
In This World

Your POV:

In this world, we walk past each other. On the streets, we all pass by as a blur, and remain as nothing but a figure in the mind of someone else. The person you just walked part could have been your best friend, that person your boyfriend/girlfriend, that one your teacher, and that one your enemy. In this world, we meet by chance.

We meet the people we love by accident. They are they ones who do not pass as a blur, but as a memory. They leave footprints in our heart, and they never leave. Oh Sehun became one of those people. He wasn't just a figure in my eyes. He was special. He became my everything, and I to him.

It all began like this.

"Umma, I'll be going now," you yelled just before shutting the door carefully behind you.
5... 4... 3... 2... 1.
A figure hops out of a car
and walks in front of you. It's the same thing everyday. You walk to school, this stranger gets dropped off at the exact same time and always walks in front of you. All you ever see is the back of the stranger's head.

The stranger's name was Oh Sehun. He happened to be a classmate of yours, but he was the silent type: never spoke in class, didn't have much friends, and stayed silent most of the time. For some reason, you became strangely comfortable with him walking in front of you. You have gotten used to the sound of his footsteps ahead of yours.

But today was different. He stopped abruptly, and turned to your direction.

Sehun's POV:

It's been at least six months now. I've been doing this every single day. The person behind me is the very person I fell in love with. One day at school, we had to do some community service for kindergarden children, and out of our entire class, only me and her volunteered.

What really caught me off guard was her smile. The gentle lifting of the corner of her lips when she was playing with the children. It was then she became my point of interest. I wonder if she has noticed me at all, or if I was just another person passing by to her?

Deciding to change something, you decide to stop, and turn to her. You haven't really gotten the chance or the courage to introduce yourself. You muster all of your guts.

"Oh Sehun," you say nochalantly, extending your hand to hers.
She shakes it with a curious look on her face, and mumbles.
"Kim Soohee," she replies, shaking your hand.

You quickly turn around and continue walking, trying to hide the colour which flushed your cheeks when she smiled at you. Maybe I should stop walking in front of her everyday.

Your POV:

Here we go again.
5... 4... 3... 2... 1.
You glance at the side of the road to check whether he is getting out of the car again. No car. No Oh Sehun. Strange, you think to yourself, averting your gaze from the side of the road.

For some reason, you feel unsteady and restless. You clutch your chest. What is this feeling? Your feet begin sprinting, and this time, you know you can't stop yourself. Why aren't you here, walking in front of me like you usually do? Where are you? Come back...

You dart into the empty classroom to see Sehun staring out the window. You sigh. Why did you need him to be there so badly? Sehun gets up and begins walking to you. When he reaches you, he locks a piece of hair behind your ear, clearing your vision.

"D-Don't ever do that again," you stutter, blushing.
"Do what?" he says, smirking.
This was the first time you've seen him look so attractive, it hurts.
You open your mouth to say something, but he presses his lips to yours. You blink, surprised, but you don't want to stop.

You don't want to be the one to break the kiss. But eventually, he pulls away.
"I won't ever leave you." he says, smiling.
Your heart beats faster, and you can feel your heart flutter.
"I need you by my side," you confess to him.

"Finally, I thought you would never realize," he says, pulling you into a hug.
"Huh?" you ask.
"I've liked you for a long time, I've always wanted you to be by my side." he tells you, kissing your forehead slowly.
All you can do is blush.
"Be mine. Be my girlfriend." he says to you, looking straight into your eyes.

"I'll be your girlfriend." you say, nodding, burying your head in his chest. "Because I need you."

Sehun's POV:

"We're so lucky, you know?" she asks you as you interlock your fingers around hers.
"I know." you say back to her, pecking her cheek.
You can see the corner of her lips lift up.
Both of you stare at the blue sky, blanketed with fluffy white clouds and a orange haze of the sunset.

"In this world, I managed to meet you." she tells you, and your lips crash onto hers. Yes, Soohee, in this world, we became each other's infinity.


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Chapter 1: I just love all of your EXO oneshots. They are just amazeballs...
Out of all words, yeah, I just had to choose amazeballs.
Chapter 1: That was really one of thes sweetest ff's I've ever read. I don't know if it's the simplicity or the pace or the two combined but it all worked out to be brilliant.
Thanks for that.
Chapter 1: That was really one of thes sweetest ff's I've ever read. I don't know if it's the simplicity or the pace or the two combined but it all worked out to be brilliant.
Thanks for that.
Wolfram_iflameu #4
Chapter 1: Ohh this is beautiful, it really is! I positively adore the little introduction. It seemed so crisp, clear and yet stood out so well! The little monologue to begin with really set the pace for the story! And I absolutely love the ending as well. I swore I sighed a little when I read the last line. Beautiful story! Good job!