The Brave Ones Live On


It's a world where you become a fool without money. It's a world where money does everything.

I empty my pockets (one punch per dime).

I break off my savings account (I break it off even without much savings).

I quit smoking and drinking.

Life is all about money.


So my friend showed me the song, "I Don't Care" by Brave Guys ft. Seo Soo Min the other day and I absolutely loved it. It was so powerful and moving that I almost bawled my eyes out. So if you haven't heard it yet, I highly recommend listening to it. I was so sad that there wasn't a MV for the song. It would have been great...

I want to raise the awareness of the suffering the occurs every day, and that not everything in the world is the image that you see it as. The slums don't always have just gangsters and thugs, but also kind-hearted people. The streets of New York City may be inspiring and wonderful, but there are also tainted people. And that sometimes, even the people you love will turn away from you (though it's highly unlikely).

Anyways! Moral of the story is: be kind to everyone you meet. Even if they did you wrong or treated you harshly, love them. Learn from them. As human beings, it's our job to help everyone out and march forward into a brighter future. 


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