Barbies and Rainbows


When Kibum doesn't want to feel like those gay stereotypes with rainbows and unicorns and girliness, Jonghyun is there to assure him that he, indeed, is one of those gay stereotypes.


um. hi. lol ; ; just a random oneshot i randomly thought of while eating chocolate andthinkingofmycrush. uh, there's some cursing? not so much to label it as excessive but enough for it not to be just a little. umfkjslhkdsln yeah there just um um skdjghskd i feEL so akhfk about my descriptions because it's all so short and im too lazy to make this whole thing pretty or whatever. whichiswhyimthinkingofmakingalivejournalaccountbutyeah. um. yeah um. yeah.


side note, the title is so stupid idfk what to put as it so.


.. read... on??2sdljsdkfghkel


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jlee21231 #1
Chapter 1: It was short, but my God it was AMAZING!
Chapter 1: but YOU ARE BEAUTIFUL KEY! xD
you can't argue with that kkk~
neverendingfairy #3
Chapter 1: hahahha this is so cute! I can totally imagine jongkey in this fic. love this!
Chapter 1: iloveyouokbye.
Chapter 1: sO us skis?????
Chapter 1: and we...dkdkd
Chapter 1: and then yvud
Chapter 1: omfg this is
Chapter 1: i sPAMMED your comments cause