Silence in Miles

Silence in Miles

Sience in Miles



A soft, delicate fragrance perfumed the air, no doubt coming from the beautiful blossoms from the nearby park.  The soft sunlight caressed  my skin gently, making me smile in comfort. This is why I like spring so much, it’s a time when everything is growing again and the colours came back to life. It just sets me in a good mood.  

I stood at the bus stop of the number 23, like always at 3 o’clock in the afternoon. I sighed, today was such a hectic day for me. I was almost late for class today, because my father decided to give me one of his lectures about how responsible I should act and how I should work hard to reach my potential career in the business word – correction, it must be his potential in my career in the business world.  

You see, I never wanted to be involved in business, to be honest I would much rather do music as my career, like you know composing and writing songs , but my parents never understood that. They always said, “Music won’t provide you a living.”

Yeah as if, but let’s move on before I start telling you how they want me to take over our family company, which for a fact they know will get me even more annoyed.

 So where was I?

Oh yes, I almost end up being late for class and on top of that I failed my English exam. Well I didn’t really fail, I just didn’t get a high enough score to satisfy my parents. I can’t wait to see what they say, I bet it will be something along the lines of, “I told you to play less and study more.”

After that they’ll rant on again. It’s been like that ever since I can remember, I don’t even know when I stopped listening to them, I guess at one point I just got fed up  and decided to stand there and pretend to listen to them when they share with me their ‘words of wisdom.’

And then on top of that I found out that my best friend has a new girlfriend, now talk about luck. I barely have time for my friends and he has a girlfriend? You could say that I’m the only guy in the country with a lack of love life.


I sighed once again and looked at the watch around my wrist, quarter past three, it should be here in anytime. Then I looked up and smiled to myself, there is was coming, it’s never late. For the past year that I have been taking this bus it was always on time.

So you must be thinking why is a wealthy kid like you taking the bus can’t you just get a car? The answer is I could, but I prefer to take the bus for two reasons, firstly I was never a fan of the fact that I’m rich and secondly... It’s my personal reason...  

The bus slowly reduced its speed and then it came to a stop, the door opened and a smiling driver greeted me. I gladly got on to the bus and gave the driver a smile, even though we didn’t actually knew each other we saw each other every day for the past year and I didn’t even know when we got to become so friendly with each other.

The doors shut behind me and I quietly went to take my seat, the seat that I sat in everyday, I think it wouldn’t  be bad to call it mine. Then subconsciously I looked past my shoulder at the back of the bus. There she was, sitting quietly with a book on her lap and her earphones tucked into her ears.

I see her every time I’m on the bus, she always sits on this very spot at the back, reading some sort of book and listening to something through her earphones. When it’s  time for her to leave, she always walks pass me and gives me a sweet smile that melts my heart. I even stay on the bus till it’s her bus stop, even thought my house is three stops before hers. I don’t know why I do so, since I hate walking home, but somehow seeing her get off that bus happy and safe makes me happier.

And no I’m not a stalker. I don’t know where she lives, okay?

I don’t even know her name, so whenever I told my friends about her I referred to her as ‘she’. My friends told me just to speak to her and trust me I really want to, but the problem is that I don’t know what to say. Yes I know, ‘Hey’ would be a good start, but what’s after that? I don’t know. I’d probably end up not saying anything and just walk away randomly, which would make the situation more awkward.

My friend said, “Just say hey, it’s not that hard.”

I know it’s not, but somehow every time I make a decision to go up to her, nothing happens and I just tell myself, “You’ll do it tomorrow.”  

It never happens thought. It’s weird I’m never shy when I’m around my friends, but it all changes when I’m around a person from the opposite , I get all stiff and I don’t know what to say.     


Sigh, I know I’m hopeless. I guess that this is also why I lack a love life. It’s not my fault that I’m like that and despite the fact that girls think that I’m cool and chic, in reality I’m not like that at all. I was even given the title of a ‘player’ because supposedly I give out such an image, can you believe it?

I looked at her again seeing from the corner of my eye that she’s staring at me, she quickly broke our eye contact, looking down at her book, mumbling something quietly under her breath. I couldn’t help but chuckle at her cute childlike action.

I’ll tell you this girl is a very pretty lady, with her big brown orbs and silky brown hair that lay on her shoulders, her beautiful milky white skin and I can’t forget to mention her cherry pink lips, that pound every once in a while reading.

And you must have guessed it already, this is another reason why I take this bus. You probably think, ‘Dude are you crazy, you fell for a girl that you don’t even know?’

And my answer to that is... Yes.... Yes, I have...


Soon it’s going to be her bus stop again and as always I never started a conversation, I think I may as well give up, because I’ll never have the guts to do it. Yes, I’m a coward!

“Hey, you two!” The voice of the bus driver brought me back to reality. I was so lost in my own world that I hadn’t notice that the bus suddenly stopped and there was only me and her left. I looked at her confused, but I could see in her eyes that she was as confused as I am.

“I’m sorry, but the bus is experiencing some technique difficulties and I need to fix it, so I guess you need to walk the rest of the way.”

I gave the driver a nod of understanding and looked back at the girl, I gave her a signal with my eye to walk in front of me. She quickly gathered her things under her arms and made her way to the exit, I could help but chuckle silently, she looked like a little clumsy kid, carrying a book under her arm and a backpack dangling down her shoulders. When she walked past me this time it was me who gave her a smile and in result her pace quicken. Looks like I’m not the only shy person around here, right? But compare to mine her shyness is actually cute.


When I got off the bus I couldn’t help but to gave out a deep breath of disappointment. This day is full of disappointments for me and this is just another reason to add to it.  I guess I have no choice other than walking home, it’s not that bad though, my house is only two bus stops away. However, what about her? Will she be alright walking home alone? Should I fallow her and make sure she’ll arrive home safely? Kya! And I said I’m not a stalker? I’m not. I swear.  

I looked over at her, she was biting her lip, playing with the hem of her shirt. I guess she’s nervous too, huh?

Then I heard something. I looked up to see the bus pulling out of the bus stop. Wait! What? I thought he just told us that the bus was broken and that’s why we need to walk. Did he made that up? Why?

I’m not sure, but I think I saw the driver winking at me before he shut the door. I could be just my imagination though. Yes, that’s probably it! I’m in a state of a shock and that’s why I’m imagining things.

“This is not a fun joke, we should report him,” I heard her say. I turned to her wide eye, this was the first time I ever heard her voice and I must say it does suit her.

I saw her pounding again, only this time it was from up close and I couldn’t’ help but chuckle. She gave me an odd stare, “What’s funny?”

I shook my head, “Nothing, I actually think it was quite funny.”

“I’ll never understand boys sense of humour,” She said to herself and crossed her arms on her chest.

“At least it’s not raining,” I commented, knowing full well that she must be annoyed with the fact that she needs to walk home.

She looked up at the clear blue sky and smiled, “You’re right.”   

And then that awkward silence came back. Okay, all you have to do is just ask her, that’s all.

“So... ummm....”

“You know.... I was...”

We both said at the same time, with just caused us to chuckle at each other. I intended her to speak first, wanting to hear what she wanted to say before I ask the awkward question.  

“So... ummm.... I was just thinking... that since we’re going in the same direction... I was just wandering... that maybe... we could walk together?” She asked not looking at me playing with her fingers.

“Sure,” I replied. Looks like I don’t need to ask anymore. She looked quite surprised with my agreement, which just made me smile again. Oh gosh, how many times did she make me smile today?

She nodded at me shyly and started to make her way in the direction of her house, but I stopped her upon remembering something, “Wait!”

She looked back at me slightly confused, “What’s your name?”

“It’s Dara... I mean It’s Sandara Park, but you can call me Dara,” I smiled at her name, a pretty name for a cute girl, remind me to thank the bus driver the next time I see him.

“What’s yours?” She asked quietly.

I take back what I said, today is not a bad day at all.

“I’m Jiyong... Kwon Jiyong.”









xNiNiChan xx 

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Chapter 1: Ack! Such a cutie...
icedlollipop #2
Chapter 1: kyaaah >_< this is so cute <3 sequel? >.<
tokki9 #3
Chapter 1: sequel <33
ACEPandaLover #4
Chapter 1: That was such a cute story... I think you should write more of that kind of stories! :)
GD1309 #5
Chapter 1: Sequel pleaseeeeee ^^
Chapter 1: Sequel please... aigoo... what a cute story....
Chapter 1: aigoo~ cute little couple.. or maybe not that little.. just cute anw, khu khu khu khu..
Chapter 1: this one need sequel!!
reanne_krungy21 #9
Chapter 1:'s simple yet cute and good...jiyong should really thank the bus driver..kekekeke....authornim, sequel juseyo...dara's pov...ayeyeye....kkk...
BangHimShipper #10
This seems nice, I'll be waiting for you to update it ^^