

Once Luhan and Miyoung noticed Narcisa, Rabi and Myungsoo leaving the station, they made their way in. They confirmed that the ID's the two had would be enough to get into the lab. The two of them made their way into the station, casually strolling past the desks in the front as if they had done so many times before. Every now and then Miyoung would glance at her cell phone, making sure they were going the right direction. While Chanyeol also confirmed this in Luhan's ear. "Check point one, passed." He said as he watched them walk past the first camera Narcisa set. "Check point two, passed." 

In no time flat the two of them were standing outside of the lab. A guard stood outside of the room. The two of them held up their ID's in front of the guard who raised an eyebrow to them. He eyed the two of them suspiciously. "We just transferred here." Miyoung said to him. "From the east." She nodded and looked over at Luhan who nodded in agreement.

"I didn't get word of your transfer." The man spoke. He was tall, just about as tall as Kris. Black and bald. His cold stare almost made Luhan shutter.

"Yeah, they told us that our paperwork hadn't been faxed over yet." Luhan spoke. The man raised a voice at the boy's accent.

"You from around here?" The man asked, eyeing Luhan.

"China. I was a trainee in the labs in Beijing." It was a good thing Hana convinced the group into letting her come up with short backgrounds for the two of them. Or Luhan would be stuck right now. After a moment the man nodded and waved them in. Luhan allowed himself to breathe and he and Miyoung chanced a smile at each other.

Once in the lab the two idols looked around. They were blind from this point on. The only line of communication they had was between Luhan and Chanyeol, and that was only audio. "We're in." Luhan told him in Chinese just in case anyone around them would hear.

"They're in!" Chanyeol repeated to the group. "Okay, Luhan, according to the tour that detective gave Rabi, you're supposed to look for Someone named Serg? Let him know you're working on the Rae Choi case." Luhan blinked and looked at Miyoung.

"Who's Rae Choi?" She blinked.

"You can't be serious. That's Rabi's father." Luhan nodded. He had forgotten the family name didn't come first in America. Things were done so backwards here. He was still getting used to the fact that Rabi's dad was being buried and not cremated. He looked around the room and noticed a woman making her way across the room.

"Excuse me." He said, flagging down the woman. She turned her attention to him and couldn't mask her surprise at how good looking the boy was. "We're new transfers here, we need to find Serg. We're working on the Rae Choi case." The woman blinked, being snapped out of her thoughts of the boy.

She snorted lightly. "I wish all of our transfers looked like you." Luhan couldn't help the light shade of pink that began to color his face. "I'm Serg. But you can call me Amy. Serg is just my last name." The woman confirmed. For some reason, Luhan was expecting Serg to be a man. "Follow me, the samples are this way." Luhan and Miyoung followed behind the woman. "What are your names?" She asked them focusing on her clipboard. The two of them quickly glanced down at their IDs. They were given fake names to protect their identities.

"Lee." Luhan furrowed his brow at the name. "Lee?" he mouthed to Miyoung. She shrugged. "Lee Wu." He finished, shaking his head. He would have to speak to whoever came up with their fake names. Not all Chinese men were named Lee.

"Rachelle Wu." Miyoung stated after. Amy stopped and turned to them.

"Siblings?" she questioned.

"We're engaged." Luhan said with a charming smile. The blush that rose on Miyoung's face didn't have to be forced. Even though it was part of their back story Hana came up with for them, the thought of being engaged to Luhan sent butterflies through her stomach.

"Congratulations." Amy said with a nod, and lead them to a small room that held about three other scientists. The room was also filled with a bunch of equipment that looked impossible to handle.

"Watch, observe." Amy spoke as she guided them over to a table in the center of the room. "Ask questions if you have to. Though I do suggest the two of you look over the case files and the notes we have on the poison so far. She hand both of them folders that held papers with notes about the poison. When Miyoung glanced through it she didn't understand half of the words on the paper. Still, she quickly took pictures of them. 

She looked out for Luhan who stood over at a table full of tiny purple vials. He tapped one of the other scientists on the shoulder. He was a short stubby guy who looked like he didn't have much of a life outside of this job. "Uh... are these the samples?" Luhan asked motioning to the vials on the table. The short guy nodded.

"They're sealed tight, so you don't have to worry about being exposed." He spoke quickly and avoided eye contact. Luhan wondered how this guy survived outside of the lab. He didn't seem to have much confidence. "But it's not like you could get hurt if any spilled on you." Luhan tilted his head. "This particular brand is only effective if it enters the body. Some poisons can began to take effect once it touches the skin. But not this one." He pulled a pair of white latex gloves from a box on the wall. "Still, protection couldn't hurt."

Luhan nodded to the man and pulled the gloves on. Once he was sure no one was watching he slipped one of the vials into his inner pocket. He nodded to Miyoung, who nodded back to him. They were actually able to get what they came here for. Now they just had to get it out of the building. "Got it." Luhan said in Chinese again.

"They got it!" He heard Chanyeol repeat on the other end. "Make the call!"

Luhan smiled brightly at Miyoung as the two of them waited. As the time passed Miyoung made herself busy attempting to make sense of the files she was reading. Yet, no matter how many times she went over it, she couldn't really understand a thing. What did a bunch of algebra problems have to do with the poison to begin with? Luhan spent his time observing the other scientists tests the poison on different things. Plants, animals, bugs. He watched closely as he noticed the different effects on the different test subjects.

One of the examples, a beetle, made Luhan's stomach curl in disgust. The poison spread the quickest with the bug. Luhan watched with twitching eyes as the bug grew in size and slowly began to split open. The entire thing happened in less than a minute and left Luhan feeling nauseous. When he heard a voice call out for both his and Miyoung's false names, he was more than grateful to leave the room.

"Wu? Lee and Rachelle Wu?" Miyoung stood and made her way over to the man calling their names.

"That's us." Luhan joined her at her side.

"You received a call from a Yixing? One of your sisters had gone into labor." Miyoung jumped and quickly turned to Luhan.

"Oh my god babe, Sonia!" Miyoung was good at this. Luhan blinked remembering their routine.

"The baby!" he said, attempting to mimic her surprised tone.

"He's coming! Oh my god! Serg! Serg!" Miyoung frantically looked around the room, searching for Amy. Luhan followed behind her. She was better than he thought she would be. If he didn't know any better he would have believed her sister was actually going into labor. Hearing her name Amy found the two trainees.

"What's with all the commotion. Don't tell me you exposed yourselves to the sample?" She sounded more annoyed than worried.

"My sister is going into labor!" Miyoung flashed Amy her puppy eyes for extra measure. Luhan stared at the woman, he didn't need to give her a look. His eyes were large enough to make any woman bend to his will. She sighed heavily.

"I want the two of you in first thing tomorrow morning." Miyoung let out a squeal and Luhan couldn't help the chuckle that slipped from his chest. He bowed to the woman.

"Thank you so much." He said in as sweet a voice he could manage. A look of satisfaction crossing his face when he saw the woman's face flush a deep red. Without another word, Miyoung was dragging him out of the room. Once Chanyeol had them in the line of sight on one of the spy cameras, he told Luhan. 

"To your left, Camera one." Luhan quickly retrieved the tiny spherical device and slipped it onto his oversized pockets. As they made their way out of the building, Luhan was able to retrieve all six without being noticed. When they got in the car, he held one of the cameras up in front of him. Flashing the tiny vile in front of it. 

"Mission accomplished." He grinned into the tiny lenses.

"MISSION ACCOMPLISHED!" Chanyeol screamed to the others. Turning his laptop screen to the others to show them the image of Luhan. Luhan heard the others cheer in his ear as he started the car and pulled out of the parking lot.

Back at the house, Myungsoo laughed as the others cheered. "That.. actually worked." He couldn't believe it.

"Yeah, I'm just as surprised as you are." Rabi said, watching the other's celebrate.

"What now?" Myungsoo asked her. She turned to him and stared for a few seconds.

"Now? We go to Japan."



Haha. Lucky them right?

But don't think things are going to be going smoothly for them all the time.

The group just got lucky this time.

Wait til you see what happens next on their journey.

Guys... I'm still soooo tired. I think I have sleeping problems.

PLEASE COMMENT! I'd like to know what you guys think.

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Ihershie #1
I love dis T_T
samelove #2
Chapter 2: This is a unique story.
Not many people here do this type of genre.
It's really good.
samelove #3
Chapter 1: I actually yelled "WHAT!" by the end of this chapter.
L and Rabi related? That's a good twist!
Chapter 6: This is getting pretty intense.
I wasn't expecting them to kill anyone.
Can't wait for the next update.
Thazin123 #5
Even though I have no idea who the people are I like your story please updated! :)