Chapter 2








I stopped my steps when I passed by the reception and on the way to the kitchen want to put the tray of food as I heard my bestfriend Henry called my name. He approached me with a sly smile on his face and a box on his grip. Uh-oh that smile, I smell something bad for this time.


"Are you busy?" He asked.


"Cut that. What do you want from me, Mr.Lau?" I asked back sarcastically.


He laughed after that, "Hey..Can't I call my bestfriend?"


"Oh cmon, Hen! I know that you need something from me, your smile is easy to guess."


"Well..I can't blame you then. Hehe." He replied.


See, right? This mochi always be like this. -3-


"So, what is it?" I put the tray on a table near there.


"Yah! Don't put there! You make my hotel looks dirty." He took the tray and gave it to me again.


I rolled my eyes, "Alright, Sir!"


"Sorry buddy. I just doing my job as a manager."


"Oh please, snoppy. Can you say what do you want? You talk more but your brain is less."


"Aw! You are so mean!" He cried. "Okay okay..To be honest, I need your favor..But, promise me if you will do this?" He continued.


"If it is about to kill someone or someone, I won't." I said.


He hit my shoulder, "I know my brain is less but I am not that crazy as you think."


"Then what?"


"This.." He show the box and gave it to me.


"What is it?"


"Check it." He ordered me.


I opened the box and lifted what was in the box, "Santa Clause costume?" I frowned.




I look at him because still not understand, "What for?"


"For you to wear it tonight. Do you forget? Tonight is Christmas Eve." He replied.


"I know that. But, me? Wear this? Tonight? Are you ing kidding me?" I asked disbelief.


"Why? You told me if it is not about to kill someone or somone, you won't reject."


"I didn't say that."


He offend, "Yes, you are."


"I said if it is about to kill someone or someone, I won't." (Author : Omg Amber! That is same -__-||)


"Oh really?" ( Author : Henry, you also babo?)


"At any rate, I don't want to wear." I said as put the custome back.


He panic, "Wae? Wae? Please help me, Am. Just for tonight..If I don't have meeting until late, I won't force you. But, I already had promise with the owner shop that I will help him."


I sighed, "Damn you, Hen."


"Please..Amber.." He begged.


I shook my head frustased and massage my temple, "Give me the address, his number phone and what time I should be there."


He smiled, "Okay! Wait here! I will take a note." After that he ran to the reception.





Dear, Amber...I know you can through all of this. Yeah! Fight fight fighting!









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glorya #1
Chapter 2: Next chapter pleaseee !!!
Nnamaste #2
Chapter 2: next chapter author!!

im waiting for you^^
Chapter 2: Amber will be The Santa Claus? Cool.
AlexRage #4
I like the fact that u made Krystal older
Chapter 1: Hilarious for the first chapter, a good start ^^
enigma91 #6
Yess! Excited by this story! Ahhaha... Update soon!
NeZuMiLiU #7
Huuunmmn... Its sounds Nice... n.n