance competition.” Zelo smiled proudly.

            Himchan whistled. “That is going to require a lot of work.”

            “I wouldn’t worry too much.” Key smiled. “From what I hear Moon&Zelo already have a huge following.”

            “It feels so weird how life is just moving on like nothing happened.” Himchan said quietly.

            Yongguk nuzzled into Himchan. “Our past shows us how we shouldn’t take the present for granted. We have to live our lives to the fullest.”

            Himchan smiled. “Those philosophy classes are really getting to you.”

            Yongguk chuckled. “I do rather enjoy them.”

            Jonghyun moaned as he stood up from the couch and stretched. “Well, Key and I better get going. His mom wants to have dinner together.”

            Key groaned. “Why does she always schedule these dinners?”

            “Just to torture you.” Jonghyun teased. “We’ll see you guys around!”

            The boys all shouted their goodbyes before Himchan slowly closed the door behind them.

            “Hey Himchan, did you remember to go by my grandparents’ temple on your walk?” Daehyun asked.

            “Yeah.” Himchan scoffed. “You should visit, I think they miss you.”

            “I’m sure.” Daehyun rolled his eyes. “More likely that I told them I didn’t want to take over the temple… what does your fortune say?”

            Himchan shrugged before passing it to Daehyun. “It’s generic.”

            Daehyun read it quickly and laughed. “Yeah, I think they just want me back so that their fortunes will be popular again… thanks again for letting me crash at you house for so long, Jongup.”

            “No problem! It was nice to have someone else there.” Jongup smiled. “And now we all live together, so it will be awesome!”

            “Yeah, now none of us will ever be alone.” Youngjae patted Daehyun’s back. “We’ll stick together forever.”

            Himchan frowned and looked around. “Speaking of the group… where are the cats?”

            “They really don’t like it when you refer to them like that.” Zelo warned.

            Himchan rolled his eyes. “Then they should stay in their human form more often and start working.”

            “G-Dragon told me they were going to the Earth Kingdom and were going to try fixing the place up.” Yongguk chuckled. “I think they still want us to live there.”

            Himchan groaned. “Can you imagine that commute every day?”

            “You never know, it is possible we might live there in the future, or at least vacation there.” Jongup smiled. “No one knows what the future holds.”

            “Oh, but I do.” Daehyun smirked. He dashed to the couch and pulled a small box out from behind it. “I made us fortunes.”

            Zelo laughed. “Real fortunes?”

            “I’m not sure this is a good idea…” Yongguk frowned.

            Daehyun shrugged. “We survived a war; I don’t think our fortunes hold anything more terrible than that. Plus, I want to see if Himchan’s is still blank.”

            “Was it really blank though?” Jongup asked the group. “Or did it stand for what happened?”

            Himchan shrugged. “There was a lot that happened that day; many possibilities that could have changed the future. I think there was just too much that happened for the paper to work properly.”

            Youngjae groaned. “I’m so tired of talking about that day! Himchan, just pick a paper already so we can see what your future holds!”

            Himchan smiled but complied with his friend’s request. He swished his hand around in the box until he felt the need to pull one. “Oh! It isn’t blank.”

            “What does it say? What does it say?!” Zelo peered over Himchan’s shoulder.

            “You were born to rule but those with truly great power can do so without a throne.” Himchan laughed. “Looks like the future still expects a lot from me.”

            “That sounds so cool!” Zelo squealed. “I want to pull next!”

            “No, I want to go next!” Youngjae said, already putting his hand into the box.

            Himchan turned his head towards Yongguk who had a huge grin on his face. They met each other’s eye and just with a look they knew what the other was thinking. ‘Finally, we are together and we are living peacefully.’ Himchan thought and before he turned to observe the room again filled with some of his favorite people he mouthed ‘I love you,’ to the man he would finally be able to peacefully spend the rest of his life with.

A/N: And that is the end :/

Getting emotional... It finally ended... *pouts*

I really hope you all were able to enjoy it. Sorry if I scared you ^_^; 


I want to thank everyone who read this, commented, upvoted, and subscribed. I can't even begin to explain the feeling I got when I got notifications for new comments or new subscribers ^_^ I was always smiling~

I do welcome honest critics and criticism. Please tell me what you think I can improve on or what I should really never ever do again haha. This story was intially started so I could practice my description but then I got so into writing I think I forgot to describe things correctly :\ So yeah, tell me all your thoughts, don't hold back!


One last time, thank you for showing my story so much love! <3

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I'm really bummed I didn't get to work on it tonight T_T packing took longer than expected. Shooting for tomorrow!!


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Chapter 33: I love Sailor Moon and I love B.A.P! This was amazing - you kept me grinning all the way through with your characterization and humor.
Chapter 33: This story is so amazing. In this chapter, I really thought that Himchan was the only one who survived, thought prior to this chapter I already had a gut feeling that everyone will come back to life.
Enough of that. I really love this story. However, there are some chapters that somehow confusing (well actually not confusing, I just don't know the right term) like in one chapter, Yongguk's name in the past was Bangster but there is a scene that Hime called him Yongguk. Then the other is when Matoki is talking yet in narration he was already revealed as Yongguk, which I think or supposed not the right chapter yet to reveal who Matoki is. But other than that, it is really a wonderful story and I really really love it.
sdj2530 #3
Chapter 33: I love this book so cute but I think it could have been better if it was the other's pov
You_ #4
woah sldkdsfds
Chapter 33: *gives you a standing ovation* this was such an amazing story and I loved it so much...I was scared reading the last chapter I screamed outloud noooo not my babies she killed my babies lol but yayyyyy Himchan saved them all ahhh I'm Daehyun biased but Himchan was my favorite in this story cause he grew so much and was just amazing and the ending was perfect and I am gonna upvote this and bookmark it so I can read it over and over lol
Chapter 29: wow...just...this chapter really hit home for me and I understand exactly what Daehyun is feeling and why he reacted the way he did and I wish I had Himchan as my friend cause that would have made my life a lot easier growing he's hot hahahaha ok back to the story
Chapter 26: Damn you Daehyun!!! How dare you hurt my Youngjae??!! And omg I was squealing at the Banghim moments ok back to the story
Chapter 3: I am dying at Himchan lmfao too fabolous to be female hahahahaha
Just found out Sailor Moon was added to hulu...and it reminded me of this fic... so i'm back to read this again~ :D hope you don't mind ;)
Sorry got to comment now since I forgot my AFF password that day XD kkk~

Bahaha just imagining Gdragon and Top being a weird cat with hair could make me turn 360 degree on my bed XD it was ridiculous! Haha! XD maybe it would be funnier if you put a picture of black cat with GD's hair XD
Oh yeah that skirt thingy!! HAHAHA XD I JUST CAN'T GET OVER IT!
Specially when I thought about Dae wearing skirt lmao.. And that maknae!! Rawrrr wearing skirt is better for him? HAHAHA /fall off my bed/

The ending tho.. I thought some injured, but everyone died.. Well Himchan managed to make everyone back alive :') it was such a nice story and I just can't stop laughing! Srsly!! XD
You should try make another one like this.. Love it!