
Regular Kibum One Shot

Sitting quietly in a corner of a little café, wishing he’s hurry up… “Kibum where are you?”

Just as I say this aloud in walks a man in a hooded jacket and sunglasses…Kibum.

“Sorry.” He whispers taking his sunglasses off. “It took longer to get through the photo shoot than I thought.”

Nodding my head understandingly, I give Kibum a hopefully smile. “I understand.”

Taking the seat in front of me he flashes me a ‘Key’ smile. “How’d I get so lucky?” He whispers returning to the Kibum.


I’ve been secretly dating Kim Kibum, or the Almighty Key, for a few months now. However, when I first met Kibum he wasn’t the diva everyone calls him, Kibum wasn’t even the Almighty Key, and Kibum was just a random guy I happen to have met at a deserted book store.


“Soon-Kyu are you hungry?” Kibum asks me softly, always in a caring tone.

Nodding my head softly, I stand up. “I’ll order.”

Grinning at me Kibum holds his hand out for me, taking it he pulls me closer. “Thank-you.” Then gently he kisses me on my lips, my cheek and finally my forehead.

“Kibum?” I ask tenderly, afraid.

Chuckling he just smiles letting go of my head. “You mean the world to me.”


When Kibum is with me he isn’t famous, Kibum doesn’t have to put on a show, Kibum can relax and just be himself. That’s what I live about him. He doesn’t always want to put up with being the responsible-diva, sometimes he just wants to be a regular guy.


Walking to order a simple sandwich, while trying to figure out what he means, why he’s saying all those things. Returning back to the table I place a sandwich in front of him.

“Are you alright?” I ask him worriedly. I care deeply for him.

Nodding his head he lets out a yawn. “Just a little tired and hungry.”

Nodding my head I take my seat, eating quietly we look around, when we finish Kibum stands up, offering his hand, quickly taking it we walk towards my apartment. “Do you need to rest?” I ask him curiously.

Looking at me through the lenses he gives me a warming smile. “Yes, but even more I just want to be with you.”

Blushing we continue on to my home, the place where Kibum freely shows his face without worry.


Entering my apartment Kibum pulls his jacket off and his sunglasses, shaking his head letting his hair mess up he smiles again. “Soon-Kyu?”

“You’re scaring me.” I whisper staring into his eyes.

Surprised he pulls me in, holding me close he rocks us back and forth. “I love spending time with you. I’m just trying to tell you something Jagiya.”

Sighing softly I wrap my arms around him. “Will it scare me?”

“Maybe a little, but we’ll work through it if it does.” He answers calmly. “Soon-Kyu, my friends are asking where I disappear to.”

“What did you tell them?” I ask him.

Kicking our shoes off, Kibum picks me up and carries me until he sets me down on my bed, crawling in he holds me against his body.

“That I’m seeing someone very special to me.” He answers finally.


What I first asked Kibum why he didn’t tell his friends he told me ‘I don’t want to share you just get. I like being with you. Soon-Kyu you don’t treat me like other people do.  You, Jagiya, treat me like a person.’ And I never asked again, I didn’t need to; I know he’d tell them when he was ready.


Blinking surprised I stare at him. “Really?”

He nods his head. “They’d like to meet toy.”

“Why?” I ask him furrowing my brow.

Laughing he rubs his head against mine. “Soon-Kyu they’re curious about why’d I’d keep you all to myself.” Making an ‘o’ with my mouth, Kibum chuckles again. “I ask again. How did I get so lucky?”

Smiling at him I the side of his face. “You said hello.”

“Right, so what do you think?” He asks me. “Do you want to meet them?” Grabbing my hand he hold it against his face before I could pull it away.

“If I have to.” I joke smiling at him. “Kibum if you think its right I will.”

Sighing relieved he kisses me again. “Soon-Kyu I think it is the time you met them. I want to introduce you as my girlfriend.”

Lighting up I hug him tightly. “Then do it.” I whisper.


After a little bit more discussion we take a nap, Kibum falling asleep quickly, relieving me of my worry. I soon follow suit. His soft breathing, rising and falling chest only reinforces the fact that he’s human and every human deserves a little break from the world.


I can’t put the sensation of Kibum nuzzling into me, or feelings I feel about him into words.

“Come on, let’s go.” He says cheerfully. “Soon-Kyu?”

“Go where?” I ask him tilting my head. “Where do we need to go?”

“To meet my friends silly girl.” He chuckles. “Come on.”

Getting up Kibum brushes my hair, satisfied we head to get our shoes and jackets on. Leaving my apartment, Kibum with his sunglasses on, holding hands we hail a cab, taking it to SHINee’s dorm.


Upon entering the dorm Kibum is bombarded with questions from the other members about his where-abouts and about who I am.

“Guys!” Kibum yells. “Honestly.” He mutters.

After he manages to round us all up, sitting his band mates on the couch he smiles at me. “Boys this is Soon-Kyu, my girlfriend.”

“It’s nice to meet you all.” I saw bowing.

Quickly they all break into smiles. “Key this is her?”


The whole situation quickly became joyous. Kibum explained how we met, and told them how happy we are together. My Kibum also explained to them how important I am to him, that he likes me a lot, and in turn they all welcomed me happily.


Kibum always worries about them, he cares deeply, he loves what he does, he loves his fans, and his friends, but sometimes what he needs most is to hang up the ‘Almighty Key’ and just relax and be himself, the very undiva-ish person he can be, around me.

Like I said, I wanted to show a different side to Key, a less intimidating one. Also considering this is my first time writing something for Key, I'm very happy with how it turned out.

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quietchick #1
Chapter 1: ive commented before but i happened to stumble upon this story again. i just want to give you a big round of applause. the way you potrayed key was amazing, how he is just a normal guy. because when it comes down to it, we are all normal. and i dont know if key is really like this outside his idol life, but it is believable. and thats the best part. awesome job!
quietchick #2
this is officially one of my favorites
RiCa1826 #3
So cute :"> so sweet....
awwww it's cute, you should do a sequel!!!
First to Comment!!! It was awsum... so sweet