Rebellious Fate

"Let me go!!" 

I screamed and squirmed under the guy's wretched grasp. Everyone turned and stared at the big ruckus I was making, but I don't care. They're going to forget tomorrow. 

"Let me go!" I cried as he continued to squeeze the life out of my arm. As if on my cue, he finally let me go, but instead of letting me run away he pulled me closer with his arm around my shoulder. I tried to push him away but my efforts were pitiful since my hands were tied behind my back. 

"Such a stubborn girl, aren't you?" 

I stopped working to break free and stared up at him. "Wouldn't you do the same, if you were arrested?" 


I gapped at the guy. 

"Are you crazy? You would let them drag you into a cell?!" 

The guy stopped and turned to look at me. I couldn't tell what his expression was through that stupid mask of his. 

"No I wouldn't let them drag me in. I would walk in there myself. Now, stop drooling and keep walking."

Stupid arrogant bastard. Wiping the drool on my shoulder, I stomped up to catch up with the kid. 

So for the rest of the twenty minutes, I followed the guy in the middle of the woods. Occasionally, he would start whistling some wierd ancient Korean tune and other times he would flex his muscles. Wierd person he is. 

"Okay we're here." 

I snapped my droopy eyelids up and stared at the towering apartment buildings... Eh? Apartment buildings? 

"Why are we here? Aren't we suppose to be at court?" 

"Oh so now you're willing to walk into jail yourself huh?" His eyes seemed to be smirking toward my direction. I scowled at him. 

"No. You're wrong. I wouldn't. I just think you're not doing your job as a black coat." 

"Who said I was a black coat?" 

My mind went blank as I watched him take off the mask. His sharp features were revealed in front of my eyes. I stared dumbfounded after him as he got his keys out to open the door to the room. 

"Aren't you going to come in?" 

"Huh? Oh yeah..." 

I hurriedly rushed to the apartment door, not wanting him to wait impatiently for me. While I was entering the door, my foot of course just had to get caught on the bump that seperated the room and the floor outside. The next thing I knew, I was falling with no way to protect myself. Just then a long arm lashed out and caught me by the abdomen. 

"Woah there. You okay?" 

I gulped back fear as I stood up straight. 

"Yeah I'm.. fine...." I whispered the last word as I realized how close we were. Our noses were touching slightly. Just a few more centimeters and we'd have our lips pressed together. I stumbled backward at the thought. 

"Oh my gosh I'm sorry.. I didn't mean to stand so close to you." 

I blushed madly at my words. What was I thinking? Apparently the guy was flabbergasted too. He let out a random strings of fake coughs as he told me he'd get a glass of water. 

Feeling stupid of my actions, I went sat down on the couch that was nearest to me. I fumbled with my fingers behind my back as I tried to pass time. If only my hands were in the front...

"Hey, when are you going to release me?" I called as I saw him approach me. 

"What do you mean?" 

I rolled my eyes as I turned around to show him my cuffed my hands. He widened his eyes as realization dawned on him. Seriously. How dense can this guy be? 

"Oh that... Well I can't free you until you promise me something." 

Promise him something? 

"What do I have to promise you?" 

"Don't leave me." 

His face grew grave as I stared at that bulky guy. What the hell was he talking about? Why do I have to promise him that? Am I an animal? No way. 

"Well, we haven't got much time here. Are you going to promise or what." 

"Are you insane?! Why in the world would I promise you that?" 

"Well I guess I don't have to release you hands then." 

"Wait." I held my foot up between the couch and the table to block his path.

"Tell me why first and then I'll agree to promise." 

I stared at him square in the eye with sincerity as he scrutinized me for any hints of lies. He held up his hands in surrender as I won the little staring contest. 

"You're really stubborn aren't you?" He asked as he sat down next to me. 

I shrugged. I didn't want to give him a satisfaction of a full answer. He didnt care. 

"So what's the reason?" 

He turned around to look at me in the eyes. His eyes were not sharp as usual.

"So the reason for you to stay is...." He paused in midair and ran a hand threw his hair. "Is because Dr. Lee wants to protect us." 

Us? I raised my eyes quizzically at him. 

"What do you mean by us?" 

"I mean that you're not the only one with the amazing ability to reject the serum. I can do it too, Hana. I'm Kris Wu."

My jaws drop open. Kris Wu? 


so here's my update~ not sure if its good though. Heh. Anyways I forgot to explain what a black coat and white coat was. 

A black coat is a soldier and a white coat is a doctor/scientist/all people with those smarty pants jobs. So um yeah that's it...

anyhow, hope you would comment and subscribe~~ ^^






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mulppanggg #1
Chapter 3: were they childhood friend or something? and who's dr. lee?
they're cute anyway <3 update soon authornim ^^
Chapter 3: Haha. It is cute. I like your story. The plot is interesting as well. Hana is a little childish.:) Kris and her already seem to be getting pretty close. I look forward to the next chapter to see things from Kris's point of view.;)
evie8888 #3
Chapter 2: Great so far! I can tell it's going to be interesting with such a unique plot. Keep up the good work author-nim~
Chapter 1: Oh wow. That did escalate quite quickly. But don't worry about it. I liked it. It seemed suitable for the story.
And I like what I'm seeing from Hana's character, though this is only the first chapter. I feel like she's a little bold even without realizing it, and probably even more confident than she seems now, seeing as how she's about to start rebelling. She's a little careless with the speaking before thinking kind of thing, but I like that since it's relatable and a realistic quality most people have.
And, I'm guessing (or hoping) Kris is the one who handcuffed her? ;D
Nice first chapter! Don't worry too much about the grammar or anything. The plot is really interesting, though not that unique, but still enjoyable so far. Good luck with the rest and can't wait to read the next chapter (but take your time haha). :)
This story seems quite interesting, excited to see how it unfolds, but I don't think you need to make the font so big, imo, but it's up to you since, after all, this is your story. :)