Chapter 1










"Kyaaa . ." I ride my bicycle as fast as possible, this guy behind me is really creepy and moreover ; what the hell is he wearing? Santa Clause’s costume!?



"Yah! Stop! Come back!"



I, Krystal Jung, have been charging full throttle through life for almost 27 years and never let anyone pass in front of me..Yeah, I am a hardworking. I have a successful career, a fulfilling lifestyle, a good relationship? Let me tell you, I never been into a relationship again after what is happened in the past - yet continue about the guy behind me. Scratch that.. This santa clause left chasing behind me is someone shouldn't even exist on the face of this planet...Eh..Wait...Is he really a guy? Somehow his voice a little bit weird.









A white shirt = Clear


A dark blue skirt = Clear


Socks and shoes = Clear


A purse = Clear


Hmm, what else? It seems like something is missing.....Oh right! I need to tie my hair. I comb my hair first before I take my cute hair band in my purse...Yep done! I smile happily as I turn myself in front of the mirror. Look more younger, am I right? Kekeke~
With a smile that still plaster on my face, I go outside and pull out my phone.


I was about to take a picture, then someone came from aside as he pointed me.




I gritted my teeth and hit his head, "What are you laughing about, Key?"


His name is Kim Ki Bum, people called him Key. He is a paparazzi of Kiss and Cry’s megazine and always help me to get a headline. About his fashion and personality..he is not bad actually, well I mean his face is quite handsome and cute too..But something is opposite from his physic...If he is a gay and a bit feminime.


"Nothing." He stopped.


"By the way, do we have to dress like this?" He whinned.


I glared at him, "Like what? What's wrong with the clothes?"


"Or are you just envy that I can still fit into my uniform from 10 years ago?" I smirked satisfied.


He stared at me like he wants to puke, I gave him a death glare again.


"Hey, Key! Lets take a picture together."


"Oh okay."


"Make a pose. Ready . . ."


I lift my  phone as make my fingers form a peace pose. But suddenly I hear something torn from the bottom. Key and I slowly look at the bottom and . .




A button of my skirt is loose.


I fist my palm, "Aaaa!!" and shouted frustased.


“What the hell is this?! Can’t even sew my skirt properly?!” I took the button from the floor.


“Pfftt. It is not the skirt problem I think...Maybe your weight.” I heard someone mumbled beside me.


I turned aside, “What-did-you say?”


“Ah..I said, we will late later, boss! Cmon!” He grabbed my wrist.


I refused, “How can I go? You cannot see if my skirt doesn’t have the button? Want me go with my and walk on the street like a diva? What the hell do you think am I? Lady Gaga?”


“Haish!” He hissed while checking something from his pocket.


“This! Use this to replace the button.” Wow, a pin.


I took the pin from him and smiled, “Good idea.”


He shook his head.


“Hey Key, do you want an exclusive? After all, today is Kiss and Cry megazine’s weekly headline meeting. Let me ask you, do you want to beat Jongin a.k.a Kai that egotistical maniac or not?”


He nodded repeatedly, “I want an exclusive!”


“But..Do we have to beat him?” Then, asked innocently.


This idiot -_-


I hit his head, “Of course we do! I tell you from now, that guy named Kai always look down our ideas and think if his ideas are better than anyone!”


“Ouch! Do you need to hit my head?”


“Stop complain! Lets go!”







That is chapter one. Hope you guys like it T-T


And please do comments guys, so I can know what is your opinions =]


Oh btw, do you know the colour for whom right? I am afraid if you would confused. Hoho XD~


See ya in the next chapter. Xoxo ~~





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glorya #1
Chapter 2: Next chapter pleaseee !!!
Nnamaste #2
Chapter 2: next chapter author!!

im waiting for you^^
Chapter 2: Amber will be The Santa Claus? Cool.
AlexRage #4
I like the fact that u made Krystal older
Chapter 1: Hilarious for the first chapter, a good start ^^
enigma91 #6
Yess! Excited by this story! Ahhaha... Update soon!
NeZuMiLiU #7
Huuunmmn... Its sounds Nice... n.n