Gimme some ice cream, Hyung!

Gimme some ice cream, Hyung!

Gimme some ice cream, Hyung!

A/N: Hey my dear readers! I decided to write a cute short story with the pairing 2min again! ♥ I love this pairing~ so that's only a long oneshot but I hope you will like it! (:


Today was a really, really hot day! The summer holidays began only a few days ago and so all the people, especially the families and their kids, spent the whole day outside to enjoy the hot sun. Some went to the beach to have fun with friends or for looking at cute girls or y boys – teenagers, eh?!
Another teenager sat on a bench in a green and beautiful park with many different flowers. He didn't want to look at cute girls or y boys, he didn't want to spent his day with his family or his friends – he only wanted to eat his beloved banana ice cream! Unfortunately most of the ice cream stores nearby didn't sell ice cream with banana flavor. It just wasn't a common flavor in his area, most of the stores only sold the established flavors like strawberry, chocolate, vanilla, chocolate chip, cookie and so on. They also had other fruity flavors like apple, raspberry or mango, but Taemin never saw his beloved banana ice cream!

But he knew there was someone who would know where he could buy this ice cream: Key. His best friend, also known as 'Almighty Key' always helped him with his different and seriously important problems! Like... finding banana ice cream, you know? So Taemin's best friend had a special insider's tip for him: Key told him that there was a small ice cream seller in the park nearby – and it was a perfect solution! He assured his cute best friend that this seller had to have his banana flavored ice cream, so Taemin had to go there to search for the seller. And he found him!

Oh~ and this ice cream seller really was... handsome! Many children stood around his small but multifarious ice cream van and were very happy with their ice creams. Most of them had many various scoops which were colorful. They really looked delicious...
The handsome boy – maybe he was like 20 or 21 years old? - was always happy and offered them their sweet and cold cream with joy!
'Could he really the best ice cream ever? Banana flavor?! Let's give it a try!', the student said and made his way to the ice cream van and its handsome seller with shoulder-length brown hair.

Taemin walked to the van and stood in front of it. He really watched all ice cream flavors. They looked really colorful and delicious. 'Strawberry, Raspberry, Lemon, Cherry, Yoghurt, Chocolate, Vanilla, Chocolate Chip, Cookie and... oh my gosh! Banana! There really is banana!!', he thought happily and his face was full of joy while his eyes were sparkling and shining. He never thought he could be so happy about something simple like ice cream... but he was!

“Hey boy. You decided which ice cream you wanna have?”, the seller said with a friendly voice while smiling softly at the teenager. 'Cute boy.'
“Ehh~ yes! I wanna have one scoop of banana, please!”, he replied gladly.
The handsome young man took a wafer and put one big scoop of banana flavored ice cream in it.
“You like chocolate sauce? It doesn't cost anything... for you!”, the seller said and winked. Taemin blushed immediately and only nodded fast. 'Banana and chocolate, ohh... yummy!'
The man also added some chocolate sauce and gave it to the reddish-blond haired boy in front of him. “This makes 1.25 won!”
The student nodded and grabbed his wallet to hand the ice cream seller his money. Then he took his ice cream and his eyes were sparkling again. “Thanks!”
“Please come back soon!”, he heard from the seller and waved. Then he walked back to his bench and again he saw many mothers with their children to buy many scoops of ice cream!
'It's really delicious! I understand all of these kids so well', he thought and chuckled about his mind.

After he ate his ice cream he decided to walk through the park to enjoy the beautiful sunset. The sky was colored in orange-ish, yellowish and reddish tones and it was a beautiful sight! After he walked a round he came back to the place were the ice cream van stood. The owner – the handsome guy with the big brown eyes and the shoulder-length hair – locked his van. It was almost 7pm and you could barely see any mothers with his children. Before the van drove away the seller looked at Taemin, smiled and waved before he left. The cute student also waved and smiled happily.
'Tomorrow I haaave to come back to buy ice cream again!', he thought and made his way back to his home as well.


The next day was a nice day as well. It wasn't as hot as yesterday but sunny as well! And also it was a little bit humid air so it was the best to eat ice cream, right?! Yeah, that was the right choice for Taemin! He had his hair in a ponytail because it was very hot with his hair not tied up. He wore a simple white t-shirt, almost cute jeans shorts (all of the guys who liked Taemin would definitely love it and the girls would find him really adorable!) and his simple white converse low sneakers. It was a common but convenient outfit – any other things would be too hot for this summer!

The reddish-blond haired boy smiled and arrived at the beautiful park nearby his home. It wasn't far away, only a few hundred meters – and all of them was worth the park. Or more precisely they was worth the awesome ice cream. Banana flavored ice cream! Yeeeah~ 'When I think about it... I think I could faint, ehehehe~ Am I crazy? Oh no, I'm not crazy... ehehehe', he thought absent.
He noticed he was in the park. And not only him. Again it was full of people. Small people, big people, people alone, people in communities, young people, old people and yeah – very many children! There was a long line in front of the ice cream van. 'Today he also looks so handsome!', the student thought. Yeah, the ice cream seller really looked nice. He also had a nice ponytail to prevent himself from unnecessary sweating and he had a big smile on his face while he batched scoop on scoop on the wafers to make the children happy.

After a while the line was smaller and Taemin decided to queue up in it. It seemed he was the last customer – yeah, again it was almost already 7pm and most of the children were away.
“Hey!”, the big eyed boy said. “You wanna have ice cream?”
“Of course! Again banana flavored!”, the cute boy replied excitedly.
“You like it?”
“I looove banana ice cream!”
“Really? Then you get three scoops! I made you one special sundae for only 2222 won. What do you think?”, the seller asked and winked.
“Sounds really nice... thank you!” Taemin blushed.
“Always for you, little cutie!”, the young man with the brown hair and the dark orbs said. Immediately Taemin blushed harder and chuckled. Skillful and talented the seller prepared a big sundae with three banana scoops and one scoop of chocolate flavored ice cream. Then he put some slices of almonds in the sundae and topped it with hot chocolate sauce. 'Gosh, it looks so delicious!', Taemin thought.
“So! Ready to eat! That's 2222 won.”
“Thank you so much!” Taemin handed the money. His big ice cream tub really was cheap for its awesome taste! 'Om nom nom!' He stood there in front of the van and enjoyed his delicious and sweet dessert.
“You like it?”, the older boy asked. The student answered with a fat nod and the seller was more than satisfied. 'He's cute. Maybe I should ask him to date me...'
Minho – that was the name of the ice cream master – watched Taemin in silence. He had beautiful and silky hair which shines. His ponytail was cute. He had pale and flawless skin, although it was so hot and sunny outside and his lips were plump and pink! On the corner of his lips was a little bit sauce and Minho really wanted to... 'No! I could never do that...' He tried to calm down – but he really enjoyed the sight of this beautiful boy. 'How could a boy be beautiful like that?', he asked himself.

“It was perfect, Hyung! Thank you very much!” The student's voice woke him up and he smiled happily at him.
“I'm happy you liked my special sundae. So... what's your name?”
“Lee Taemin! And your's?”, the teenager answered gladly. 'He asked about my name, he asked about my name!'
“Then that's the 'special Taemin cup' and only you will get it. My name is Minho.”
“You have the best ice cream ever! I love it!'
“That's cute. You can come visit me everyday if you like to.”
“I will! I live in the residential are nearby. In a white house with a dark blue roof... eh..but that's not important. I only wanted to say that it's not far away from my home, so I will come here everyday and will enjoy your perfect banana ice cream!”, the reddish-blond haired boy said in a rushed voice. The older one only chuckled and began to lock his van.

Both of them said good bye and made their ways back home.


It was 8pm and Minho stood in front of a white house with a dark blue roof. On the door plate stood the name 'Lee'. Yeah, it was an usual Korean name, but it was the only white house with a dark blue roof which had the name 'Lee' on it! So Minho thought it had to be the house of his cute 'I adore ice cream'-boy. The tall boy had his 'special Taemin cup' in his hands and pressed the door bell. After a short while the door opened and a confused teenager stood in front of him.
“M-Minho?! What...”, he said full of confusion.
“I...just wanted to visit because you didn't came here today. I was a little bit worried so I decided to prepare your special sundae...”, the handsome boy said shyly and scratched his head. Taemin chuckled and opened the door a little bit wider.
“Maybe you wanna come in? We could it eat together. My parents aren't here today.”, the cute student suggested. Minho was happy! Of course he wanted to eat ice cream with Taemin!

Both of them sat on Taemin's bed and spooned up the ice cream. Minho saw Taemin's joy and happiness and he also was glad. 'You can satisfy this cute boy simply with banana flavored ice cream, that's more than cute!', the seller thought.
“So, why were you worried, Hyung?”, the silky haired boy asked.
“Ah~ only because you said you would visit every day. But today you didn't come so I decided to search for your house. Sorry, I seem like a stalker. But I'm not, haha!”
“Haha, I know that you aren't a stalker! But... I think I like you!”, Taemin said and blushed.
“I like you too, Taeminnie.”, Minho said shyly. 'Gosh! Why am I so shy! Usually I'm not shy like that. That's really embarrassing.' “Ehm... how old are you? Are you going to school?”, he asked to change the topic.
Taemin nodded. “Yeah, I'm going to High School. I'm 17! And you?”
“I'm 21 and an college student. But now are summer holidays and there's also our semester break so I decided to live my passion and sell ice cream. I really love it and it's perfect to earn money in holidays.”, Minho answered.
“Wow, that's cool! I'm 4 years younger than you! I cannot believe it! You must think I'm a little boy...”
“No. I like you, you are really cute. So...”
“Maybe you... wanna date me? Only if you like to. If it's boring for you I will leave you alone.”, Minho said and looked deep into Taemin's hazelnut colored eyes.
“M-Minho... I don't have any experience, you know...”, he said uncertain. Minho tousled the hair of the reddish-blond boy playfully.
“That's okay. I'm really patient. I have to feed all the children with ice cream! So it won't be har to wait for you.”, the handsome boy said to cheer the cutie up.
“Haha~ that's cute of you, really!”, Taemin said and hugged his friend. Minho hugged him back and moved his lips forward to the student's pinkish ones. Both closed their eyes and they had a very sweet (but also could – because of the ice cream!) kiss. They ended it and smiled at each other.
“I like you, Taeminnie.”
“I like you too, Hyung!”


Minho prepared his special cup for Taemin. But it was more special that his 'special Taemin cup' – it was his 'special Taemin's 18th birthday cup'! They already were a couple for almost one year! The time flew so fast! But both of them really loved each other and they enjoyed every minute they shared with each other.
He woke up his boyfriend and whispered: “Good morning my little Taeminnie. Happy Birthday cutie.” He got a smile back directly and his cutie opened his eyes. “Hmmm~” He streched his arms and his legs and grumbled a little bit. “Hyuuung~” Taemin reached his arms to his boyfriend and requested a kiss. The student got it and was happy. “Thanks Minho!”, he said happily.
“I prepared your favorite dessert.”, Minho stated.
“Dessert for birthday breakfast, that's great!”, the reddish-blond haired boy said while scratching his head. “Let's go to the kitchen!” He jumped off Minho's warm bed and rushed to the kitchen. On the table there was a really big cup of ice cream. That wasn't a sundae anymore – it was almost a bucket! Taemin's eyes were sparkling full of joy and he hugged his boyfriend. “That's so cute of you, Hyung!”
“I also have a present for you.”, Minho said and Taemin was impatient.
“Really? Really?! What is it, what is it?”, the younger one said while bouncing on his feet.
Minho reached to his pocket of his black jeans and got a small white box with a dark blue bow out of it. He gave it to Taemin. “Please open it.”, he said with a soft voice.
The teenager was excited and opened the dark blue bow. Then he gasped. In the box was a very beautiful silver bracelet. And it had an ice cream pendant!
“Minhooo~ that's sooo cute! Thank you so much!”, he shouted and kissed his boyfriend softly.

After that both of them enjoyed the 'special Taemin's 18th birthday cup' – or 'bucket'! It was Taemin's best birthday he ever had – full of banana flavored ice cream and with the best boyfriend on the world!

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XxCutenessOverdoX #1
Cute! ^^
2min88 #2
So cute <33
'It's really delicious! I understand all of these kids so well', he thought and chuckled about his mind. <-- THAT WAS SO ADORABLE! <3<br />
<br />
Just like this story! I loved how SWEET it was! And omg, is there REALLY BANANA FLAVOURED ICE-CREAM? I'D LOVE TO TRY IT FOR THE SAKE OF TAEMIN :'D<br />
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Thanks for writing this! <3
KuraGoesKorea #4
Really cute! :3
OMO this is so cuuuuuuuute! ;3;<br />
2min fluff is the best thing ever. ♥<br />
This is so sweet...I want banana ice cream...
Banana fall in love<br />
LOL<br />
<br />
such a damn cute story......
Secret #7
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carrotcake #8
so cute! your '2min ice cream fic' was really an awesome read! ^_^v
CharmmyKitty #9
Thanks to all of yooou!!