If You Are Going To Remodel Keep it Similar to What You Already Have

Sailor Mato

            Himchan had his hands tucked in his pockets as he walked up to Jongup’s apartment. He wasn’t at all surprised to see everyone already there staying outside instead of waiting for him and G-Dragon inside.

            Himchan sighed as grim faces stared back his own. “Well… are we ready?”

            “We should take this to the park.” Youngjae suggested.

            Himchan nodded and led the way. Their walk was silent, no arguments, no teasing, no complaints which is what usually what occurred. Instead they walked, holding onto the one they loved, either physically or in their thoughts.

            T.O.P jumped ahead and decided it was time to speak up. “Aren’t we being a bit gloomy?”

            “What’s there to be happy about?” Himchan asked for everyone.

            “Well… we found Tierra Negra’s hide out! Today we will finish this war! We should be rushing in bravely with hearts ready for battle!”

            “One of our teammates is being held captive and we don’t know if he is alive. The war will end today yes, but that doesn’t necessarily mean we will be the last ones standing. We are all being realistic here.” Himchan countered.

            “Yes, but—“

            “And who says we aren’t brave?” Daehyun spoke up. “It’s just five of us versus who knows how many yet we are still going in. Our hearts are ready for this fight and that’s why we are quiet.”

            “This might be our last time to walk this street together.” Zelo mumbled.

            “But we are going to fight the best we can to make sure we can walk it again.” Jongup smiled as he rubbed Zelo’s hand with his thumb.

            Youngjae sighed. “We need to think positive.”

            Himchan stopped, seeing as they were in the middle of the park. He turned around to face the Warriors. “Our main objective is to save Yongguk and take out as many of the enemy as we can. Let’s not worry about winning the war. If we have to retreat we’ll retreat, it won’t be loss.”

            Everyone nodded.

            Himchan unclipped the Mato Crystal and looked at his teammates. “Tats Mato Power!”

            “Joko Mato Power!”

            “Keke Mato Power!”

            “Dada Mato Power!”

            “The Warrior of Love, Toto Mato Power!”

            Himchan chuckled and shook his head even as he could feel the light changing him and bringing his power to the forefront. “Just couldn’t help yourself?”

            Zelo shrugged once they had transformed. “It’s how I always change.”

            “Jokomato, you said you knew where their base was?” Himchan asked, ignoring Zelo’s comment.

            “Yes,” Youngjae pulled out his mini laptop and showed the group. “It’s here.”

            “Okay, so we will use our combined power to teleport there.” Himchan said.

            “I don’t remember this from the past.” Jongup admitted.

            “Ah, the Sailor Teleport.” G-Dragon nodded his head in understanding.

            Himchan’s eye twitched. “Warrior Teleport, for the love of beauty why is it we are this far along yet you still slip up and call us Sailor Scouts?”

            G-Dragon groaned. “Is this really the appropriate time?”

            “Yes! How else will you remember unless I keep reminding you!?”

            “So I have to replace ‘sailor scout’ with warrior for everything now?” G-Dragon rolled his eyes.

            “Why weren’t you already?!” Himchan threw his hands up annoyed.

            “This is so complicated.” T.O.P groaned.

            “I will not have us going into battle if I know there is a possibility that we will be remembered as the sailor scouts.” Himchan crossed his arms.

            “Himchan, we don’t have time for this.” Youngjae stood there silently judging.

            “No no, he has a point.” Daehyun nodded along.

            “So… cats, what are we called?” Himchan glared down at them.

            G-Dragon rolled his eyes. “The Mato Warriors.”

            “Good, okay now we can do the Warrior Teleport.” Himchan ushered the boys to get into a circle.

           “You realize if you lose, the people on Tierra Negra will still call you the Sailor Scouts.” G-Dragon said dryly.

            “Again, does he really not believe in us?” Daehyun asked quietly.

            “I guess we can’t lose then, can we?” Himchan smirked. “You guys ready?”

            Himchan’s show of confidence had the rest of the Warriors smiling and feeling better about their upcoming battle.

            “Bring it on!” Daehhyun cheered.

            “I’ll show them the power of love!” Zelo joined in.

            “I don’t think that… yeah never mind.” Himchan shook his head. “Cats, are you coming?”

            “Well, I don’t—“

            “Yes.” T.O.P pushed G-Dragon into the middle of the circle.

            Himchan grabbed Daehyun and Jongup’s hands, showing the others to do the same with the people next to them. “Now just think of the place we saw on Youngjae’s monitor, you guys picturing it?”

            “Just hurry up!” Youngjae said irritably.

            Himchan smiled and closed his eyes as he began to recall the picture. “Alright, let’s do this.”

            Himchan pulled on the power from the crystal and the other boys’ used the power from their own gems until a rainbow of color encircled them. Blindingly bright light shone from beneath them. A gust of wind encased them as the colors twirled around them. Himchan felt his stomach drop, like he was going down the hill of a tall rollercoaster and then slowly the colored lights began to dim.

            When Himchan was sure they had arrived, he opened his eyes to survey their surroundings. Huge trees with dark green leaves filled the clearing they were in. Healthy grass and bright colored flowers of every variety littered the ground. The air was crisp and refreshing, just begging the boys to inhale deeply. It was not the type of place you would expect evil to live in, more like elves or fairies, as Himchan thought.

            “This looks like Earth… pretty Earth that hasn’t been tampered by humans.” Zelo said.

            “Did we not travel to the right place?” Daehyun asked Youngjae.

            Youngjae frowned as he tapped away at his computer. “No, this is the right place.”

            “So they had a base on Earth! Of course… that’s how they were able to attack us so often.” G-Dragon looked around curiously.

            “Which way to their base, Youngjae?” Himchan asked.

            “That way.” Youngjae pointed in a seemingly random direction.

            “Alright, stick close.” Himchan started walking while his eyes scanned the area.

            G-Dragon and T.O.P scouted ahead since they were the only ones who could blend into the wooded area. Youngjae took Himchan’s right side as he kept his map up directing them in which way to go, while Daehyun stood by Youngjae’s side watching the area. Jongup was on Himchan’s left and Zelo kept watch of their backs, ready for an attack at any moment.

            Soon enough the two cats were racing back to them, Himchan’s pulse picked up speed and his hands began to sweat, knowing that his meant a fight would be happening soon. From the corner of his eye he could see Youngjae nod and slip his computer into his pants’ pocket.

            “What did you find?” Himchan asked quietly as the cats returned.

            “A castle!” T.O.P said between panting.

            “It’s the Earth Kingdom.” G-Dragon explained in awe.

            “Earth Kingdom?” Zelo asked curiously.

            G-Dragon nodded. “Long ago Earth had its own kingdom but there was a huge conflict where—“

            “Get to the point that matters about us.” Himchan waved him on.

            G-Dragon huffed. “Fine, it appears that the people of Tierra Negra have taken over the castle.”

            “Okay… pretty much assumed that when you said there was a castle. Does knowing it belonged to someone else before help us at all?”

            “…no.” G-Dragon said tensely.

            “Did you happen to see how many guards there were? Or their security system?” Daehyun asked.

            G-Dragon looked at T.O.P who shook his head. “That would be another no.”

            Himchan rubbed his temples. “So you ran back as soon as you saw the castle?”

            “But it’s a huge castle!” T.O.P said. “I didn’t expect that.”

            “And where did you think they were staying? A mud house?” Himchan sighed. “Can you at least tell us if we are close?”


            “We are.” Youngjae answered. “That’s what my computer said at least.”

            “Right, well continuing on.” Himchan said before starting to walk again.

            “It is a really cool castle.” T.O.P mumbled.

            “Not as cool as Mato’s castle though.” G-Dragon huffed.

            “Maybe Himchan could take over this castle… he was royalty.”

            “Weren’t we all royalty?” Daehyun asked. “Shouldn’t we all get a castle?”

            “What is the point of having a castle if I can’t use it though?” Himchan asked. “Do you think everyone will just accept me as their King?”

            Zelo began laughing hysterically. “Himchan as King? I really don’t think anyone will go for that.”

            Himchan scowled. “You didn’t have to make it sound that bad.”

            “Guys! We are trying to sneak up on a guarded castle, remember?” Youngjae hushed them.

            They both stuck their tongues out at each other before getting back to their trek to the castle. Sooner than Himchan would have hoped, they made it to the edge of the forest. They peeked around the huge trees at the castle. It was beautiful like T.O.P said, but very simple.

            “It almost seems like they treated the huge field as part of the castle.” Youngjae observed as he pointed out a long table seated toward the side of the castle.

            Himchan nodded as he looked up. What that castle lacked in length it gained in height. Vines and moss covered the grey stones barely leaving spaces for windows. The surrounding area was clear though. Only a few smaller trees decorated the grounds, leaving the wide area covered in flowers open for activities, which they would never know. Himchan felt a ping of sadness, knowing that they would never know exactly how the people in the castle used to live or what they did.

            “I hope there are still some journals or detailed diaries in there.” G-Dragon’s tail wagged.

            Himchan rolled his eyes, seeing his own error. He shook his head and brought himself back to the present. “There aren’t any guards.”

            “I suppose they wouldn’t be expecting anyone to attack them here.” Youngjae tried to come up with an explanation.

            “So, how do we do this?” Zelo asked.

            “Do we just start attacking the castle from here?” Daehyun asked. “Take them by surprise?”

            Youngjae smacked the back on his head. “We are a little far.”

            “Why doesn’t G-Dragon just make us all invisible?” Jongup suggested.

            “How do you always come up with these good ideas?” Himchan ruffled his hair. “Well, G-Dragon?”

            Himchan saw the cat’s tail stop wagging and his ears lay flat against its head. “G-cat?”

            “There.” G-Dragon said. “I got us all. Let’s hurry though because I’m not sure how long I can hold it.”

            The boys began to run towards the castle, wasting no time. Himchan couldn’t help but smile at the two youngest who appeared to be trying to not step on any of the flowers which made their running somewhat erratic. Since he was watching Jongup and Zelo though, it wasn’t until Youngjae gasped that Himchan noticed the danger in front of him.

            Himchan skidded to a stop and stared down the two males standing in front of the castle doors. “G?” Himchan whispered.

            “I—“ G-Dragon shook his head.

            “Yes we can see you.” The boy with multicolored said.

            “Oh…” Himchan said simply.

            “I can see through magic.” The blonde haired boy who for some reason reminded Himchan of a panda smiled happily.

            The rainbow haired one nudged his ribs as if a reminder that they were supposed to act mean. He cleared his throat and glared. “I mean, you there, state your name and purpose.”


            The smiling one looked at the younger boy confused. “What?”

            “Listen rainbow and starstruck,” Himchan started. “We just want to see the castle.”

            “Oh, why didn’t you just say so—“

            “No, Tao that isn’t how this works. There is no way they came here just to tour the castle.”

            “Why not?” Himchan said. “It looks beautiful.”

            “Shut it, weirdo. I know who you are… it’s weird seeing you five as guys though.”

            “Who are they Sehun?” Tao asked.

            Sehun rolled his eyes. “This would be the—“

            “MATO WARRIORS!” Himchan shouted.

            A collective groan sounded from behind him.

            “What?! He knew anyhow!” Himchan defended.

            “The who—wait that is the Mato Crystal isn’t it?” Tao pointed at Himchan’s belt.

            Himchan placed his hand over it protectively. “Yes, it is.”

            “Sailor Mato!” Tao pointed in surprise.

            Himchan groaned and Jongup patted his back. “It was going to happen soon or later. But now it’s over we tell them our new name, then kill them so we can go home.”

            Himchan nodded. “I just don’t understand why anyone would want to be called Sailor Scouts… can someone explain what it even means?”

            Youngjae shook his head when Himchan looked at him. “No clue.”

            “Excuse me, but did you say kill us?” Sehun scoffed. “I don’t think so.”

            Himchan’s grip on the crystal tightened and light started to emit from it as he started to prepare himself for battle. The boys behind him were always tensing.

            “I suppose we will just have to see then, won’t we. You can always let us pass peacefully and no harm will come to you.” Himchan tried once more to let them stop.

            “Oh no, I’ve been waiting for this.” Sehun smirked.

            Tao punched his fist into his other hand. “This will be so much easier since you are guys now.”

            Himchan sighed. “Have it your way—“

            A man’s deep scream stopped Himchan, making him instead look up. “Yongguk…”

            “Go.” Daehyun pushed himself in front of Himchan.

            “What?! No, we do this together.” Himchan said.

            Youngjae stepped forward to be next to Daehyun. “Tatsmato, go. Kekemato and I will take care of things here.”

            “Guys, no.”

            “Enough already.” Sehun rolled his eyes and threw his arm out. A gust of wind threatened to knock the boys off their feet.

            Zelo grunted but snapped his fingers and twirled them, calling on his own wind which negated Sehuns. Himchan stumbled forward and Jongup grabbed him.

            “Come on, let’s go.” Jongup started running forward dragging Himchan with him.

            “But the team!” Himchan looked back sadly. It felt as if he was abandoning them.

            “Just go!” Youngjae shouted as he prepared to throw water at Tao who was standing there smiling.

            Himchan casted one last one look behind him to see Youngjae’s water turned to steam by Tao and Daehyun running up getting ready to start throwing punches while Zelo and Sehun were facing off. ‘I’m sorry… thank you.’ Himchan turned away and ran through the door with the two cats hot on his tail.

            “Tatsumato, which way?” Jongup asked.

            “I don’t know! We just left the one person who was good with directions outside.” Himchan looked around the huge entryway. He was feeling the adrenaline pump through him as he heard the pained screams and sounds of the elements being thrown around.

            G-Dragon cleared his throat to get the two warriors attention. “I suggest we use the stairs.”

            “Oh…right.” Himchan finally saw the stairs behind G-Dragon. “Makes sense since… Yongguk’s scream came from near the top…”

            “Time to run up the stairs!” Jongup led the charge.

            “Or,” T.O.P stopped them when they were already up five stairs. “We can use the elevator.”

            “Elevator?! This is a castle made out of stone how could there—oh look at that.” Himchan stood in astonishment.

            T.O.P was on the other side of the room standing in front of metal doors. A slight ding was heard, seemingly out of place with the current décor and the vicious fighting noises outside.

            “I vote elevator.” G-Dragon hopped down the stairs. Himchan looked at Jongup who shrugged and the boys changed direction heading for the elevator.

            When they reached the elevator the doors slid open and the boys calmly walked inside. Soft catchy elevator could be heard as the doors closed blocking out all the outside noise. Himchan looked at the three others and fiddled with his fingers.

            “So… what floor?” Jongup asked, standing in front of the control panel.

            “I uh… I think the top floor would be good.” Himchan said lamely.

            “So, 13.” Jongup pressed the button and slowly the elevator began to rise.

            “Funny, I thought it was 15 floors.” T.O.P said.

            “They must make you use stairs to get to the roof.” G-Dragon replied politely.

            “Ah, of course…”

            “Is anyone else finding it odd that an old castle has a brand new elevator?” Himchan asked.

            “They remodeled?” Jongup shrugged.

            “But… I might be taking a wild leap here but, is it not possible that they could trap us in here?” Himchan said.

            Immediately the atmosphere in the elevator grew heavy, despite the jazzy elevator music.

            “And you are only bringing this up now, why?!” G-Dragon hissed.

            “We are going to die in an elevator?!” Jongup shouted.

            “Curse Himchan’s laziness!” T.O.P cried out.

            “You are the one who suggested the elevator!” Himchan accused.

            “Jongup, hit the button to the next floor! We need to get off immediately.” G-Dragon screamed.

            Jongup pressed the button to the 10th floor as if his life depended on it, which it might have. The soft ding alerted them they arrived at the floor right before the elevator softly came to a rest. The shiny metal doors gracefully opened, barely making any noise.

            The two boys and the two cats burst out of the elevator without looking at the floor. The sound of evil laughter caught Himchan’s attention and he skidded to a halt.

            “Look here boys, looks like Topp Dogg will be rising in the ranks today.” A boy with a smirk said, talking to the group of boys standing behind him.

            “Back in the elevator.” Himchan grabbed Jongup’s shirt and started pulling him backward. Himchan was pushing the close door button vigorously.

            “Why won’t it shut any faster?!” G-Dragon screeched in fear.

            “Who suggested that we should get out of the elevator?!” T.O.P stood in the corner with all the hair on his back raised up.

            “I’m trying!” Himchan looked out again and saw that the mob was now halfway across the room.

            Suddenly, a huge object crashed through one of the windows and bowled into the group of enemies. Himchan sighed in relief, glad that the doors were finally shutting and the Topp Dogg crew was distracted.

            “Wait!” Jongup threw his hands in the way of the doors.

            “Jongup, why!?” Himchan asked.

            “That’s Totomato!” Jongup rushed out. “We have to help him!”

            “Oh beauty of all…” Himchan gulped as he saw Zelo’s condition.

            Jongup was throwing lightning bolts left and right keeping the Topp Doggs away from his precious boyfriend who was badly injured. Zelo had blood running down his face and it looked like he was having a hard time opening one of his eyes. He was coughing, like holding onto air was a task, and his clothes were practically ripped it shreds which showed smaller cuts and bruises.

            Himchan threw his tiara into the mix, making more of the enemy back up and creating a path for him to get to Zelo. A laugh came from the window and Himchan didn’t even look before aiming his tiara there. Sehun smirked and when he held up his hand Himchan’s tiara stopped moving and dropped to the floor.

            “Jongup!” Himchan said to get the younger boys attention.

            Jongup’s fiery gaze to the rainbow haired boy sitting in the window sill. “You did this to my Totomato?”

            Sehun smirked and leaned on the wall nonchalantly. “What you going to do about it?”

            “I’ve got Totomato.” Himchan said kneeling beside Zelo so he could start heeling the broken boy.

            “I’m sorry, I got distracted by Daehyun’s fight.” Zelo whispered, a tear slipped from his eye.

            “Don’t worry, let me heal you.” Himchan cooed.

            G-Dragon and T.O.P appeared in their human forms beside Himchan. “We’ll keep the other ones busy.”

            “Are you sure?” Himchan looked uncertain.

            “DADA THUNDER!” Jongup’s dark voice rang through the room along with the crackle of his lightning.

            Himchan had never seen Jongup look that angry before and even Sehun seemed surprise by the ferocity of Jongup’s attack as it obliterated the rest of the window Sehun had formerly been occupying.

            “Yeah, Dadamato can handle that one while you fix Totomato so, that just leaves these goons.” T.O.P said.

            “Will you be okay?” Himchan said as he started to let his healing light flow into Zelo.

            “We’ll be fine.” G-Dragon smiled reassuringly. “I won’t let us lose another war if I can help it.”

            T.O.P chuckled. “What, did you fully stock your wardrobe finally?”

            G-Dagon scowled. “It’s possible.”

            A bolt of energy came flying in their direction, but T.O.P used his dagger to deflect it from hitting Himchan.

            “Thanks… we’ll see you later then.” Himchan said confidently.

            “Looks like you are going to have to promote us to Warrior status.” G-Dragon playfully saluted before jogging off down the hall. Himchan couldn’t help but smile at G-Dragon using their new name. The Topp Dogg members rushed after the older men, thinking they were the more important ones because of their age.

            Himchan looked down at Zelo and saw that the boy was only half healed. ‘This is taking a lot more energy than I thought…’

            “DADA LIGHTNING BLAST!” Jongup screamed.

            Himchan’s head shot up as he watched the attack miss because of Sehun’s amazing speed.

            “Come on, Zelo.” Himchan whispered.

            “Joko…” Zelo mumbled.

            “You there?” Himchan asked.

            Zelo nodded and tried to sit up. “Stop healing me.”

            “No, you need—“

            “I can stand and fight now. Thanks, Tatsmato.”


            “You can’t waste all your energy on me!”

            Himchan looked at Zelo’s serious face and sighed. He couldn’t deny what he had said. His light dimmed and he helped Zelo stand up. “Are you sure you are okay?”

            “More than okay.” Zelo said already pulling his golden bow out of the air. “This loveless fiend needs to die. Can you believe he doesn’t believe in true love or soul mates?”

            Before Himchan could answer Zelo was shooting off his arrow. Sehun saw it in the nick of time and dodged it. “Still thought that would work?”

            Himchan glared. “Totomato, can you get my tiara for me?”

            “Easily.” Zelo made a dip motion with his fingers and a gust of wind had himchan’s tiara flying back to him.

            “Jongup! Get him away from the windows!” Himchan ordered.

            “No problem!” Jongup was slightly calmer seeing Zelo standing.

            Jongup jumped over to the window while Zelo shot arrows at Sehun. Jongup rubbed his hands together and then slammed them on the wall. A barrier of electricity covered the entire wall, blocking the windows for Sehun to escape through.

            Sehun laughed. “I am the wind! You cannot stop me!”

            Himchan smiled. “Watch me.”

            Himchan threw his tiara again, which Sehun was able to stop, but it forced him to dodge Zelo’s arrow without looking. Zelo’s arrow glowed gold and turned into a chain. The look of confusion on Sehun’s face doubled when another arrow shot passed him on his opposite side.

            “Trying to trap me? I can just jump—“ He screamed as electricity ran through his body.

            It was a trap the three of them had used often during the week prior. Distract the opponent and then attack from behind. Jongup making the electricity wall had only been a ruse and everything else a distraction so Jongup could get close enough to get his hands on the taller boy.

            Once again Zelo used his power to give Himchan his tiara. He powered it up and threw it at the boy writhing in excruciating pain. “Follow the light out of the dark.” Himchan whispered and then the tiara hit Sehun, slicing through him.

            Jongup let the dead body fall and looked down at his outfit, now covered in blood.

            “Sorry.” Himchan apologized.

            Jongup shrugged. “It doesn’t matter too much.” His eyes rose to Zelo and within a second he crossed the room and squeezed Zelo tightly against his chest.

            Zelo chuckled and returned the hug. “I’m not going anywhere Jongup, not without you.”

            “Scared me.” Jongup mumbled.

            Jongup nuzzled his face into the top of Jongup’s head.

            Himchan’s heart clenched at the heartwarming scene in front of him. He looked away as he remembered why he wasn’t in the arms of the man he loved. “We—we should get going.”

            Jongup nodded and slowly pulled away from Zelo.

            “Should we take the elevator?” Himchan asked.

            Zelo rolled his eyes. “Really Tatsmato, an ele—oh…” He stopped when he saw where Himchan was pointing to.

            “I think we should take the stairs.” Jongup said. “It’s only 3 more floors up.”

            “Yeah, sound good.” Himchan said and started leading them to the stairs.

            Himchan mumbled glumly. “Only three floors to go.”

A/N: Do you hate me yet?

I'm going to leave this short because well... what is there to say right? T_T

Hopefully be updating within the next few days.


Love you guys <3

*btw I am SO sorry to fans of EXO, Topp Dogg, Secret, etc. I like these bands too... killing them but it honestly was easier using them than a whole new enemy no one had ever heard of. So what do you think, in my future stories should I use original character as the enemy or is using K-Pop idol okay?*

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Thank you!
I'm really bummed I didn't get to work on it tonight T_T packing took longer than expected. Shooting for tomorrow!!


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Chapter 33: I love Sailor Moon and I love B.A.P! This was amazing - you kept me grinning all the way through with your characterization and humor.
Chapter 33: This story is so amazing. In this chapter, I really thought that Himchan was the only one who survived, thought prior to this chapter I already had a gut feeling that everyone will come back to life.
Enough of that. I really love this story. However, there are some chapters that somehow confusing (well actually not confusing, I just don't know the right term) like in one chapter, Yongguk's name in the past was Bangster but there is a scene that Hime called him Yongguk. Then the other is when Matoki is talking yet in narration he was already revealed as Yongguk, which I think or supposed not the right chapter yet to reveal who Matoki is. But other than that, it is really a wonderful story and I really really love it.
sdj2530 #3
Chapter 33: I love this book so cute but I think it could have been better if it was the other's pov
You_ #4
woah sldkdsfds
Chapter 33: *gives you a standing ovation* this was such an amazing story and I loved it so much...I was scared reading the last chapter I screamed outloud noooo not my babies she killed my babies lol but yayyyyy Himchan saved them all ahhh I'm Daehyun biased but Himchan was my favorite in this story cause he grew so much and was just amazing and the ending was perfect and I am gonna upvote this and bookmark it so I can read it over and over lol
Chapter 29: wow...just...this chapter really hit home for me and I understand exactly what Daehyun is feeling and why he reacted the way he did and I wish I had Himchan as my friend cause that would have made my life a lot easier growing up...plus he's hot hahahaha ok back to the story
Chapter 26: Damn you Daehyun!!! How dare you hurt my Youngjae??!! And omg I was squealing at the Banghim moments ok back to the story
Chapter 3: I am dying at Himchan lmfao too fabolous to be female hahahahaha
Just found out Sailor Moon was added to hulu...and it reminded me of this fic... so i'm back to read this again~ :D hope you don't mind ;)
Sorry got to comment now since I forgot my AFF password that day XD kkk~

Bahaha just imagining Gdragon and Top being a weird cat with hair could make me turn 360 degree on my bed XD it was ridiculous! Haha! XD maybe it would be funnier if you put a picture of black cat with GD's hair XD
Oh yeah that skirt thingy!! HAHAHA XD I JUST CAN'T GET OVER IT!
Specially when I thought about Dae wearing skirt lmao.. And that maknae!! Rawrrr wearing skirt is better for him? HAHAHA /fall off my bed/

The ending tho.. I thought some injured, but everyone died.. Well Himchan managed to make everyone back alive :') it was such a nice story and I just can't stop laughing! Srsly!! XD
You should try make another one like this.. Love it!