Insane Krystal

Always Be Loving You

-Chapter 3-



NP: Hahaha Song - SNSD


Sulli's P.O.V.


[10:30 A.M. @ Victoria's Car]


My little dog wasn't allowed inside the airport or the plane so I had to bring his dog cage with me. And I haven't even thought of a name for him yet! :( Maybe… I should call him… CUDDLES! :D It's perfect because he's perfect to be cuddled with! He's so fluffy! Hehe :)


Now I'm with my little Cuddles guarding the goodies Eonnie and I bought from the mall. We're at the backseat of her very expensive BYD G3. :) Very Expensive. Haha! ^^


"You know Eonnie, I was surprised that you were taking me with you to Seoul. But now I feel happy going back. It's been a long time since I last stayed there." I patted Cuddles' fluffy brown fur.


"Me too Sul. You sure should be. Seoul is beautiful! I bet It's grown more prettier now than before. And more good news is that we're going to school together!" Victorie Eonnie smiled at me through the front mirror of the car.


R-R-R-R-R-I-I-I-N-N-G-G!!!! R-R-R-R-R-I-I-I-N-N-G-G!!!!


Eonnie's phone started ringing. I wonder who's calling.


"Sulli can you answer my phone for me?"


"Okay Eonnie." I got her phone out of her bag and checked who was calling. It's Krystal! O.O Why is she calling Vic Eonnie?


"Hello? Krystal? It's me, Sulli. Why are you calling Vic Eonnie?"


"Sulli? Is that you? Why are you with Vic Eonnie!? Nevermind what I asked. Anyways, where are you now?"


"In Victoria Eonnie's car." I said innocently.


"Sulli! I'm serious. Like where exactly are you right now? What street? What crossing? What avenue?"


"We're on our way to the airport. Um, we're passing through the overpass, at ________ Street, around ________ Boulevard. Why do you-----?" I was cut off by Krystal.


"Tell Victoria Eonnie to stop the car, okay? Wait for me, I'm coming with you."


"WHAT!? WHY!? But I can't do that!" I screamed in reply to what Krystal said. I questioned her. Why on earth is she coming? I can't tell Eonnie to stop.


"Sulli? Is that Krystal? What happened?" Vic Eonnie asked while driving. She was attracted to why I screamed on her phone.


"Oh, It's nothing Eonnie!" I assured her.


"Sulli just do it!" Krystal responded again.


"No!" I hesitated.


"Sulli, are you okay? What's the problem?" Vic Eonnie questioned me curiously.


"No Eonnie, it's nothi----" I was cut off again. Dangit Krystal! Stop.doing that.


"Just do it! Sulli! I'm on my way there! JUST STOP THE CAR RIGHT NOW!" I jumped off my feet when Krystal's screamed through my ear. I panicked so I screamed as well. Sorry Eonnie, Krystal forced me.




"Sulli what's wrong!? What happened?" She got startled why I screamed.


“Eonnie, it’s Krystal. She told me to stop the car and wait for her. She said she’s coming with us!”


“What! That’s crazy! She doesn’t even have a ticket. And we might be late with what she’s doing.”


“Eonnie, take it easy. Maybe... we should wait. She sounded very serious about coming with us.” I softly patted her right shoulder and gave a concerned look. I love Krystal and I’ve known her since childhood. I could tell she was serious.


Eonnie turned to me and gave me a knowing look. And I knew what she meant. I mentally sighed.


“No Sulli. I know how concerned you are about her, and I am too but she needs to get a hold of herself. We always give her consent for the things she does. But what if this is one of her crazy stunts again. I mean she’s going to Korea with us without us even knowing about it.  Maybe even without thinking twice.” She stated. Eonnie was right. Krystal was going overboard. But maybe, just maybe, she was doing something right. Something she needed. To escape from the past she had here. I looked back at the rear window of the car to see any sign of the bestfriend I’ve known and grown up with. But my thoughts were startled by the roar of the engine.


“We’re not gonna wait for her Sul. We’re going.”


Krystal’s P.O.V.




“Can’t you go faster? I’m trying to catch a plane here! How long will it ever take you to get there?” I nagged at the worthless human being that was sitting in front of me.


“Sorry ma’am but I can’t go past the speed limit.” Damnit I don’t care about that speed limit you idiot.


I need to get to Sulli and Eonnie before they leave me here alone. Can’t you stupid taxi driver understand that? I can’t let depression and loneliness surround me once more. There my only real friends and the people who I knew loved me in and out. I trust them more than anything and I’d never let them go no matter what. I need them.


I glared at the driver and I knew he has shivering because of it. Not gonna go faster? Then good luck surviving this ride. I focused my eyes on the road and--- Wait. Is that Victoria Eonnie’s car? I cleared my vision and just like I suspected, it was her car and Sulli was there too! I felt a tingle of gladness inside me before I turned back to the driver.


“Faster! Faster! I need to catch that car now!” I partially screamed into his ear which made him jump a little.


“Yes ma’am! Yes ma’am.” He panicked and stepped harder on the accelerator. We went faster but It wasn’t enough to reach them. Crap. Can’t this old rust bucket catch up?


Then suddenly, the BYD G3 went faster. Oh Gosh. I cursed under my breath and gripped the man’s shoulder before pushing him over to the other side of the front seats.



NP: Stand Up - J-Min



“Move over. I’m driving this.”


I stepped harder and drove full speed. Just how I liked it. Right after that the driver laid frozen on his seat gapping. For a moment I felt sorry for him. Sorry but I need to get them. I don’t have time anymore.


“Faster... Faster... “ I grunted while keeping my eyes straight on the road and the BYD G3.


Honk! Honk! I tried my best to get their attention but it didn’t work. With that I went ahead of her car and hit the breaks making the taxi stop in front of them. The car shrieked in suspense when I turned. We almost crashed into each other, but luckily we didn’t. Even I was shocked with what just happened. I can’t believe I did that...


Run after Victoria Eonnie and Sulli. Steal the wheel from a taxi driver. And now... almost colliding with another car in great adrenaline. And not just any car, Eonnie’s BYD. I don’t know what to do any more... Huh... It’s all too much...


What’s gotten into you Krystal? I breathed at the thought. I saw, with blurry eyes, Eonnie opening her car door and running over to me. She opened the taxi door and quickly analysed my state. “KRYSTAL! What on earth happened to you?” She asked worriedly while checking on me. Not after a second, Sulli came over and hugged me right away.


“Krystal! Are you okay? Oh gosh Krystal! You almost killed yourself!” She looked like she was almost having a heart attack. It showed in her facial expressions. I took a breath and sighed before closing my eyes.


Author’s P.O.V.


Both, Sulli and Victoria’s attention got caught by the helpless taxi driver who was shivering in shock. Victoria sighed and went over to the man’s side.


“Sulli, take Krystal and her things to the car. I’ll take care of this.” Victoria commanded before giving concern to the man.


Sulli slowly got Krystal up and made her lean on her. She placed her inside the back seat and was about to get her luggage from the taxi when a hand grabbed her wrist. She turned around and found Krystal hugging and crying onto her. “Sulli.... I’m s-sorry... I d-didn’t want... this... t-to happen.... I just need.... both of you.... please... don’t go... without me...” She said while hiccupping. Her tears stained Sulli’s blouse but it was okay. She herself wanted to cry because of her bestfriend. Gently patting her head, Sulli hugged her back. “Don’t cry Krystal, I’m here.”


Victoria’s P.O.V.


“I’m so sorry sir for my ‘sister’s’ behaviour. She’s been through depression lately and she hasn’t recovered yet. I hope you understand. I’ll pay for all the damages that she’s done and also her taxi fair. But sir, I beg you, please don’t file a case against her.”


I begged the driver for his consideration. Of all the things I’ve done for Krystal, I guess this is one of the biggest. I know we spoil her to much but I know what she’s been through. As her guardian I need to be by her side and protect her at all costs. I didn’t want to give her another load to carry, like a case for reckless driving and trespassing or etc.


“It’s okay miss, I forgive your ‘sister’. Maybe I’m just too old for the adventurous streets nowadays.” Both chuckled at the old man’s statement.


“Thank You Sir! I absolutely guarantee that this won’t happen again. And I hope it never will. But even if you say it’s okay, I’ll still pay you, to be fair.” I smiled and so the deal was sealed.


As I went back to the car, I thought of Krystal. What was I going to do with her? I opened the door and got seated, took a deep sigh and found Sulli hugging Krystal.


“So, what are we going to do now?” I asked them, mostly at Krystal. Then her arms both wrapped around me from behind.


“Eonnie! Please Eonnie! Take me with you! Please! Please!” She wined and started crying.


“I don’t want to go back there! I don’t want to feel left out over and over again without anyone to comfort me. You know you and Sulli are the closest people I know. I can’t ever go a day without knowing both of you will be on my side. Please take me away from everything... I don’t want to feel the pain here... Please Eonnie... Just Please...” She bursted into tears and her eyes turned red.


“Krystal please stop crying...” Sulli could feel the pain Krystal kept too.


I couldn't decide what to do yet. I'm older than both of them, so I knew it was all up to me. 


"Well... I don't know Krystal. You know this isn't right. You know we'll all get in trouble." I hesitated.


"Please... Eonnie... Take me with you... " She continued to cry on my shoulder.


"Alright. I will." I sighed. This is gonna be a big decision for me but I'm doing it for Krystal's sake.


"Really Eonnie?!" Sulli questioned in surprise.


"Yes. Really." I smiled at both of them and they smiled back. Krystal hugged me tightly.


"Eonnie Komawo..."


"Now, get seated. We're almost there." I started the engine and drove through the main highway. The airport was getting near now. We could see it from the distance. I called one of my trusted personal assistants earlier, Nickhun Horvejkul, to meet us there. Since we were leaving my car, I needed someone to take care of it.


I parked where I saw him waiting and gave him the keys.


"Good Morning Ma'am Victoria! Lovely day for a flight?" He smiled cheerfully as usual.


"Yes, it is Nick. Now won't you please help us with out luggage?" I smiled back and he gave a small salute before gathering our things and heading inside the airport.


I recieved a pat from my back and found a tall baby behind me. "Isn't he cute Eonnie?" Sulli pointed at my P.A.


I chuckled inwardly and shook my head. "Oh Sulli, your still too young for him!" I joked which made a blush creep up to her cheeks. 


"Eonnie! That wasn't funny!"




It didn't take long for us to get on the plane. We said goodbye too my 'cute', as what Sulli thought, personal assistant. Just as I noticed, he actually was cute.


I got seated near the window, the sight of the clouds and landscapes looks so beautiful; next to me was Sulli then Krystal.


Soon the landscapes of China disappeared and now it was Seoul. I saw all the things and places I missed so dearly. I saw everything I loved. "Eonnie, where are we?" Sulli and Krystal wke up from thir nap. I smiled at their cute faces then turned back to the window.












                                                                                      -End of Chapter 3-



Finally I updated xD sorry so much to all the readers :) I know this isn't my best but I'll always try to update alright? I just need more knowledge in writing that's why I took time to read other books to get more good ideas :) sorry again guys :( LUNBER FIGHTING! <3

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Chapter 5: This is an interesting story :D

Keep up the GOOD work :)
is this yuri? (girl x girl) is amber really a dude here or she's just pretending to one? hehehe i have never ever read a f(x) fics since i'm really into (EXO) but this seems really interesting ~
BaeJoohyunIsMyBae #3
Chapter 1: I love the name Ander, it's so funny and classical. Ander. xD. I love how you made Amber into a boy. I thinks's really cute how Luna has to drive the bike and Ander has to sit behind her holding onto her waist;-). I love corniness, it's so hilarious. ;D
I love how you ended the chapter with the text message and Victoria. It makes me wonder how important Victoria is and what is the relationship with Ander and her is ;D I thinks it's sad how Luna's father died. How did he die?
secretninja09 #4
Chapter 2: Please update soon. I like the plot and I can't see any mistakes so far. So overall good job :)
Hey guys pls do comment! I wanna hear all your comments :)) I wanna know whats on your mind and what you think about my story. Pls Pls COMMENT. I BEG YOU.
FINALLY A LUNBER STORY!!! Good grammar too as far as I can tell ;) even though Amber's a boy but I can overlook that for the sake of LunBer!
mherrera #7
Please put up chapter 1 :D Looking forward to it ^__^ If you need any help don't be scared to contact me (: