A Bet

Monkey in the Middle

"I bet that they wouldn't even notice..." Junsu said, obviously mid conversation with Yoochun as the two entered the dressing room where JaeJoong was currently getting his hair teased for a photoshoot. Looking in the mirror, JaeJoong's eyes narrowed as YooChun pointed in his direction and told Junsu to be quiet. "Wouldn't notice what?" JaeJoong shot towards the two who simply came over and plopped down next to him. "Junsu and I made a bet." Yoochun said and then went quiet without actually revealing what the bet was. "And?" JaeJoong asked, shifting in the seat as the stylist fussed with his hair. "Nothing." Junsu said, giggling a little and moving to pick up one of the liquid eyeliners on the counter.

"Put that down Junsu" The stylist said, casting the youngest of the three a look. "I'll get to you as soon as JaeJoong's hair starts behaving." She said, messing with it some more, causing JaeJoong to flinch. The other two then wandered off to a secluded area of the dressing room, however JaeJoong watched them closely in the mirror. The way they were constantly touching and goofing off made JaeJoong a little jealous. At least when they were 5 he had Changmin or YunHo to distract him whenever  Junsu and Yoochun went off and did their own thing.

About half an hour later, the three were in front of the cameras. Given some props to mess with, JaeJoong was intrigued by his own prop, staring at it closely. All of a sudden, there was a slap noise and JaeJoong looked up quickly to see Junsu and YooChun laughing about...something. Did one of them just slap the other? Looking around, JaeJoong noticed that no one else was paying attention. Something about the lighting. So, turning back to his prop, JaeJoong started in the direction of the other two and there it was, another slap sound. Eyes narrowing in suspicion, JaeJoong looked towards the two, Junsu's hand waving slightly as if it was in pain.

"What are you two doing?" JaeJoong asked, pointing his finger at Junsu's hand. The two then looked towards him sheepishly and shook their heads. "Nothing..." Yoochun said, cutting his eyes towards Junsu and silently telling him to not be so sensitive. Jaejoong raised an eyebrow and suddenly forced himself between the two of them. "Nothing, hmm?" He asked, turning back towards his prop and then looking towards the camera crew who were finally getting back to their models.

"Alright. Lets get started!" the director called out to them, causing JaeJoong to grin a little and then wrap an arm around YooChun's shoulder, pushing Junsu away. Junsu didn't seem to like this very much and tried to pull JaeJoong away from YooChun. Yoochun didn't seem to mind too much as he wrapped an arm around JaeJoong. Then there it was, another slapping noise. Alright, that's it. He wasn't going to let these two get away with whatever was going on. Especially when they had a job to do. Turning to look at Junsu, JaeJoong pulled him and Yoochun in closely. "Hands to yourselves boys. Or I'm going to require individual shoots..." He said, trying to wave his power in front of the others. Sure, if the director REFUSED to do individual shots, there was nothing he could do. JaeJoong, however, had a lot of influence when it came to what they did and what he didn't want to do.

"Told you he'd notice." YooChun said, grinning at Junsu and then moving to slap the other's , causing both Junsu and JaeJoong to burst out laughing, Yoochun chiming in soon after with his own laugh.

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samirajoon #1
Chapter 1: really funny. yoosu are so naughty
icecreamchoco #2
Chapter 2: godsun!! u really can imagine it. feels like it really happen. lol xp
Chapter 1: Kekeke~ Yoochun and Junsu are very naughty xDD It's really cute <3
uknown123 #4
Chapter 1: Aww! Cute! Perfectly reasonable explanation you got here. I bet that's really the case! Haha! Oh my yoosu heart~~
Chapter 1: Cute story.