Chapter 6

The Wish Your Heart Made

Dinner ended sooner than expected. Not that something bad had happened; the food was simply gone in a matter of minutes. The champagne quickly disapparated, and every last morsel of food was ravenously eaten.  However, once dinner was done, an unusual silence had settled amongst the group of people, when just moments before, the room was filled with seemingly endless conversation. Witht their heads low, the boys and the girls eyed each other warily. A couple bagan to slowly and very quietly slide out of their chairs, and tiptoe out of the dining room while Kris, Minji, and Kyungsoo weren't looking.

Unfortunately, they were not successful in their escape. Minji watched with a sly grin on her face as Chanyeol, Baekhyun, and Jina tried to sneak out of the room. Haejin's eyes grew wide at the three unsuspecting people, and Sora tried to hold in a laugh, but it instead came out as a stifled snort. Luhan's tiny smile didn't go unnoticed as he looked at the back of Baekhyun's head. Kai bit his lip. Sehun giggled evilly.

They knew what was coming. They all knew.  "Not so fast," Minji ordered, as Baekhyun had just left the room successfully. Chanyeol yelped, and Jina jumped slightly. A loud groan was heard, and Baekhyun swung back into the room with a grimace plastered on his face. By now, Kyungsoo had turned around in his chair to take a look at the culprits. Instantly, his eyes narrowed and his lips formed into a straight line. His face was unreadable, but anyone who knew Kyungsoo knew that he was plotting.

It was silent for a moment, then Minji spoke again. "Get back over here," she stated coolly. Jina whimpered, and Chanyeol let out a sigh. Together, the three escapees trailed back to the table. Minji was standing now, and she looked upon them with narrowed eyes.

"You think you guys could escape without helping to clean up this mess?" Minji asked. Hyori snickered, but as soon as Minji's eyes flickered upon her, she quickly looked down and was silent, albeit still smiling to herself slightly.

Minji could be a frightening person. However, she had a Mother's Complex, which she milked every last drop out of. She was considered the "umma" of the seven girls, as well as to some of the boys and other trainees that resided in the company. She was caring and knowledgable, and made sure to take care of everyone she lived with. She was also the most experienced trainee out of the girls, after having been incorporated in SM Entertainment for over six years now. She was also older than everyone in the room at the moment; she was twenty-four years old. She took it upon herself to be the "leader" of the small group, to which no one objected to. Minji was kind, easily approachable, fun and loving, but could also be strict and firm when need be; she took it upon herself to make sure that those around her, and under her care developed good morals, acceptable social skills, and were brought up well because, frankly, they hadn't seen their parents in a while, and had lived with other teenagers or those in their twenties for some time now.

She raised her eyebrows. Baekhyun scoffed, but was then hit in the back by a deeply chuckling Chanyeol. The nervousness lay only in his eyes.

"We were just kidding," he laughed. "Weren't we, guys?" His eyes flashed upon Baekhyun, who stammered a bit before nodding and grinning widely. Chanyeol could hear Jina's nervous giggle, and he nodded in reply. He looked convincingly at Minji, who laughed softly, her eyes crinkling slightly.

"Of course you were," she cooed fondly. She looked at everyone. "Because the first person that intentionally steps foot out of this room without something in their hands is getting hit."

The entire table groaned. Minji shrugged, watching the group begin to stand and take stuff to the kitchen.

"I know, I know," she reassured, before clapping her hands. "Alright, guys; we can get this done super fast or we can take forever. If everyone helps out in cleaning this up, doing dishes and putting everything away, we should be done in thirty to forty minutes, tops. Then we can play a game," she declared, stacking up dirty plates.

"Truth or dare," Eunhwa coughed, as she began to take everything that was hers to the kitchen. Xiumin jumped up from his seat and pointed at Eunhwa, shaking his head.

"Oh no you don't," he retorted. "Last time we played that game, feelings were hurt and people were beaten up."

"Chen left with a black eye," Sehun reminded them, whining.

"Only because he deserved it," Sora replied sourly, throwing Chen a glare as she carried two armfuls of glasses to the kitchen. Chen let out a single laugh and tilted his head, picking up the pot that once held kimchi stew.

"That was a fun night," he reminisced. "Even if I got hit."

"What about the time Tao peed his pants on stage?" Yejin inquired cheekily. Tao's jaw dropped and he peeked his head around the doorway.

"What about the time when a tampon fell out of Yejin's purse, and we found it in our dorm?" Tao's eyes were locked on Yejin, glimmering with slight spte and playfulness, and Yejin blushed and covered .

"I'll blame that comment on the champagne you had," she mumbled quickly. Tao shook his head and grinned.

"Oh no, sweetheart; I only had half a glass. Sober as a..." Tao paused, thinking of a clever way to finish his phrase.

"Person who is sober," Tao finished loudly. Yejin glared at him and carried her plates to the kitchen.

"Stupid panda," she grumbled half-bitterly. Tao chuckled, and laughed more when she purposely bumped into him when she passed him.

"Love you too," he called sweetly, before following her into the kitchen.

"We still don't let Hyori live down the fact that she cried the first time she saw guy parts," Jina chirped out of nowhere. Hyori side-glared at the smaller girl menacingly, before leaving the dining room to began washing dishes.

"That's okay; Kyungsoo hid the pink pair of underwear that Baekhyun confessed he owned," Kai replied over his shoulder as he carried a stack of rice bowls, quickly hopping over Baekhyun's foot that tried to trip the younger boy.

"I want those back," Baekhyun hollered, slightly irked. The commotion began to make its way into the kitchen, as more dishes were in there and there were hardly any on the table; Haejin was getting the few glasses that remained. She giggled as she heard the noise escalate as people began cackling in laughter and yelling in remorse at the previous game. She carefully made her way to the crowded kitchen, balancing the glasses in her hands. Minji noticed her slight struggle, and weaved her way around Yejin and Luhan to help her. Carefully, she took three glasses from her, smiling at her.

"Looked like you were going to drop these," she said. Haejin shrugged and smiled.

"Probably wouldn't have, but I appreciate the help." She looked up at her. "So we're playing the game?"

Minji's sweet smile turned into a mischeivous smirk, and her eyes twinkled.

"Oh yeah; we're playing the game."


The nineteen of them found themselves on the floor in the living room thirty-five minutes later, in a somewhat-lopsided circle. The order went as so: Minji, Baekhyun, Yejin, Sehun, La Jina, Kris, Eunhwa, Haejin, Xiumin, Chen, Hyori, Suho, Tao, Chanyeol, Sora, Kai, Kyungsoo, and Luhan. The chatter had died down, only the sound of fidgeting and socks scuffling against carpet and the occasional sigh remained; the sigh wasn't resentful, nor was it fatigued-- well, maybe it was because these were all very tired performers that badly needed rest-- The sigh was one of anticipation, as if to say "I'm ready for what you've got to throw at me." There was mostly silence, however, as everyone got comfortable and in their positions.

The smiles had disappeared, too. Now there were smirks on faces, overstretched and teasing. They curved moreso when they met another grinning face. Eyes were shifty, glancing from person to person with a guarded, suspicious expression.

Truth or Dare was about to begin; someone just needed to actually begin the game.

"Who's gonna start?" Kyungsoo asked warily.

"I call leaders," Hyori whispered. Kris, who was sitting Indian-style with his hands folded over his mouth, looked up expectantly. Suho looked over at Hyori, his expression slightly alarmed, before looking at Minji. Minji nodded, her eyes on the woolen carpet beneath her before she looked at the two boy leaders.

"Like last time?" she asked. Kris nodded. "Come forward, then," Minji directed, and she crawled forward. Suho and Kris did the same, and the three of them met in the middle of the circle.

"Put out your hands," Minji instructed. Suho and Kris held their hands out, and they formed into fists in comparison to the older girl's.

"If someone walked in on this, they'd think we were getting ready to worship Satan," Eunhwa muttered. Sehun snorted in laughter, nodding in agreement. Minji turned her body around so that she was partially facing Eunhwa.

"Shut up, I'm trying to call upon the Dark Lord," she half-yelled, before waving her hands quickly in denial. "Just kidding!"

The group laughed momentarily. Minji clicked her tongue in response, smiled, and turned back to Kris and Suho.

"Ready?" she asked. They nodded.

"Kai, bai, bo!"

Rock-paper-scissors. And Suho already lost, with his outstretched hand forming the sign for "paper." Minji and Kris both had the sign for "scissors," and they looked at Suho, who was chuckling embarrassedly.

"Looks like I'm not first again," he said, relieved. Kris' expression was one of skepticism. "Sometimes I think that you purposely exclude yourself by calling your shot after we've called ours," he said accusedly. Suho's eyes were wide in shock, but he smiled innocently as he scuttled back to his spot.

Typical Suho: he didn't want to put anyone on the spot, and didn't want to be put on the spot... Typical gentle leader.

Minji and Kris locked eyes. The group "ooh"ed at the sparks that flew between the two. "Noona," Kris murmured, and Minji shrugged.

"Kai, bai, bo!"

And this time, Kris had rock...

Minji had paper.

"Booyah!" Jina fist-pumped the air. "Ladies first!" The group laughed as Minji and Kris retreated to their spots, and Minji took a deep breath.

"Wait, let me stop you there noona." Kris held up his hand. "I gotta throw down some rules first."

There was a groan that passed over them, but there was also a relief that hung over their heads. Kris tilted his head in a way that said "it can't be helped," before continuing. "Okay, since we all know what happened last time, no stripping, no Crisco, shortening or stuff that makes people fall, no saran-wrap; we al found out who has a with that, no prank-calling important companies such as Geico, Hyundai, or the bubble tea shop down the street; their manager is still scared of us. No fights, no getting the managers involved in pranks; they're too old to understand, no hitting girls, and no Tumblr or bad Tumblr jokes." Kris, with clenched teeth whipped around and pointed straight at Jina. "If you say 'The cow wasn't in the mooooood' one more time, I will cut you." Upon seeing Jina begin snorting in laughter, and hearing the rest of the room groan upon hearing the pun, he clapped his hands and pointed at Minji. "You may proceed."

"Thank you, Kris," Minji smiled, then turned her attention to the group. Suho gulped loudly. Sehun scratched his neck in nervousness. Yejin averted all eye contact, and Kai bit his lip.

"Sehun." Upon hearing his name, Sehun winced, but smiled at Minji with expectancy. "Yes, Noona?"

"Truth or dare?" Minji's voice was laced with mischief. Chanyeol laughed upon hearing it. Haejin shook her head in sympathy; she knew that Minji also was very mischievous, and could come up with brutal, yet funny punishments-- brutal to the person on the receiving end, but funny to the people who witnessed the event.

But Sehun didn't know that. He was oblivious to Minji's antics. "Dare," he responded bravely, even sticking out his chest a little.

Minji blinked, but smiled nonetheless. "I dare you to the person to your right's feet."

Baekhyun gasped, and Kai cringed. Haejin began to laugh evilly. The rest tried to figure out who was on Sehun's right, and when they did, they began to laugh and shout. Sehun morbidly turned his head to the right...

Lay. Lay sat with his legs stretched out-- his torso was propped up by his hands, and he stared off into the distance, completely oblivious to the noise around him. Typical Zhang Yixing. Yejin laughed and nudged the zoned-out boy with her elbow.

"Lay," she giggled. Lay blinked, then looked around the room. People were pointing at him and laughing.

"What?" he asked. "Did I get called on? What do I have to do?"

"More like what someone has to do to you," Tao hollered in laughter. Lay frowned, but then felt a tap on his left hand.

"Uhm, hyung..." Sehun looked at the ground, blushing in embarrassment. Instantly Lay reeled back, accidentally bumping into Yejin. he quickly apologized, but not before glaring at Sehun. "If you're kissing me, I want to pass!"

The group laughed, and Sehun shook his head. "Take off your left sock, hyung."

Lay frowned in confusion, but did as he was told. Slipping off his left sock, he stared at the maknae. "Sehun-ah, what are you doing?"

" your foot." At this, Lay's jaw dropped and he was breathless. He looked around frantically. "Who dared him to do this, I--" His eyes fell upon Minji's smug face, and his expression turned to one of recognition.

"Figures," he sighed, and then turned to Sehun. "Let's get this over with."

The group began to chant Sehun's name.

"Sehun, Sehun, Sehun..." The maknae in a breath, before taking Lay's calloused foot in his hand carefully. With his other hand, he plugged his nose. Tentatively, he stuck his tongue out, and obediently Lay's foot, his tongue sliding along the heel in one, long . People squealed, and Xiumin screamed. Kris fell over in laughter, and Eunhwa held her phone out to record the footage precisely. Immediately after the deed was done, Sehun dropped Lay's foot and sprang to his feet, running to the kitchen to wash out his mouth. The group was laughing now, huddling around Eunhwa to watch the footage she had captured on her iPhone 5.

A few moments later, a slightly fuming Sehun walked back into the room and sat back in his spot. The group disassembled, returning to their respected places and the chatter died down. Sehun found the silence to be a good thing; he could execute his revenge now. However, it wasn't going to be on Minji; oh no. He looked at the girl who still had her iPhone out, grinning at it intently.

"Eunhwa." At the slithering tone, Eunhwa looked up to see Sehun smiling slyly at her. She instantly frowned.

"Me?" she asked. Sehun nodded, his brows raising.

"Truth or dare?" he asked.

Eunhwa could hear the venom in his voice, and she knew his intentions wouldn't be too good. He even called her by just her name... Wasn't she his older? He was up to something. Eunhwa shrugged, and put her phone away.

"Truth," she replied smoothly. Sehun's smile grew wider, and Eunhwa frowned once again at this.

"When you were comparing EXO's videos, Wolf and MAMA, what was your comment about Baekhyun-hyung?"

Instantly, Eunhwa's jaw dropped. Jina let out a huff of laughter. She instantly looked at Haejin, whose eyes met hers in confusion. Haejin then looked at Kai, who was glaring at Sehun. The seven girls had rewatched EXO's videos just last week, alone, and made comments about how the boys changed over the year that they were EXO. They kept all comments to themselves, and didn't tell EXO about this. Some comments were degrading, others were sweet, and some were creepy. As far as they knew, no one had told the boys, but Haejin had a tendency to share things with Kai. This was fine, as Kai could keep secrets and inside jokes.

So how did Sehun know? Apparently Kai had either told, or Sehun overheard something. Again, Eunhwa shrugged, but her muscles tensed. Shr could hear Hyori and Minji giggling. Yejin stifled her laughter. Haejin looked unwillingly at her friend, but shrugged as well.

"I said..." Eunhwa looked at the boys, who were anxiously waiting to hear what she had to say. Chanyeol had leaned forward, his big eyes on her. Lay, who had previously been rubbing his foot on the carpet to get Sehun's saliva off, stopped what he was doing to listen. Xiumin, Chen, and Suho were eyeing her. Baekhyun put his hand behind his ear, overly ready to hear what she had to say.

"I said 'he still looks like a little baby that just got out of preschool and needed coddling from Chanyeol." And Eunhwa was on her feet and running, but Baekhyun was faster. The group was in uproar, yelling and "ooh"ing as their brains registered the degrading comment Eunhwa had made. Baekhyun lunged at Eunhwa and knocked her down to the floor, pinning her down.

"Say it again," he growled by her ear. Eunhwa would have been afraid, but she heard the playfulness in his voice and grinned inwardly. "Say it again, or I'll tickle you to death, you freaking turtle!"

"You're a.." Eunhwa turned herself in his grasp so that she was looking into his eyes. She tapped his nose. "Lit. Tle. Baby!"

Instantly, Baekhyun's hands were at her sides, tickling her furiously. Eunhwa squealed and laughed loudly, as did the others.

"Say it again!" Baekhyun was smiling widely now, laughing with them.

"I thought you were going to tickle me if I DIDN'T tell you!"

"I changed my mind, you freak!"

"You really are a baby!"



Thirty minutes had passed, and much happened. Truths were revealed: Luhan wasn't a , Kyungsoo was considered a victim of pretentious bullying by Eunhwa, Hyori admitted to nearly going to prison once for stealing, Sora missed Japan, Chen wore insoles, and that Minji was strangely fond of one-night stands. Haejin had prank-called Super Junior's dorm to tell them that they were inspecting for a dead body due to the awful smell that came from their room. That was a bust; Eunhyuk ratted her out and Haejin cracked. Xiumin was dared to eat dog food. That didn't go well-- he ended up running to the toilet soon after. Sehun had a lipstick kiss on both cheeks; one from Kai, one from Luhan. Jina ordered an anchovy-pineapple pizza and gave them 2NE1's address, making a special request to write the dirtiest joke they knew on the box. They had to admit, it was a fun game, but people didn't look at each other the same-- at least, this group didn't. It also didn't last very long; when they got together to play it, they were exhausted to begin with. By the time it ended, everyone was drop-dead tired, as they were now.

"I think we've made good progress tonight," Suho said quietly, but once he got everyone's attention he spoke more loudly. "Lets get some rest, guys; I know we're free for a couple fo days, but these lovely ladies have gotta get some beauty sleep." Suho winked and smiled brightly at Minji.

"Cheeseball," Hyori chided, making Suho smile ever the more wider. Haejin shook her head, and Eunhwa "boo"ed at the Korean leader. Minji snorted, and got up, stretching as she did so.

"I'll see you guys out, unless some of you guys want to stay." She looked at Kai, who was talking to Luhan. Haejin was nowhere to be seen, but the sound of teeth being brushed coming from the bathroom indicated that she may have been there.

"I know Kai probably will," Minji continued softly.

"What?" Kai turned around to see Minji, and looked at her quizzically.

"You'll probably be staying," Minji repeated. Kai laughed slightly and scratched the back of his neck.

"If you don't mind, noona," he replied bashfully. Minji scoffed.

"Of course I don't mind!" Minji sauntered over to Kai and gave him a pat on the back. Kai laughed subtly, nodding.

"Thank you, noona," he whispered. He watched her leave the living room to see the other members out, although Chanyeol and Sehun were staying. Chanyeol was spread out on the couch, and Sehun sat carefully on one of the armrests, his lithe figure illuminated by the lamp next to him, whose light shone brightly on the boy. Kai smiled, before feeling something leaning on his left side. He looked over to see Haejin leaning against him, her tiny body pressing upon his. He could faintly see that her eyes were closed, and he heard her sigh. Kai smiled softly at her.

"Sleepy, my love?" He watched Haejin tilt her head up.

"Just content," she replied. "But I am sleepy. Aren't you?"

"Let's go to bed." Kai s his arm around Haejin's waist and led her to the room in which she shared with Eunhwa. Once they entered the room, however, they separated. Kai went to Haejin's dresser, and opened the middle drawer. He pulled out a T-shirt and boxers, then closed the door.

"I'll be back," he said. Haejin nodded, and Kai left to go change into his nighttime clothing. Haejin quickly reached behind her, where she fumbled with her bra strap. She unclipped it, and slid it off and out from under her band tee. She then lay down on the bed and scrolled through her phone.

Kai reentered the room two minutes later in the clothes he had taken from the drawer. He walked further into the room after shutting the door behind him quietly and dimming the lights, and dropped the previously worn clothes by the nightstand. He then crawled onto the bed, laying next to Haejin. His right arm wrapped itself around her, but he pulled her body so that she was laying on her back. He leaned over her, propping himself up on his elbow so he could stare into her eyes.

"Hi," Haejin whispered. Kai smiled.

"Hi." He leaned in and pecked her lips softly. Haejin giggled and grinned up at him.

"What's your schedule tomorrow?" Kai asked quietly. Haejin hummed, her eyes leaving his to wander in thought.

"I've got to wake up at 6:30 in the morning, then I'm taken to the company to do who-knows-what," she replied. Kai snickered.

"Typical trainee life," he reminisced. "No set schedule, and you're tossed about from person to person." He shook his head in bitterness, as if he were trying to rid his head of a bad memory. "It gets a lot better once you're an idol; you at least know where you're going and what you're doing for that day."

Haejin nodded, but her smile faded slightly. "If I ever become an idol," she whispered. Kai looked shocked.

"Yah," he started. "You've only been a trainee for two years now. And you WILL become an idol... it just takes time."

Haejin nodded, albeit slowly. "I know, I just... It just seems like forever," she sighed. Kai smiled again, his lips forming a crooked grin.

"I know that feeling all-too well." He leaned in and pecked her lips again. "It'll happen." Another peck. "I know it will." Another. This kiss turned into one that lasted a little loner than usual, as his lips began to mold with hers. Haejin accepted the kiss and fervently kissed back, feeling his plump, warm lips on her own. Kai repositioned himself, not breaking the kiss, and was now on top of her, his fingers weaving into her hair. Haejin reached up, one hand entangled in his locks and the other on the back of his neck. The kiss grew deeper, and things began to heat up quickly. His kisses became more passionate with each time his lips moved, and they occasionally parted for air. The intervals weren't long-- they'd separate momentarily and join back togther with just as much passion as before. Her legs were in between his, and they began to draw upwards as excitement started to take control over Haejin. His lips were like magic; she swore it.

After a few moments, his tongue grazed her lip, a gentle swipe that was noticeable enough for Haejin to notice, but subtle enough to send a shiver down her spine at the feeling his tongue left on her lips. It tingled, and it tingled in the good kind of way. But she only pulled him closer to her, denying his request. She heard Kai grunt in reply and she only smiled, continuing to kiss the dancing machine; he should know by now that Haejin did not like french-kissing, and has denied him every time since the first.

Kai's lips left Haejin's, and began to trail down her law to her neck, where he kissed down to her collarbone. Haejin's eyes opened in slight surprise. The pleasure that reverberated through her body was inmeasurable, as Kai's lips left sparks that electrocuted her each time they left her porcelain skin. But Kai usually didn't go this far, and when he did...

There it was: the tug on her shirt. Haejin had felt his hands fall from her tresses to her waist, where they had rubbed her sides as they kissed, but now one hand was on her bare stomach and sneaking up, and the other was tugging at the band tee, requesting for her to take it off.

"Kai, no." Haejin felt the words leave her lips, as well as a strange cocktail of relief and regret. She felt the kissing stop, and the tugging stop, and the sneaking stop. Kai pulled back, his lips more plump than before and slightly swollen, and he looked at her in confusion. His eyes were unreadable with a hint of lust in them. Haejin shook her head as she looked up at the boy on top of her.

"Please." Kai's eyes filled with disappointment, but only momentarily as they quickly morphed into apology.

"I'm sorry," he whispered, his lips barely moving. "I just.."

"No, no-- I'm just.." Haejin searched for what she felt, but found none. Kai shook his head, and quickly got off of her, laying beside her.

"You don't have to explain to me; it's the same thing every time. I just.. Get ahead of myself."

The darkness was overpowering. The silence that creeped upon them was stifling. Haejin mumbled a "yeah", and turned back onto her side, where she pulled her arms to her chest and her legs up, curling into the best ball she could become.

It was an unusual situation. Haejin and Kai didn't dwell upon it, and the other members automatically assumed it... One would think that after having been in a very close relationship for two years, the couple would be ually active. Those tender moments would turn into lustful, passionate ones, fufilling themselves and the other, becoming one and sharing a true bond. And Kai would try, he tried for the past couple of months. However, it was Haejin who pushed him back, kept him away.

It wasn't that she didn't want him, because dear god, did she want him. She wanted that passion, that ritualistic event between two lovers that truly engraved their relationship into stone, truly bonded them together. She had dreamt about it, Haejin was ashamed to admit. But she didn't know what exactly was keeping her away. She didn't know if it was the value of still having her ity, or if it was the fear of getting pregnant, or if it was the paranoia of getting caught, or if it was the weight of the entertainment world that weighed upon them both every single day.

Kai was patient, however; Haejin learned that about him when they first got to know each other. He was kind, warm-hearted and very patient. He may not have understood the reason why he couldn't have her entirely, but he knew it was for an important reason, and wouldn't question it. Yes, he would show sadness or disappointment, but he didn't dwell upon it. Haejin was grateful, as was even now as she felt a cover drape over her, and an arm slip around her, and pullher closer to Kai. His "I love you" didn't go unnnoticed, and she returned it, as well as whispering a soft "thank you." She knew he heard it when she felt him kiss the back of her neck just gently. Her eyes closed.

She didn't like keeping her boyfriend away, only slightly closed off, but something told her she should. 

She just didn't know what, or why.



~*~Author's Note~*~


Holy Krisus, you guys O__O

This update was probably the longest I have ever produced. I've been sitting and working on it for about eight hours now. OTL

But I hope that this update was a good one! I kinda secretly enjoyed writing the last part >.> this maybe foretells actual later on but maybe not if you guys dont want it pleaseletmeknowinthecommentsorsomething

But here you go; I'm sorry for being gone yet again >< I've been working on a new fic, called "Forcing Down Daisies"; please feel free to check it out! It's only got the foreword, but I'd love to have more support! <3 I've also been distracted by a BEAUTIFUL show, called "American Horror Story," like HOLY. CRAP. GUYS. This show is incredible. Are there any fans of that on here? :OO

And I've had midterms but those don't deserve to get mentioned really becAUSE THEY . /shot


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OMG! Why didn't y'all tell me my page divider image was broken?!? I'm replacing them right now, but this is embarassing! OTL


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lifessointeresting #1
Chapter 15: What happened to this fanfic... I actually really like the story line.
Chapter 15:
Chapter 14: I half expected this to be a late April fools, but guess not. Well, it's sad to see such a good author leave AFF, but pursuing your dreams is more important than this and I praise you for that. Wish you the best!
--springgirl #4
Chapter 14: <3 I'll always support you! Good luck!! Don't worry too much though... It gives you wrinkles ;)
Cloud_LX #5
Chapter 12: Aah, still the best. Can't wait for an other update. I feel the drama here ... Wouhou, here it is !
Cloud_LX #6
Chapter 10: Stil wating for an update. This story is too good to be abandoned. D:
Chapter 8: YAAAAAY!!!! You updated, authornim! Gaaaah! Kai and Haejin are just too freaking cute! They have an almost like perfect relationship!
cassandra1433 #9