When Words Don't Matter

When Words Don't Matter

It was Friday, and Kim Kibum loved Fridays. Today was different though, because even if it was Kibum’s favourite day of the week, nothing was going right for him at all. Let’s start from the very beginning, shall we? Well, Kibum didn’t wake up on the wrong side of his bed, nor did he miss his alarm and wake up in a fright. However, he still turned up late for class because the trains were moving incredibly slow for god knows what reasons. And so, not only did he have to run to class and try to catch his breath when he sat down in the front row (because the lecture hall was full and everyone always left the front row empty) but he also earned a glare from his professor and was picked on to answer questions during the lecture. If Kibum thought the day would get better after the lecture ended, he was wrong. It got worse.

After his class ended, Kibum headed to the printing room to print out the notes and readings he needed for his classes the following week. Of course, there just had to be a paper jam when his print job was about to finish. Kibum had to call for help so he could get his money’s worth of reading materials. Help arrived late and by the time Kibum was done with printing, he had only 15 minutes left for lunch. Since the walk to the nearest cafeteria took about 5 minutes, Kibum wasn’t willing to risk being late for his next class and so, he skipped lunch and decided he wouldn’t die of hunger just from missing one meal.

He didn’t, obviously, but he did die of embarrassment when his stomach chose to growl at the point when the whole class of 20 students was silently working on their assignment. Kibum could only wish that the class would end soon so he could run away and escape. He had to wait for almost half an hour for that to happen though. And when he was finally out of class, making conscious effort to avoid eye contact with everyone, Kibum thanked the heavens above that he was finally done with classes for the day and could now look forward to what he was sure would make his day better.

You see, there was a reason why Kibum loved Fridays. It was the day of the week that he and Choi Minho had agreed to set aside for each other so they would meet no matter how busy they got in their own separate lives. Who was this Choi Minho, you may ask? Actually, Kibum couldn’t define who Minho was to him. Actually, he couldn’t even be bothered to define Minho at all. Was Minho a friend? Definitely. Was Minho something more? Perhaps, maybe, most probably. Was Minho his boyfriend? No… not exactly, that was subjective. You could go on and ask Kibum more questions, but his answers (most of them) were only going to end up vague. One thing was for sure though, Kibum knew that Minho was special to him; and that was most important.

It was by chance that Kibum met Minho. They studied in the same university but different faculties –Kibum from the College of Arts and Minho from the Department of Physical Education. Understandably, it was rather impossible for them to meet. Yet, fate worked in mysterious ways. It was a Friday, almost one year ago, when Kibum and Minho took the same train and ended up sitting beside each other. Like every other passenger, they didn’t look at each other when they boarded the train or acknowledge the other’s presence when they sat down together, almost pretending that the other didn’t exist.

In fact, Kibum and Minho would have remained strangers if not for the shoe bag that Minho forgot all about and left the train without taking it with him. When the train had stopped at the station, Kibum had looked away from his phone and his eyes fell onto the shoe bag lying on the ground. Almost immediately, Kibum was out of his seat, grabbing the shoe bag and rushing out of the train just before the doors could close on him. He instantly searched the surroundings for a guy with a bright blue t-shirt and black leather backpack (that much he noticed from the corner of his eyes) and quickly ran after the guy upon spotting him. Minho had been absolutely shocked when there was a sudden grip on his arm but when he had his shoe bag stuffed into his hands by a guy who was trying to catch his breath, he was more grateful than anything. And well, the rest, like everyone says, is history.

As different as they both soon realised (over a couple of coffee/dinner dates) they were, Kibum found that they fitted each other perfectly like puzzle pieces. Getting to know Minho made him believe that opposites attract. Kibum wasn’t in denial. There was definitely something going on between Minho and him, something that they treasured, held close to their hearts and never wanted to lose, but this something was never defined. They never talked about it when their hands soon found each other’s as they walked alongside each other. They never said anything when they were constantly all up in each other’s personal space and used one another as pillows or bolsters if they stayed overnight and slept together on the same bed. Even when they shared their first kiss, their second, or their third and every single kiss that followed after, both Kibum and Minho stayed silent, wordlessly acknowledging the change in their relationship but never discussing about it.

Someone once said that change is the only constant but Kibum begged to differ. Minho was his constant in life, and Kibum was sure Minho felt the same about him too. Kibum knew how he felt towards Minho and it was precisely because he knew how important the guy was to him that he didn’t want to put a name to what they shared. Kibum honestly found terminology completely unnecessary. He didn’t need to tie Minho down with a label to have whatever they shared with each other now. More specifically, he didn’t want Minho to feel obligated to him or go through any pressure that a role of a boyfriend or lover might bring to him. In a way, he was being a little selfish too because he didn’t want that to happen to him as well. He was afraid that things would change once titles, terms and what nots came into play.

Don’t tell him it wouldn’t because it had happened to Kibum before. He had been in a relationship with someone who promised him everything, who he thought he was going to spend the rest of his life with, but everything that Kibum believed in became a lie in one night. It was his first. He was young and had been fooled by sweet nothings and honeyed promises. That person had broken his heart but not before he left Kibum with a sentence that still rung in his head every now and then.

“It’s so tiring to be your boyfriend.”  

Kibum had been a fool to love so fiercely when he was in a relationship with someone who was only looking for something fun. Once bitten, twice shy. Don’t get him wrong though, Kibum wasn’t scarred by that experience. True, he might be affected by it since it did change the way he dealt with matters of the heart. However, it only taught him to treasure love more if he found it again. That was why Kibum was happy with how things were with Minho. Kibum felt that they were perfectly fine the way they were, meaning nothing (others might argue since they were technically not in a relationship) but everything to each other all at the same time. Even though outsiders might question them, Kibum still loved how things were between Minho and him, so much that he would do everything just to maintain the status quo.

Or at least that was what he thought.


Author's Note: wow, that was a lot to read (with zero dialogue), wasn't it? hehe. since this is a one shot, i had to condense their story into the above before i could get to the "actual" part so yupp~ second and final part to come soon! hope you still enjoyed the story so far~ thanks for reading and subscribing lovelies! ^^

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ChelleBelle #1
Chapter 2: I know that I comment a lot on your stories, but I have to say this. I don't think I've ever read a story that is so passionate and that shows so much love without the "I Love You". Seriously, you put into words what so many people want to say and feel and I LOVE THIS! This is my favorite story you have written so far, hands down. I can't even begin to describe just how much this story made me feel.
Chapter 2: okay, i'm running out of words to dscribe ur stories. minkey. <3333333333
i really thought it would end sadly but oh yeah!!! key hit some sense and minho's like psychic. hahaha.
Chapter 2: ops. idk y i read this twice.
maybe bcos i love u..? or bcos of ur minkey..?
hehe. but i really love the confession of kibum at the end. so sweet
Chapter 2: They keep playing with each other without a clear state with their relationship...
Did you finally meet shinee?
I'm envy you...
salome620 #5
Chapter 2: aw... so sweet. MinKey love is so gentle and simple and yet... (*sigh*)

thank for for making me giddy because of this story. i really enjoyed it.
Chapter 2: Their relationship is lovely the way it stands.
Chapter 2: I LOVE YOUR FLUFFY MINKEY <3 Minho is a perfect boyfriend <3 the moment when he wait a floor underneath Kibum was just so so so cute.
And the "Idon't think we can talk in this position but I'll do other thing gladly" ....Minkey feels complete XD <3 oh Minho you dirty lovely guy <3
I'm sure Minho can read in key's head U.U they are perfect =)
I like happy ending, I like minkey and I like you <3
Chapter 2: i love minho for understanding key!!! waaaahhh!!! i love it!!!
more minkey from u, i hope!!!
tnx for a nice last chap!