Unforgettable Birthday

Unforgettable Birthday

It was the 5th September. FInally! I couldn't wait for my birthday this year, because it was my first birthday together with him. My handsome boyfriend Bang Yongguk. I didn't want something special for my birthday. Just spending the day with him would be enough for me.

I slept longer than usual today. Maybe it's because I'm one year older now? Whatever. I slowly opened my eyes, just to be greeted by the sun, shining through my window. I streched my arms and legs and turned around to see him. But to my surprise his spot was empty. Maybe he prepares breakfast for me. I smiled widely and stood up from our bed. I went to the bathroom first and took a quick shower, before getting dressed nicely. 

I walked into the kitchen, hoping he would be there. But again, he was not there. I sighed and walked to the living room. Suddenly my phone rang and his name showed up  on the screen. I imediatly picked it up. 'Yongguk!' I said happily. 'Baby, did I wake you up?' he asked. 'No, I'm up since half an hour.' I responded. 'Ahh good then.' I was waiting for him to gratulate me, so I didn't say a thing. 'Babe I just called to tell you, that I won't be able to come home today. I'm so sorry, but we have to record this song today and I can't leave the boys alone.' Yongguk told me and my smile faded away. 'Ok, no problem. Take care of yourself and don't forget to eat something!' I tried to sound as happy as I could. 'Nae, don't worry. Love you!' 'Love you, too.' With that I hang up. I sat down on the couch and sighed. He forgot. He forgot my birthday. He didn't even mention it. Tears started to build inside my eyes. How could he? I mean ok, he is busy with his work, but still... it hurted me. The fact, that one of the most important person in my life forgot my brithday made me sad. Really sad.

I guess it was already one hour, since I was sitting here and crying over the fact, that my boyfriend forgot my birthday.                                                                         I looked up when I heard my phone ringing. I took it and looked at the screen. It was Himchan. I cleared my throat and picked up. 'Hey!' I tried to sound normal. At first no one answered. I looked at the phone confused, but suddenly I heard the boys singing 'Happy Birthday' for me. I smiled and listened to them. Sadly Yongguk was not there. I could recognize his deep, husky voice imediatly, but he was not there. After the song ended, Himchan took the phone. 'Happy Birthday Kyung Mi-ah!' he gratulated me. I thanked him. In the background I heard Jongup asking me 'Noona! What did you get from Yongguk hyung?' I sighed and it seemed like Himchan understood what happened. I heard how Himchan told Jongup, that it was something private between both of us and told them to go back to practice. 

After the boys left Himchan continued his conversation with me. 'I know that Yongguk left while you were sleeping. Did he call to gratulate you?' he asked. I sighed again and Himchan understood it. 'He forgot it.. Aish this guy is seriously... don't worry Kyung Mi-ah! I'm sure he will remember your birthday. He is just busy right now. I will tell him to take a break. Maybe after the break he will remember. If not I will facepalm him with my hand. This will definitely work!' I chuckled at his last statement. 'Thank you Himchan oppa.' 'Don't need to thank me. I have to go now. Again Happy Birthday Kyung Mi-ah!' he said and hung up. I looked at the screen, which showed, that the call ended. I sighed for the third time and leaned back on the couch. I touched my phonescreen, where a picture of me and Yongguk was. 'Pabo, why are you so busy?' I smiled lightly, looking at his handsome face. 

Why did I fall in love with him again? Hm... I guess there are too many reasons. I laid down on the couch and decided to take a little nap, since there was nothing much to do today. 

I was in dreamland, when our doorbell woke me up. I sat up, half sleeping. After the doorbell rang again, I stood up and walked towards the door. I opened the door, just to be greeted by Jongup and Zelo. 'Noona Happy Birthday!' both said at the same time and hugged me. I chuckled and thanked them. 'Come in guys or do you wanna stand infront of the door all day?' I told them. Zelo shook his head. 'No, we didn't come to visite you. We are kidnapping you noona!' I looked at him surprised. 'What do you mean by kidnapping me?' 'You will come with us now and you will see!' Jongup said. 'Take your bag and let's go!' Zelo added. I quickly grabbed my bag and put my phone and keys in it. 

We walked outside. 'So you guys won't tell me where we are going?' I asked them, raising an eyebrow. Both shook there head. 'You know I hate it, when you act all mysterious.' I sighed. Jongup chuckled and put an arm around my shoulder. 'Don't worry noona. You will like it!' he said with his typical smile. 'We will see.' I chuckled.

After a long walk the boys stopped. I looked around to find something special, but there was nothing. It was just a normal street. While I was looking around I didn't notice Zelo and Jongup running away. I realized it, when Zelo shouted. 'Mianhae noona, but we have to go now!' Soon they were out of my view. I shouted after them, but they didn't hear me. How can they bring me into an unknown street and just leave me here all by myself?! I sighed and took my phone to call Yongguk. It didn't surprise me, that he didn't pick up. Why did I even try to call him. He is busy with his work. 

I was totally in my thoughts, when suddenly a car stopped infront of me. I looked up and saw Daehyun in the passenger seat. 'Kyung Mi come!' I walked towards the car and looked at him, unsure if I should enter the car. 'You're not going to throw me out in an unknown city, right?' I asked, raising an eyebrow. 'No, don't worry! Just get in!' Daehyun answered. I sighed and opened the door. Youngjae was sitting in the backseat and Himchan was driving the car. 'Oh hey guys.' I greeted them and sat down, closing the door. 'Mianhae Kyung Mi-ah. Our maknaes have some bad manners.' Youngjae apologized for them. 'Oh and Happy Birthday' he said and hugged me. Himchan and Daehyun also turned around to gratulate me once again. Soon the car was moving and again the boys didn't want to tell me where we were going. 'Himchan are you on there side, too now?' I sighed. Himchan just chuckled and concentrated on the street. 

After a while I recognized the street. They brought me back home. I stepped out of the car and Himchan came to me. 'I still don't understand why I had to go all this way with the maknaes and you!' I said. 'There is a good reason for this!' Himchan answered, smiling widely. I looked at him confused. 'What..?' Before I could finish my sentence, Himchan pushed me towards the house. 'Now go, we have to go back  to practice.' Himchan walked back to the car. Before they drove away, Daehyun rolled down the window. 'Have fun Kyung Mi-ah! Happy Birthday!' They left and I was standing there totally dumbfounded. What was going on? 

I turned around and walked into Yongguk and my house. I opened the door and stepped inside. I put my bag on the floor, when I suddenly saw a note on the wall. I picked it up and read it out loud, since I was alone at home.

'How was your little trip?' 

I looked around if someone was here, but there was no one. I shook my head and walked to the bathroom to wash my face, to clear of my mind. I looked at the mirror while drying my face, when I saw another note. I took it and read it out loud again.

'Do what you like and love what you do ~ Your favourite quote, right?' 

Again I looked around just to be greeted by no one. I walked out of the bathroom and towards the bedroom. I noticed there were notes on the wall. I picked them up one by one and read them out loud.

'Kyung Mi-ah!'

'I know you hate me right now,...'

'but there is a reason for all of this.'

'I'm really happy to know you.'

'You are seriously the best thing, that could ever happen to me.'

'Kyung Mi-ah'

'Thank you for existing'

After the last note I was already infront of the bedroom door. Those words...It can just be him. I slowly opened the bedroom door and stood there with my mouth open. 

Our bed was decorated with roses in a heart shape and there were candles lit around the bed. Infront of the bed was a small table with a cake on top of it. I walked towards the table and suddenly noticed another note in the middle of the heart of roses. I picked up the note and before I could read it out loud I heard a voice behind me. 

'I love you, Kyung Mi-ah.'

I read the words silently on the note at the same time. Suddenly I felt a pair of hands wrapping around me from behind. 'Happy Birthday, baby!' I closed my eyes after hearing his voice again. Eventhough I talked to him this morning I missed him already and I have to admit, after all of this all my anger towards him faded away. He turned me around and I imediatly opened my eyes. 'Kyung Mi-ah, I'm so sorry, but I had to act like I forgot your birthday, so that I can do all of this.' I smiled lightly and looked into his eyes. He did the same and touched my cheek with his thumb. 'I seriously love you a lot Kyung Mi. I wanted my girl to have a birthday, she will not forget easily. Again Happy Birthday baby!' he said and leaned down to kiss me. I wrapped my arms around his neck and he pulled me closer to him. The kiss was slow, but still passionate and full of love. We pulled away to catch our breath. 'Thank you for everythhing Yongguk. This is the best birthday I ever had. Thank you.' I said and hugged him tight.

This was really an unforgettable birthday. Spending the whole night with my lovely boyfriend was just wonderful. The fact, that I can call this man mine makes everything perfect. I am really happy I met him.

I love you Bang Yongguk





Sooo this was my second one shot! Hope you liked it. Especially you unni!
I wish you a happy birthday!! I hope all your dreams come true! 

I am really happy to know you unni ~ Thank you for existing. 

And yeah again HAPPY HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! 

Saranghae ~~ <3

Oh and what I also wanted to say....






(Unni look at Yongguk! It looks like he says Kyung Mi omfg!)

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