An Unforgettable Night


How much more can a girl expect from the most amazing guy on Earth?


This is originally an essay I wrote which I loved and decided to upload. It's gotten good feedback on Soompi so I decided I woudl try it out here. 


I stepped out of the house and practically rushed to the car parked right in front of my house in anxiousness of my date with my exotic Korean boyfriend, Yunho. He had gone on a ten-day vacation to Paris with his four best friends, the rest of the famous Korean band, TVXQ, that he was the leader of. They had all just come back yesterday but I had not gone to see him as he had been busy. My best friend, Joreen, whom I had moved to Korea with, had gone to see her boyfriend, Jaejoong, one of Yunho’s best friends. I had been alone all day with nothing to do. Yunho had promised that I was going to experience a very unforgettable night and he had never let me down before. Of course, nothing could be better than just being near him. I couldn’t believe how lucky I was.

I stepped into the black Lexus that Jaejoong had loaned me and drove to our meeting place. I parked the car and stepped out. I could not see Yunho anywhere. Suddenly, I heard someone calling out my name but I knew it was not Yunho. I turned around and saw Yoochun, another member of TVXQ, beckoning to me. Slightly confused, I walked over to him. Smiling angelically, he handed me a slip of paper and walked away. I read what was on the slip of paper. It was a note from Yunho.

Hey, I thought you might like to play a game so I arranged something fun for you. Next to the spot where Yoochun was standing is a tree. At its base is something for you. It is also a clue. Take it and go to the restaurant that we went to right before I went away for my vacation. Jaejoong and Joreen will be waiting for you. 




I smiled to myself, bemused. It was so like Yunho to think up something like that. I wondered what was set in store for me.

I followed his instructions and found a silver necklace with a moon-shaped diamond pendant. It was beautiful. I got into the car and drove to the restaurant and found Jaejoong and Joreen waiting for me. 

"Hi guys."

"Hey. You haven't scratched my car have you?' Jaejoong asked the moment I sat down next to Joreen. I rolled my eyes at him and turned to Joreen. She handed me another note from Yunho. 

Hi! Stop two. You're getting closer. Have dinner with them. I already ordered ahead for you. The dish itself is a clue. 





Joreen and I talked while we waited for the food to arrive. It was seafood. I wondered what the two clues could possibly mean. Neither of my companions would tell me. 

After dinner, the three of us headed out of the restaurant. They stood, watching, while I got into the car. I stuck my tongue out at Jaejoong before driving off. It would be a long time before I borrowed his car. 

I met Junsu, another member of TVXQ, at the cinema that Joreen had told me to meet him. He handed me a movie ticket and led me inside the theatre. He led the way to our seats. There was a package on my seat. It contained a bottle of soft white sand and another note from Yunho.

How are you? I can't wait to finally see you. I picked a movie that I just know you'll love and I also got Junsu to accompany you for a reason that will become clear once the movies starts. The bottle is another clue. After the movie, drive out to Han River to meet Changmin. 

The movie was a classic comedy that I had not seen in years but loved. I also realized why he had picked Junsu for this. If there was anyone I wanted to watch a comedy with, it would be Junsu. He had an amazing sense of humor and his laughter was catching.

After the movie, I drove out to meet Changmin, the youngest member of TVXQ. He smile and gestured for me to walk with him down Han River. We walked for about half an hour in silence. Then, abruptly, he asked me to get back inot the car, into the passenger seat of the Lexus. He was going to drive me to my next stop. 

We rode for about fifteen minutes before he stopped on a desolate road where Yoochun, Jaejoong, Junsu and Joreen were all gathered. We stepped out of the car and Changmin greeted his “Hyungs”. Jaejoong immediately gave his car a thorough check. I rolled my eyes at him and threw Joreen an exaggerated look of exasperation and let out a long-suffering sigh. She laughed at my theatrics. I burst into laughter right along with her when Jaejoong finally shot me satisfied look. 

"Well, you would feel that way is it was your car. Anyway, Yunho says that one of us is going to have to walk you to your last stop," Joreen piped up. 

"I could drive you," offered Jaejoong. I glared at him and then turned to Joreen with pleading eyes. 

"Relax. I was supposed to be the one anyway," she assured me. I let out a sigh of relief. The guys all piled into Jaejoong's car and they drove off, leaving me and Joreen to walk to our destination. She asked me to close my eyes and then slowly led me along. After about five minutes, we stopped walking and she asked me to sit down on what felt like soft, smooth sand. She asked me take out my cell phone and to keep my eyes firmly closed. Then, she left. 

A minute later, the phone rang. I picked up the call, all the while keeping my eyes closed. 


"Hello, Leona."


"You can open your eyes now."

I opened my eyes and the first thing I saw was the one person I had been waiting to see for so long. 


"Hey, how are you? Did you like the game?"

"Definitely. And I think you are a wonderful genius to come up with it."

"It was nothing. I have one more surprise for you. Come on." He stood up and walked to a part of the beach that was emptier and then he lay down. He gestured for me to lie down next to him. We lay like that for a few minutes before I heard a loud noise not unlike an explosion. Then, the sky was suddenly filled with a million golden sparkles. 


"I knew you’d like it!"

"I love it! But you really didn’t have to go through all this trouble you know. A simple night with you would have been just as nice."

"It's nothing. You gave me an even better present."



I was touched. I lay next to him is silence, enjoying my own personal fireworks and thinking of how lucky I was. It had truly been un unforgettable night.



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QueenB_doll #1
update soon please...this is really sweet.. ^_^