Don't be too loud

Wow, i really like him.

Baro looked at himself in the mirror, just one Word to describe himself; handsome. He was confident enough to know that he looked good almost everytime, but he chose clothes he knew his duck would like; jeans and a tank top, he’d let his boy decide the jacket and the cap since Sandeul has always liked to do that very much. The rapper left the bathroom and went to the bedroom but Sandeul’s bed was empty. Then he heard a sound from the other room, of course, he was in the kitchen. Baro sneaked there and looked at Sandeul from the door, he was looking for something into the fridge.

“I’ve caught you! “ Baro said

The duck stood up all of a sudden and let go a little AHH.

“Aigoo you scared me” he said pouting

Baro fought against the will to squish his face and hug him tight, instead of that he said:

“Come here, i need your help”

“Sure, just give me a second…” Sandeul finally picked something to eat, a piece of bread “Okay let’s go”

The rapper rolled his eyes and took Deullie’s free hand, the vocalist seemed a little surprised but he held his hand as well and let Baro lead them to the closet.

“Pick a jacket and a cap for me okay? Whatever you want”

“Where are you going?”

“On a date, with you” he smiled to the oldest reaction “now stop asking questions and pick something”

“Baro you’re just the best” Sandeul said with a bright smile.

No, you are the best, Baro thought while his ducky was picking some clothes. Of course he wouldn’t say it out loud, it was way too cheesy. Finally the boy  chose a leather jacket and a lime colored beanie, Sandeul explained that he chose that bright beanie because that way it’d be easy to find him if they teared apart.

“As if my yellow hair isn’t enough”

“Shut up and wear it okay?”

“Okay” he said, and then an idea crossed his mind “may i choose clothes for you too?”

“Sure, just don’t make me look ridiculous.”

“You don’t need my help for that”

Sandeul showed up his tongue and made his way to the shower. While Baro was picking some things the maknae appeared.

“What are you doing, Hyung? Aren’t those Sandeul’s clothes?”

Damn, will Channie always figure out his plans? Well if it was going to be like that he better give up now.

“Yeah, i’m taking him on a date and since he picked my clothes i’m doing the same”

“That’s so cute of you, hyung!” Gongchan looked truly happy

“You think? Well then, can you help me a little bit here? I can’t find anything”

“What are you thinking of?”

“Mhmn… nothing too tight since he’ll feel uncomfortable”

“So maybe a hoodie?”

“But he wears hoodies everyday, i want something special… I got it!” Channie had a interrogation sign on his face. “You know that stripped sweater he’s got? The sailor likely one”

“Ooh, that one’s nice”

So they looked for the sweater –kinda difficult since Sandeul wasn’t tidy- and then Baro added his favorite pair of jeans (those were tight because Baro loved Deullie’s legs) and sky blue converse.


“I’m going in!” the rapper announced while entering the bathroom

“Okay” Sandeul’s voice was drowning by the  water.

Baro left the clothes over the toilet and then stared at the courtain. Like, after that curtain was his Deullie… all , and we were alone… Oh Baro what the are you thinking of? It’s too soon. 

“Baro, you still there?”

“Uh… yeah”

“I need to get dressed”

“Okay” he said, and he left.

He wasn’t expecting to find his bandmates faces just in front of his. Smiling like that, like they knew something he didn’t, how annoying.

“Channie told us you were taking Deullie on a date to the movies” Shinwoo said, like if that was nothing

Baro killed Gongchan with a look and the maknae just smiled like saying “sorry i had to”

“Yeah, that was my plan”

Was he in trouble? Jin was looking at him like he had just killed someone.

And then laughed.

“Oh my god you should’ve seen your face”

Gongchan and Shinwoo were also laughing. Those guys, honestly.

“You scared the out of me!”

“Sorry, Baro. We just wanted to have fun”  Jinyoung smile was warm

“It’s okay”

“Anyway, there are some rules to take him out”

“Yah! We’re not babies”

“I know but we have to practice tomorrow so please don’t stay out too late, and don’t watch scary movies since then none of you will be capable to sleep and you have to be fresh in the morning”

“Speak for Sandeul” the rapper said with this expression that meant “i’m not scared of anything”

The other three just looked at each other like saying “yeah you wish”. Truthfully the only member that was kinda fearless was Gongchan, the other were all crybabies, like in different levels but still. Baro thought about the possibility of Sandeul being scared and leaning his face on his shoulder like he did at the haunted mansion, that’d be nice, or maybe they could hold hands... he didn’t want Sandeul to be scared but in the other hand he wanted him to look for protection… what should he do? “Nothing too scary, i promise” he finally said with a non-trustable smile.


Sandeul left the bathroom like ten minutes later, he looked so good with those clothes, and also his hair was kinda messy just like Baro liked it, and he looked kinda nervous. So adorable.

“I’m ready Baro!” he said happily “How do i look?”

“You look great” Jinyoung said

“Woah Hyungs! I didn’t knew you were all awake”

“Well we were trying to sleep but there’s a person who makes a lot of noise when they go into the kitchen” Shinwoo said

“I’m sooooooorry” he wasn’t sorry at all, he was laughing like always, with a loud and silly laugh. Baro’s heart was beating faster. That damn laugh and his damned cute dork face. How could someone be so adorable without even trying?

“Let’s go, Deullie, it’s getting late”

So they said goodbye while Jinyoung was giving the last indications “come back early”, “Ducky don’t eat too much”, “guys don’t be too loud” and those kind of things. Honestly those two were a danger, even most when we were alone ‘cause none of them could be serious at all.


“Soooo…. Where are we going, you princess squirrel?” Sandeul was mocking him.

“To the movies” he couldn’t give a proper comeback, or back, what the was happening? He always had something to say, specially when it comes to the duck. Was he… nervious? But how? He had been with Sandeul all alone a thousand times. Suddenly he felt the other holding his hand. Sandeul saw his expression and laughed.

“It seems like you just saw a ghost and i’m sure i’m not that ugly”

“No you’re not, you idiot”

“I know what it is then…” the vocalist said in a teasing tone “you’re embarassed, how cute!”

“Shut up”

“That means i’m right! Hahahha—“

Sudden kiss. It wasn’t clear who kissed who, maybe was Baro, or maybe it was the duck, they were both dying for one, they were dying for a lot of them honestly, they have liked each other for so long… so there were a lot to kisses they haven’t gotten yet.

After some kisses and always with they hands taken they made their way on the subway, fooling around like they always did, that was something that will never gonna change, and of course, Jinyoung’s warning about being too loud had been all forgotten. They got into the cinema laughing, but laughing like just they knew how, with clapings and weird noises and stuff, Sandeul was again hung from Baro’s shoulders and so they got to get the tickets.

“Let’s watch that one” Baro said pointing to a photo with a girl covered in blood, as he saw Sandeul was going to say no he added “unless you’re too afraid of course”

That was all. Sandeul’s expression changed completly.

“Of couse i’m not! Let’s watch it but then don’t come to me like the crybaby you are”

“Same for you” Baro’s plan was perfect. He saw the time. “There are ten minutes left for the movie, go get something to eat as i buy the tickets” he said while handing him money

“Woah you can read minds!” Sandeul said happily “but hey i got money too, i’ll pay the food”

“It’s not that hard to read your mind ducky, and no, i’m paying for this complete date”


Sandeul was so freaking happy, even more that he usually was so his smile was wider if possible, he just couldn’t believe how things had changed so much in a day… he was still trying to get used to the idea of Baro liking him, like how could that happen? After buying the food –sodas, popcorn and two chocolate bars- he met Baro at the show room and when they entered he was just stunned.

“A movie theater where you can cuddle?? Do these things even exist??”

Sandeul’s reaction was just like Baro was expecting, he ran up stairs and picked a seat right in the middle.

“Here’s the better place to watch the movie” he said, and when the food was safe and Baro was at his said he started kissing him joyfully, not a hot thing, but a happy moment, the kissing interrupted with laughs and smiles and then back to kissing until the trailers appeared, by the time the movie had just started there was no food left.

“I’m so full”

“I couldn’t tell, i didn’t get to eat anything” Baro complained

“Yah! You did eat, i saw you”

“Just come here” Baro said indicating his lap, Sandeul didn’t think about it twice and he leaned his head in baro’s tights. The rappers fingers running trough his hair, and he slowly falling asleep. They were this way until a girl without eyes appeared on the screen and none of them could help it but scream, all the romantic atmosphere was broken as they were both scared as hell, holding each other’s hands and closing their eyes and sometimes letting go little screams. Such a brave couple, as you can imagine. In a moment the little girl murdered a boy but it was all so fake that Sandeul couldn’t help but laugh, and then Baro started laughing too and they had to leave the room as everyone else were complaining but even when they were alreay out the theatre they could stay quiet, what for? They were so happy, they needed to laugh and play around and give each other sudden kisses and they teased each other. They make all the way back home that way, the streets were almost empty since it was late but they sure were waking up everybody, when they got to their bulding they remembered Jingyoung’s warning and shut up.

In the elevator they were all nervous again, was the awkwardness ever gonna end?

“Hey Sandeul, we can’t tell anybody”

“About what?” he was confused

“About us”

“But they already know”

“Not the members, everyone else, okay? It’d be bad, maybe they won’t like it, who knows”

“Okay, i won’t tell”

They sneaked carefully into the dorm and found Gongchan and Jingyoung asleep on the couch, leaning on each other. Maybe they were watching tv and they fell asleep, anyway, no one will ever know they were kinda holding hands, like just touching their fingers and enjoying it in silence since they couldn’t admit their feelings even to themselves. Anyway, the squirrel and the duck were too busy in their own world to notice anything. They both were to sleep, trying not to laugh everytime they saw each other. Also Sandeul got another chance to see Baro’s abs. That sure was a nice image to fall asleep with, wasn’t it? They parted with a last kiss and then each one was in his bed. Baro couldn’t stop thinking about that moment when Sandeul was in the shower and he was so close to him but so far at the same time. So he promised himself he’ll try his best to get his lover. It’s not like he wanted , well yes he wanted it but it wasn’t the most important thing, he wanted to love him in the deepest way. He knew they wasn’t ready, but he was going to make their lives perfect until that moment.

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kpopoppa #1
Chapter 3: OMG I love this
Chapter 3: uwaahh !! soo cute .. ! TT^TT . pretty please update authornim !
Chapter 1: Please update this story soon, it's so fluffy <3
BaDeulcutie #4
Chapter 3: Veeery nice update!! Adorable BaDeul, uldate soon !!!♥♥
BaDeulcutie #5
Update,update,update ^^ please..♥
BaDeulcutie #6
Chapter 2: Nice update!!! Hope you can update soon♥♥
BaDeulcutie #7
Chapter 1: And wow i love your story ♥♥ can you make another badeul?? ^^