Not an update

An injury brought us close

Hello it's me and i'm still alive, kinda. I'm really very sorry that I haven't been updating yet, and it's been so long. I announced my haitus in my tumblr account i think and the reason for that is because lately ive lost my EXO feels, i dont know if it had something to do with their issues before, and my school life, being busy and all and i haven't had time to catch up, I actually thought of discontinuing this fic or maybe deleting this account but i might end up regretting it, till then can you guys hang on? i hope i can still continue as a fan and as an author, thanks so much for reading and subscribing, it means a lot to me.

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Chapter 3: i love it i love it <3
Chapter 4: Do take your time and rest enough! (:
Chapter 4: please continue a-nim. you can take your time :)
Chapter 4: take your time and update when you're ready
Chapter 3: I hope u'll update author nim...:D
Chapter 3: can't wait for the next chapter ><
Chapter 3: Aww, i hope their relationship can develop quickly. Btw, nice plot. Good job!
Chapter 3: Yay! I hope the next chapter will have some fluffy Kaibaek moment ♥
Chapter 3: omfg yes this is what i wanted an actual interaction pls update quick x))))
Chapter 3: Finally some development between them...seems like Baek is already starting to feel something for Jongin....:P