Can't Be Tamed

Always Be Loving You

Victoria's P.O.V.


[10:00 P.M. @ Van to Studio]



"Thanks Sul, sorry if I had to borrowed your phone. I forgot mine at Krystal's." I apologized.



"It's okay Eonnie. I'm always prepared since we're staying up late tonight." Sulli replied. Stupid manager, I can't believe he forgot to plan this photoshoot. Now we need to do it tonight cause tomorrow's the deadline. *sighs*



"Huh. Yeah I know. It's stupid how Manager Hyeong forgot about this!" Huh. I can't believe him. He's really testing my patience.



"Eonnie, relax! We still have alot of time. You're flights tomorrow right? So you can still make it. Don't worry, I'll help you pack." Oh Sulli. Aren't you a sweetheart? You're too sweet. :)



"I'm done packing. I'm just in a hurry since I haven't bought anything special to bring back to Seoul." I need to buy gifts for my friends and family in Seoul. I can't go without it! They all deserve something from me.



"Then I'll help you with that too! Hehe Eonnie!" ^^ She hugged me tight. I hugged back.



"Thanks Sul. Hey we're here. Comm'on Sul let's go." I got my bag and opened the van door and Sulli and I got out. On our way to the studio to start the photoshoot.


(Sulli and Victoria on the way to studio)

(photoshoot picture)




[6:00 A.M. @ Victoria's Condo]




Ah! It's morning! A new day! And the day my flight takes off! I can't wait to see Seoul again. 



NP: Kissing You - SNSD



After I exercised and took a bath, ate breakfast, and got dressed to go to Sulli's, I noticed I forgot to tell Ander that my flight was today.



"Oh My Gosh! My phone is at Krystal's! I better get it now, maybe she's already awake." I got my bag and locked my condo. I drove straight to Krystal's house.


(Victoria's BYD G3; based on story)




[7:15 A.M. @ Jung's Residence]



Woaw! I almost forgot how big the Jung's house was. It wasn't even a house, it was more like a mansion


(Jung's Mansion)



I honked my horn while I was at the big wooden gate with gold designed over its sides. Their guard knew it was me so I got in right away. I parked the car and got out. I rung the doorbell just to see their maid, Hani, smiling at me.



“Good Morning Mrs. Song.” She greeted me with a lovely smile and bowed as she opened the door.



“Good Morning to you too, Hani. Is Krystal around?” I asked her politely after I bowed as well.



“Ah Yes! She’s inside her room right now. I think she’s already got up from bed. But please be careful, I heard she was fighting with her sister earlier.” She warned me. It’s always a warning when those two fight. You’ll never know what the Jung Sister’s can do. Maybe what chaos one of them might create.



“Thank You Hani. I will.” I went upstairs to Krystal’s room but something stopped me. I heard voices coming from inside.



“Who do you think you are Krystal Jung? How could you do such a thing? Go out with guys and come home drunk? What’s gotten into your head Krystal?” Jessica’s voice could be heard even from outside the room. This is what I was afraid of.



“How come you get all mom and dad’s attention and respect? They treat you like you were their favorite child!” Krystal talked back to Jessica in an angry tone. I tried to peek inside the room and slightly opened the door. I spied and watched both of them. Krystal was sitting on the very inside of her bed while Jessica was standing up, walking around from left to right with her hands on her waist.



“Me? I get all the attention? More like you! You do many crazy things to get all their attention. Going to parties and bars, spending all your money shopping with those ty friends you have, going out with different guys. No wonder you never have any real friends or real relationships. All of its part-time, and doesn’t last long. Krystal none of them love or care for you because you don’t even care for yourself and your situation. Krystal! Think about yourself too! You’re giving mom and dad a headache with what you’re doing!” Jessica couldn’t stop talking about everything that had happened to Krystal. She just snapped!



I saw Krystal look down and grip her hands into fists. I knew this had to stop, she couldn’t take it anymore. So I slowly went inside the room.



“Um… Excuse me am I disturbing both of you?” If not then I’m surely going to.



“Oh! Victoria Eonnie! You’re here! No, of course not! You weren’t disturbing us at all. Sorry if ever Krystal and I made you wait. Take a seat!” Jessica kindly greeted me and bowed. I bowed as I said thank you.



“Thank You Jess. I came here to see Krystal. I wanted to talk to her about some things.”



“Oh, Okay. I’ll be outside then. Please call me if ever you need anything, okay?” Jessica smiled.



“Yes, I will. Thank you again.” Jessica went out and I sat down on a chair need Krystal’s bed.



“Krystal… I’m sorry about what happened to you and your sister earlier. You know you shouldn’t be doing that all the time. You heard what she said, right?”



“Yes, I know Eonnie. I’ve heard it a million times. But no one understands me. Even my own parents don’t mind me.” Krystal looked up at me and there I saw tears fall from her red eyes to her frail cheeks. I hugged her right away and she hugged back.



“I know you can change Krystal. You can, you just have to try. You never tried.” I wiped her tears while giving her a concerned look.



She nodded, “I’ll try. But please promise that you and Sulli are gonna be there to help me?” I smiled and hugged her again.



“I promise.”



[8:00 A.M. @ On the way to Sulli’s house]



After comforting Krystal and getting my phone from her, I was already on my way to Sulli’s home. It was a very simple neighborhood that she and her family lived in. Their house was white with a black roof and it had a friendly looking appearance. I parked and knocked at the front gate. I saw Sulli coming to open it.


(Sulli's house)



“Good Morning Eonnie! I’m all ready to go shopping with you!” She smiled brightly which made me smile too.



“Okay then, but you forgot something!” I giggled as I passed through her and went inside.



“Good Morning Mrs. Choi! How are you today? Are Sulli’s things ready?” I smiled while greeting Sulli’s mom and came near to hug her.



“Oh Victoria! You’re already here. Ah Yes! Sulli’s things are all packed up. I’ll go get it for you.” She hugged me back and went quickly to get Sulli’s luggage.



Sulli was very confused about our conversation. She was already confused with what I told her at the gate. She didn’t know a single thing of what was happening. Hehe.



“What things?! Victoria Eonnie!!! Where are you taking me!? What’s happening?!” Sulli grabbed my arm and shaked it back and forth while pouting.



“Eonnie! Tell Me!” Sulli looked so scared, but she still looked very cute. Aww poor baby Sulli. ~



“Here we are! I hope it’s not too much luggage.” Mrs. Choi handed it to me.



“Eomma! What’s going on!?” Sulli was about to burst. Okay, Okay! Easy there Sul, I’ll tell you. J



“We’re going back to Korea!” I shouted to Sulli, excited for her reaction.



“WHAT?! WE?! BUT WHY?!” O.O I think I did it too much. LOL.



“Me and your mom talked about my plan on going back to Seoul. Well, she suggested that I take you with me. And since I’m coming home to finish college, your mom agreed that you’re gonna study highschool there too!” I simple explained.



“What?! Me going back to school?! No, I don’t want to go to school anymore!” Sulli protested, “I’m happy here in China! I’m happy with my career! With our career Eonnie! Eomma, Eonnie, I don’t want to go!” Sulli got so red like a tomato because of irritation. Sulli just go, will yah?



“Sulli, it’s final. You leave with Victoria first. While I and your mother will catch up after we get some papers done. We’ll be there as soon as possible.”  Mr. Choi came inside the house just after he walked the dog. The cute little thing went inside the house.



“Aww! Hi Little Buddy! Come here boy!” I tried to get its attention and it came running right to me.


(Sulli's Dog; based on story)


“Fine. I’ll go then. But I’ll take the dog with me.”  And that was it. Sulli got her things and we said our fare wells. Onward to the MALL!!



NP: Hahaha – SNSD



Sulli and I went shopping first, with the dog of course. And after the shopping we drove to the airport.



[Earlier. 7:30 A.M. @ Jung’s Residence]


Krystal's P.O.V.



Hani came inside slowly and greeted me good morning. I was still sitting in the corner of my bed. The room was dark, only the morning sunlight brought brightness to the dull room. I never really like turning on the lights anyways.



“So how was your little talk with Miss Song, Ma’am Krystal?” She asked me while I went out of bed and stoop up going to the window sill. I looked through it, watching the landscapes the mountains made. We live near a place of nature. A hundred acre of trees and mountains between the horizon. Very peaceful really.



“It was fine. She said she was going to Korea today.” I thought how far we were from the city. No wonder I never liked it. It’s so far from civilization.




“Is that so, Ma’am Krystal?”















NP: Beautiful Stranger – F(x)





“Um… Hani can you please prepare and pack my things?”



“Uh… But why, Ma’am Krystal?” She asked in a confused state.
















“I’m going with them.”






                                                                    - End of Chapter 2 -




Yes finally posted Chapter 2! Hope you enjoy guys! :)) <3


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Chapter 5: This is an interesting story :D

Keep up the GOOD work :)
is this yuri? (girl x girl) is amber really a dude here or she's just pretending to one? hehehe i have never ever read a f(x) fics since i'm really into (EXO) but this seems really interesting ~
BaeJoohyunIsMyBae #3
Chapter 1: I love the name Ander, it's so funny and classical. Ander. xD. I love how you made Amber into a boy. I thinks's really cute how Luna has to drive the bike and Ander has to sit behind her holding onto her waist;-). I love corniness, it's so hilarious. ;D
I love how you ended the chapter with the text message and Victoria. It makes me wonder how important Victoria is and what is the relationship with Ander and her is ;D I thinks it's sad how Luna's father died. How did he die?
secretninja09 #4
Chapter 2: Please update soon. I like the plot and I can't see any mistakes so far. So overall good job :)
Hey guys pls do comment! I wanna hear all your comments :)) I wanna know whats on your mind and what you think about my story. Pls Pls COMMENT. I BEG YOU.
FINALLY A LUNBER STORY!!! Good grammar too as far as I can tell ;) even though Amber's a boy but I can overlook that for the sake of LunBer!
mherrera #7
Please put up chapter 1 :D Looking forward to it ^__^ If you need any help don't be scared to contact me (: