12 - Love, Lies & Pretensions

Match Made In Heaven
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“I’m not tired,” I insisted to Top at lunchtime the next day. “I slept some at the hospital,” I added. “Don’t make me go home. Bommie and I were together for 19 hours. That’s about as much as either of us can take.”

The doctor had released Bom at 9 am, sentencing her to complete bed rest. By 10 we had started getting to each other’s nerves. At 11, Bom said, “I wish you’d go to work.” We’d argued about it, and then I’d telephoned our 12 year old neighbor, Hayi was glad to come over and watch K-dramas for a couple of bucks.

“Did you call your parents?” Top asked me now, rocking back in his office chair.

“Bommie wouldn’t let me. I didn’t know what to do, Top. She got so upset, started crying, and begged me not to. I was afraid I’d it worse. I mane, I know it’s my fault. I’ve made her feel like she’s a lot of trouble. It’s all my fault.”

“It’s nobody’s fault, Dara. And you can’t expect Bommie to be thinking clearly right now. You’ve got to keep your own head on straight. What did the doctor say?”

“To keep her in bed. If she starts to bleed again, call him immediately. He’ll check on her tomorrow.”

“Can you handle that?”

I nodded.

“Good,” Top said, and then scribbled on a piece of paper. “Here’s my home number. Call me anytime, for any reason, even if you just want another person around. Call me at 3 am, and I’ll be on the way a minute later. I’ll bring corn and ice cream. I would really like to help you...and..uh...Bommie.”

I smiled a little, looked down at the number, and then stuffed it in my pocket. Top was really a great guy. I hope knew that as well. I sensed something more than just wanting to help me. He was truly worried but I knew it wasn't because of me. “Thanks, Top.”

“And don’t worry about the camp sleep-over Thursday night. I’ll get a sub,” he said. “Where should I send Yoochun and the kids this afternoon?” It was still raining outside and the fields were soaked. “The old gym?”

I nodded, glad that I’d have Yoochun’s help for one session.

When Yoochun arrived at the gym, he was carrying a stack of cards his kids made. I opened each one. “Hoep You Get Good,” I read. “Thanks, Amber. Thanks, everyone. My sister will love these.” Even if Bom stuck them on the highest shelf with Top’s bears, the homemade cards sure cheered me up.

Later, when Top brought over the second-graders they marched in like little angels.

“Just goes to show,” Top whispered, “they can behave when they want to.”

“Only because they’re scared of you and your eyes. If looks could kill then many of these children will not be breathing today,” I teased.

None of them picked on Mir that day. Whether it was the other kids’ good behavior or yesterday’s workout that gave him new confidence, I wasn’t sure, but Mir seemed happier and made two baskets, which is a lot for anyone who is three-and-a-half-feet tall. Working with the campers really helped me that afternoon. I was sorry when Top returned to take them to the bus.

But Top was making it easy for me, playing usher like that, easier than he knew. I didn’t have to face Jae. He had seen the angry side of me; he’d believe I was capable of saying mean things to Bom and getting her upset. He’d give me that probing look; maybe he’d see how frightened I was for her and corn-muncher. And I couldn’t deal with that; I couldn’t deal with anyone who made me feel more vulnerable than I already was.

I sat down on the bottom row of the bleachers, untying old knots in the string of the ball bag. I like silent gyms. I can pray in old, gray-green gyms with Coke bottle window easier than I can in church. I bent over the ball bag, working the knots the way may grandmother used to work the beads of her rosary, praying for Bom. For me too.

“Dara? Are you okay?”

Jessica’s voice startled me.

“Sure. Sure, Just putting stuff away.”

She toed a yellow line uncertainly, and then walked across the court toward me. “How’s Bom?”

“Okay. The doctor’s going to check on her again tomorrow. She’s a little shook up, but I think she’ll be all right.”

“How about you?” Jessica asked, sitting down beside me.

“Pretty much like Bommie, I guess.”

“I’m sorry. It must have been hard for you. I remember when Mom was in the car accident. Sometimes It’s scarier being the person trying to help than the one who needs it.”

I swallowed hard.

“I kept trying to call last night. I was really worried,” she said. Her soft eyes showed it.

“I know, I got your message this morning.”

“I called Jae. He was worried too.”

I rose to round up the basketballs. Jessica went to the opposite corner to fetch a stray ball, and then mimicked a layup, doing one of her ballet leaps, getting incredible heights.

“I tell you, the team lost out the day you decided to sign up for dance,” I said.

She smiled at me. “I love it. I love what I’m learning here. I owe you, Dara, for not letting me be a quitter.”

I grinned back at her. “You’re too good to be a quitter.”

“I was talking about it last night,” she said, “about how you pulled me out of the dancewear store and gave me a speech. I was telling Jae.”

I wished she’d stop mentioning him. In Jessica’s first phone message, before she started getting worried about me, she had wanted to talk about Jae.

“I need some more advice,” she said.

I stuffed two balls into the net bag, and then held out my hand for the one she was toying with.

“It’s about Jae,” Jessica added.

“What about him?”

“I really like him, Dara.” She twisted her long hair around her fingers. “I mean really.”

I nodded.

“He just keeps wanting to see me, and see me again. It’s so strange…,” she said, shaking her head.

Actually, it was a perfectly normal male response to Jessica. The strange part was that Jessica kept wanting to see him. I had thought Jae was cocky when he said he didn’t need my help in dating, but I realized now that he was used to getting the girl he wanted.

“I’m not sure what to do,” Jessica said, sighing.

I ha

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Chapter 18: thaaank you for the storyyy :)) its very good authornim !, please accept my friend request please i want to read your other story
Chapter 18: I just love this story.. i cant get over it.. ❤❤❤
kathyrica17 #3
Chapter 18: ReReading. Really love this story. Wish there were more happy Jaedara moments though. Most of the chapters, Dara's character was very devastating and pitable. She deserves plenty of happy moments with Jae. haha
afourse #4
Chapter 18: I feel bad for bom:(
jhie6260 #5
Chapter 18: Just finish reading your story, and its very good, Could we be friends so that I could read all your stories?
Chapter 18: Reread, this fic is soooo damn fluttery, maddening but oh so lovely you wanna smack them both then hug them so bad for being dumbos. ?
not sure if i've read this before
but whatever
i'll go & enjoy
applerkang #8
Chapter 18: Is this really the end? What happened to jessica then? How did they patch things up?
Chapter 18: dara you stupid idiot!
can't believe it took you that long
to figure things out.
this is another great read!
thanks a bunch!
bb2ne1fanjj #10
Chapter 18: Again,this fic reminded me of how I cried and gut stuffy nose the first time I read it. Nefer thought I'd be getting the same feels but I did. I don't know how to explain it but I'm so into jaedara that when I read stories about them I could really see the real them on it. Love your work, always. Adaptations and your original ones blows me away anytime.