Questions and fun!

푸른 하늘 Blue Sky! SM's New Girl Group!

"Is that really a question to be asking?" Hyunjin asked with a slight frown as the rest of the girls nodded in agreement. Yi Ryeong had taken the duty of rubbing Jura's shoulder in comfort as the staff stayed quiet, waiting for an answer from the group's visual. Soon enough, Jura just shrugged before saying "Well, if I did go to a surgery I would have said it a long time ago. But that the fact is that I didn't. I'm all natural inside and out and I can't help if my features look a bit too pretty." It was an honest answer which everyone seemed to respect before moving on. "Blue Sky, what do you think your next concept is? You tried a nice, cool style so is it going to be y or cute?" The PD read out and Yi Ryeong took the liberty of answering this one.

"Well, we're not sure what our next concept is. We really want to try out something more mature since none of us are a fan of the cute genre." Yi Ryeong said, the rest of the group nodding with her. "I'm sure Suhyeon would love it." Hyunjin muttered causing all of them to laugh. "But would you do cute if the company required it?" One of the staff asked. "We wouldn't have a choice! It's the company! We don't want to get fired!" Jura shouted, causing laughter between them. "But we wouldn't mind doing it." Chanyoung answered with a small smile and the PD seemed pleased with the answer before carrying on. "Next question! Unnies, is it true that you're quite close to the oppas and unnies of S.M.?" The question was asked.

"I wouldn't say no. I'd say we're quite close to all of them." Hyunjin answerd with a small shrug. "I mean, it's nice to be close to them since they can guide you  but you also have a sense of sercurity with them." The girl finished. "Yeah and I guess we as individuals are closer to different groups. Like Suhyeon is close to EXO because of her friendship with Sehun." Yi Ryeong explained. "But we're all friends with SHINee and everyone so it's fine." Jura said with a smile. "Good, good and have you learnt any dances off of them?" Another question was fired and soon enough Jura was up on her feet, ready to go. "It was Key-oppa who thought me this as he is the best at girl dances." The visual said with a laugh as she posed causing her band mates to laugh at her antics. "What are you dancing for us?" The PD asked, amused.

"Mr by Kara!" Jura said then shouted "Music cue!" The catchy beat of Mister began bursting out before they counted her and soon her hips were moving side to side perfectly as if she had learned the dance with Kara herself. The whole room clapped and cheered as she did it, a smile on her face as she stopped once the music ended before she bowed. The group cheered as she sat back down with a laugh. "Ah, I haven't done that in ages. My hips~!" Jura complained teasingly before Hyunjin said" Probably because you're old." But the main vocalist laughed when the main dancer hit her arm hard. "I'd be careful if I were you." Jura warned her with a smile.

"Okay Blue Sky, we'll get back to questions later but now can you show us around your dorm?" It was asked and at this point, Yi Ryeong jumped up with a smile before saying" Of course! Follow me!" Yi Ryeong then grabbed the leader by the hand while saying "Come on leader-nim, you can't escape this time."  Chanyoung rolled her eyes but smiled all the same as she was led out of the living room. 

"Dorm tours are so much fun because you get to show people what you have inside." Hyunjin admitted to the camera as they walked down the hallway towards the first room. "It also means you can enter the room and not get told off for it." The tomboy gave a small snicker before walking ahead of the camera to see the other main vocalist's room. 

"Here's our room!" Yi Ryeong said happily while bringing Hyunjin in close, her arm around her shoulder.

Yeah, I updated at last! I'm so sorry for such a long leave but I'm so busy this year with exams coming up that I'm just tired! So I wanted to try and update for you guys! Sorry for the wait and I hope you guys are still here. Love you all! My eyes are tired...

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Chapter 16: Well author-nim, I too took a very long break as i have not logged into aff as frequently as I used to. But hopefully, I'll be around much longer! ^^ Its been a while since there are updates on this fic but i am thrilled to see what you have in mind in the future ^^
Chapter 31: hey, i'm still here and i can still remember applying with my chara chanyoung back then as well. I'm very happy you decided to come back, it takes some courage to want to restart/continue a fic after a long break

i'd be excited for a continuation of the story *_*
Chapter 30: Thank you for the update <3
I like that they are prefering the mature concept, I think that Hyunjin and CHanyoung would be pretty awkward at being cute xD
Jura reminds me a bit of Heechul with her first answer of being all natural and then she dances girl group dances and complains about her hips.
shinobitiff #4
Chapter 30: An update=) Take your time author-nim, health comes first! Rest more =)
I just noticed that the girls seem to be close with Shinee =)
Can't wait for the next chapter!
Chapter 29: Blue Sky TV! *_*
Chanyoung is so unfazed and relaxed in front of the camera, she doesn't even look like she's actually trying to entertain the fans.
I like the change in the atmosphere after the question was asked. And I'm sure that so-called fan is an anti and jealous - she could've asked at fan events if she was so curious, there is no need to do that on TV.
Now I want to know that, too (hopefully she did and it gets scandalous)
shinobitiff #6
Chapter 29: blue sky tv<3 that is a surprise!
lol that fan xd is she an anti? xdd
what could go wrong?? haha
hope blue sky tv is a success!
Chapter 28: OMG Daesung's face O.O
Don't worry, I'm actually really happy that you already wrote this much. Most times apply fics get deleted even before any character introductions *le sigh
So I'm really looking forward to future chapters ^_^
Chapter 28: It's ok ^^ and I'm glad you're back from your hiatus! :)
Romance you say? /smirks
ohh~ anticipating for it and yayy! a double update xDD

oh and Happy New Year to you too! ^^
Chapter 27: Suhyeon and Sehun are really cute together. And their couple name is cute, too - Sehyeon sounds better than 95% of all ships. And I wonder who's at the door...?