Lee Joon/Seungho


1st:  Take It Off by Ke$ha

            Seungho sighed to himself as he waded through the crowds of people, trying to find Changsun. The man always came to this specific hole in the wall when he was feeling down or unwanted. The glitter, sweat, and darkness made him forget anything that had hurt him. Unfortunately, Changsun was an extremely attractive person and was often drugged or straight up attacked by people, both men and women. Well, Seungho didn’t think it was unfortunate that Changsun was attractive but it was unfortunate that he would be so careless when so many strangers wanted to him!

            According to Cheondung, another MC had insulted Changsun’s intelligence. Changsun wasn’t dumb at all but you can only hear something so many times before you start to believe it yourself. Finally, Seungho spotted Changsun in the crowd. Without a shirt on. And with three other pairs of hand attempting to remove his pants.

Trying desperately to calm himself down enough to not rip those disgusting, grubby hands off what was not theirs, Seungho stalked over to his bandmate. Reminding himself that Changsun wasn’t his either, Seungho promptly snatched Changsun by the bicep and dragged him out of the club. If Changsun wanted to take his pants off, he would do it in the safety of the MBLAQ dorm shower, so he could get the scent of those other people off too.

Looking down into Changsun’s eyes, Seungho noticed the pupils that stayed dilated and the subtle way Changsun was rubbing up against his side. , Seungho thought, they’ve already dosed him. It looked like he was going to have to help Changsun clean off in the shower while the man was hard and wanting. And Seungho would have to resist him again. While they were both . .


2nd: Hold Me In Your Arms (And Let Me Fall) by Brad Paisley

            Changsun stared at Seungho, hoping desperately that he was being subtle. He probably wasn’t but Changsun couldn’t find it in himself to care. Seungho was just so beautiful. And Changsun didn’t mean simply physically. Seungho was the most caring, supportive person Changsun had ever met.

            Now, Changsun  had known all of this for years but he had become fascinated with the man recently. After Changsun’s latest break-up with Yonghwa, Seungho had been there to stop Changsun from sleeping with four different people in one night and he had been the one to hold Changsun while he refused to cry but his body shook violently. Seungho was always the one who took care of Changsun and watched over him.

            Changsun knew it wasn’t entirely brotherly love. He had seen the way Seungho eyed his abs and let his touches linger just a little too long. Changsun knew Seungho loved him as a friend and that he lusted after him. So why couldn’t they turn that into romantic love? Changsun wasn’t sure Seungho would be ready to actually take that step, so he waited. For Changsun was sure that if Seungho just held him in his arms, he would fall in love with their leader. Head over heels, all in, one hundred percent, the stuff of fairy tales, love.

            The question was whether or not Changsun was willing to risk that much of himself. And so, he waited.


3rd: Hey G by Kim Hyung Joon

            Seungho shuddered as he watched Changsun put on his female get-up for a variety show. He would never tell Changsun, but the man looked almost as stunning as a woman as he did as a man. Changsun looked absolutely glorious but Seungho didn’t want his lover to think he was a complete and total ert.

            Scanning his eyes up Changsun’s body, Seungho missed the way Changsun smirked and tried not to laugh at Seungho’s stricken expression. Seungho almost had a heart attack as Changsun walked his way, with swaying hips and a taunting expression.

            “Hey boy,” Changsun whispered right into Seungho’s ear. The visual did laugh then and strutted away as Seungho’s eyes threatened to roll into his head. Later, Changsun promised in his head, later baby.


4th: Dirty by Miryo

            Gazing down at Changsun’s sleeping face, Seungho wondered what would have happened if Changsun had ever cheated on him. Back when they first started dating, everyone had told Seungho to be careful, that Changsun was a player and would never be able to stay faithful. They called him dirt, scum, uncommitted, and an all-around . Seungho had ignored them all and attempted not to let it affect him.

            But try as he might, Seungho couldn’t get their words out of his head and they started to permeate his mind until it was so riddled with their filth he began to believe it. Changsun coming home late meant he was out with another man, Changsun wearing a tank top meant he wanted the attention of other men, Changsun hanging out with friends meant he was trying to get away from Seungho.

            But Seungho was certain now that Changsun had never done such things to him. He wasn’t dirty like that, not Seungho’s beautiful boyfriend.

            Changsun’s cheek, Seungho let his hand fall from Changsun’s soft skin down to the metal collar that encircled his neck. No, Changsun would never be able to leave him. Not ever.


5th: Broken Open by Adam Lambert

            Lighting another joint, Changsun saw his world break into a million pieces that spun around each other like a kaleidoscope. He flopped down onto the couch to watch the segments of light and color dance. He vaguely felt a weight settle down next to him and knew it was his childhood friend, Seungho. Their parents had tried to get them to do something productive with their lives, give up on their dreams, be adults. But they weren’t ready for that at all and used their drugs to escape reality.

            Changsun giggled when Seungho lifted an arm up to add one of his hands to the mingling segments. It was the most fascinating thing Changsun had ever seen, excluding Seungho that was. Changsun quickly inserted his hand into the mix and together, the two boys witnessed color and light and matter join and come apart again.

            Changsun reached his unused hand over to intertwine it with the other of Seungho’s. That was the other reason Changsun liked these sessions so much; it was the only time he could be so close to Seungho.

            Unbeknownst to Changsun, Seungho squeezed Changsun’s hand back and wished they could do this when they weren’t high too. 


6th: Hug by TVXQ

            Changsun loved when Seungho sang ballads to him. Seungho had the most lovely voice and hearing the man wield its power just for Changsun, made Changsun feel powerful and cherished. His favorite, though, was Hug. The lyrics were basically everything Changsun had ever wanted to say to Seungho and wanted to hear the man say back.

Seungho mostly sang to Changsun when the other man was having trouble sleeping so Changsun quickly developed an extreme case of insomnia. He would do whatever was necessary in order to hear Seungho sing again and again and again.

If Seungho knew, he certainly didn’t say anything.


7th: Collide by Howie Day

            Straightening his tie, Changsun could not believe how late he was going to be for work. He had slept in that morning enough that his secretary had called to see if he was sick. Sitting on the hard, plastic seat of the subway, desperately clutching his morning coffee, Changsun couldn’t curse his alarm clock enough to settle his anger. All of the other subway riders appeared wary of his temper and Changsun couldn’t be more glad. Usually, his good looks brought unwanted attention and Changsun was so not in the mood to be social this morning.

Standing when he realized the subway was near his stop, Changsun let his body sway with the train as it jolted to a halt. Gripping his suitcase so hard his knuckles turned white, Changsun dashed for the door the second it slide open. Instead of the open doorway he expected, Changsun ran right into another body. A warm, hard body. That felt nice under his hands. Remembering his manners, Changsun removed himself from where it had been pressed against the stranger’s front.

“Watch where you’re going!” Changsun barked as he looked up. Hey, manners only go so far, right?

“Sorry about that.” Holy . Changsun tried to retain normal breathing as he saw his ex-boyfriend from ten years ago. “Changsun-ah! I can’t believe it’s you, I thought you were in Tokyo for your company.”

“I just got transferred back here,” Changsun mumbled back while he attempted to fight through the shock threatening to take over his nervous system. Glancing back up at Seungho, Changsun knew it was no coincidence that he had been transferred to Seoul, or that his alarm clock hadn’t gone off so he would be on this train at this time. It was so he could literally collide with Seungho. This was their second chance and Changsun sure as hell wasn’t going to screw it up twice.


8th: Hear Me by Kelly Clarkson

            Changsun stumbled through a crowd of people while he tried to keep his footing. He had just gotten the call that Seungho had gotten into a car accident and died on site. But he could still feel him! Changsun could still feel Seungho’s presence around him like the other man’s arms holding him close.

            “Can you hear me?” Changsun whispered under his breath so people wouldn’t think he was insane. The feeling of safety and love increased for a moment and Changsun had his answer. Seungho was still there, was still with him. But it wouldn’t last forever. Seungho wasn’t quite human anymore.

            A feeling of utter loneliness and hopelessness filled Changsun at the thought of not being with Seungho anymore. Of not showering the other man in gifts, of going home to an empty house, of having to plan the funeral for the man Changsun had loved with every cell of his body. No, the man Changsun still loved with every cell of his body. As he walked between hundreds of other people, Changsun had never felt more alone.

            Making his decision quicker and with more conviction than he had ever before, Changsun changed direction with confidence in his heart. He could never live without Seungho. He headed for the highest building in Seoul. Changsun didn’t want any possibility of him surviving; the people would just try to keep him away from Seungho longer then. As he climbed flight after flight of stairs, Changsun felt the comforting presence falter for a moment and knew he didn’t have long before Seungho faded.

            Reaching the roof, Changsun only hesitated enough to say one sentence before jumping off the edge. “I’m coming, baby.”


9th: Bad Girl by SNSD

            “Tell me your secret,” Seungho demanded of the creature currently seated in his lap.

            “But if I tell you, you’ll become my slave,” the pixie-looking man replied. He had told Seungho his name was Joon but Seungho wasn’t sure that was his true name.

            “I don’t care,” Seungho answered brazenly. Nothing seemed more important to him than this man who had suddenly approached him at the club.

            “You’ll care later,” Joon shook his head. As he moved, his entire body swayed with him and his tail traced lazy figures unto Seungho’s thigh. “I only want you if you can promise me you won’t fight me later.”

            Seungho looked up into Joon’s violet eyes that seemed to enchant him and couldn’t understand why anyone would deny this creature anything. “I would never dare.”

            “Can you promise to be mine, entirely? I’ll want your anything and everything,” Joon warned.

            “I’m yours already so tell me.” Joon seemed to make up his mind on something and leaned down to whisper into Seungho’s ear.

            “My real name is Changsun and I’m an incubus.” Seungho could feel Changun’s name wrap around him and caress his skin like it was a physical thing just like Changsun’s tongue currently his ear lobe. “Still want to be mine?”

            “Oh, yes,” Seungho whispered out, incapable of anything more.

“Good,” Changsun smirked. “Then you won’t mind…” Changsun connected their lips in a rough kiss that fed Seungho’s desire like oxygen to a flame but also Seungho’s energy out of him. Changsun his lips like he had just eaten something delicious and Seungho realized what he had consented to. Seungho heard his belt sliding through the jean lopes and could only hope he lasted long enough to actually come inside Changsun’s body. Then he could die a happy man.


10th: Wide Awake by Katy Perry

            Seungho woke up the next day in a filthy alley outside the club. He was exhausted but alive. The incubus, Joon, no Changsun, had spared him. Why?  Seungho tried to remember their encounter but couldn’t recall past removing both of their boxers. Perhaps his mind was trying to protect him from his possible death.

            Slowly standing up, Seungho was surprised to find it difficult for him to walk. He had never done that before. Shrugging, Seungho began limping back to his apartment with one last longing glance at the club. He supposed that maybe this should be a lesson to him to live a less dangerous life but all he wanted was to run back to Changsun’s arms.

            Floating above Seungho, invisible, Changsun watched his human shuffle away. Why had he let the man live? Changsun didn’t know. There was something about the human, something about Seungho, that made Changsun reluctant to drain his life completely. As the intriguing mortal looked back at the building, Changsun debated his options. He could leave the poor man alone to live out his life or Changsun could take him as a Pet. Changsun had never had one of those before, always preferring to dine and dash, as his three brothers called it. Following the man, Changsun hummed to himself in thought and grinned when he had come to a conclusion. Really, letting Seungho live a normal, boring life after his experience with Changsun would be cruel and unusual. He was just showing mercy. 



Author's Note

I know, I said I was updating a different story but then I stumbled upon a couple of my old ones in this story and I liked them so much I had to write another. They're a lot of fun :) Plus, there are always some good plots in there that I might expand upon some day.

As usual, I've updated the playlist to include these songs. They'll be songs 30 - 39. https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLjs5xzGe3Sz7IQtmjimV7fYFVaHmBhn_l

So.... Incubus Joon the iest thing ever? I think so. I'd actually pay a lot of money to see that. Or just Joon. Anywhoo, thoughts, comments, criticisms are all appreciated! :)

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Chapter 5: I'm diying! Aww TOBAE is so adorable! !!
Thank you!
icywolf #2
Chapter 5: Awww! I love this chapter so much! Tobae is my OTP! I hope you can write more! :D
CahAmzalak #3
Chapter 4: You should make more JoonHo/Seungjoon fics. You really write well and it's so hot~~ >_< loved it~
satrina7 #4
I loved your JoonHo/SeungJoon fics please do more ^^