Message in the bottle


As i looked far from where i am now. The unlimited amount of water amused me and bring me to the bluest part of my heart. I am taken back to the moment when i first meet her. Her cold stare and how rude she acted and how it never stop me to admire everything about her. Maybe what she said during my graduation on his junior speech was right. People's feeling they all are unexpected but it surprising to the point happiness and sadness are limited with a slight line. Just like the chance i missed. I love her but it, unsaid.


He puts the letter in the bottle, throw it as far as he can. Wishing it sinking perfectly like the feeling he buried deep down.


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Chapter 1: I love this one too! But I think its need an epilogue for make things clear that finally they ended up together and luhan's find someone for him too :) but I love this so far. Their meeting is just so perfect and I love how Chanyeol hugs Krystal and rested his chin on her head :3