
12 Princes, 12 Roses - Apply Closed; Story Starting~

3, 2, 1...School Starts!

Everyone heard their alarms and start to get up. Going to the bathroom, dressing their uniforms, eating breakfast, get their bags and got out from their house.

Today is the first day of school, and everyone is excited to see their friends, talk with them and are sad and upset that its already the time to learn new things.


11 girls and 1 boy get up later than usual and are already late to school. Wait, did I say a boy? Oh, sorry, my bad. That was Aaron! She´s also a girl, but she wears the boys uniform. You know, she´s the tomboyish type. She doesn´t like skirts at all, so she made the director´s of the school to let her use the boys uniform and he accepted.

Let me say everything right this time ^^.

12 girls get up later than usual and are already late to school.

However, they aren´t the only ones. There´s also this 12 perfect and handsome boys that are also late for the first day of school...

Exo´s home:

"How did this happened? I sent the alarm to wake me up at 6:30am. Why is it that I didn´t hear it?" D.O, one of the youngest boys said, while he was doing breakfast for all of them.

"Hum... about that... it was my fault and Chen hyung that you didn´t hear the alarm..." Chanyeol said, while hiding himself behind Chen.

"What did you both do?" D.O asked to his hyungs while doing his best to calm himself and to not kill them.

"W-well, fire and electricity are really amazing, don´t you think D.O?" Chen asked and Chanyeol simply nodded his head.

"Before I kill you both right now, disappear from my kitchen!!" D.O was about to go to his brothers, when Suho stopped him.

" D.O calm down. I will give you a new alarm. I will give you one that they won´t be able to destroy even if it´s really expensive!" When D.O heard that he started to relax and showed is beautiful smile once again.

"You promised! Don´t you dare to broke that promise, ok hyung?" 


*I swear that D.O´s smile is really scary when he is like that*- Suho´s thought.

Meanwhile, the 3rd oldest brother and also one of Exo´s leaders, Kris, was still sleeping since his youngers brothers, Tao and Sehun, couldn´t wake him up.

"Hyung, wake up!" "Gege, wake up!!" Both Sehun and Tao whined at the same time. Even tought they were really loud, Kris wouldn´t move a inch and it looked like that he wouldn´t wake up that soon.

"Aish, what are you both doing? Because of you I couldn´t sleep my last 10 minutes from my beauty sleep. Do you know how much that makes a difference on my beauty?" Beakhyun, one of the middle brothers said to them while kicking the door to walk inside of the room.

"But hyung, it isn´t our fault! Kris hyung doesn´t wake up and we already did everything we could." Sehun and Tao said at the same time while hiding themselves behind Kris´s bed since they knew how dangerous Baekhyun would be when he was on bad mood.

"Hum...then, how about this?" Baekhyun raised his hand to Kris´s face and it started glowing a really strong light. "HYUNG WAKE UP!!!!" Baekhyun screamed.

"Aish! Fine, fine! I´m awake now. All of you go away. I´m going to take a shower."

The 3 of them nodded their heads and went right away out of his rooms since he can be more dangerous than Baekhyun if he is in bad mood.

*Where´s the uniform?*- Kris thought

When he finally found his uniform he took a quick shower and changed to his uniform.

He went downstairs and everyone was already waiting for him to eat breakfast.

"Next time, I will go wake you up and it will be worse than Baekhyun´s light!" The other Exo´s leader, Suho, spoke to his brother. When Kris heard what Suho said, he gulped because he knew if Suho would wake him up, he would throw him water by using his power. It would be awful.

"I will be more careful." Even though Kris hates it when people give him orders and he knew that this time he nedded to agree with Suho. He may be younger than Kris, he was more responsible with things that Kris wasn´t. They completed each other´s weakness, that was the reason that their father chose both of them to be Exo´s leaders.

After the 12 of them finished breakfast, they got to they rooms and took everything they would need and since they were going to be late to school if they go walking or by bus, they decided to use Tao and Kai´s powers. Tao stopped time and Kai teleported all of them to the school gym. Tao put time back to normal and they got outside of the gym without no one noticing.

Because of using their powers they had enough time for Kris and Tao show everyone the school so that no one would be lost.

After showing the school and being sorrounded by girls, they went to their classes with the brothers that they were with them in their class.

It would be a long and interesting they for them....


A/N: I´m so sorry!!! I wanted to update soon, but I had some problems and school didn´t help at all -.-

I´m really sorry. Don´t ever but EVER think that I will stop writing this story, but t will only take some time maybe.

Hope you all like the first chapter and enjoy it ^^

Oh, that´s right! I´m also gonna start with another apply fic. The new apply fic will be a 12 girls band. It will be Exo´s counterpart and will be from SM ^^

Hope you all support it toooooo >.<

LOVE YA ALL and enjoy the chapter!!

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I´m currently writing a new chapter! DOn´t worry! I wont abandon the story ^^ It´s just the school is killing me -.- Wait for me, ok?


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Chapter 27: Aweeee, Chanyeol is so Awwwwww here , sorry on the late reply ,
Chapter 27: I loved Chanyeol here xD LOL especially the snuggling part~ anyway, great chapter and good luck on your exams!
Chapter 27: omg sorry for so long comments! I haven't been able to get online here for a while…XD
i love the progress of each couple! Jae In was so captured in her power that she draws DO without knowing anything?
and Kris and Minjee! glad that it seems they were slightly at ease and communicate though..
Aimee and Xiumin on the other hands looks like cute new couple kekeke

and Chanyeol… wth with the sleepover after only meeting her for 1st time?
and you snuggles besides her when she sleeps? What a man chanyeol, what a man! XDD
Update when u can, HWAITING FOR THE EXAMS!
aoiBlueRose #5
Chapter 27: sleep over? XD
you dare to sleep in Rara's bed? how brave of u
Chapter 26: sdasgdvhdhsbjvs

That was cute and awesome, totally didn't expect the drawing part so well done author-nim hehehe.
And i just cannot with kriscasso's drawing skill pfft.
aoiBlueRose #7
Chapter 26: chukae D.Ossi~ :) and happy birthday author-nim
and good luck ^^
Chapter 26: Yehet~ D.O found his Rose!!^^ such a cute chapter :3 Happy Birthday Author-nim!!!^^
Chapter 26: That...was awesome chapter of awesomeness :D
Lol, I like how Aaron & Kris were scolding Tao but he wasn't even listening XD
And yay for D.O finding his rose~