HollowEchoes presents: 1st Trick Or Treat Fanfic Contest Event 2013

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 Vicky's Words;
hello, hello everyone!! as you can read by the title of this event, it's a Halloween
Special kind of writing contest. so yes... your fanfiction will be based around the
theme of Halloween... and more or less its relations. lol like... Horror, Suspense,
Gory, Thriller... etc etc... as long as it has that you know... Halloween feel~ ^^
but anyways, this is my first event doing this, especially as a writing contest...
because i've been lacking in updating my stories and been kind of in a writer's
block to write... so i'm doing this as to get some stories out of you to read for
myself... and maybe others out there who would probably enjoy it too. plus...
i actually haven't looked around if this has been done or not, so i dunno, but
for myself... i would love me some Halloween good reads right now only because
it is getting neared that Halloween holiday... because i am from America, so you
may or may not believe, or celebrate it, that's fine... it's still a spooky and pretty
supernatural, paranormal, phenomen kind of thing. lol anyways~ ... moving on!
this is getting long. >--< um... read below how this will work out and make sure
to read everything!! you must know what you are reading before getting confused
and probably not end up doing it right and causing me stress into helping you to
figure out what is going on... anyways, yeah! so have a thrilling, chilling time! =]
oh... starting in September so that there is more time for completion. lol ^w^y





the one .
subscribe so that you can stay updated, thank you very much! or if you prefer, you may bookmark or if you can remember yourself, then just check back every now and then to see how it is going. =] IF you have any questions, please leave a comment and i will respond back ASAP~
the two .
a total of two entries per person, but only one story will be counted for, if won that is, and/or if one interests me more than the other. [please have both entries completed, though~]
the three .
sorry, no , yuri, PWP ( without plot), , genderbender (physically changing the ), or age changed (actually am okay with them being older, but not younger, as older to me applies future, unless the age is young as if it happens in the past, or if Alternate Universe). i am not fond of reading them thoroughly. but you may imply and/or suggest , yuri, and/or as i will allow that. other genres more than welcome.
the four .
the story may be a oneshot, twoshot, threeshot, a oneshot related collection, or short story. max15chapters for collection and short story. [FYI; i'm not really fond of reading stories that have a grip of chapters filled with just.. fillers, or has different wording lengths. unless the story itself has a lot of things going on that needs to be tied in, and is just not a bunch of unnecessary drama to just add to the storyline.] so limit on chapters, but not on word count. [don't go too crazy. lol] AND no plagiarism. DO NOT claim something as your own. if you did not create the work, then please don't give yourself credit for it.
the five .
prompts will be provided if you would like to work with one, unless you have something else in mind, then please feel free to do so. the prompts are just for those that need a boost. =] PROMPTS will be in the next chapter, so look foreword to that!! ^-^V [hopefully i can come up with some good ones. lol] AND... some of the PROMPTS may be quite simple... i rather have you build it up on your own from whatever pops into your head. =]
the six .
sorry, no co-author, unless you want to split the prize (yes, there are prizes, in the next chapter after the PROMPTS, lol). if not, then beta-readers are allowed. and please make sure your grammar is readable and understandable. minor mistakes and typos happen, but i would not like to constantly end up reading a majority of them like that, as i do get turn off and will not be able to complete the reading. [this is where a beta-reader is preferred to help on editing and proofreading your writing.]
the seven .
any fandom and celebrity is allowed. it's not strictly just kmusic/entertainment related. original characters are more than welcome too. ^-^y but please do include a famous [or associated to a famous] person as this contest is a FANfiction event. but please do not slander them in a demeaning way that is towards offense to them, their family and friends. that is not permitted.
the eight .
please complete the fanfic by the deadline. if a story is not completed by the deadline, then the story is forfeited by default. [but you will have a 3 days saving grace after deadline, if you are able to provide me a solid explanation that is... but more than likely i will give it to you just because i'm like that. lol] the FANFIC must be new and for this contest ONLY. [just because i wanna see and read me some Halloween themed ficcy. lol] please titled it as [Trick Or Treat: title of story here], thanks!
the nine .
honestly, i prefer a story with a happy, or good ending. but if you're the type that writes open endings or sad ones, please make it where it actually touches me and i don't go off making up scenarios of what happened, or why did it have to end like that. [i'm pretty sympathetic and empathetic. lol] if not, then give me a real scare! make me hang in suspension. or a nice shiver and goosebumps. i love a good thrill. [lol... yes i'm weird. it's okay. xD]
the ten .
last, but not least... please mention this contest and link back the event in your foreword to spread the word and that i know that that particular story is participating for this writing contest. also, include the prompt if you are using it as well, if not using prompt, then state that you have an idea of your own you are going with. thank you all very much! OH, when you are ready to enter, please leave it like this:
the entry :
NAME: [real, nickname, whatever you prefer]
USERNAME: [and if you have a name change later, do let me know too]
TITLE: [just the title, don't add in the Trick Or Treat]
LINK: [obvious what this is. lol]


the start date .
on September 13th, 2013 at 12:00am Mountain State Time (USA), UTC-7HR.
the turning in period .
from September 13th, 2013 to October 31st, November 16th, 2013.
the due date .
at 11:59pm Mountain State Time (USA) on October 31st,  November 16th, 2013.
the 3 days saving grace .
until November 19th (20th the latest), 2013 at 11:59pm.
the judging .
depending on the entries, and when they are completed, hopefully by November 30th, 2013.
the results .
hopefully around the first week of December from the 1st to the 7th of 2013.

this is also posted at FanficOverFlow under orchidsplash.

Trick or Treat Contest is OVER! results up! thanks a lot!


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nunchii #1
When's the...exact deadline?
I've been hella busy and the oneshot's only half done....
Chapter 7: Thx for the extension..
nunchii #3
Chapter 7: THANK YOU <3333
nunchii #4
Chapter 6: Can you extend it a bit?
name: Mia
username: alwayskpoplover
Title: That night
Link: http://www.asianfanfics.com/story/view/567370/trick-or-treat-that-night-taeminzy
nunchii #6
Chapter 1: Q A Q I'll be joining c;
Okay now i am rereading the rules and I am confused of rule 3. What do you mean by no age changed? This means the entry cannot be AU (alternate universe)?
Hmm... can I post the story both here and FanficOverflow?
Chapter 1: Can we use more then one prompt?