Rebellious Fate

I watched the kids come quietly out of the examination room. They all filed out of the room as if nothing happened. The kids are bound to forget anyways, so who cares? Well, I care. I care what's going to happen. I'm the one that doesn't forget easily. I absolutely dread examination day. 

"210. Come in to the room." 

I in my breath as they called my number. Shoot, I'm next. 


I kicked the chair in annoyance as I got up. Couldn't they just wait patiently for me to get ready? Oh wait I forgot. People here didnt calm their nerves since they are going to forget the next day. 

"210. The white coat, Dr. Lee will examine you. " 

The girl with annoyingly shrill yet monotone voice escorted me to the giant room filled with machines. I tried to compose a straight face so they wouldn't detect any emotion. 

"Dr. Lee, I have brought you 210." 

An old man with piercing eyes looked up from the screen of his computer. I squirmed as he frowned at my odd behavior. 

"Okay 100. You may leave now." 

The girl with the shrill voice nodded curtly and left the room. I silently cursed as his piercing eyes bore into my head as the door closed, trapping me inside. 

"210. How old are you?" 


"Are you female or male?" 

"Female" Obviously. 

"Do you take the serum." 


"Who are your parents?" 

Trick question. I'm not supposed to know my parents. 

"I don't know." 

"You're lying." 

Sweat broke out across my forehead as I tried not to break my mask. 

"I don't know what you are talking about." 

The white coat looked at me with no expression as he repeated the dreaded words. "210. You're lying." 

He's playing with me. I just know it. They do it all the time to scare the hell out of people. They're testing me for a sign of emotion. I'm not going to give in. 

Gritting my teeth in frustration I exhaled my words. "I'm not lying. I don't know my parents." 

Seeming satisfied with my answer, the white coat moved on to the next question. I sighed in relief. 

"What did you have for breakfast." 

"Bacon and eggs." 

"What about for your dinner?" 

"I haven't had it yet." 

"Do you like anyone?" 


"What's your name?" 


I froze in mid sentence. The white coat stared at me. 

"What's your name." 

I fumbled with my fingers as I clamped my mouth shut. I was caught. I was caught for the first time in my eighteen years of life. I, Park Hana, have been  caught. 

"210. Answer me." 

I averted my eyes away from that man's face. It was too hard for me to look. 

"Park... Hana."

I squeezed my eyes shut as I let the words out. I couldn't believe I actually said that. Neither did the white coat. 

"Say it again."

He had a grave look on his face, as I gulped the lump in my dry throat. 

"Park Hana." 

I closed my mouth quickly as I realized I said it so boldly. What is wrong with me today? 

"210... I'm afraid you are arr--." 

Before he could finish the word, "arrested".  A long slender hand grabbed me from behind and handcuffed me behind my back. He spun me around so that I was face to face with him. I felt his hot breath on my neck as he spoke to the white coat, 

"I'll take care of it from here." 


here is my exciting chapter I guess... This chapter escalated quickly didn't it? I'm sorry if it did. I'm not good at English I guess?? Anyways, thank you for subscribing before I even updated!! ^^ 

comment below guys. (Even you, you silent reader!) 


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mulppanggg #1
Chapter 3: were they childhood friend or something? and who's dr. lee?
they're cute anyway <3 update soon authornim ^^
Chapter 3: Haha. It is cute. I like your story. The plot is interesting as well. Hana is a little childish.:) Kris and her already seem to be getting pretty close. I look forward to the next chapter to see things from Kris's point of view.;)
evie8888 #3
Chapter 2: Great so far! I can tell it's going to be interesting with such a unique plot. Keep up the good work author-nim~
Chapter 1: Oh wow. That did escalate quite quickly. But don't worry about it. I liked it. It seemed suitable for the story.
And I like what I'm seeing from Hana's character, though this is only the first chapter. I feel like she's a little bold even without realizing it, and probably even more confident than she seems now, seeing as how she's about to start rebelling. She's a little careless with the speaking before thinking kind of thing, but I like that since it's relatable and a realistic quality most people have.
And, I'm guessing (or hoping) Kris is the one who handcuffed her? ;D
Nice first chapter! Don't worry too much about the grammar or anything. The plot is really interesting, though not that unique, but still enjoyable so far. Good luck with the rest and can't wait to read the next chapter (but take your time haha). :)
This story seems quite interesting, excited to see how it unfolds, but I don't think you need to make the font so big, imo, but it's up to you since, after all, this is your story. :)