I'm All Right

All Right

Lim Kim – All Right


These days, I’m all right
Even when you’re gone, all right
A breakup is nothing, it’s all right

(At one time)
I thought of you all night
Toward you, I felt delight
Inside the fog, some light

These days, I’m all right
Even when you’re gone, all right
A breakup is nothing, it’s all right

I thought of you all night
Toward you, I felt delight
Inside the fog, some light

This is it, you used to have all of me
But without you, this is it
Your last goodbye was filled with worries
But you’re not that great, I’m all right
All right

These days, I’m all right
Even when you’re gone, all right
A breakup is nothing, it’s all right

I thought of you all night
Toward you, I felt delight
Inside the fog, some light

This is it, you used to have all of me
But without you, this is it
Your last goodbye was filled with worries
But you’re not that great, I’m all right
All right

I won’t ever forget our memories
Oh my love love love
I hope you’ll meet a good person
Oh my love love love

All right

Don’t assume
Don’t worry
Don’t ask about me

You should’ve been better before
Why are you doing this now?
You were always like this

These days, I’m all right
Even when you’re gone, all right
A breakup is nothing, it’s all right

I thought of you all night
Toward you, I felt delight
Inside the fog, some light

This is it, you used to have all of me
But without you, this is it
Your last goodbye was filled with worries
But you’re not that great, I’m all right
All right

These days, I’m all right
Even when you’re gone, all right
A breakup is nothing, it’s all right

I thought of you all night
Toward you, I felt delight
Inside the fog, some light

Don’t assume
Don’t worry
Don’t ask about me

You should’ve been better before
Why are you doing this now?
You were always like this

These days, I’m all right
Even when you’re gone, all right
A breakup is nothing, it’s all right

I thought of you all night
Toward you, I felt delight
Inside the fog, some light



Amber was lying down on the sofa in the f(x) dorm, after practices… happy and sad about the end of promotions… but was glad for some downtime finally. She sat up as the headphones were pulled off her head. She faintly smiled at the person standing in front of her, blocking their hand as they moved to ruffle her hair.

“Stop it,” she said and puffed out her cheeks.

He smiled. “Stop what, Amber-ah?”

“Oppa… you always mess with my hair,” she said and pouted when he raised his hand again.

He nodded. “I do… but how about we make a deal?”

She raised an eyebrow. “What deal?”

“I quit messing with your hair, and you quit saying I’m awkward,” he answered as he picked her up to move her over so he could next to her on the sofa.

She laughed at his expected action- it wasn’t the first time, nor would it be the last that he’d just move her instead of asking... knowing she’d tell him no, even if she never meant no. “Ani, no deal,” she said and a small laugh escaped when he scrunched his nose at her. “Joon-Myeon oppa… I’ll quit saying you’re awkward, when you stop being awkward.”

This time he pouted. “But I’ve gotten better, haven’t I?” he asked, crossing his arms. He waited until she closed her eyes and shook her head again… he reached up and ruffled her hair, chuckling as he moved back from the anticipated attempted-smack.

“Yea, yea…” she answered and pushed at him as he moved back to her side.

He sighed that his attempt at making her laugh failed. “What are you listening to?”

“Just a song,” she answered and pulled her headphones the rest of the way off.

He made a move for her headphones and her initial reaction was to pull away, but shrugged when he wiggled his fingers at her. She handed them over and pushed play when he adjusted them on his head. As the final words of the song played, he glanced over at her and sighed again.

“Are you all right, Amber-ah?” he asked, knowing that she was still trying hard to forget about all the anti-fans she had received from her comment about his fellow member.

She slightly shrugged and tried to smile. “I’m alright oppa… it’s not even like I have a real crush on him or anything. He’s just so cute and I really do believe he would make a great husband for someone one day… but it’s hard to ignore the comments about me liking someone younger… especially someone who’s too good for me.”

Suho shook his head, anger at the stupidity of the whole thing.

“If I could, I would take it back… it’s made Sehun uncomfortable with me now. And the numbers of my anti-fans have risen,” she commented and crossed her arms, leaning back on to the sofa.

“He’s not uncomfortable with you Amber-ah. He was quite flattered with the comment, but in fact, he’s just saddened by the comments he knows you’ve received… so if anything, he’s afraid you’re mad at him,” Suho said and patted her head.

She sighed, hoping everything Suho said was the truth. She leaned her head on his shoulder and pouted. “One can hope that’s the case, oppa.”

He bit his lip and bent to lay his head against hers. “Anti-fans aside… would you answer the same way?” he asked quietly.

She shrugged. “Like I said, I was telling the truth. It’s just he’s grown so much even in the last year and all… all of you have… but… maybe?”

He forced a smile, though her answer wasn’t the one he wanted to hear. He cleared his throat, slightly afraid to ask the question on his mind, but knew he needed to ask it. “Do… you like Sehun?”

She shook her head. “Not in that way oppa, if that’s what you mean.”

He could feel the corners of his lips curve up a little. “Is… is there someone you do like? Maybe another dongsaeng of ours?”

She finally laughed. “Actually… age doesn’t matter to me.”

“That doesn’t answer my question,” he said and straightened to turn to face her.

She blinked at him. “Oh... a-ani… I don’t like any of our dongsaengs like that. I… actually prefer someone older though.”

He blankly stared at her face, not exactly happy with that answer either. “But… you do like someone then?” She turned away and moved to stand when she was pulled back on to the sofa. “Answer me, Amber-ah…”

“M-maybe,” she answered quietly, sure her cheeks were pink.

He frowned but quickly forced another smile. “Who? Do I know him?”

“Oppa…” she whined.

“Amber…” he whined back with a small chuckle. “Come on… we’re good friends, right? You can tell me.” He watched her as she frowned… but wanted to wait her out –he needed to know who she liked. “Who Amber-ah? Kris? Minho? Henry?”

She laughed at his guesses and pushed at him. “What… do you like ship Krisber, Minber, or Henber?”

He pursed his lips that she was laughing at him when he felt like his heart was going to explode waiting for her answer. “Ani… if I was going to ship anyber… it would be…” He stopped and moved to stand… not wanting to continue the conversation now. He mentally face-palmed himself, unsure why he had brought up the subject which was such a sore spot for him.

This time, she pulled him back on to the sofa with a giggle. “Oppa… which anyber do you ship?” she asked with another giggle covered by her fingers.

“Amber…” he whined.

“Oppa…” she whined back, breaking out into full laughter now. “Come on… you tell me which anyber you ship and I’ll tell you who I like.”

He blinked at her. “Promise?”

“I promise,” she answered with a smile, sure she could come up with a name of some random idol and not have to tell her secret crush.

He took a deep breath and turned to face her, again wondering whatever possessed him to bring this subject up. “Su… Suber,” he answered and held his breath wondering at her reaction.

She blinked at him. “Wh-what oppa? Suber? Like Suzy and me?” she asked, flabbergasted at the pairing.

He shook his head and wished he hadn’t been talked into coming over to check on her from s… He had suggested Kris, Luhan or even Minseok who were a lot closer to her than he was... but ultimately Minseok’s reminder that he was the one with the crush on her, would be best at comforting her, made him walk over to the f(x) dorm. “Ani…” he answered slowly.

“Su… who else is Su?” she wondered out loud.

He sighed and decided to just blurt it out… Might as well finish what you started, pabo. “Su… ho?”

She stared at him with opening and closing, but then pouted. “You?” She pushed at him. “Ha ha, oppa… nice joke.”

“Why do you think I’m joking?” he asked with a frown.

She frowned back at him. “Because… because… I don’t know,” she finally answered with a shrug.

“I’m not joking though… I think Suber would make a cute couple.”

She bit her inner cheek, unsure of what to say. “Um… o…k?”

He released a breath at her reaction, and turned to face front again. Confession… failed. He sighed but then quickly turned to face her. “So I told you who I shipped… your turn to tell me who you like?”

She sat there quiet… still trying to wrap her head over his answer. “I have a question.”

Suho raised an eyebrow at the unexpected answer. “Ne?”

“Were… why’d you say Suber? Do… do you like me or something?” she asked, feeling her cheeks heat.

He his dry lips and slowly exhaled. “N-ne…”

“Y-you do? Really?” she asked, wanting him to say it again.



He sighed and slowly stood… wanting to do nothing more than walk back to the EXO dorm and die of embarrassment.

“Wh-where are you going oppa?” she quietly asked.

“I… I’m going to go back to the dorm,” he replied and turned to slightly bow.

She bit her lips and took a deep breath. “Don’t… you want to hear who I like, oppa?”

He raised his head and remembered the promise. “S-sure Amber-ah… who do you like?”

Amber stood and walked over to Suho and placed a hand on his arm… slowly sliding it down until it fit in his larger hand. She pulled him back onto the sofa and sat down next to him. “Th-the man I like is from… a great group. They’re hoobaes, but wildly popular,” she answered and watched his face for a reaction.

He attempted to swallow through the sudden dryness in his throat… but turned to face away- he couldn’t watch her during this… he’d break down.

“They’ve even won numerous awards for best rookie group of 2012,” she continued to say. “There are twelve members total in their group… all handsome and talented.”

Suho bit his lip, while listening to her speak… waiting for her to say the name of one s since she obviously was now talking about a member of EXO.

“I’m good friends with majority of them… but found myself extremely attracted to one of them…”

Suho closed his eyes… and held his breath… expecting her to say Kris since the rumors/fans always paired them up.

“I’ve always been attracted to him… since our trainee days… but never expected anything to come from it, so I always ignored my feelings for him.”

Suho waited for her to continue, but as the silence stretched, he opened his eyes and looked over at her. He tilted his head at her expression. “What’s wrong Amber-ah?”

“I’m… not sure I can finish what I was saying,” she answered.

He forced a smile and patted her hand. “Why not? If you like him, maybe I can help you tell him… if you wanted?” he offered, though a part of him died with the suggestion.

“What if… what if he didn’t like me that way?”

“Pfft,” he replied. “Then he’s a pabo, Amber-ah… you’re beautiful, talented… funny and fun to hang out with. If he doesn’t like you then he doesn’t deserve you.”

Amber slowly smiled. “Really? You really think so oppa?”

Suho nodded. “Ne… really Amber-ah. Any man would be lucky to have you be his.”

“Would you really help me tell the person I like that I like them?” she asked, biting her lips nervously… though she knew she was blushing from his answer.

Suho smiled. “Aren’t I one of your favorite oppas?” he asked. Her smile widened and she nodded. “Of course I’d help you tell him then.”

“O… k, oppa,” she said and took another deep breath.

“So… which member is it?”

“Well… he’s a great singer…”

“Kyung-soo?” Suho asked, an eyebrow raised.

She shook her head. “He’s also a great dancer…”

Suho tilted his head. “Jongin?”

She shook her head again. “He’s very protective of s and always takes care of them…”

Suho sighed. “Kris?”

Amber reached out to smack at his arm. “Not that leader…”

“Huh?” he asked, his tilted to the other side.

Amber laughed. “You think too low of yourself oppa… I was talking about you,” she answered and blushed.

Suho quickly grabbed her hand and sat up, startling Amber quiet. “Do… you really mean that?”

“Well… yea, I mean it,” she said and felt her smile reappear at the sight of his smile and dimples that she absolutely found adorable. “I really do like you…”

Suho intertwined his fingers with hers and quickly leaned in to peck at her lips. “No take backs, Amber-ah… but so you know… I confessed first.”

Amber’s eye widened and she broke out into a fit of giggles. “Araso oppa… you confessed first.”

“And then you confessed… which means, you’re now mine.”

Amber blushed but smiled at his words. “Ne oppa… yours…”



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Eeeekkk cutest story ever please make more exober story
Chapter 1: waaaaaah T^T
Why is this so sweet?? ^///^
I can't >.< I love this <3
Chapter 1: SHO fluffy *starts clapping like a retarded seal* XD
adelliaar #4
Chapter 1: owww~ SuBer so cute :3
Chapter 1: It's soo cute aww suber hehe
Loly21 #6
Chapter 1: Cute storry:) Love it..
Lukber #7
Chapter 1: cute ... cute oneshot
dayan_m #8
Chapter 1: Hahahaha i started to grin at the "suber" part and spazz a bit haha XD
He's hers and She's his :3 kawaii~ XD
Oh gawd ! This is so cute !!!!!!
I was like grinning from when Amber started to tell who her crush was . Awww!
Great story !
huhehuehue can you see me grinning all the way from philippines. this is too cute huhuhu c':