Chapter 3

푸른 하늘 Blue Sky! SM's New Girl Group!

Ever since Blue Sky had made their debut, they had taken the Kpop world by storm!

They had already been rushed around to be in interviews and have done stages on Music Bank, Music Core and M! Countdown, the crowd loving them each time. Of course, that didn't stop the haters from appearing and writing horrible things on their fan site but apart from that, it was pretty okay.

"Jjaritan cheossarang, rum pum pum pum.." Yi Ryeong sand quietly as she cooked in the kitchen, making the group dinner as she sang and danced in the kitchen.

Singing and dancing was something she did well.

"Could you not sing that song, please?"Jura requested as she walked into the kicthen and plopped down on one of the dining room chairs. "After hearing it so many times, it gives the brain a headache." Yi Ryeong ignored her completely and to Jura's annoyance, began to sing loudly as if to irritate her. "Umma, what are you cooking?" The maknae asked as she waltzed into the kitchen and stood next to the resident Umma. "Bibimbap!" Yi Ryeong said, grinning as she prepared the food.

"Simply yet delicious." Hyunjin said as she walked into the kitchen, obviously attracted by the smell. "Yes and it will be ready in a few so Suhyeon if you can please stop drooling over my shoulder." Yi Ryeong said, giggling when Suhyeon pouted and wondered off, a mission to bother Chanyoung in mind. Jura had her head rested on the table when her phone rang. "Urgh, who can it be?" She groaned to herself but taking her phone from her pocket and checking it. As soon as she saw the name, her face brightened.

"It's Jeremy!" Jura shouted in English causing the two girls in the kitchen to turn around and look at her. "You mean Jun Ho oppa?" Hyunjin questioned in Korean and Jura nodded. "Jeremy, Jun Ho, same thing." She muttered before answering the call. "Oppa!" Jura said happily causing her older brother to laugh. "Ah, there's my litte sis! I've missed you! Why haven't you been calling me?" Jun Ho whined causing Jura to roll her eyes and Hyunjin and Yi Ryeong to snicker. "We've been busy with our debut. You know your little sister is tired." Jura whined back. "They are siblings, aren't they." Hyunjin said, smiling as Yi Ryeong giggled.

"Is the food ready yet?" Chanyoung asked, coming into the kicthen with her phone in hand. "Not yet, just a few more minutes." Yi Ryeong said as she stirred the bibimbap, making all the ingredients combine. "Good because Suhyeon is getting on my last nerve." Chanyoung commented as she took a sit next to Jura who was talking in English with Jeremy. "Where is the maknae?" Hyunjin asked curiously. "On the phone with Sehun. He called her about 2 minutes ago." Chanyoung said with a a slight smile. "And the maknaes are at it again." Yi Ryeong said, grinning. 

"But they're so cute though." Jura commented, covering the phone so her brother couldn't hear her. "Yeah, you'd think." Chanyoung said. "Bibimbap is ready!" Yi Ryeong shouted so Suhyeon could hear her down the hall. "Coming!" Was her reply. 

"Okay, let's set the table." Hyunjin said as Jura got up, saying goodbye to her brother so they could all help set the table. Once it was set and Suhyeon had gotten off the phone, the girls set down to a well deserved dinner.

Yeah, so another random filler and I'll try to get more kpop idols in there and more attraction towards love interests! Oh this is gonna be so much fun!!!! Chanyoung and Hyunjin and Yi Ryeong and out!!! Jonghyun, Onew, Taeyang and Kyuhyun are defintely coming your way! But first...the dorm desgin chapter.


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Chapter 16: Well author-nim, I too took a very long break as i have not logged into aff as frequently as I used to. But hopefully, I'll be around much longer! ^^ Its been a while since there are updates on this fic but i am thrilled to see what you have in mind in the future ^^
Chapter 31: hey, i'm still here and i can still remember applying with my chara chanyoung back then as well. I'm very happy you decided to come back, it takes some courage to want to restart/continue a fic after a long break

i'd be excited for a continuation of the story *_*
Chapter 30: Thank you for the update <3
I like that they are prefering the mature concept, I think that Hyunjin and CHanyoung would be pretty awkward at being cute xD
Jura reminds me a bit of Heechul with her first answer of being all natural and then she dances girl group dances and complains about her hips.
shinobitiff #4
Chapter 30: An update=) Take your time author-nim, health comes first! Rest more =)
I just noticed that the girls seem to be close with Shinee =)
Can't wait for the next chapter!
Chapter 29: Blue Sky TV! *_*
Chanyoung is so unfazed and relaxed in front of the camera, she doesn't even look like she's actually trying to entertain the fans.
I like the change in the atmosphere after the question was asked. And I'm sure that so-called fan is an anti and jealous - she could've asked at fan events if she was so curious, there is no need to do that on TV.
Now I want to know that, too (hopefully she did and it gets scandalous)
shinobitiff #6
Chapter 29: blue sky tv<3 that is a surprise!
lol that fan xd is she an anti? xdd
what could go wrong?? haha
hope blue sky tv is a success!
Chapter 28: OMG Daesung's face O.O
Don't worry, I'm actually really happy that you already wrote this much. Most times apply fics get deleted even before any character introductions *le sigh
So I'm really looking forward to future chapters ^_^
Chapter 28: It's ok ^^ and I'm glad you're back from your hiatus! :)
Romance you say? /smirks
ohh~ anticipating for it and yayy! a double update xDD

oh and Happy New Year to you too! ^^
Chapter 27: Suhyeon and Sehun are really cute together. And their couple name is cute, too - Sehyeon sounds better than 95% of all ships. And I wonder who's at the door...?