Chapter 1

The Wu Clan

“Ben Ben!!” Katie yelled to our brother over the phone. We were all squished in the living room trying to have our weekly conversation with our busy brother in Korea.

“Hey Princess,” he said. “Is everyone else with you?”

“Hey bro,” Kelli said.

“I’m here!” Kevin also yelled.

“Don’t forget about me,” Kiana whined.

“We’re all here. How’s it going?” I asked Kris.

“Not bad. Have you guys been seeing me on TV?” he asked us.

“You guys all looked very stylish. What happed to my little Ben Ben?” our mom asked.

“I can’t tell if that was supposed to be a compliment or an insult,” he said while laughing.

“Just take it as a compliment,” Kelli said.

“When’s the next time we get to see you?” Katie asked.

“I don’t know…” Kris said sadly. “We are making a comeback soon so I don’t think it will be anytime soon.”

“But I haven’t seen you in… forever,” Kevin whined.

“I know Shortie. I’m sorry,” Kris said, calling Kevin by one of his nicknames.

“You’re not the one stuck here with all these girls,” he pouted.

“What do you take me for little dude?” our dad teased Kevin.

“Well make sure to come back when you can,” he said to Kris. “We all miss you.”

“I miss you too. And I have to go now but I will call you next week.”

“Bye~” we all said and then the line was disconnected.

Our week always started like this. Every Sunday night was spent waiting for a call from our brother. Sometimes the conversations were long but most of the time he couldn’t talk long like today. Sunday was the only time all 7 of us could gather to talk to Kris so it was lucky that he could usually call us then.

Dad works at one of those fancy computer software companies. He’s been working there since before Kris was born so I think he has established his place there pretty well. We just never get to see him since he is so busy. He still does a lot for us when he can though and I know he is working hard to support our large family.

We don’t get to see much of mom either. See works pretty high up in the local Emergency Room so she has to spend a lot of her time there and when she does come home, she is very tired. So we try to help make her and dad’s home life as easy as possible.

With the phone call from Kris being over, my mom went to go get Katie ready for bed while my dad tried to get Kevin to get ready.

I saw Kiana make her way to the bathroom, to take a shower I assume, and I made my way to my shared bedroom with Kelli in tow.

“Do you think we can see Kris this year?” Kelli asked as she took a seat on her bed.

“I don’t know Kel. You heard him didn’t you? He’s starting promotions again for a new song. He sounds like he will be pretty busy.”

“Well why can’t we go to him?” she asked, taking out her laptop.

“Both mom and dad work all year. It’s not like they can take any time off either,” I tried to explain.

“Then let’s go without them! We’re old enough to take care of ourselves and it’s not like we don’t take care of the little ones ourselves anyways,” she countered.

“We’ll see,” I said as I took out my own laptop and she dropped the subject for the rest of the night.


I found out later in the week that Kelli had told our parents her plan of us going to visit Kris and they apparently didn’t think it was too bad of an idea.

“Seriously? You guys would be okay with us going to visit Kris on our own?” I asked my dad on the phone during some of his free time at work.

“You’re very responsible Kylie and I think you could handle it. You guys don’t see him nearly enough anymore and we know you all miss each other,” he said. 

“Well if you and mom are okay with it…” I was a little nervous with such a big responsibility but excited at the same time.

“You’ve been studying Korean all through high school so I know you guys will do fine there, and you and your siblings are all well enough behaved. Your mom and I are more than willing to pay for you and your siblings to spend more time together.”

At that moment my phone buzzed and I looked to see that I received a message from Kris.

“Well speak of the devil. Kris texted. So I will talk to you later dad.”

“Alright bye.” I hung up the phone and looked at the text from Kris. 

It was fairly normal to receive texts like this from Kris. He liked to check up on all of us to see how we were doing. I had completely forgotten that it was even summer.

Since I had already confirmed with our parents that we could go to visit him, I thought a surprise trip would be fun. As long as we knew his schedule, we could surprise him at one of his events. 

And after saying goodbye I got ready for bed and quickly fell asleep, thinking about how we could possibly surprise Kris.

A few weeks later our parents had bought us our plane tickets and we were packed up and ready to go. Kris sent me his schedule and the plan for now was to attend a fan signing event the day after we arrived in Korea. I bet he wouldn't even expect to see us there. 

His new song Wolf came out and it was a huge hit. I was so proud of Kris and all s. The song was really catchy and I bought the CD as soon as I could. During the plane ride I caught Kiana listening to the album on her iPod too.

The ride went smoothly and we went straight to the hotel once we arrived. The younger ones were pretty wiped out from all the traveling so I had them take a nap, it would take a while before they adjusted to the time difference too. I had Kelli watch over them and went out to go buy us all some bus passes so we could get around. 

Once I came back to the hotel, Kiana had woken up but Kevin and Katie were still sleeping. I ordered some room service for all of us since it didn't look like we would be getting Kevin or Katie out of the room any time soon. The knock on the door woke up the two younger ones and we all ate together. Kevin and Katie went back to bed after playing some games on my and Kelli's phones. Meanwhile, Kiana, Kelli and I watched some of the new variety shows EXO had been appearing on. 

"They really look like they're having fun, don't they?" Kelli commented as she watched the two MCs of Weekly Idol try to separate the group into EXO-K and EXO-M.

"Yeah I can't wait to see Kris. It's been so long." Kiana looked longingly at the computer screen and let out a yawn.

"Well why don't you go to sleep now Kiki? You seem tired and the sooner you go to sleep, the sooner you get to go see Ben Ben," I told her as I started leading her to her shared bed with Kelli.

She fell asleep pretty quickly and Kelli got settled into bed, trying to not wake up Kiana. I personally had a hard time falling asleep because I was so excited to get to go see Kris after all this time. 

The next day was the day of the fansigning. Many of the fans appeared to have been there for quite a while and even though we had arrived early, there still seemed to be a lot of people there already. I had to make sure each of the little ones were holding either my or Kelli's hand so they wouldn't get lost. 

After a while of waiting, EXO was brought onto the stage and made their introductions. They all made their way behind the table and took their seats to begin the fansign. Luckily Kris was the first in line so we should be able to surprise him easily. 

"Now don't forget. We came as fans so we need to wait our turn to talk to Kris," I told all my siblings. "That means no cutting in front of anybody, okay?"

"Okay," they all chorused. 

"That mostly means you, Baby and Kev," I sent them both a glare. They both looked at me and nodded, Katie also reached for my hand as the line began to make some progress.

After a little bit of chatting and the little kids playing games on phones, we were reaching the front of the line. I could tell that everyone was just as excited as I was to see Kris. We all couldn't take our eyes off of our big brother and I saw that Katie and Kevin had a hard time standing still.

The girl in front of us turned to go to Chanyeol and it was finally our turn but before Kris even had the chance to look at us, Katie yelled "Ben Ben!" and started running to him.

He looked up just in time to catch his little sister who had leaped into his arms. Giving her a big hug he said, "Hey Baby Girl. What are you doing here?" As he said that he looked up and saw the rest of us.

"Hi Ben Ben!" Kevin said and Kris reached out to give Kevin a special handshake that he had made up for the two of them.

"You guys are all here~" Kris gave us each of us a hug. I noticed that the staff were coming up to us and were about to tell us to move on.

"Just wait for me after the fansign okay?" Kris told us. "I'll make sure to find you or send someone for you."

And with that we let him continue the fansign and got signatures from the rest of the members. Some recognized us as Kris' siblings but I think most didn't know who we were. We had never met any of them before so I assume they just knew us from pictures that Kris might have shown them.

After we got all the signatures we waited as Kris had told us. Most people had left after getting their signatures but there were still some people left taking pictures and trying to get a glance at their precious idols. A man who didn't look any older than Kris came up to us and introduced himself as one of EXO's managers and asked us to come with him.

We were led to where EXO was resting and preparing for wherever they had to go next. It wasn't hard to spot Kris and Katie ran up to him again giving him a huge hug. Kris then proceeded to pick her up and hold Kevin's hand who had made his way next to him. Kiana was shyly holding my hand and hiding behind me a bit while Kelli was on my other side. 

We walked up to Kris and he smiled giving all of us another hug.

"I'm so glad to see you guys. What are you doing here? Where's mom and dad?" He asked.

"They let us come visit you," I said.

"They told us to tell you that they say hi," Kiana said.

"Awww thanks Kiki. Tell them I say hi too, okay?" he told Kiana and she nodded a bit shyly as she inched further behind me. I guess she was shy after not seeing her brother for a long time.

"You want to meet my members?" Kris asked all of us.

We all nodded our heads and Kris called s.

"You guysI want you guys to meet my family." If their attention wasn't already on Kris, that statement sure got a lot of turned heads.

Somehow it ended up with all of the members of EXO lined up in front of us with our family in front of them.

Kris had put Katie back on the ground but was holding her hand. I noticed that Kevin had let go of Kris' hand but that was probably because he wanted to look more manly in front of all these older boys.

Then Kris began introducing us. "This is my little brother, Kevin. Youngest sister, Katie. 2nd youngest sister, Kelli. 3rd youngest sister, Kiana and younger sister, Kylie."

"Wow Kris. I didn't know you had such a big family," I heard Suho say.

"They're all so cute," Baekhyun said waving to Katie.

"You guys all look pretty alike too," Sehun commented. 

"So how old is everyone?" Tao asked.

"I'm 19. Kelli is 16. Kiana is 13. Kevin is 10 and Katie is 6," I said in Korean.

"They speak Korean too??" Kai asked.

"Just Ky," Kris said. "She learned how to speak Korean in high school."

"You're name is Kai too?" Kai asked me.

"Yeah sort of," I said. "It's just a nickname my family calls me."

Kiana tugged on my hand and pulled me down to whisper in my ear. "What are you guys saying?"

"I'll tell you later. It's not very important," I told her.

"So will your family be around for long?" Lay asked. 

"I don't know," Kris looked at me. "I didn't even know that they were coming."

"They should come have dinner with us!" Xiumin said with excitement.

"Yeah! I bet manager-hyung will buy us some good meat if we have guests!" Luhan exclaimed.

"You guys want to come have dinner with us?" Kris asked all of us.

"What kind of question is that?" I asked back with a smile.

A/N: I hope the texting thing worked out. I wanted to try it and thought it would be cool :) Also, ignore the fact that it's at like 11pm and her dad is supposed to still be at work...

Special thanks to exohmygodsehun for helping me out with that! She always helps me on my plots too, so she really is a huge help.

Let me know what you guys think and if you want, I have some ideas for a possible sequel ^-^ But first let me know if you guys even want to see a sequel. I feel bad for not being able to incorporate all the members of EXO. So maybe if we do a sequel, I can make sure that all of the members are mentioned.

Comments are always appreciated but so are silent readers. I love seeing how many readers appear on my stories. But that doesn't let me know what you guys think of it so let me know please.

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