
An injury brought us close

Injuries are inevitable once you’re a dance major. You can’t actually avoid them since they’re kinda part of the package. Sore muscles and broken bones are what you get used too. Maybe a little too harsh on the ears but it’s what a dance major goes through in order to obtain success and what not. Also part of the package, as Jongin concludes, is a friend ready to take care of you when indeed these situations happen as to why the said man is contemplating on how his so called best friend chose to ignore his pleads when he accidentally twisted his ankle.


The 18 year old man’s injury happened two days ago when he was practicing in their university’s training hall. Since he wasn’t a hundred percent focused during their dance class, he ended up spending a few more hours trying to sharpen his moves and improve his concentration. Jongin hated half-assed everythings. He hated doing something with only half of what he can actually commit. Jongin strives for perfection which is why he came back to where they had practiced with no second thoughts when he felt that he lacked.


Jazz music filled the empty room as he tried to drown himself in its sweet atmosphere. Dancing was one thing, but feeling the music within the depths of your soul and translating it was another. He had a hard time perfecting his moves which was unusual since he wasn’t known in their university as “the” dancing machine for nothing. He then began to question himself as to why he couldn’t be as flawless and carefree as before. Thinking too much probably got him though because just a few seconds later he came tumbling down when he couldn’t execute his spin properly, resulting in to a twisted right ankle, a sore back, and a very frustrated Jongin.


Limping towards his shared dorm with Kyungsoo, his best friend, was easy enough when you’ve done it before, and relying on them was a piece of cake too. A piece of cake unless they suddenly turn you down when you sorta plead for help. And in the end, all Jongin could muster up was a ton of whys.


“Seriously Kyungsoo why?”


“What do you mean why?” The shorter of the two answers with an unreadable expression on his face. “I already told you right? I signed up for this cooking seminar and it starts later, you’ll be having our dorm all to yourself for three days and two nights, aren’t you happy?”


“How about uhm, no?” Jongin says in a matter-of-fact tone. “Last thing I remember you always took care of me when I’m injured and lo and behold I am.”


Kyungsoo just rolls his eyes at the other because seriously, his best friend is over reacting.


“Who’s gonna rub my back when it’s sore, and massage my foot when it hurts?”


“Jongin you’re clearly a spoiled brat who needs to know how to take care of your own well being. Besides, I won’t always be here to tolerate your dumbness and weirdness.”


“If you’re not gonna do it then who will?” Jongin asks.


“Baekhyun will.” Kyungsoo says with a smile forming on his heart shaped lips.


“Baek-what?” the other asks clearly confused.


“I signed him up to take care of you and your whining so you won’t be too lonely without me here you big cry baby.”










Updated at last! I'm currently working on the next chapter. Thank you to those who subscribed. I hope you enjoyed reading!





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Chapter 3: i love it i love it <3
Chapter 4: Do take your time and rest enough! (:
Chapter 4: please continue a-nim. you can take your time :)
Chapter 4: take your time and update when you're ready
Chapter 3: I hope u'll update author nim...:D
Chapter 3: can't wait for the next chapter ><
Chapter 3: Aww, i hope their relationship can develop quickly. Btw, nice plot. Good job!
Chapter 3: Yay! I hope the next chapter will have some fluffy Kaibaek moment ♥
Chapter 3: omfg yes this is what i wanted an actual interaction pls update quick x))))
Chapter 3: Finally some development between them...seems like Baek is already starting to feel something for Jongin....:P