As Long As You Love Me

As Long As You Love Me
At the dorm a feline eyed man was wrapped up in several blankets, laying in bed feeling so sick and exhausted. Suffering with a full on cold, snuffly blocked nose, horrible chesty cough and the aches and pains over his slim, fragile body.
It had been like this for a few days with today being the worst day of them all. Feeling his body ache just rolling over on to his side, feeling fed up and bored not being able to do anything. The other 4 continued on with the schedules with 
some one about to always just keep an eye on him. What felt worse was he never got to spend that much time with his boyfriend and that alone was the worst pain alone. He always made him feel so much better even if it was for a an hour or 2.
It was rare the manager let Jonghyun stay home to look after Kibum or even let him be close to the sick boy too concerned he would catch the cold as well. Not being able to see Jonghyun for so long had made Key feel worse and got to the point 
were he started to feel a little unloved and started to doubt if Jonghyun even loved him or wanted him. Rolling on to his side, wincing a little, Key grabbed a mirror that was on his night stand by his bed, groaning when he saw his own reflection.
Those striking feline eyes had become red,sore and puffy, cheeks paled like he had seen a ghost. His normally lovely smooth bow shaped lips are dry cracked and sore. Head pounding like someone has hitting him over the head with a baseball bat and his normally
fluffy (newly dyed) black hair was greasy and messily sticking out in all directions, his fringe slightly wet from were he had been sweating a little from the fever. Throwing the mirror back in its place, he tried to sit up a little to drink a little bit of
water. He was home alone today Taemin, Minho and Onew were gone to appear on some variety show and his boyfriend he was missing so much had gone to appear on some radio show.
Wanting to have some comfort, he grabbed his IPod and tuned into the radio show just wanting to hear his boyfriend even if he couldn't see him at lest he could hear him. Finally after 5 minutes of finding the show he sighed a little hearing the presenters introduce
Jonghyun. He had gone on the Kiss the radio healing cafe show and it would be on for next 2 hours. Feeling those silly butterflies flutter around a little when he heard that dreamy like voice he always loved and made him feel so safe.
For 45 minutes they interviewed 
and grilled the older about everything and anything but soon they were asking him about his love life and knowing that they have to keep theirs hushed and tot hem self''s, it still hurt a little to know Jonghyun was now going to lie and say he was single and talk about girls.
Hearing Jonghyun being asked about his ideal type, he always loved that he never gave just names but would describe the feline boy in a certain way most others wouldn't notice. He laid there and suddenly he got a little exited when the older spoke and said he was going to sing 
a song. Jonghyun's singing voice could make anyone feel better and good. It was the most relaxing feeling he got when listened to the older. When the presenter's got exited and started to ask Jonghyun about the choice of song and why he chose it, Key never expected the answers
the older gave them.
"So your going to perform a song for us. Which song have you picked Jonghyun - ssi" The female radio host asked, excitement in her voice.
"As Long As You Love Me by Justin Bieber" Jonghyun spoke with such confidence and honestly.
"Wow such an odd choice you made. Tell us why pick such a foreign like song to sing" The male host asked.
"When I listened to the lyrics, they meant a lot to me and kind of spoke of my feelings to someone" Again he gave them the confident answer and he knew they were now going to dig deeper and try to create some false story from it.
"Oh is it about a special person in your life, tell us who is this lucky lady" It was too obvious now they host wanted this hot gossip and know it would be such a scandal in Korea.
"Why would it be about a girl, No it's about someone very close and dear to me and I know that right now just needs a lot of love and support". The honesty Jonghyun spoke with kind of shocked the hosts and the certain listener back in their dorm.
"So Jonghyun-ssi are you possibly saying it is about a special boy" The host knew they had to be careful with this kind of subject, knowing how much trouble this could cause all of them.
"Maybe" was all Jonghyun replied as he gave a small smirk, not being able to help but think of his Kibummie at home.
He knew the last few days had been so hard on the younger, he so much wished to just lay in bed next to him and nurse him back to perfect health. He really was missing the younger like mad, trying his hardest to not let it show during their other
schedules with the other 3. He had planned to cover a song on this radio show and he didn't know what to chose from. But on his way to the show the song he picked had been played on a radio station and made him instantly think of Bummie. It was like
some of the words knew that he was feeling for the younger.
On the plus side he also knew this song was a favourite with Key as he liked lot of the American music. He had been scolding him self for not being able to show the younger just how much
he loved him lately with being busy promoting and less time for each other. He knew the younger was most properly going insane inside as he couldn't look his best. But even with those feline eyes puffy, red and swollen and with his messy hair and pale
cheeks, to Jonghyun he was still the most beautiful perfect angel he laid his eyes on. No actress or girl group member or supermodel comes even close the the perfection of Kim Kibum.
The host didn't say very much after that, they just let Jonghyun get ready and prepared. Instead talking about other celebrity gossip that was in the days paper and answering the callers questions and problems. Jonghyun knew the younger would listen, or 
would hope he was because he was going to put his all into this song even with his sometimes dodgy English.Closing his eyes he just thought of his Kibummie, from those eyes to the perfect cheekbones and those cute dainty dimples when he smiles that smile
that turns him to jelly. That cute little button nose he loves to peck when they snuggle and the soft silky milky skin he just can't help but touch. Those long strong legs and those dangerous hips that cause Jonghyun many sleepless nights. Yes Jonghyun would say Key
was like a very addictive drug that he was completely and utterly addicted too. There was certainly no cure and he was glad it was an addiction he loved and craved.
Soon it was time to start the song, taking a few deep breaths just praying inside Kibum had tuned in.

We're under pressure,

Seven billion people in the world trying to fit in

Keep it together,

Smile on your face even though your heart is frowning (frowning)

But hey now (hey now), you know, girl (know girl),

We both know it's a cruel world

But I will take my chances

Those few lyrics already had spoken a little, they always felt under pressure to keep their relationship a secret, their 3 band mates knew and were happy for them but that's where it ended and no none else knew though they had a feeling a few idols from other groups
kind of knew about them. Every interview and radio show they were always asked about their perfect types and ideal girls and each time it hurt more then he let on to lie and talk like he was a single man, Jonghyun wasn't as stupid as most think as his hints always resembled
Kibum. He knew the younger would feel hurt about it but it was the harsh reality they faced together for loving each other. Despite everything in the cruel, evil, hateful world, you had to take risks and chances that came along and to Jonghyun, Kibum was his risk but also his
life and he certainly had no regrets or second thoughts about taking his chance to date and love the fox like boy.

As long as you love me

We could be starving, we could be homeless, we could be broke

As long as you love me

I'll be your platinum, I'll be your silver, I'll be your gold

Singing these lines made Jonghyun put all his strong emotions and love into them because it was true, he could lose everything, career, family, home, no money, no food but in the end if he had Kibum then he would always be ready to take the world on each day. He would fight for them
through wind and rain. He would always protect the younger through thick and thin and if ever anyone tries to hurt him, he be their to hurt them back just as much. It was at first rather a scary feeling being so deeply and madly in love with Kibum but as each day rolled in, seeing that smile
and that laughter that gave him butterflies it felt like the best feeling in the world.
Waking up to seeing the younger snoring slightly and his little button nose scrunched up. Being the first thing he see's as he wakes up blinking into his puppy eyes, seeing Kibum at his most
vulnerable state was the best sight in the world. He was so protective of the younger. Anyone that would push Key to do something he didn't feel comfortable with, Jonghyun would be there in a flash to tell them to back off or he would cover for the younger. 
He knew the younger was so appreciative of the love and care he gave to him and one night saw key's diary stating Jonghyun was his knight in shining armour, the best thing he achieved in life like his first place gold medal.
I'll be your soldier,
Fighting every second of the day for your dreams, girl
I'll be your Hova
You could be my Destiny's Child on the scene girl
So don't stress (don't stress), don't cry (don't cry), we don't need no wings to fly
Just take my hand
Showing even more emotion in these words, he certainly was a soldier to Kibum like his protection shield from anyone or anything they try to do to bring him down or hurt his feelings. He would fight anyone to defend the younger, help Kibum to achieve all his dreams and goals in life because seeing
Kibum so happy was the best feeling in the word (it was better when it was because of him self). He would always watch other the younger and it always pained him a little to be taken away from that angel even if it was for a few hours.
Singing the next line, Jonghyun chuckled in his mind imagining them as the Jay-z and Beyonce in male form. In Jonghyun's mind though Key absolutely crushes Beyonce in to the ground with those hips and that when he shaked it around (Specially in those damn tight skinny jeans). It was an odd thought but it certainly  made him smile a little at it.
When it came to stress it was like their best friend, the constant pressure of upping their game each promotional cycle, keeping up with these images they had to show in the public. Jonghyun absolutely hated it when the younger was stressed. Kibum
was always in a bad mood and they sometimes end up in silly arguments. Though when he stressed about looking great Jonghyun would sneak behind him and back hug him whispering how perfect he was and didn't need to worry so much which always 
made Key smile and blush in the end. Any time he doubted him self Jonghyun was there and everyday he as soon as he woke up he offered the younger his hand, hoping to stop those feline eyes from tearing up and making his heart break. 

I don't know if this makes sense, but you're my hallelujah

Give me a time and place, and I'll rendezvous it,I'll fly you to it,

I'll beat you there

Girl you know I got you

Us, trust...

A couple of things I can't spell without 'U'

Now we are on top of the world, 'cause that's just how we do (do it)

Used to tell me, "Sky's the limit", now the sky's our point of view (view)

Man now we stepping out like, "Whoa" (Oh God)

Cameras point and shoot (shoot)

Ask me what's my best side, I stand back and point at you

You, you the one that I argue with, I feel like I need a new girl to be bothered with,

But the grass ain't always greener on the other side,

It's green where you water it

So I know we got issues baby true, true, true,

But I'd rather work on this with you

Than to go ahead and start with someone new

As long as you love me

Kibum was like his reason he was alive and here, like he was created for Jonghyun to love and cherish and to give him that perfect life he deserves. Yes before they had dated Jonghyun was forced to hook up with some actress Sekyung to cover up
some other scandal and like always Korea went nuts about it and soon after it was announced most just forgot about it but he noticed the feline eyed boy became more distant, catching small glances when he wasn't looking.
Seeing the younger's face drawn from colour, those eyes had lost their sparkle and he looked more like a ghost of him self, he had turned in to a Kibum he didn't know. For night's he would cry, just wanting the younger and hated being the bait too cover SM's stupid other
scandals. He never met with her much and hardly spoke to him as he became lost and his world turned in to a dull grey vision. After he had done with her, he pulled him self together and got the balls to finally make a move on the younger, who in turn at first thought it was some sick joke.
It had taken a lot of work but he won him over in the end and been so happy ever since. Jonghyun was nothing with out his Bummie by his side, it was insane how much he relyied on the younger, always feeling
on cloud nine when they were together. When they went out together they had a hard time just to not hold hands and be like every other couple about. Always stalked by those paparazzi guys taking their pictures from behind a bush as they ate out or went for a walk.
Like every couple though, they had their fair share of arguments and silly bickering and at first it drove him nuts with some of the younger's strops and tantrums and behaviour but they worked together to work out the kinks and dents and become stronger,
knowing the younger was insecure as he was so scared to lose Jonghyun, like some girl could just take him away but Jonghyun was there always and would always decline any offer from girls and made big points to say he wasn't interested.
He didn't want no one else. no other man or women on earth could replace his Kibummie (Jonghyun loved making nicknames for the younger). The little pumpkin was his life and soul and as long as Kibum kept loving him they way he loved key then nothing would
bring him down and would give him the courage to go on, each day filled with happy memories to make with the feline like boy.

As long as you love me (love me yeah yeah yeah)

We could be starving, we could be homeless, we could be broke

As long as you love me

I'll be your platinum (platinum), I'll be your silver, I'll be your gold

As long as you lo-lo-lo-lo-lo-lo-lo-lo-lo-lo-lo-lo-lo-lo-lo-love me

As long as you lo-lo-lo-lo-lo-lo-lo-lo-lo-lo-lo-lo-lo-lo-lo-love me

As long as you lo-lo-lo-lo-lo-lo-lo-lo-lo-lo-lo-lo-lo-lo-lo-love me (I'll be your silver, I'll be your gold)

As long as you lo-lo-lo-lo-lo-lo-lo-lo-lo-lo-love

As long as you love, love, love, love me

As long as you love me (that's all I want baby)

As long as you love, love, love, love me

As long as you love, love, love, love me (please don't go)

As long as you love me

As long as you love me

As he finished the song he felt rather proud of him self and hoped the song was done good. The host stood up to applause the puppy like man and he thanked them and bowed politely.
"Wow that was amazing Jonghyun-ssi, is there a message you want to give out to anyone after that".
The host asked and Jonghyun knew that what he was going to say would properly cause serious issues but at that moment he didn't care
" I know your at home now, snuggled in bed under those blankets and I really hope you feel better soon. I'm missing you a lot and I love you Bummie".
Nothing but silence was met for a minute after he spoke but nothing was going to stop these feelings he had. After a while he was leaving to return to the dorm and he only had one thing on his mind.
Key sat listening to Jonghyun singing one of his favourite songs and he really felt like Jonghyun meant every line of the song. he laid there, eyes closed, drowning in Jonghyuns sweet calming voice. Feeling the song's lyrics as he sang them
cause a few tears to flow down his cheeks as it really showed how much he really felt and Key felt like the same. After it had ended he didn't think much else, just snuggling back down, closing his eyes to try get some sleep while listerning to the end of the show.
It was when the host's had asked him to give a message out, he thought be some cheesy message to the SHINee world fans but when he heard Jonghyun speak and say those things, especially those 3 words, his emotions got the
best of him and cried a little feeling over whelmed and shocked but also so happy and the feeling of being loved rushed through him. After he calmed down he finally feel in to a sweet sleep dreaming of his silly puppy.
It was 45 minutes the older returned home and he went straight to the shared room. Opening the door quietly and pecking round the door, he smiles softly seeing the younger with his IPod in his hands, head phones and a small smile painted on his pale face.
Closing the door and walking to his bed he bent beside the bed carefully removing the head phones and IPod to turn it off and place it on the night stand, he noticed the younger had indeed listened to Kiss The Radio and he felt relived he got to sing it for his
Kibummie. Leaning down to place a tender kiss on the younger's forehead, he moved to quickly shower and change then jump in to bed to cuddle Key close to him.
He didn't expect the younger to be awake when he walked bout but nearly jumped out his skin when he saw Kibum sitting up drinking a little bit of water. Walking to the bed he sat down and faced Key, hand coming up to cup the younger's cheek, noticing a little
bit of colour on his cheeks.
"How you feeling now Bum Bum" Jonghyun whispered quietly to the younger.
"I feel a little better Jjong, that nap helped" Key spoke,placing his hand on Jonghyun's hand cupping his cheek, leaning into the touch.
"I'm glad pickle, I been missing you so much its unreal" Jonghyun pulled key in to a gentle hug, leaning Key's head on his chest just under his chin.
"Thank you Jjong. You know I been missing you as well and lately thought you didn't want me or love me any more but I know it was a stupid feeling" Key spoke, nuzzling his face in Jonghyun's neck selling that musky sent he loved so much.
"Don't you ever doubt any love I give you Kibum, I will die for you and would die for you, I love you so so much and that will only get stronger each day" Jonghyun spoke as he lifted the younger's face and locked eyes with Key.
Jonghyun leaned in a kissed the younger gently on the lips, being careful to not hurt the younger. 
"I love you too Jonghyun my number 1, my best friend, my lover, I love you so much" Key spoke as they pulled apart to gain some air. Happy tears again prickled up and Jonghyun was there to wipe them away quickly.
As the younger was feeling better and he was Key's nurse for the evening, he made Key a hot bath filled with Strawberry smelling bubble bath to help him relax and washed his hair. After made some chicken soup which wasn't a complete disaster
key figured out as he ate the soup carefully. Once He had bathed Key and fed him, he changed him in to some fresh Pyjamas and then he settled him in bed and made him take the medicine. Jonghyun climbed into the side and Key instantly turned around
to snuggle in to his chest. It hadn't taken long for the younger to fall a sleep, Jonghyun noticed Key was looking a little better, eyes not so swollen and the colour in his cheeks was a sign of health.
Gently the younger's hair he kissed Key's head and settled down feeling tired after a long tiring day. The last thoughts he had was as long as they loved each other then the would was theirs to conquer and take on, Nothing can beat this feeling and if Key was his drug, no way would he 
want help to beat it or stop it. It was like a mystery how one simple man could make Jonghyun in to such a love sick, over protective, hopeless romantic but Key certainly managed it.
He always dreams and hopes one day Korea and the world would wake up
and realise that same relationships where just as fine as normal ones and that they could be accepted because Jonghyun wants to marry Key one day and would love to just walk around town and in the streets, holding his dainty hands and to kiss him on
the lips in public places. To show the world what was his and that Key was certainly only his.

A/N: Hey lovelies I hoped you enjoyed thisone shot, I was Inspired by Jonghyun singing As Long As You Love me on the radio (I don't listen to Bieber).

That man will be my death one day stupid puppy >< any way Comment, Subscribe and enjoy it , Makes me happy getting feedback ^^ <3<3


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Chapter 1: This is so sweet! How Jonghyun dedicated the song for Bummie! :D
FreezingLove #2
I didn't like the song before but after reading this and listening to jjong's version I fell in love with the song. I could totally see kibum sick and jonghyun singing this to him. So adorable!!XD
Chapter 1: omoooo i died heree T____T gosh this was so perfect i can't.... ;.; ..aigoooo i looooooooooove it thiiiiiiiiiis much <3 <3 <3 ~ " To show the world what has his and that Key was certainly only his" may i die completely now? /sobs/ yeah, only his and no one alse !! Purfect <3 ~