

It was a good thing Kris decided to go check on Hana. He swing the door open in the bathroom to find that the man held Hana up against one of the tiny walls of the stall, he covered to prevent her from crying for help. His free head wrapped tightly around the girl's neck, cutting off circulation. Before he even had time to think, Kris slammed himself into the man, making him lose his balance. Once he had the man's attention and Hana was free from his grasp, Kris punched the man square in the throat.

While he was occupied, trying to catch his breath, Kris guided Hana out the bathroom. "Go to your seat," he said to the quivering girl. "Don't make a scene, just sit quietly. I'll be there shortly." Without giving her time to respond he shoved the girl lightly out from behind the curtain. Stiffly, Hana made her way back to her seat, but not before being stopped by Minho.

"Hana, are you okay?" The look on her face worried him. "Where's Kris?" The girl looked at him and tried all she could not to cry. With a trembling hand, she pointed back towards the bathroom and made her way to her seat. She sat down, and stared blankly at the chair in front of her.

"Hana?" Yixing spoke to her. "You look sick. Are you okay?" He said, tilting his head to get a better look at her. She didn't answer him. She was still trying to make sense of what just happened. One second she was ing her pants to use the restroom, the next, she was being strangled by a man three times her size. "Hana?" Yixing tried again. This time she turned to him, throwing herself in his arms. Letting out low choked sobs. Yixing froze, confused, but still rubbed the girls back for comfort. He glanced down the isle, finding Minho looking in his direction. He shot Minho a questionable look, receiving one in return.

Minho waited for about fifteen minutes, and neither Kris or the man came out of the bathroom. Becoming uneasy he stood and made his way to the back of the plane, only to run into Kris as he made his way out. Kris stared at Minho, his brow furrowed with some inner concern. "What happened?" He asked Kris. The man shook his head, looking down at his hands, then back up to Minho. Without a response he pushed pass Minho and made his way back to his seat. Minho continued further on behind the curtain. He opened the door to the bathroom to find it empty. He blinked, he was sure he didn't see the man walk past him again.

He looked around, there was no other way out. He furrowed his brow and looked around the confined space harder. Suddenly a small handle caught his eye. It was a small door that came up to his mid thigh. For some reason, Minho decided to open it. When he did he jumped back at the sight. As the small door swung open, a limp arm fell out. Minho stared wide eyed at the large body stuffed into the tight space. The face was now pale with a hint of blue. The man had been strangled and stuffed into the tiny storage space. Minho didn't have to be a genius to know Kris had done this to the man. In a hurry, he stuffed the man's arm back into the space, and shut the door.

It took him a moment to compose himself before he was able to go back to his seat. Once he sat down, he met eyes with Kris. As they stared at each other, Kris knew that Minho saw. "Did Hana..." Minho began to ask.

"I sent her to her seat before I did it." Kris answered, even though Minho was unable to finish his question. "He was strangling her." He continued as he turned to look out the window. "It only seamed right." Minho became shocked at the news of Hana being hurt, and found himself nodding in agreement to Kris. Still, the fact remained, Kris, Wu Yifan, killed a man.

Chanyeol had done a wonderful job at picking a flight. Even though Tokyo airports were typically very busy, they were void of fans this day. The people who crowded the space were mostly there on business. Men and women too busy to realized who and of the idols were. The group decided to take separate taxis to the train station. Though they were all very tired there was no time to stop. Minho and Kris urged the group to keep moving. They didn't want to risk being followed.

Hana took a taxi with Yixing and Minho. She clung to Yixing, who was still confused and worried about her state. He attempted to get information from Minho, but he refused to talk about it around Hana. To his knowledge, she didn't know what Kris had done, and he decided it was best to keep it that way. In fact, he thought it would be best to keep it from all the girls. There was no telling how they would react to information.

Gradually the taxi began to slow down, and Minho looked up to see if they had reached their destination. But instead he found that they were caught in the middle of traffic. He puffed his cheeks and let out the air. This was going to be a long ride. He looked over at Hana who had begun to fall asleep. He looked up at Yixing, he too was slowly drifting off to sleep. Minho began to feel the peace of sleep pull him in, but he fought it as much as he could. He had to keep a look out for anyone else who tried to bring harm to their group. Still he couldn't understand why anyone would want to hurt them. But the fire at Rabi's home, and the tempted attack on Hana made Minho believe they were in something bigger any of them could comprehend.

No matter how hard Yixing tried to fight sleep he was still being dragged deeper and deeper in. He glanced over at Minho and noticed he too was having a battle with himself not to fall asleep. But he looked as though he was losing. He looked out the window to see if the traffic had lessened. That's when his eye found the driver's reflection in the side mirror. The man wore a face mask and kept glancing back at the three of them. Something about the notion made Yixing uneasy. Or maybe it was the sleepy feeling that was now becoming overwhelming.

The harder he fought the feeling the stronger it became. Suddenly he began to see double. He peered at the driver again and noticed that he was turning the dial to the air conditioner. Only it didn't get colder, Yixing just became more sleepier. Colorful swirls of lights began to cloud his vision. Then nothing, all went black.



The vibration against his leg woke him. He felt heavy, and he had a serious headache. The wind against his face was cold, and stung. He sat up on his elbows and looked around. He wasn't sure where he was. He knew he was outside and night had already fallen.

"Hana!?" The voice came from Minho. He looked up and saw his friend tossing cans and bags aside. When had they ended up in an alley? "Hana!?" His friend called again, snapping Yixing to his senses. He got up quickly, snapping his head from side to side taking in their surroundings. "Where is she!?" Minho was frantic as he approached Yixing, who was still trying to shake off the dizziness and headache.

"Huh?" He said with a blink, trying to focus on his friend's face.

"Hana, Yixing, Hana!" He snapped. "Where the is she!?" He said running over to another group of cans, tossing them aside. Yixing's eyes went wide. He turned multiple times now beginning to search for the girl. That's when he remembered being in the taxi fighting sleep. Now as he recalled the feeling he got while in the car he knew that was not a natural sleepy feeling.

"He took her." Yixing mumbled. Minho turned to him.

"Who took her?" He said, crossing over to him.

"The taxi driver. He drugged us. He drugged us and took her." BUZZ! BUZZ! Yixing's phone went off in his pocket. He looked at the caller ID and saw Luhan's number. He picked up and immediately began to speak, not giving Luhan the chance. "Someone took Hana. They drugged us and dropped Minho and I in some alley." He huffed, the temperature suddenly coming down on him.

"Where are you?" Luhan asked on the other end. Yixing walked out to the street. He didn't have to find a street sign to know where he was.

"Shibuya. Is everyone with you?" He asked .

"Yes. We're not far from you. We rendezvoused at a karaoke bar when the three of you wouldn't answer your phones. I'll text you the address." He and Luhan hung up. After he received the text from Luhan, he and Minho grabbed their back packs off the ground, the two boys quickly crossed the shopping district to the karaoke bar.

At first Yixing didn't understand why they would choose a karaoke bar as a rendezvous point, but when they entered the room he understood. It was secluded, and dark. It was a perfect place to lay low for a short amount of time. When they walked in, everyone began to question them. Both Yixing and Minho explained to the group everything that happened before the two of them passed out. Yixing mentioned seeing the taxi driver wearing a mask, and turning the dial on the air conditioner.

"How are we supposed to find him!?" Rabi snapped. "How do we even know if she's still..." she couldn't finish her sentence. The thought of someone hurting Hana was enough to twist her stomach.

"The license plate." Minho said after there was no response to Rabi. "I still know the license plate number." He had memorized it just in case. It was a good thing too.

"I could search it up!" Chanyeol said, pulling out his laptop. Minho told him the numbers that were still fresh in his mind, and Chanyeol pounded away at his keys. "Wow..." he said. "That was easy." He chuckled and continued to pound at his keys. Everyone watched him closely as he began to speak. "You see, the license plate can only tell me so much as what kind of car it is, and who owns it." He turned the screen to face Yixing. "Was this the driver?" Yixing shrugged.

"I'm not sure. He wore a mask, and my vision was fuzzy."

Chanyeol turned his laptop back around. "Well, he's the owner. Not much help that will be, but just incase..." He pressed a few buttons and everyone's phones began to vibrate. They all looked at their screens and saw that the picture of the man was sent to their phones.

"How did you do that?" Miyoung asked in amazement. 

"Hacker secret." He said with a wink at her.

"Well can you put your hacker mind to use and find out where he lives?" Rabi said, not impressed by his trick.

"Better!" he said with a snarky smile. "If I go to Google Earth, type in the last four characters of the license plate, and hit control, shift and alt, I can..." there was a long pause before he turned the screen around to the group. Showing them an areal view of the taxi, driving down an empty road. He let himself enjoy the smirk that broke Rabi's cold expression. "So, leader," he was speaking to Rabi. "What do we do?" Rabi looked around the room.

"You keep an eye on him." She said, then turned to the others. "Kris, Yixing, Minho.." she paused then nodded to herself. "And Jongin, the four of you are going after her. Narcisa, you and Kyungsoo go to a car rental place get something fast. Charge it to your card, I'll pay you back. The rest of us are going to Osaka as planned. Someone's obviously after us, so we can't afford to stop."

And just like that, the plan was set to rescue the group's maknae. Hopefully she was still alive.



Before you go and try it, NO! 

That trick that Chanyeol used to find the taxi doesn't really work.

Haha, would be cool if it did right?

Anywho~ Comment! And tell me what you think!

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Ihershie #1
I love dis T_T
samelove #2
Chapter 2: This is a unique story.
Not many people here do this type of genre.
It's really good.
samelove #3
Chapter 1: I actually yelled "WHAT!" by the end of this chapter.
L and Rabi related? That's a good twist!
Chapter 6: This is getting pretty intense.
I wasn't expecting them to kill anyone.
Can't wait for the next update.
Thazin123 #5
Even though I have no idea who the people are I like your story please updated! :)