Chapter 16

The Wish Your Heart Made

Down the road from the trainee dorms was a plaza filled with food places. There was a Korean barbecue shop, a buffet, a sushi bar, as well as a few trinket shops for wanderers.


The Korean barbecue place was one of Kai's favorite eateries. Haejin's, too. They had such good, prime meat, and crisp vegetables to go with it along with some nice soups that sat well in the stomach.


And as Haejin and Kai approached the restaurant, Haejin felt her heart skip a beat. She looked up at Kai, who walked beside her.


"You really know me well, don't you?" she teased, nudging him in the ribs. Kai smirked.


"Well; that, and I was craving this place, too," he replied. Haejin giggled.


Kai reached the door first. He pulled it open, and then bowed dramatically. 


"After you, milady," he said, loudly enough so that people already in the restaurant turned their heads to look at the commotion. Haejin blushed and rolled her eyes. 


"You're just the worst," she tsked jokingly, and walked inside. Kai snickered.


"You love me," he retorted. They were greeted with a waiter.


"Hello!" He picked up a menu, and began walking into the restaurant. "Right this way."


They followed him, Haejin whispering, "Wow; we didn't have to wait this time!"


They were seated in the middle of the restaurant, which would have made the two of them nervous, but the thing about tiny restaurants was that only a tiny amount of people knew about them. Celebrities were safe in places like these.


They both decided on samgyeopsal, and they split it between them. Once the waiter took their menus and left to fetch the meat, the two of them were left alone. Haejin looked around, noting how the place hadn't changed much since the first time she had been there, over two years ago. As she thought back on it, she laughed aloud. Kai, who was lost in thought, lifted his head from his hands to look at her.


"What?" he smiled. Haejin smiled and shook her head.


"I just remembered the first time you brought me here," she reminisced.



"This place has the best food EVER. Haejin, you're gonna love it!" He took Haejin's menu and his own and handed it to the waiter. The waiter gave Kai a puzzled look, before smiling and heading to the kitchen. Haejin simply stared at him confusedly.


"What?" He flicked his jet-black hair out of his shining eyes. Haejin narrowed her eyes.


"This isn't exactly what a girl usually has in mind for a first date," she said, raising an eyebrow. Kai put down his chopsticks that he had been playing with.


"Okay; A, this is not our first date, and B, you will think it's a luxurious vacation to an exotic country once you taste their food. It is like the cows and pigs fell from Heaven."


Haejin made a face. "This is too our first date!"


"No it's not; our first date was in the park and at the cafe--"


"No, no no," Haejin waved her hands. "This is our first date as a couple."


Kai seemed taken back, before he blushed. "Couple..." He smiled and looked down at the couple ring he had on his finger. He gently touched it.


"You do have a point." When he looked back up, his eyes were soft. He smiled at her, biting his lip. As he did so, Haejin's heart did a flip.



"OH MY GOSH, THIS FOOD IS AMAZING." Haejin had taken her first bite of the bulgogi, and felt the many flavors invade her senses. She closed her eyes and chewed, completely in shock.


"RIGHT?!" Kai began wolfing down his share, taking it right off the grill. It burned his tongue, but he didn't care.


"You're right; this is an exotic country... Where are we again?" Haejin joked. Kai laughed.


"We are in a Heaven. A Heaven full of meat and grills and a beautiful person."


"Don't talk about the waiter like that! He's married," Haejin protested. Kai seemed a little shocked, before he played along with the joke.


"Not anymore, he isn't! I'm proposing today, darn it!"


"Is there something you need, sir?" Kai's face drained of all color as he heard the waiter's amused voice behind him. Haejin's jaw dropped, and Kai shook his head sheepishly.


"N-no, songsaengnim. I'm okay, thank you," he spluttered. 


At that moment, Haejin lost it. She let out a huge bout of laughter that rang through the whole joint. People stared, some looked a bit afraid, and Kai stopped blushing to stare at his girlfriend. The waiter grinned and walked away.


As Haejin's laughter died down, she looked at Kai. "Sorry, sorry; I just couldn't help myself."


Kai studied her, before he smiled softly. "Haejin."


Haejin tensed. "Y-yeah?"


Kai shook his head. "You never need to apologize for laughter.... That was the most beautiful sound I've ever heard."


Haejin blinked, before she blushed. "Oh... Thanks," she mumbled, blushing deeply.


Kai grinned back. "Anytime. Now, dig in!"




"What are you thinking about?" Kai's voice brought Haejin out of her thoughts.


"Nothing," she replied, shaking her head and smiling. Again, she continued to look around the place...


...Until her eyes fell on something she didn't want to see, and she froze. Her blood began to boil.


Krystal Jung, a member of f(x), was sauntering over to the table. She was wearing a tank top and a leather jacket, but the leather jacket was doing little to cover her s, which were aided in their volume by her push-up bra. Her hair was wavy and y, and she wore a hint of eyeliner, but a bucket of perfume that Haejin could smell over the cooking beef at the other tables.


"Jongiiiin~!" Haejin shuddered at the sound of her whiny voice,but forced herself to stay in her seat...


...What she really wanted to do was smash Krystal's face onto the burning grill.


"Annyeong, Soojung," Kai greeted politely. "What brings you here?"


"Ah, just getting my fix of protein is all," Krystal smiled. She leaned on the table, forcing her chest towards Kai. "You know I like my meat."


Kai frowned, and laughed nervously. Haejin clenched her fists.


"Soojung," she said coldly. Krystal looked over in fake-surprise.


"Oh, hi. Didn't see you there." There was venom in her voice. Haejin flashed her a grin, but that grin had "I'm going to kill you" all over it.


"So, uh, Soojung-ah, how've you been?" Kai asked. Krystal flipped her hair, looking dreamily at Kai.


"I've been great; a little lonely sometimes, but that'll change soon."


Haejin let out a laugh, and coughed. "Sure it will," she said between coughs. Krystal looked offended, before she put a hand on Kai's shoulder.


"Well, I'm sure sorry for you. You're still with..." She cast a glance over at Haejin. "That."


"At least I don't steal men," Haejin retorted smoothly.


Kai frowned and was about to say something, but then someone from the other side of the restaurant called Krystal's name. Krystal glared in that direction, before turning to Kai.


"I'll see you later, jagi." She blew him a kiss, before turning and walking away...


...But as she walked past Haejin, Haejin put out her foot at the last second.


"Aiieeee!" Krystal tripped over Haejin's foot, and fell to her knees. "Ouch!" She got up, looking at her bruising knees and her now-scuffed new shoes. Then she glared at Haejin.


"You are such a ," she growled, before storming away.


"Takes one to know one," Haejin replied coolly, before turning around and coughing "" loudly.


Kai breathed out, fanning the air. "Good lord... Haejin, did you have to do that?"


"Yes, I did. You don't seem to have a pair to stand up to her like I do." She thanked the waiter as he brought the raw pork, and she and Kai began to lay it out on the grill.


"Yeah, well, you don't have to work with her, like I do," he whispered, dispersing the meat evenly.


"That doesn't mean you keep your mouth shut," Haejin retorted, frowning. "If you set her straight, she won't be a problem."


"I... I know..." Kai looked down at the simmering food. 


"It's not fair to me," Haejin whispered. Kai winced, and was silent for a few moments. Haejin said nothing more, only turned the meat over.


"I know... I'm sorry."


Haejin sighed. "I accept your apology, but next time you see her, lay her down flat, okay? I... After what's happened today, we don't need more problems that we can help." She flashed Kai a small smile, which Kai returned and nodded.


"You're right." He reached over the table and touched her face. "I'll fix this. I promise."


"Thank you." She turned the meat over again, before taking one piece off of the grill and taking a bite of it. She nodded in approval.


"Is it ready?" Kai asked. Haejin nodded.


"It's a bit spicy, but yep, it's ready."


"Alright!" Kai took a bite as well, and he chewed slowly.


Haejin was right; the meat was a bit spicier than usual...


...And it didn't taste as good as it always did.






~*~Author's Note~*~

Aaaaaand Time it Took to Complete This Chapter: 3 months.

A new record! Yay..

I'm sorry, guys; my summer was just... Yikes. Anyways, I hope you enjoyed this chapter! I know there's a lot of melancholy here, but I have to build up to the main point in this story! I hope you understand ><

Also, happy one year anniversary to the story; I cannot believe that it's been a whole year.

Thanks for reading so far. I love you guys.

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OMG! Why didn't y'all tell me my page divider image was broken?!? I'm replacing them right now, but this is embarassing! OTL


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lifessointeresting #1
Chapter 15: What happened to this fanfic... I actually really like the story line.
Chapter 15:
Chapter 14: I half expected this to be a late April fools, but guess not. Well, it's sad to see such a good author leave AFF, but pursuing your dreams is more important than this and I praise you for that. Wish you the best!
--springgirl #4
Chapter 14: <3 I'll always support you! Good luck!! Don't worry too much though... It gives you wrinkles ;)
Cloud_LX #5
Chapter 12: Aah, still the best. Can't wait for an other update. I feel the drama here ... Wouhou, here it is !
Cloud_LX #6
Chapter 10: Stil wating for an update. This story is too good to be abandoned. D:
Chapter 8: YAAAAAY!!!! You updated, authornim! Gaaaah! Kai and Haejin are just too freaking cute! They have an almost like perfect relationship!
cassandra1433 #9