Quiet on the set

Monkey in the Middle

"Junsu! Stop talking to Yoochun!" The director yelled for probably the tenth time that day. By this point, JaeJoong was certain the two younger males were unphased by the scolding from the director. "JaeJoong, go between them...we need to finish..." The director said with a sigh while pinching the brim of his nose. 

"Yes sir!" JaeJoong replied and went over to where Junsu and YooChun were goofing off with some props they were given for the photo-shoot. "Seriously, save that for the dorms guys..." JaeJoong said low enough that only the other two would hear and then he literally placed himself between the two of them, wiggling his bum to get more room between them. 


The cameras were constantly clicking away at the trio and the video camera was picking up every little movement. You'd think those two would be able to contain themselves and stay professional! Apparently not though. Sighing, JaeJoong smiled towards the camera as the photographers took a couple pictures and then wrapped an arm around Junsu's shoulders and leaned his head on his shoulder. Yoochun was there at his side and moved to wrap his arm around JaeJoong's waist and set his head in his lap, however he could feel Junsu and YooChun had moved to hold hands behind him. 


Typical kids. 

Constantly talking when the shouldn't be, ignoring authority when they're told to do something, and even going so far as to do something they shouldn't be doing in absolute plain sight. JaeJoong knew he'd have to tell them off later, but for now he'd have to behave himself in front of the cameras. Adjusting his head some, JaeJoong put his hand on YooChun's head and messed his hair some while laughing. 


Yoochun then apparently let go of Junsu's hand because he sat up and moved to poke JaeJoong's chest. "Yah!" Yoochun then dove to try and mess JaeJoong's hair up as well, however the older was too fast and moved to block using his knees. Junsu was heard laughing behind him, causing JaeJoong to move and elbow Junsu in the sides to shut him up and then JaeJoong quickly stood up to escape. 


Running half way across the photo-shoot area, JaeJoong could hear the director sigh from his seat and Jaejoong then went to grab a large stuffed bear they were using as a prop. "JunSu-ahh!" JaeJoong called out to the youngest as he threw the bear up on his shoulders and ran back to the two and put the bear between the 'happy couple' and then leaned against it and then wrapped an arm around YooChun this time, putting some space between them and Junsu in an attempt to keep the two separate. Sure, the fans would get squeals out of seeing all this 'YooSu love' but really they weren't filming a homoromantic photo-shoot or anything. It was just another Nii photo-shoot that would probably have to be postponed for the next day because two certain SOMEONEs couldn't keep their hands to themselves!



okay, these are going to be considerably shorter, fluffier, and more random than my usual fanfics. If you like yoou or any other DBSK pairings, check out my other fanfics :3 Don't forget to subscribe and comment if you like ^o^

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samirajoon #1
Chapter 1: really funny. yoosu are so naughty
icecreamchoco #2
Chapter 2: godsun!! u really can imagine it. feels like it really happen. lol xp
Chapter 1: Kekeke~ Yoochun and Junsu are very naughty xDD It's really cute <3
uknown123 #4
Chapter 1: Aww! Cute! Perfectly reasonable explanation you got here. I bet that's really the case! Haha! Oh my yoosu heart~~
Chapter 1: Cute story.