Chapter IV

Far Longer Than Forever

Oh My F*****g God... three months and no update?!? I'm being lazy!!! TT^TT 

First of all, I'm so deeply sorry!!!! *bows 90° degrees* I sincerely apologize, because I'm a person who dislikes to leave something unattended, and I did it!!! 

But! I have a good excuse! My master's subjects were so difficult and I had a lot of work this past quarter and then came the writer's block!! Dx Oh and don't forget that last week I got sick with typhoid fever (typhoid) {is a common worldwide bacterial disease transmitted by the ingestion of food or water contaminated with the feces of an infected person, which contain the bacterium Salmonella enterica enterica,serovar Typhi.} and well, I got no energy until tuesday... Buuut anyway, I did my best, I research a looooot in this chapter and there are a lot of new words, ranks, places, and characters!

I hope you like this chapter!! I already have a quarter of chapter 5 so, I guess it won't take long until I update again (hope so).

Feel free to rant, ask, comment, and a long etcetera....

Love you all!!


Chapter IV

That fine autumn morning Pilkyo woke up with the certainty that something good might happen. Since his magic was waking up day by day, he could sense things. The first thing that Master Jihoon taught him during the week was actually that, to concentrate enough and make sure to touch every conscience around him. It was kind of difficult since there was a lot of noise in the Castle, but he managed to grasp the deal. By the end of the week, Pilkyo could feel the consciences from a 10-meter radius; that evening he had closed his eyes, in the middle of the training room and with all his might and many drops of sweat on his forehead he finally could sense the warm and powerful soul of his Master.

Jihoon told him about the teilgean, which was a skill that every elf had. For them it was natural, since it was in his veins, but since Pilkyo was like an adopted elf, he needed to train his mind and body to be able to release his conscience and reach for another soul. Jihoon also told him about being able to see and communicate through his conscience, but first things first.

Pilkyo was still trying to block any noise around him, like the wind and the babbling in the next room, and also the sound of the horses down the window. Finally his mind was in blank and he was able to search within him in order to project a faint a small amount of his own conscience. While he was at it, he could feel himself light as a feather but more conscience than ever, he was sure he could feel everything. Like how the trees were growing or the horses were breathing, and perhaps he could grasp two cuddly consciences in one of the rooms, bonded.

He was a going to let his conscience run after those cuddle ones, but suddenly he was brought back to his body. Once in his body again, he felt how his limbs felt like jelly and his body yielded to his weight, falling to the floor, panting and breathing heavily. Jihoon was next to him in an instant, rubbing his back helping him to breathe regularly again.

“You did great, Roghnaithe,” Jihoon smiled and let a bit of his strength to go inside the Prince’s body.

“W-why?” Pilkyo felt his limbs numb and his eyelids closing.

“Why does it tire you so much?” The Prince nodded. “Because your body is human, and it takes a lot of power to be able to release our conscience. But you did a good job, Prince.”

A few minutes later, Pilkyo was able to stand up and Jihoon let him out the training for the rest of the day; his Master instructed him to go and sleep for a couple of hours, but he wanted to meet those cuddly consciences he had touched while he was practicing. His feet dragged him to the library; he opened the door cautiously and took a peek inside. And then he spotted them, at the corner of the library the Queen had placed a soft and fluffy rug with some big cushions for whoever wanted to spend the day reading.

Junjin was leaning against the wall with Prince Sunho between his legs while the younger was reading out loud to the young Lord. Pilkyo smiled because they looked so adorable even when they were 16 and 15 each. Pilkyo leaned against the door frame and looked at them sighing; now he wanted to meet Jonghyuk as fast as possible, but he was busy since early in the morning. Pilkyo sighed and tried not to make any noise but Sunho realized his presence.

“Hyung!” The young Prince smiled broadly and escape from Junjin’s arms just to stubble over Pilkyo’s. “Are you done with practice?” The Prince hugged the younger boy and rubbed his nose into his hair.

“Yeah,” Pilkyo sighed and leaned towards Sunho.

“Are you ok, hyung?” Junjin approached and looked at the Prince leaning into Sunho. “You look tired,” Pilkyo mumbled something in response but was unable to convey his words. His eyelids felt so heavy and he was so drained.

“Jin-ah, help me to lay him down, would you?” Sunho held Pilkyo’s body against him and Junjin helped to drag the exhausted Pilkyo to the fluffy rug.

“I must go to my room,” Pilkyo whined but Junjin chuckled when the Prince snuggled against the cushions.

“You’ll be fine here, hyung,” Junjin moved his bangs his chubby face. “Rest a little, Jonghyuk-hyung will be here later…”

Sunho took his book and began his reading again sitting next to the sleepy Prince, who just nodded and yawned while listening to his soft voice.


“Yeonchul-ah…” The Queen looked at his friend who was having tea with her in the garden. “It’s about time to prepare for the union of our kingdoms.”

The King smiled bitterly. “I don’t know if Pilkyo is ready for it…,” the Queen chuckled due to the King’s blindness. “And, there is something you don’t know yet about our Pilkyo…”

“Are you talking about Dana and Sirona’s blessing?” The Queen smiled tenderly and the King blinked a few times. It was supposed to be a secret between him and his Queen, how did Queen Jungsoon knew? “My King, Heesook and I grew up in a country filled with beliefs and magic. She told me in a letter about her praying,” King Yeonchul sighed relieved. “Also she told me about a dream where Sirona came and told her about her pregnancy and Dana’s blessing. That was why she asked me to tie our bonds through marriage.”

The King nodded understanding and looked through the window where he found Pilkyo lying against a tree with Jonghyuk next to him, head on his shoulder, while Sunho and Junjin were in his lap, listening to the Prince, since he was reading a book for everyone. Yeonchul chuckled, which take Jungsoon’s attention; she looked at the same scene and smiled tenderly.

“He has this strong charisma, and it’s not because he’s blessed, but because he’s well-raised,” the Queen Jungsoon squeezed King Yeonchul’s arm. “Do not worry, my King, because your son will do great whatever he proposes to.”


On the 27th day of the month, Pilkyo woke up feeling a little cold. Someone had left the window open! He tried to snuggle inside his furry blanket but someone pulled the soft material from his hands. He struggled again until a soft giggle could be heard in his room. Pilkyo grunted and let go of the blanket.

“Jin-ah!” The young Prince yelled at his cousin, throwing a pillow in the meantime. “What’s wrong with you!? It is so early in the morning!”

“Happy birthday, hyung!” Junjin jumped over Pilkyo and hugged the prince with all his strength.

“Jun-Jin… cannot… breathe…” Pilkyo spoke between gasps and his precious younger cousin released him.

“Hurry up! Everyone is waiting at the Main Hall!” Junjin pulled his cousin until he was standing on his feet but the young Lord was stopped by the King Yeonchul, who was standing at the doorframe. “Uncle!”

“Can you give us a minute, Jin?” Junjin nodded and after giving a peck on Pilkyo’s cheek he ran off. “Happy birthday, my son,” the King approached the young Prince and hugged him tightly.

“Dad,” Pilkyo leaned forward to his dad’s embrace and lingered a lot longer that the King expected.

“Your mother would be ecstatic to see how handsome you are,” the King enjoyed that little moment when he realized his little Prince was now a grown up man and he could decide on his own. “Pilkyo, I want you to listen to me,” Pilkyo nodded while the King held his hands and took the young man to his bed, where both took a seat. “From today onwards, you must take some decisions that could affect the rest of your life… Perhaps, choosing the one you want to spend the rest of your days.”

Pilkyo gasped and his cheeks felt like burning. “W-What are you talking about?”

“Oh, my son! I’m your father,” Yeonchul smiled and squeezed his hands reassuring his son that everything will be alright. “I’m afraid that your condition as the Chosen One could possibly bring you hardships.”

“Mother Goddess is looking over me, Father,” Pilkyo told his father.

“Here…” Yeonchul took something under his robe; it was a little box with a green bow on it. Pilkyo took it with trembling hands and opened to see the content. It was a beautiful leather collar with a silver pendant; the pendant was a rare symbol, like a fork. “It is a rune called Iwaz, your mother kept this with her all the time and I’m sure she would have wanted you to have it.”

“It is beautiful, dad. Thanks!” Pilkyo forgot about his manners and hugged his father like a little kid. It was another keepsake of his mother and he will treasure it.

“Now, now. Get dressed, everyone is waiting,” Yeonchul kissed his forehead and Pilkyo nodded.

The King went out his room while the young prince was assisted by his page Taehak to get dressed into a pair of black leather pants, boots and a white shirt, which glued to his torso like a second skin. Taehak was fixing his Royal emblem and cape when a soft knock interrupted them. Pilkyo didn’t have to ask who was it, he could feel it immediately; the prince asked the person to come in and he was greeted by Lee Jihoon, dressed in a green robe and a brown belt on his hips.

“Fad saol agat, Roghnaithe,” Jihoon crossed his right arm across his chest, placing his fist just above his heart.

“Fad saol agat, mo chara,” Pilkyo place his right fist into Jihoon’s left shoulder and smiled. “I felt you the moment you stepped into the corridor, Jihoon,” the Prince let Taehak to finish with the scabbard. “Thank you, Taehak, please wait for me outside,” the young page nodded silently and went out.

Jihoon smiled, it was known for everybody that Pilkyo was a good kid but now he was becoming even a good young Master. He really didn’t know how much Taehak looked up to him. The other good thing was that Pilkyo’s conscience and gifts were awakening and developing rapidly because these past months trainings. Finally, Pilkyo was eighteen years old and his brontannas would be alert.

“Roghnaithe, I wanted to give you a gift from the elf tribe,” Jihoon approached Pilkyo and suddenly grabbed him by the neck, just below the right ear. “By the power of this charm, safe he is from curse and sender. So mote it be; so mote it be.”

Pilkyo felt a tingling sensation in his skin; something was burning right where Jihoon was touching and a bright blue light seemed to glow from his master’s hand. The Prince closed his eyes, until the light dissipated and Jihoon brought him near a big mirror, showing him what he did. Pilkyo gasped, right below his right ear was a three-cornered shape formed by three overlapping arcs and a circle in the middle; Jung’s Prince slid his fingers through the tattoo and smiled.

“Its name is triquetra, for our people means protection,” Jihoon squeezed Pilkyo’s shoulder. “This will protect you anytime, anywhere,” Pilkyo nodded, delighted. “I won’t delay you anymore, roghnaithe; I’m sure our soon-to-be-crowned-King is waiting anxiously for you. Lá breithe shona! Go maire tú gach lá de do shaol.”

“Thank you, Jihoon,” Pilkyo hugged his guide briefly before rushing out from his room.

The Queen Jungsoon was waiting for her lovely Pilkyo to show up in the Main Hall. When finally the young man stepped inside the hall she welcomed him with a bright smile and tons of kisses.

“Mother, you're suffocating him!” Jonghyuk tried to snatch Pilkyo from his mother embrace but the Queen slapped his hand.

“Don’t be greedy, my son, he'll be yours soon anyway,” the woman said.

“Mother!” Jonghyuk replied flustered and the rest of their friends looked how Pilkyo’s cheeks turned red.

The rest of the day, the Castle received many people, giving their blessings to the Prince and his father. People of other countries and Kingdoms joined them in the celebration. There were even Princesses from other countries trying to catch Pilkyo’s attention; little did they know that Pilkyo’s heart already belonged to someone.

Lord Charlie Park was there with his wife and their two younger children, Junjin had a young Lady in his arms, she was no more than 5 years old and he seemed to be hypnotized by the girl, next to him, a boy near 8 years old was craving for his attentions. Duke Sunho and Lord Dongwan were by his side, talking and trying to ease the boy; meanwhile, Lord Minwoo was next to the Crown Prince having a brief conversation about the new soldiers he scouted that summer. So that left Prince Pilkyo to strike a conversation with other people.

Later, in the middle of the evening, a party of one of the Elven Kingdoms announced their arrival.

“Your Highness, people of Ondirron has come to greet Prince Pilkyo,” Jihoon spoke formally to the King and the Queen.

“Of course! Please let them join us,” the Queen smiled to the elf.

After a couple of minutes, three people entered the main hall. The first one was tall with black raven long hair, tied in a low pony tail; next to him was a girl with white hair and then another male with bright red hair. The three of them stood in front of the Queen and saluted her, and then they turned to the King, and did the same with the Princes.

“Your Highness, please receive our blessing for this special day,” the man with black hair spoke in a soft yet solid voice. “My name is Kangta; I’m one of the Highest Priest in Ondirron, from the House of Twilimire. She’s the Priestess Sandara from the House of Andriel; and Eunseo, from the House of Oni’el,” everyone motioned a bow and then stood tall.

“It is a pleasure to have you all here, Kangta,” the Queen spoke. “Feel free to stay as long as you like.”

“Thank you, Mo banríon,” Kangta smiled briefly to Pilkyo who was standing up behind his father, grasping the throne really hard. Fad saol agat, Roghnaithe,” Pilkyo smiled briefly and after biting his lower lip he bowed to the newcomers.

“Fad saol agat, Sagart,” the Prince did the common greeting among the elves and Kangta smiled tenderly. “Father, if you excuse me…”

“Go ahead, my son,” Pilkyo nodded and walked to the newcomers, he did a bow and then escorted the party to the next empty table, where he served his guests.

Crown Prince Jonghyuk tensed his features the second Pilkyo walked away with the elves. He wanted to be there, next to him, he was supposed to propose today! But…, he just couldn’t find the time or the right place. He could see the way the Priestess glanced over his beloved Prince; Jonghyuk clenched his fists; maybe the Ondirron's Kingdom wanted him in marriage. No, no that wouldn't be the case. Crown Prince felt a hand on his shoulder; he looked up and found Master Jihoon smiling at him.

“It is common courtesy for the Elven Kingdom, Your Highness,” Jonghyuk nodded a bit displeased.

Hours later, the Priestess invited Changjo’s Prince to walk with her; he couldn’t say no, so he lend her his arm and both started to walk slowly around the Main Hall. “Our Mother Goddess has been good to you, Roghnaithe. She’s pleased to know that you're righteous.”

“I am really thankful to our Mother Goddess for allowing my mother to give birth to me,” Pilkyo talked in a very serious and courteous way.

“You’re really clever, Roghnaithe,” she said smiling.

“Jihoon has been a great help these past couple of months,” Pilkyo smiled and sent a wave of pride to Jihoon. “Your people had done a lot for my Mother and me,” the prince smiled and did a half bow to the priestess.

“Pilkyo,” the priestess stopped suddenly. “I’m pretty sure your Father already told you this but…, your brontannas will give you some hardships,” Pilkyo nodded briefly. “Our Mother Goddess has given me a message for you: Always, it doesn’t matter where you are, you have to listen to your heart.”

“I will do it, Dara, thanks for the advice,” Pilkyo smiled a bit.

“I will take my leave now, Roghnaithe,” behind the girl, Eunseo appeared suddenly. “Your Highness Crown Prince Jonghyuk is looking for you. It was a pleasure to meet you, feel free to visit Ondirron any time.”

“It was my pleasure, Dara,” Pilkyo kissed the back of her hand and soon the priestess and her companion walked away to engage into another conversation with Kangta and Jihoon.

Pilkyo was glancing at the elf couple, Kangta and Jihoon; the way their eyes sparkled when they talked to each other was special and almost magical. The Prince felt something churning and growing inside, his heartbeat increased suddenly and the most primal urge to feel that same magic Kangta and Jihoon were having, nested in him.

“Pilkyo…” Eric’s voice startled him; Pilkyo turned around so quickly that he lost balance and the Crown Prince had to grab his wrist to stabilize him. “Sorry for startling you. Can we have a moment?”

“We can,” the birthday Prince flashed his best smile to the Crown Prince. Jonghyuk was about to move aside to let the Prince walk but Pilkyo surprised him by lending his hand. The Crown Prince furrowed his eyebrows taken aback by the sudden action but the Prince smiled again. “Take my hand, Jonghyuk-ah.”

A bit flustered and shocked, Crown Prince Jonghyuk slid his hand over Pilkyo’s and entwined his fingers with him. Everyone in the room took notice of the action by the two Princes; Jonghyuk and Pilkyo draw a smile to each other and with a light heart both walked through the room under the stares of the rest of the guests who were whispering and gossiping.

Jonghyuk lead Pilkyo to a near balcony. His hand was trembling and sweating, Pilkyo found it a bit funny how this tall and gorgeous soon-to-be-crowned Prince was all nervous. When they were finally secluded from the rest of the guests, Jonghyuk sighed heavily, as if a burden was lifted suddenly from his shoulders. Pilkyo chuckled and grasped his hand tightly.

“Was I too much, mo ghrá?” Pilkyo broke the silence.

“No, no. Just… you got me off guard, Kyo-ah,” Jonghyuk composed himself and looked at his Little Prince.

“Do you have something to tell me, Jonghyuk-ah?” Pilkyo walked around the balcony and rested the palm of his hands on the edge of the stone wall, looking at the vast forest and land in Shinhwa’s Kingdom.

“Well,” Jonghyuk approached him and rested his back on the stone wall. “I’ve been thinking these couple of months and I would like if you stay here, in Shinwa…”

“I have my own Kingdom, Jonghyuk,” Pilkyo replied.

“I know, but I’m talking about joining our Kingdoms, Pilkyo,” Jonghyuk stared back at him. “I know your Kingdom is not in the best conditions, but I think we can help you restore it.”

“But staying here won’t guarantee that,” Pilkyo retorted stubbornly. He knew where all that was going and he was especially difficult because he wanted to test Jonghyuk’s patience.

“Well, no, but… I can guarantee your safety,” Jonghyuk grabbed his left hand and placed on his chest.

“My people are expecting something from his Crown Prince, you know?” The Prince approach a little and linked his eyes with his partner. His brown orbs were getting impatient and Pilkyo refrained of smiling playfully.

“Pilkyo-ah, I just want you to be here with me…, we can be together and I can help you stabilize your country…” Jonghyuk pleaded and Pilkyo just raised an eyebrow.

“I think that if ‘stabilize’ my country is everything you wanted to help me with, then I don’t have to be here,” the Prince released his hand from the Crown Prince grasp under his shocked expression. “I will be fine in my own Kingdom, with my position as a Roghnaithe I think I will do it just fine.”

Pilkyo crossed his arms and turned around, giving his back to Jonghyuk, who was still shaken by the sudden mood change. The Prince took a step closer to the entrance to the Castle counting and praying that his beloved one could regain his voice in the meantime.

“W-wait!” Jonghyuk grabbed his elbow and turned him around just to lock him in his arms. “Y-you´re misunderstanding, Pilkyo. I want you! I want you to be with me so badly; I don’t want to let you go each summer end. Please…, what I’m trying to say is…”

“Hm?” Pilkyo looked up at him, and the brown orbs emanated such desperation that the Prince almost felt bad for his loved one. “What is it, Jonghyuk-ah?”

Jonghyuk wanted to tell him so much things but his voice couldn’t be find, so the only thing he could think was to show Pilkyo what he wanted. He softly held his face and caressed his cheeks just after crashing his lips against the Prince. At the beginning the kiss was clumsy and just a smash of lips. Neither of them had kissed someone before, so the experience was new and kind of awkward. Jonghyuk started to move his lips, really slowly trying to convey all the love he was feeling for his Little Prince; his lips were small and juicy and in a few seconds kissing him was like an addiction. Pilkyo opened his mouth as an answer in an attempt to grasp some air and get a better position in the Crown Prince lips, he found himself grasping Jonghyuk’s back and pressing his body against his much-loved soon-to-be King.

This was it. The thing he wanted the most. The feeling of love grew inside of him and burst into a million sparks. In that precise moment, Pilkyo knew that this man was his everything.

When Pilkyo felt Jonghyuk’s tongue playfully teasing his mouth, he let out a groan of frustration and as if on cue, the Crown Prince left a peck on his lips before staring lovingly into his eyes.

“Jung Pilkyo,” the way Jonghyuk’s lips moved and pronounced his name felt like a spell. “Will you give me the honor of becoming my partner for the rest of our lives?”

Pilkyo smiled tenderly at his words. “I will, Mun Jonghyuk. For the rest of our lives.”


A week later, the news about the Shinhwa’s Crown Prince and Chanjo’s Heir to the Throne engagement was all over the Kingdom and around the neighbor countries. The Queen Jungsoon and the King Yeonchul were so pleased with the news that they throw themselves into planning everything for the upcoming ceremony. In theory, by the end of the next cycle Jonghyuk would be crowned King of Shinhwa, so the wedding could be held at the same time and Pilkyo could be crown too. So, that left the two soon-to-be-spouses with an exact year to prepare and psych up for their new duties.

“Is everything already in the carriage, Taehak?” Pilkyo spoke to his page.

“Yes, master, we’re waiting just for Lord Dongwan and Lord Junjin to depart to our Kingdom,” the young man answered.

“Thank you, Taehak. Please wait for my cousin and Dongwan. I’ll be there in some minutes,” Pilkyo instructed. “Tell Jihoon that I won’t take long.”

“As you wish, master,” Taehak bowed to his master and then to the Crown Prince, before going outside the castle.

“Are you sure you need to go now?” Jonghyuk sneaked his arms around his fiancé and pouted. “It’s almost Christmas, aren’t you supposed to be here with your husband-soon-to-be?”

Pilkyo chuckled due to his childishness. “I need to go now Jonghyuk-ah. My father needs to announce our engagement and the union among our countries, so there are many things to do,” the Prince cupped the Crown Prince’s face and tiptoed until he reached his lips. “I’ll be back in a couple of months.”

“I miss you already,” Jonghyuk sighed and hugged Pilkyo, nuzzling his neck. “Don’t take too long, my love. I’ll be waiting.”

Pilkyo snuggled between Jonghyuk’s arms and hugged him back. “I won’t.”

The King Yeonchul, followed by Pilkyo, Dongwan, Junjin and a couple of soldiers undertook their journey back to their Kingdom in order to settle the joint between both Kingdoms. The journey won’t take more than three days by horse and Jihoon told Pilkyo that he needed to get back to Ondirron with his lover for a couple of days, but that he would catch with them in Changjo once they were settled.

The group just stopped two times, at noon to take their meal, and then when the sun finally set. The youngest captain of their army, Park Jungsoo, gave some orders to his right hand Kim Youngwoon and then approached Dongwan and told him about their surroundings.

“Please, My Lord, have some rest. We will be watching,” Jungsoo addressed the Prince.

“Thank you, Jungsoo-ah,” Pilkyo smiled briefly and went into his tent to have some rest.

An hour later the silence reigned in the camp. The sound of the wood burning was the only thing that could be heard. Pilkyo tossed around in his place until he opened his eyes, with something pressing his chest. It was like the time when the late King Saenyun died; something bad was going to happen again. He was about to open his tent when he heard it, the steps crushing the fallen leaves and then, the yelling.

Suddenly his tent opened and Junjin appeared of nowhere. “Hyung! Quickly, come!”

Pilkyo grabbed his sword and bow and went outside, ready to fight anyone. What he found outside was that they were outnumbered; he took out an arrow and took position to shot over Dongwan who was going to be stabbed through the back. He then proceeded to shot arrows to any moving bodies, excluding his comrades. Even Jungsoo and Youngwoon who were the best swordsmen in Changjo were having troubles; the Prince left his bow and unsheathed his sword just to defend one of the new soldiers, a guy called Choi Siwon.

“Are you okay?” The Prince called the boy, who was just a year younger.

“Yeah, thank you, My Lord,” Siwon stuttered.

“Thank me later, Siwon-ah, let’s move!”

Pilkyo grabbed the boy and pulled him up and started running around the camp; still battling around with some of the men. The Prince was hurting everywhere, the physical damage he received while shooting was coming back harshly and his body was hurting. Junjin was having a fierce battle with a black haired man, small eyes and a smirk on his face. He was about to run to his cousin when suddenly a strong pressure could be felt around him. It was suffocating him, like a huge weight over his heart.

“Pilkyo!” He could hear Dongwan’s voice and tried to turn around and look for his best friend, but the pressure was just too much.

“HYUNG!” Jinnie’s scream was louder than ever, but Pilkyo was losing conscious. He felt a sudden punch in his stomach and the last thing he could see was a white haired man with a black robe with a sneer on his face.

Jonghyuk-ah... Then everything went black.


He was thrown on the ground like he was a wooden log, his body hit the surface with a heavy thud and the noise resonated around. The Prince groaned in pain, he could feel his ribcage crushing him inside. Each one of his muscles was sore and he was pretty sure that he had blood everywhere; hopefully his healing power was doing its magic by now. What was happening? Where was he? He barely recalled going to their Kingdom for the last winter in order to announce his union with Shinhwa’s soon-to-be-King when suddenly they got into an ambush of some robbers and even when he tried to fight back something drained his energy in a flash and he felt weak and foggy.

He remembered then listening to Dongwan’s voice yelling and Junjin calling for him. Then, nothing.

“Jin-ah… Wan-ah…” He called their names but no one replied. Pilkyo rolled on his side and slowly opened his eyes, adjusting his sight to the darkness. There was a small torch at the entrance and the dim light helped him to see one guard outside his cell. He stood up and approached the door limping, his body ached; he grabbed the steel bars and tried to move the door. “What is the meaning of this? Don’t you know who I am?”

“Of course, Mo ghrá…” Suddenly a rough and deep voice made its way into Pilkyo’s eardrums.

“Who are you?!” Pilkyo yelled. A pair of black eyes suddenly appeared through the hole in the door and Pilkyo stumbled backwards. Those eyes were like two black holes which could you in, so empty and cold. “W-what do you want from me?”

“Oh Princess, I just want you… You and your perfect face…” The voice resonated in the cell and Pilkyo saw a scroll of smoke whirling into his cell and creating a smoky figure of a man, a well-built man, his hair was platinum and all his body seemed to ooze confidence but evilness. Pilkyo felt the pressure of his aura, squeezing him.

Pilkyo wanted to scream when the cold and rough hand caressed his cheek, he felt nauseous suddenly and he forced himself to think about Jonghyuk’s touch. Pilkyo didn't realize what was going on until he felt something cold in his right wrist, he jerked back and looked at it. It was a silver bracelet with some words engraved into it, he barely understood some of them but he knew that it meant troubles. It was something about shape-shifting.

“What's this?” The Prince asked and tried to take it off.

"Soon, Mo ghrá... You'll find it soon,” with that sentence the smoky figure disappeared into thin air and Pilkyo was left alone in the cell feeling drained.

He brought his knees to his chest and buried his face into his arms. Jonghyuk-ah, he called his beloved one. He tried to open his mind enough to reach for his conscience but it was futile; in his first attempt to use his projection he felt something choking him and Pilkyo found himself panting heavily in his cell. He tried once more, but his attempts were useless; every time he tried to extend his conscience in order to feel something around his neck suffocated him. In his last try, the suffocating feeling was so much that the last bit of energy left his body and he fell unconscious on the cold ground.


Teilgean: Projection.

Fad saol agat: Long life to you.

Fad saol agat, mo chara: Long life to you, my friend.

Lá breithe shona! Go maire tú gach lá de do shaol: Happy birthday! May you live all the days of your life.

Sagart: Priest.

Mo ghrá: My love.

Brontannas: Gifts.

***There are 7 Houses of Elves; I used just 3 of them.

House Twilimire: (Wisdom) Lore masters and historians all, Twilimire is a House comprised of learned scholars. They are great scribes and chroniclers of all that has and may yet come to pass in the history of the Elves.

House Oni’el: (Loyalty) The House of Oni’el is a unique one among the others. Their ways are in stealth and preservation. It is said that their arm reaches unto every corner of Phantara and no information escapes their notice. They are the secret guardians of the Elves, subtle and mysterious.

House Andriel: (Steadfastness) Healers and caretakers of body and mind are the folk of this Noble House. They are considered by most to be almost unparalleled masters of healing. Many are reminded, however, that the hand that can heal can also harm. They are closely tied to House Oni’el, it is reported.

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Sorry for not being able to update. I can't finish chapter 2!! D:


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the poster always makes me giggle in delight.. maybe because both eric and hyesung are so cute in there.. OR even better, because they look so cute TOGETHER there. *giggles*
Chapter 4: me lo leí anoche pero me cortaron el internet!!!... ahora si, ya puedo dejar mi comment!!
Me gusto el cap, es el Segundo fic que me leo con calma, pues he estado corriendo con los fics últimamente para ponerme al día.
me encanta el misterio que le pones!!
quiero saber quien se llevó a mi Principito y que va pasar con Eric!!...
te esperaré por el sgte. cap!!
feelgyo #3
Chapter 4: Just found this story lately...=="
Woahh...this story like an ancient history with castle and horse stuff. But I like it. Correction, I love it. With just 4chapters u success make us wondering in a new world called fairy-world by you. Ehehhehe..
Omg, the plot is awesome. ^^b
Btw who is the kidnapper? I hope my anxiety will be answered in the next chapter ehehehe... XD
Please stay healthy authornim. And fighting ne (•`O´•)9
Chapter 4: I feel like I'm in another world... another dimension ... all in all... a wonderful fantasy. :D

Sorry to hear about your illness and I'm glad you're feeling better. Fighting! :D
Chapter 4: Goooooosssshhhh... I really really love your story!! n the magical theme is really what I love!! N what amaze me more is you really put those words so well I almost believe it really is elves language... Is that Irish? Or what language? N how you put the myth n elves world n everything I almost can imagine its magical...
It's really been a long time since your last update few months ago n I almost forgot bout this story I can't believe it!! #failed But also glad cz now I can happily said I can subscribe to this story now since I just made an acct!! hahahaaa.. Better late than never, rite? ;p
Anyway, hope you'll get well soon... Please stay healthy n take rest well n update when you alr feel good... Thank you so much for this update.. <333
shintahahaha #6
Chapter 4: Oh my, I don't know that you were sick.. I hope you're better now.. (and now I feel so ashamed to suggest you eating dirt.. Haha..)
Reading this remind me of The Lord of the Ring.. So many detail and elven words.. and many characters.. I admire any writers who can write a lot of characters, really.. ^^
I like their first kiss scene and I'm loving it much of the fact that they become man-and-man couple didn't make any ruckus on their family and friends.. they even prepare a party! hehehe..
But of course, when everything seems going to be alright, something bad are tend to happen.. (that's how the fic world's rolling, anyway :p)
So Pilkyo is kidnapped? And the kidnapper wanted to make him his princess?
Oh Pat, I really want to tell you to update this very soon, but then again, I think I'll say please take a good and lot of rest.. typhoid fever is terrible, I know.. It drains your energy, so you need to regain your energy first.. I can wait for your update, whatever long it needs.. And with this kind of fic where you need to have deep research, I can't nag you.. ^^
Thank you for the nice chapter.. ^^
Eat a lot and take a rest! Happy holiday.. ^^
Chapter 4: I cant believe you've updated this!
I knew you were busy,but I really wanted you to update this fic and now you finally did it after such a loooooong timeeeeeeeeeeee
it was worth waiting for it.
lovely chapter. nice proposal....only the last part of it was shocking and i hope pilkyo can return to his beloved junghyuk.... :(
exoshinhwa #8
Chapter 4: OMG! La proposal mijaaaaaa!!!! La amé... Breve y concisa <3 .... Al Sungie ya se le cocian las habas porque Ric-ie se lo pidiera que no! Hahahahhaha... Pilkyo tiene que regresar sanito y a salvo :(
Artooooo amorsh!!!!!
Chapter 4: Lol! Longest comment ever!!


I can't wait!! D: I want Pil Kyo to go safely back to Eric! No!!! I can't!! D,,,:


I'm WAITING!!!!! D''''': <3


P.S: Sorry for the long comments but I didn't know that there was a word order.... -___-
Chapter 4: OMG! Junjin holding the child must be the most adorable sight ever!! I'm so in love with him and Andy right now. First and second bias...who wouldn't love them!?!? lol! Anygays, so I totally love it how everyone sort of like knows that there's something between the crown prince of Shinhwa and crown Prince of Changjo (omg that is so beautiful that their kindgoms are called Shinhwa Changjo) yet they don't say anything which is just cute. :D Waaah! Everyone is so cool that I can't!!!

I need to go on! ^^

JEALOUS ERIC!! DAEBAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAKK! OMG! I so love jealous Eric, jealous Junjin and jealous Pil Kyo! Waaah! I really hope the Elven kingdom isn't there to make Pil Kyo theirs!! NO NO NO!!! lol! He belongs to Junghyuk as Pil Kyo's mama had said!! >:D

I love how nervous Junghyuk is but when Pil Kyo becomes sneaky and he wants to see how deep his patience is, he will do anything for him to let it out!! XD lol!




WHAT A PROPOSE!!!!! Waaah! I loved it! I was like 'SAY IT!' 'SAY IT!' AND HE DID!! OMG! I loved it! <3 Eric you did it!! YOU DID IT!


Who is so bad that he'll do that to ERIC's 'Mo ghrá'!?!?!?!

another comment again