my first and worst day!

my gay boyfriend


the next day.......

"knock,knock,knock!" a loud knock came from the door

"yah,go get the door!"ki bum kick the upper bed from below

"you should get it,i dont know where's the key"she said to him

"aish!alright alroght i get it,!"ki bum walks toward the door and open it

"yah!!! wake up!!!! hehehehe"a loud voices came from the door.the voices belong to jonghyun,taemin and onew...

"yah!im trying to sleep here!its school day off!!!"ki bum scolded them and scratching his back of his head

eun hye woke up and search wheres the voices coming from.she took a look and saw them

"bwoh?who's that??KEY???you have a new room mate and you didnt tell us??how dare you!!"jonghyun with his concern.tae min and onew take a peep from the door.

"whats your name kiddo?"onew ask her

"errr....urm....."eun hye forgetting her nickname in her school

"lee hyun hwa!now you know his name so get out!all of you!!!!" ki bum pushed them out from his room and slam the door

"aish,those rascal...i cant get my sleep!"ki bum than landing on his bed

"err,i better go wash up,hehehe"eun hye interupts

"the bathroom just beside the dont disturb me!i want to sleep!!"ki bum cover his whole head with his pillow


eun hye's pov:

err,weird guys.....and his nickname is KEY eyh?hahaha no wonder i cant finds the 'key' hahaha

well i better go for my bath,i hope no one peeks ><


"ahh! taigida!!so refreshing!!"i shouted hahaha its sooooooo refreshing!

"yah!what took you so long!its been 30 minutes!"ki bum shouted with his red boiling faces

"oh?oh....mianei hehehe"i apoligized but instead he just walk pass me and into the bathroom....great......

at the time i want to unpacking "my things",he got out from the bathroom

what the heck! it just like 3 mins!

i look back and saw him in his towels,ewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww!!!

i quickly look at the  other places..why did he do such thing!

"bwoh?i know i have a good build"he said.aish!im  a girl!!! how he can posibbly do that?!oh..i forgot,..i pretend to be a guy....aeygo T^T

" go quickly dress up,its an eyesore for me...T^T"i said to him...he just ignores me and went back to the bathroom..after a while,finally he put on his clothes...aeygo its so irritating seeing him half !!!!!

"yah,its school day off right?"i ask him..i hope it is ><

"deh,waeo?"he ask."aniy,im just gonna stay here teehee~"i answered him slumberly.hehehehe

"pfft,you still have to go out!"he grab my hand and pull me

"bwoh??yah!let me go!"i shouted at him

"stop shouting like a girl!i just bringging you to the cafeteria!aish!"he knuckle at my back head.its hurt! ><

~at the cafeteria~

i take my food and went searching for an empty seat.....there is 2,one beside key and one beside jonghyun...aeygo..which to choose.....

then a voice calling my "name","hyun ah!come sit beside KEY!"haish,i dont want to sit beside himT^T

i sit beside him then a guy kept starring at me,"yah,jonghyun,whose that??"a guy asking jonghyun

"haish!i already told u to come but u dont want!aish,he's lee hyun hwa,hyun ah,this is geeky minho hehehe"jonghyun introduce.

minho gave him a warning face,haha,

"ya,can i ask you something?"minho ask,"deh,undaeyo?"i ask him back,i wonder what~

"do you,you know,....make a,............ plastic surgery?"he whispered.

"haish!aniyo!!why do u say such a thing?!!!!i"i stood up and start yelling at him,pfft,what a guy!

"youre a girl the hehe"minho accusing me.

''haish!aniyo!im not a girl!"i denied it totally even though im a girl =="

"but you look and whimpers like one,haish,nevermind hahaha"minho laugh at me,haish!how rude! be continued...........

hmmm....i think its boring~but the next,next one,b2st will be in it,so get ready!hahaha

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