


The days of hot, humid and sunny summer were coming to their ends, changing into rainy and windy autumn ones. Loving the feeling of warm sunrays on his face, Sungmin decided to leave his busy life for one afternoon and drive away from Seoul, stopping in a random forest, wandering around and enjoying his free time alone.

Okay, almost alone.

Once Kyuhyun heard about Sungmin leaving for a short trip to the forest he couldn’t stop jumping around and was standing by the main door even before Sungmin managed to end his sentence. Not having heart to refuse the younger, Sungmin only sighed and nodded his head.

The warm breeze was seeping through their clothes, their intertwined fingers squeezing each other whenever their soft gazes would meet.

“It’s so nice in here, Kyu” Sungmin whispered admiring the beautiful nature around him. Kyuhyun hummed in response and smiled brightly when Sungmin’s lips stretched in a wide smile once he noticed raspberry bushes.

“Let’s eat them, Kyu!” Sungmin exclaimed happily and ran towards the bushes. Kyuhyun only chuckled and followed his boyfriend to the raspberry area.

Sungmin was picking them one by one, popping them into his mouth and chewing onto juicy fruits, humming whenever sweet taste would spread onto his tongue. Kyuhyun was observing him with passion, how Sungmin could look so immersed and adorable in such a simple activity as eating berries, he would never know. He shook his head and began eating by himself, the natural fruits being far more sweeter that the ones they were buying in Seoul.

“Kyu” the younger heard and swallowed the last part of the fruit before turning to his right. His eyes met with Sungmin’s outstretched hand, on top of it was laying quite large raspberry. He looked questioningly at Sungmin, but all the latter did was looking at him with a smile. Kyuhyun understood that Sungmin found a big piece and wanted to give it to him.

Not thinking any longer Kyuhyun reached his hand forward but just before his fingers touched the sweet fruit he halted and looked at Sungmin with his infamous smirk, bent down and connected his lips with the inside of Sungmin’s palm, the fruit disappearing between his lips. He circled his tongue around the juicy fruit and bit it, the droplet of juice falling on Sungmin hand. He pulled away and still holding the raspberry between his teeth, he leaned forward and pressed his lips against Sungmin’s, transferring the raspberry between their mouths.

Sungmin hummed loudly when the sweet juice flowed onto his tongue mixed with Kyuhyun’s own taste. Their kiss was sweet and wet, since juice dribbled down their chins. Kyuhyun circled his arms on Sungmin’s waist and pulled him close to himself, their chests rubbing against each other. With their tongues teasing each other and their hands wandering eagerly on each other bodies, they were moving around until Kyuhyun tripped on some rock and fall on his , pulling Sungmin with him.

Not even minding the sudden change of locations Kyuhyun sneaked his hand under Sungmin’s shirt and the soft skin, earning quiet moans from Sungmin which were satisfying him enough to get a little bolder and squeeze Sungmin’s -cheeks repeatedly.

Their hot make-out session broke when droplets of cold water hit Sungmin’s exposed back. They looked at each other with cloudy gazes, but all Kyuhyun did was shrugging his arms and continuing their hot kiss, his eager hands Sungmin’s heavenly through the material of his boxers.

The droplets changed into a heavy downpour but even that wasn’t enough to stop the two lovers. Kyuhyun reached his hands up and picked a few berries before breaking the kiss. He rolled them over and motioned for Sungmin to take off his shirt. The other obeyed right away and once the expanse of milky white skin appeared Kyuhyun started positioning berries on different parts of Sungmin’s chest and abdomen.

Sungmin was whenever he felt Kyuhyun’s plump lips tracing his chest with tender touches, sending goose-bumps on his whole body. His chest was covered with red stains of juice which disappeared almost immediately, Kyuhyun’s tongue every part of his chest, making him writhe in his position.

Whenever Sungmin’s chest would rise in sudden inhale Kyuhyun would smirk against his skin and continue placing soft kisses everywhere he could reach. He loved the feeling of Sungmin’s skin on his lips, the sweet taste of fruits only doubling his pleasure.

When he managed to clean Sungmin he kneeled before him and bent down to place a short but sweet kiss on Sungmin’s plump lips. The latter hummed cutely and looked Kyuhyun in the eyes, the wordless connection screaming ‘I love you’ to each other.




this is so random I can't even..

anyways, hope you like it ;)

please excuse me any grammar mistakes.

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ichathoriqlover #1
Chapter 1: Naughty kyu, right?
Chapter 1: All thanks to the raspberry!!!!!!! ♥
Chapter 1: sweet+fluffy+hot=perfect!!!
bubblyfluffy #4
Chapter 1: it's fluffy and hot at the same time.. And i thought it would be a .. LOL
aleihs19 #5
Chapter 1: a nice breather. short but better than nothing. hahaha! thanks!
rizzorin #6
Chapter 1: lolz!~ naughty couple~ >.<
carrotwon #7
Chapter 1: WHY.THIS.IS.SO.DAMN.SHORT.........

I want more.....
kyussi #8
Chapter 1: Kyumin being so hot and sweet! Now i wish i have such a good experience with berries XD
Chapter 1: This. I really reaaaaaally enjoyed reading it.

Danggit.i want some berries now. Blueberries would be awesome XD
This gives me so much of energy to continue with all my assignments. I have just 3 left from 13 \O/

I was almost about to sob because of exhaustion and you! This fic is so great. Thank you ♡♡