∞story idea 3∞

∆ Exotics Playdate ∆ ∞Story Idea Shop∞

story idea

Our Pictures (Our Memories)

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« She loved you at one point. She loved you so much, she would die for you. She was your everything, until she left you. She was smart, pretty, nice, she was the girl of your dreams. Sadly she left you, she was tired of all the fights you two had. She wanted something new, and you weren't it. Now all you have left are the pictures of you two. The pictures that held the most memories. 

Characters (I think would go good with the story)

Boys: Actor Song Joong Ki

Actor Kim Soo Hyun

Girls: Actress Park Shin Hye

Actress Park Bo Young

« I'm pretty sure that this story should be a one shot. It could be a boy's p.o.v like the whole story. You could even change it around, like boy left girl, whatever you wanna do. The title could be either Our pictures or Our memories. At the end you could have like a few years later they meet up, and talk and stuff. Anyway, you can change the character, please comment if you want the story. If you change the story a bit, please let me know, leave the link of the story in the comments so I can read it! :)

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