Home is Where the Heart is

One Day, Some Day

     Kibum bit his lower lip out of habit as he finished up tying the single yellow bow around the oak tree that stood proudly in his- no their- front yard.  He smiled softly to himself as his fingertips brushed against the brightly colored satin stretched taut around the trunk of the oak, a symbol to the world that he was still awaiting the safe return of the boy who stole his heart, who knocked down his walls and supported him through his darkest times.  The past three years had seemed to pass in a blur, numbing all other thoughts except for those rare occasions upon which he would receive a letter from Jonghyun.  He relished in those days in which he could have the pleasure of reading his messy scrawl; but nothing compared to his soft, melodic voice that Kibum ached to hear again.  Summer, winter, spring, and fall all pass by with muted colors without Jonghyun there to bring all those elements together into a warm, beautiful memory.  But nothing was worse than living in the constant fear of receiving that yellow slip of paper, addressed so formally, with words that should have been written with regret and tears; but to them Jonghyun was just another number among the thousands nameless faces that were sent into reality and brought back in sparse, black boxes. 

    Kibum sighed and took a step back; admiring the way the ribbon seemed to compliment the changing of the leaves so well.  Yellows, reds, oranges, and browns all melting together in the crisp air, acknowledging the changing of seasons.  It was just another routine, round and round the earth spun.  But no matter how many times Kibum spun around he could never quite reach the one he wanted most; as if their palms were just barely grazing against each other, but no strong grip to hold them together.  Kibum flexed his gloved right hand by his side, trying to recall what it felt like to have that familiar warmth intertwined with his.  His breath came out with a shudder as he realized he couldn’t.

    He sighed and stuffed his numb hands deep into his jacket’s pockets, his shoes crunching against the fallen leaves as he makes his way back up to the simple white cottage he now calls home.  He trudges up the wooden steps wearily, taking a brief glance into the mailbox only to find it hollow, devoid of any words of, “I’ll be home soon Key-“.  At least it wasn’t a telegram from Jonghyun’s commanding officer.  Better the world stays silent than be filled with cries of pain and loss. 

    Kibum quickly opened up the unlocked door and shut it behind him once he came inside, his skin becoming uncomfortably lukewarm as he stepped into the warm interior of the cottage.   Shedding his coat and gloves at the front door, he shuffled into the living room, not noticing the army-issued workbag lying innocently in the front hallway.  He shivered once as he was suddenly enveloped by warmth as he sat down close to the fire place, pressing his hands close to the grate to get some feeling back into them.  He wished silently that Jonghyun had been there to see how beautiful their little home was in real life, not just through snapshots bent at the corners due to the many miles it had to travel between the two.  Kibum’s eyes reflected the crackling flames in the hearth, the heat up the chimney and expelling itself into delicate smoke tendrils that spun and twisted with every movement of the wind.  If only he could travel on the currents of the wind, away, away, away….


    Kibum’s head shot up in alarm as he heard the soft pad of footsteps behind him.  He turned around and froze, dumbstruck as he saw the same smiling boy who had been whisked away three years ago; only now this boy was older, a more defined jawline and with well-defined muscles slightly visible through his long sleeve shirt.  His eyes were almost the same; they were still wide, wet, and brown, but now they looked wiser.  As if there were shards of cruel memories trapped behind them, imprinted like tattoos.  But his smile was still as bright as ever, lighting up the dull surrounding that Kibum had been imprisoned in for three long years. 

    Kibum shook softly as he finally embraced the boy who had stolen his heart, tears of relief running down his porcelain cheeks. 

    He had waited for that “One day” for so long, and now he grasped onto it as tight as he could, because he was never, ever, letting this go.   Between hushed “I love you”s and tear-stained smiles, Kibum realized that he was holding his black pearl.  Raw, beautiful, and now forever his.  




Short sequel >.< Sorry for how it was extremely short but...I think it was good closure :) I hope you guys liked it and thank you all so much for reading, commenting, and suscribing ^^ Btw have you guys ever tried fudge ice cubes? They are strangely good o_o

Chapter photo credit to: keybeomi @ keybeomi.tumblr.com



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Going to be starting the sequel soon :3


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Chapter 3: :)) It's short but it's perfect!! :)) (The sequel) I really love this!
Chapter 3: yeah short but it was good.
Chapter 2: yes sequel will be best
zakiakhan #4
Chapter 1: Plz do make a sequel for this story saranghae
Chapter 2: A sequel will be awesome!!
Chapter 2: Honestly, I don't think you need a sequel. It's a great story as is. I enjoyed how it spanned over until their adult hood, but I guess if you truly wanted a sequel, you should go for it. I loved the open ending though. Love is love, even if its hard to reciprocate or is one sided. u.u
Chapter 2: Yes, sequel, please! ^^