Two can play a game

Undying Moonlight Love

(this chap was tick hide all these while? omg f)

Daehyun's POV


//School ends

*coughs purposely*

" Muh? Eh! What the frick are you doing here?!" He was obviously shock with my presence but oh well better keep that shock for the other 'fun' stuff that I'll do in the future.

I smirked. " My names Daehyun. Jung Daehyun. I just got transfered today. Nice to meet you new friend." I bold the word friend and I'm sure he get the point that I was being sarcastic. I could see his eye brows pulled towards the center. Not happy seeing me here eh? I laugh evilly inside my mind.

I put my hand up for a handshake but he totally ignored it and instead his eyes were looking really intensed at mine. If he had superpowers, i bet he will eye-laser me. 

" Wow, what's with the eyes eh? Is that a new way of greeting someone new?" I said, as I leaned my shoulder to the locker and my hand tucked in my pant's pocket.

" Didn't know you were this desperate." Finally he spoke!

" Didn't know you could talk mate." 

" What are you actually? A stalker? Seriously If I were Eunhee, I'd freak out." 

" Well apparently she didn't. In fact she likes it a lot. A lot lot." I chuckled annoyingly.

" Stop talking man. The bulls you are saying doesn't affects me."

" Ilhoon, are you actually afraid that what I just said were true?" I straighten my body posture and took a step closer towards him. I could see Ilhoon clenched his jaw.

" Hah Ilhoon? You know she'll fall for me rather than falling for you."

And suddenly within a split second, my body was bangged against the locker with a loud thump sound which creates an audience. I could see the girls behind Ilhoon's back were whispering among theirselves.

" .OFF." He said letting my top collar off harshly which make my head bangged another time. Not to lie, this guy is quite a strong one despice the small body he has. I smirked. This is just the beginning. My eyes were locked on his back as he walked through the 'hallway' that the student make for him.

I couldn't help but to laugh. What is he? A king? That the students wills to make a 'hallway' for him. I stand up straightly and fixed my hair with my fingers. I didn't bleed tho. That's good.

" You, new student here?" Approached a guy with few of his friends. They seem nice. Seem.

" Yeah, just got here today. I'm Daehyun by the way." I smiled awkwardly.

" I'm Kai. It's a big shock for us to see Ilhoon that way. He was never like that. You know he's more to a nice guy. Do you happened to know him? What actually happened?" He was a few inches taller than me and I was starting to feel annoyed with the questions he shoot. What is he? An interviewer? Tsk.

" Well nothing big actually. Really. Maybe he's having a hard time..I guess. I should get going first." Repositioned my bag strap on my shoulder.

" You can sit with us tomorrow at the cafeteria if you want to." Said this unfamliar voice, one of Kai's friend. He looks friendly.

"Sure, thanks for inviting me." I smiled and escaped from the crowd.




I was super pissed off at Ilhoon. Super. Pissed. Off.

I was supposed to be with Eunhee at the library after school. Eventhough, we didn't plan to meet there but still I want to go there to surprise her out. I couldn't even talk that much with Eunhee in class because first, teachers. Second, according to Eunhee I should stay focus in class. ( yeap, I listened to her alright) Damn it! All of that could have work out If that son of a b doesn't approached Eunhee before me. 

I still remember, earlier, when I walked into the library. It was cold and quite a spacious library. The smell of old books slipped through my nose as I inhale. I was getting a good vibe that I could actually spent time with Eunhee. So without wasting time, I walked my way deeper inside the library looking out for Eunhee's figure.

It took a while but I smiled naturally when I saw Eunhee at the English literature section. My pace instantly when faster. Talk about excited. I could already imagine her face when I scare her from her back. I bet she'll look funny. I laugh slowly. Don't want people to think I'm a psycho or something.

I almost reach her when I saw she walked to a table nearby and my face immediately turn sour when I saw she sits next to Ilhoon. I quickly hide behind a shelf and watched their actions. They look....happy. Who cares about Ilhoon to be happy but Eunhee was laughing estatically until the librarian shush them up. They exchange notes and exchange...smiles? What the? I'm out! I'm out! OUT OUT!!


I rushed quickly to the library main door so I could exit the space where Ilhoon and Eunhee is. It makes me angry to be in the same space as them. My eyes targets the door that I don't even bother look the people around me until suddenly I bumped into a girl and all the her books she carried scattered across the floor.

We both squat down immediately and I helped her with her books. Afterall, I'm the one whose wrong. 

" Uh, mianhamida. I was in rush looking for the exit." I said as I stand up.

" It's okay, it's not that you did it on purpose." Said the girl with shoulder length brown hair . Her voice were soft and calming. " You are the new student, I suppose?" Hugging the books she carried into her chest.

" Apparently yes, kind of suprised you know my existence."

" Well, I'm pretty sure the whole school knows you. The girls in school are talking about you all day long,you know."

" That doesn't surprised me at all. My good looking face is really handsome afterall." I laughed slowly since we were inside the library.

" Maybe" she chuckled. " Well, I'll get going first see you later in class."

" Sure. Wait... We are classmates?" I scratched my non itchy hair.

" Apparently yes, well I'm not surprised that you don't know my existence." She smiled and walked deeper inside the library.

" Well okay then." I talked to myself and exit the library immediately. Maybe I was too focused to Eunhee afterall.



Ilhoon's POV

"Tsk, hoonie-ah.. I'm starting to get really REALLY uncomfortable." She inched her face closer to mine, almost whispering.

" And why is that?" I look at her.

She took her book and make a 'fort' to cover her face and show a direction with .

I look at the direction and saw a girl, a pretty one sitting across the table with books stacked on her table. She looked startled when our eyes met. She immediately look away. Molla. I smirked. Heh.

" What's wrong with her Eunhee-shi?"

" Ish pabo! She was looking or I shall say stalking or observing you at all times. Doesn't it bother you? Because to me, it absolutely does!" She pulled her face and puts her book down to the table.

" To be honest, I don't realise that she was there." Eunhee glares. " What? Really! I swear." I chuckled. " My eyes were only interested in you tho."

" Meh, tease." She slaps my shoulder playfully. " Ya! Let's continue on with this question. I've been wasting so much time, thanks to you and the exam is just around the corner psh."

" Fine fine but I don't like english."

" Who cares " Eunhee tucks a few strands of hair behind her ear and start flipping her english book. I smiled. She is really pretty. Its just that she keeps denying it.

I turned my head to look at the girl that Eunhee claim is 'stalking' me. It's her again. Yup, her. I noticed her for quite some times now. I always caught her looking at me well I think she likes me. But then whatever.

" She's pretty isn't she?" Said Eunhee breaking me into the reality.

" Uh yeah but you are prettier" I inched closer.

" Uh- muh?"

" Pabo. Go do your work." I flicked her flawless forehead and she just growl.

" Just admit that you like her, is it that hard? Aw, my head. It's burning." she winced as she touch her temple.

" I like you more tho." Really.




A super duper late update. Mianhe!!

Well guys I just realised a few chaps earlier i mentioned that daehyun is a senior to eunhee but then now they are classmates. Erm i make a mistake there! Aigo, lets just say they are the same age? Okay? hahah till then Xx








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Ill update the story during the weekends! I have examination coming so yeah :)


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nice story ^^
stephani_bap #2
Chapter 22: update soon ^ 0 ^
Claudine_NG #3
Chapter 21: Daehyun's so evil when he teases her~ still cute!!! <3 Anyway, great chapter. Please update soon!
stephani_bap #4
Chapter 21: is he jealous or what???
daehyun, be honest to yourself
anyway, good chapter!
update soon~★★★
《please make a long chapter. it's ok if u dont want to》
stephani_bap #5
Chapter 20: great...
but why the title is "sharing bed"??
this chappie is almost talk about past i guess
stephani_bap #6
Chapter 19: wow!!! like it!!!!
daehyun is so romantic...

but daehyun, please to the point
i wanna know your past >_<
Claudine_NG #7
Chapter 19: Long lost childhood friends/sweetheart would be my greatest hunch which I expect to be right. Anyway, thank you for updating, I hope you update soon!
stephani_bap #8
Chapter 18: and... who is daehyun actually?
stephani_bap #9
Chapter 18: that's right!! mianhae author-nim, but i always wait for daehyun more than ilhoon. once again, mianhae....
nice chapter author-nim
update soon