❤ Calling GreenGardenPop ❤

♛ The K-POP Tea Shop ♛ {HIATUS}
pick up
designer's note: good story, just not for me.


story link

the melancholy sound of the guitar

The Melancholy Sound of the Guitar - jiyeon myungsoo romance myungyeon - main story image 




Title: 5/5

- Great title! Fits the storyline, and it’s original!


Aesthetic Appeal: 10/10

- I like that the poster is a gif and not just a plain picture. This  makes it more eye catching and I believe that your poster is the definition of perfection! I love it :)


Description and Foreword: 8/10

- Nice and short description! But, as for the characterization of the character, you only listed Jiyeon! It would have been better if you added Myungsoo and Byunghun since they're also a huge part of the story!


Characterization/Details: 12/20

- You didn’t include a physical description of the characters. Which is a bit of a downfall! For me, I know what the characters look like, but if I were to recommend this to a friend that doesn't listen to kpop, she would have no idea of what they looked like! The emotional description is really detailed, which is great... But, over excess detail sometimes bores me! However, that's my opinion! Some people like really descriptive stories. But that’s not for me.


Plot: 13/20

- Maybe it’s because the story isn't complete and it just started, but I feel that the plot of the story isn’t as strong as it’s supposed to be! The story is full description and no plot.


Flow: 10/10

- Goes with the flow! The ideas are connected perfectly and everything fits just right.


Originality: 9/10

- It's not my first time reading a story in which an orphan falls in love with a man, but it's the first time I read about an orphan with a broken heart!


Grammar: 5/5

- Really great use of adjectives. No grammatical mistakes in general. I salute you for your better use of grammar than E.L. James!


Pace: 2/5

- The pace of the story is really really slow, at times, I wondered when it would end! It has to be a bit faster to keep the reader excited enough to read the next chapter.


Overall: 3/5

- I'm sorry, but this seriously bored me to death! It was slow paced which made it hard to follow. Am I supposed to feel sympathy towards Jiyeon or not? I just don't get the story in general. I didn't like it that much, but, I’m sure other people enjoy this kind of thing! I liked the general idea of the story, the fact that she's an orphan that falls in love. However, I personally thought that it was plain boring! I'm sorry if I'm being Simon Cowell here, but that's just my opinion.






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Thanks for reviewing in advance ^^
requested for my story Without You :) thanks in advance :)
Chapter 2: Requested again <3
Thanks guys!
i've requested ! ^^
Chapter 16: Thank you so much the review!

yes maybe I should shortened the chapter to avoid the confusion. for the grammar T^T I really can't help it but I will try to learn it more and more.

Already credited the shop :DD
Chapter 20: Omg thank you! Picked the review up already :) [and wow did I just get 90 for this]
Chapter 19: Thank you!!!!! Honestly, I thought that my story is too angst or dramatic. Thank you again!!!!!