One shot, one chance!


Hey everyone ^^ I just decided to write a one-shot about the lovely leader Bang Yongguk :D

An idea just popped into my mind and I wanted to write this down before I forget it :D ( yeah I'm getting old xD)

This one-shot is dedicated to the best unni ever! :D 

I hope you will like it unni ~ I'll try my best to make a good one-shot for you <3

Saranghae and always remember : 'Do what you like, love what you do ~


Bang Yongguk was one of the students from TS Academy. He was in your class for two years now, but you never talked to him before. The reason? Well you were not really interested in your other classmates, because you were busy studying. You made a promise to yourself when you entered TS Academy: 'Don't fall in love with someone before you finish school.'

Willl you be able to keep this promise or will you fail and fell in love with someone you never expected you would fell for?


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PattyPatata #1
This seems nice, I'll be waiting for you to update it ^^